WP. Kuala Lumpur

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    • Dia 32

      Ponovni obisk Thean Hou templja

      3 de maio de 2023, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Med sprehajanjem opazim, da sva zelo blizu budističnega templja Thean Hou in ker je Adriaan zelo navdušen nad to vero, ga peljem pogledat. Četudi sem jaz tam že bila, dober mesec nazaj, imam povsem drugo izkušnjo. Ta teden je namreč nek budistični praznik in so naju spustili notri pogledat in poslušat njihovo molitev. Veliko dišečih palčk in sveč, vidiva kar tri pare, ki imajo svoj wedding photoshoot.
      V pritličju se sprehodiva skozi souvenir shops in jaz si kupim eno zapestnico za srečo in en prstan kar tako🥰. Adriaan si vzame en kitajski dinar s podobo psa, ki je njegov kitajski horoskop. Po duhovnem dopoldnevu se sprehodiva skozi China Town in najdeva odličen bife za kosilo! 3€ za oba polna krožnika!
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    • Dia 41

      KL ✅

      9 de outubro de 2022, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Unfortunatelly i had to say goodbay to Aaron und Antonia again. I absolutely enjoy being around with them, because there are so helpfull and friendly to me. After that I catched up with Anna from the Cameron Highlands and we wanted to go to the National Mosque of Malaysia. The Mosque was closed, because it was damaged by a storm. What a pitty...

      For the first time i recognized, that the Locals made pictures of Anna as well as she mentioned to me a story, that a guy had an video call with someone and he showed him during this call Anna. To hear these kind of stories of here, agitated and disturbed myself, because for me as a men I had no problems at all with something like that till now.

      We decided to go a buddism temple and in the evening we saw mit Andrew, an American guy, the Symphony Lake Water Show at the Petronas Towers. I really enjoyed and was impressed of the show. After that we went together to a notable Street (Jin Alor) and ate there at the night market.

      At the next day in KL I chilled only in the hostel and ate something and made for the first time nothing and I think because of that, this was my first night i felt asleep very late.

      KL was cool, not so much to see and in general I don’t like big cities so much.

      Also I have seen the second biggest skyscraper on the world (picture).

      I also recognized by myself, that i should not rush so much during my journey as well like i did in the past. I need to take more days, otherwise travelling is more exhausting than enjoying.
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    • Dia 15

      From Monkey to Monkey

      7 de abril de 2023, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      It has been our second last last day here in Malaysia.
      Once again we enjoyed a rich breakfast in a cute little cafe within the city. Our first activity was visiting the batu caves, a hindu temple which many locals and taxi drives recommended us to see. Similar to the temple in Ipoh it was built into a natural cave but this one was a bit bigger, more colorful, had way more monkeys and sadly was far more touristic.
      Greeted by a large golden statue at the entrance we walked the steep stairs up to the caves where they had a few hindu religious sites but selling merchandise seemed to be of greater importance.
      Our following stop were the botanical gardens of Kuala Lumpur a place to enjoy the shade, the slightly cooler temperatures and the peace and calm contrary to the busy city.
      We then returned to the hotel to charge our batteries enabling ourselfs to later enjoy our last dinner in Malaysia at hard rock cafe.
      Üse zweit letschti Tag do in Malaysia isch abroche. Wiedermoll hemmer ime sehr herzige und feine Kafi dörfe zmörgele. Denn hets üs au scho zude Batu Caves zoge. En Hindu Tempel, wo au wieder id Felse inebaue worde isch. Sehr idrücklich isch die gross, goldig Statue vorne usse gsi. Gfolgt vo de viele, farbige Stegetritt ufe in Tempel. Es spannends Erlebnis, wo aber au seeehr touristisch isch. Witer simmer denn in Botanische Garte. Er isch bedüzend grösser gsi wie de in Penang, aber glich au mega schön. Mer hend d Rueh und d Chüeli im Schatte sehr gnosse. Was en sehr en grosse Kontrast zude Stadt Kuala Lumpur isch. Müed simmer denn retour is Hotel und hend üs usruebet, damit mer am Obig no hend chöne is Hard Rock Cafe go Znacht esse go und so üse letschti Obig do hend chöne usklinge loh.
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    • Dia 105

