Adria to Chioggia

We had another sailing breakfast this morning which was lovely - watching the river bank pass by. The routine is to eat breakfast then make your own roll for lunch, together with fruit and a chocolateRead more
We had another sailing breakfast this morning which was lovely - watching the river bank pass by. The routine is to eat breakfast then make your own roll for lunch, together with fruit and a chocolateRead more
Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir rund eine Stunde nach Lucca. Eine toskanische Stadt, die wir noch nicht kennen.
Wir finden einen super Camper Parkplatz und begehen gleich die Stadtmauer, für dieRead more
Antenor was a counselor to King Priam; like his war foe Odysseus, he was known for being “crafty”. He joined Aeneas in the escape from the flames of Troy, but when their expedition for a newRead more
Thankfully, there is only one full day at sea… I only have the benchmark
of P and O cruise line to compare this cruise 🚢 to and I must say that MSC run a hot second place. Absolutely loveRead more
A leisurely start today with free time until 1030. We had breakfast and went for a short walk before beginning our 25 km ride along the islands of Pellestrina and Lido. Between these islands we had aRead more
Der "Umweg" über den Lido war ne gute Idee. Vaparetto Linie 2 startet dort, so dass wir die guten Plätze am Bug mit bestem Blick ergattern konnten. Der Neid derer, die erst am Marcusplatz zustiegen,Read more
Heute Morgen um 4:30 h klingelte der Wecker, da wir um 5 Uhr am Hafen sein sollten 😳. Wie so meist, schläft man in so einer Nacht unruhig, da man den ⏰️ ja nicht überhören möchte. AberRead more
Pünktlich heute morgen um 7:00 h sind wir von unserer einlaufenden Fähre geweckt worden!
D.h. erst wurde noch gemütlich gefrühstückt, geduscht und Dusty ent/-versorgt und dann ging es zumRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Provincia di Venezia, Venedig, Venice, Venecia, Venise, Venezia, Veneza
Beautiful couple and background scenery💕
Traveler Chioggia is a teaser for Venice. We sail into Venice this afternoon! Very excited!
Traveler Looks like you definitely timed your last ride temperature wise. Great photos and description again Kerrie💕
Traveler About to start our very last ride on the island of Lido.