      Kuala Lumpur

      9 de fevereiro de 2020, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Nach zwei Stunden Schlaf musste ich heute Morgen aufstehen und dann ging es zum Flughafen, mit Mundschutz. In Kuala Lumpur hab ich ein Grab bestellt ans Hostel. Am Flughafen gab es extra eine Pick-up Stelle für Grab!!! Das gibt es hier überall. Mein Hostel ist im 34 Stock und hat einen Infinitypool im 37 Stock. Ich bin dann direkt mit einer aus meinem Hostel zu den Batu Caves gefahren, das war voll cool die in Echt zu sehen, weil man davon Bilder immer im Fernsehen und auf Instagram sieht. 😍 Dort war ein Festival die letzten zwei Tage, deswegen waren sehr viele Leute aus Indien noch da. (Hindus) Dort gab es Affen, aber die wurden gefüttert und haben deswegen die Menschen nicht angegriffen! Ich hab aber sehr große Angst vor denen und hab mir zuerst überlegt nicht hoch zu gehen, aber hab mich dann doch getraut. Die Höhlen an sich sind nicht so spektakulär. Die Treppen sind sehr cool und bunt und auch die Statue ist riesig. 😍 Abends wollten wir zu einem berühmten Food Night Market, uns hat aber der Regen überrascht, also sind wir nur in irgendein Restaurant, das dort in der Nähe war wo der Grabfahrer uns rausgelassen hat. Zurück im Hostel bin ich mit Licht an und Handy in der Hand eingeschlafen. 😂Leia mais

    • Dia 19

      Part Two_Malaysia

      3 de fevereiro de 2020, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Eerste keer vliegen sinds de virus🛫😷🛬 Probs met bagage 🤯😤 maar gelukkig lieve SriLankanen 😅 #eindgoedalgoed😊

      Niet geslapen + lange busrit 😴 en helaas late incheck 🥴 dussss? Gebruik maken van de tijd natuurlijk 🤓😇Leia mais

    • Dia 29

      Länderwechsel - Malaysia

      28 de janeiro, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Heute war frühes aufstehen angesagt. 4uhr wecker, 4.30uhr war der pickme driver gebucht. Kam keiner. Hab dann einen neuen buchen dürfen. Also abfahrt erst um 5uhr. Fahrzeit knappe 30min von negombo aus.

      Check-in kein problem, gut in der zeit. Flieger ist für 7.30uhr angesetzt
      Lounge zugang ✔️
      Erstmal nen Cappuccino + rührei und chicken bockwurst. Koko und lischen war noch wach :)

      Flieger mit verspätung raus, aber zeit wieder eingeholt. Angekommen in kuala lumpur, geld gewechselt, sim karte gekauft, und family geschrieben. Vom flugzeug bis zum zug mit gepäck 1,5 stunden. Die meiste zeit bei der immigration verbracht.
      Danach hatte ich glück und erwischte direkt den express nach KL sentral. 30min fahrt.
      Am bahnhof angekommen, wurde in ein budget taxi gewechselt. Fahrzeit ca 15min zum appartment- 3,22€

      In der morgendlichen müdigkeit vergessen, meine letzten 11000 rupie einzuwechseln. In malaysia werden diese nicht mehr angenommen und duty free im flieger auch nicht. Schade schokolade.

      Jetzt gibt es nen kaffee. Lokale zeit nun 7std vor Deutschland. Also gleich mal los und was nettes finden.
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    • Dia 55

      Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur

      17 de outubro de 2022, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Our initial plan was to fly to Java island (Indonesia) directly. But, since we had to change our flight somewhere, we decided to stay 2 days in Kuala Lumpur. The city was different from what we have seen so far. Finally we had a good public transportation but therefore the food was not as good as in our trip so far 🙃

      One note here: its so weird to us that many religious or non religious tourist places are dirty and full with trash. Of course many tourists throw them away but it seems that there is also a social acceptance for it. It just weird and sad seeing beautiful (and even religious) places in such conditions…
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    • Dia 55

      Kuala Lumpur

      1 de dezembro de 2019, Malásia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Nach einer sehr entspannten sieben stündigen Busfahrt von Singapur kam ich um 23.30 Uhr in Kuala Lumpur an. Dort sammelten mich Sophie und Mättes ein und wir fuhren zusammen zur Unterkunft. Wir hatten uns ein Airbnb in einem Gebäudekomplex mit Infintypool gemietet. Nach ein paar Check-In Schwierigkeiten lagen wir um halb 2 endlich im Bett.
      Gestern schauten wir uns die Petronas Twin Tower an und schlenderten durch die Mall.
      Danach fanden wir einen Free Public Bus und fuhren nach China Town um dort einen Markt zu besuchen.
      Abends fuhren wir, leider im Regen, auf einen Nightmarket in der Jalan Alor und probierten verschiedene Leckereien.
      Zum Abschluss des Tages schauten wir uns die Petronas Twin Tower nochmal bei Nacht an.
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    • Dia 168

      🇲🇾 Kuala Lumpur - MALAISIE

      23 de julho de 2023, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      - K U A L A L U M P U R -

      Quelle ville 😍 peut-être l'une de mes préférées du voyage de par sa modernité et sa splendeur !

      Nous avons eu la chance de loger dans une tour légèrement en dehors du centre, avec du coup, la vue sur toute la ville dont les fameuses Tour Petronas 😍

      Avec piscine à débordement au 35eme étage ! Bref une dinguerie, cette ville est vraiment un arrêt obligatoire en Malaisie !

      Et si nous étions là c'était également pour visiter Malacca, qui est une ancienne ville coloniale du sud de la Malaisie. Anciennement colonisée par les Pays-Bas et les Portugais (je ne sais plus dans quel sens), elle a gardé un style unique, coloré et avec du bois autre que du Bamboo (ce qui est rare en Asie ahah 😂).

      Et enfin, c'était LA ville d'Asie la moins chère pour faire le vol Asie -> Amérique latine ! Donc nous voilà les rats 😂

      Biz à tout le monde ✌️
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    • Dia 36

      Finally a KL report!

      27 de outubro de 2022, Malásia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Had a good sleep last night and this morning felt ready to face the world, and we are now just back from the day’s adventures. But first our trip here…our first leg - the 3 hour flight from Cairo to Dubai was sort of hilarious…I think the passengers were about 98% men, and you’d think it was a party…they were all talking and wandering round - had to be told to sit down so we could leave…otherwise uneventful…then Dubai - Amr managed to get us entry to a lounge which was good as we had a 5 hour wait. Decided to eat dinner then and not on the plane as it was late and the food was good (had a very tasty butter chicken). Then on Singapore airlines for 7.5 hour flight to Singapore - just had a glass of wine and no more food, planning to have breakfast …but sadly didn’t sleep well, and when they were preparing for landing realised we didn’t get breakfast! Then we had to dash to another terminal at the enormous Changi airport, as only an hour to get there…less by the time we emerged from the plane…we just made it and had the 35 minute actual flight (they allow an hour for all the fiddling and taxiing etc) and arrived at KL at 9.30 am, the same time that Omnia arrived on a direct flight from Cairo leaving way after us…so we got a car to the hotel and sort of collapsed.

      Amr went out hunter gathering and brought back some soup with an assortment of noodles and vegetables and fish balls, which kept us going until 6 o’clock when we were picked up by car and taken to Ragai’s apartment, which is the residence of the ambassador and extremely lovely. It is on the 32nd floor of a tower building…in fact it is the whole floor. Ragai was very glad to see his cousins as he is probably a bit lonely at the moment - his wife Saha (where we had dinner a few nights ago in Cairo) is currently in Cairo while their daughter finishes her university year. But their delightful son Ahmed is here in KL starting university. So amazing to see him. He was a baby under 2 when we saw him in Cairo in 2006, and now is tall and skinny - makes Amr look short! And the funny thing is that they bonded about watches…Ahmed is about as fanatical as Amr!! We were served a beautiful Egyptian dinner - there is a chef, and 2 girls serving and filling our glasses - not wine! - with delicious guava juice. As always, much more food than I could eat - even the others could not finish everything, but really delicious. By 9 we were visibly drooping (I was anyway) and we were driven back.

      Well that was yesterday, and now I must remember today. We left at about 9 and got a taxi to the bird park - a famous and beautiful park with wonderful exotic birds. It is very tropical and lush and there is a net over the area, but it is so high and invisible it doesn’t seem caged at all. Many peacocks roaming around, often showing off their tail feathers. A lovely walk round there. We had been advised to go early as when it gets hotter the birds take cover and you don’t see them so well. Then we went on to see the Islamic Arts Museum which is conveniently nearby. We asked the man at the bird park how to get there and he said too far to walk, you need to get a taxi, but we assured him we were walkers and he pointed us the way, and we found it was barely a kilometre! And downhill! I think Malaysians don’t walk much because it is so hot and humid, but a little is fine, and then we were in the A/C of the museum - at a very comfortable temperature…so often A/C is too cold.

      The museum was beautiful- Islamic art is so satisfying to look at with the geometric patterns and designs, and the calligraphy. (Think of the ceramic tiles at Isnik Paul - if you can remember that far back to 1991). We tried to visit the mosque also nearby, and is a landmark for visitors, but not at prayer time which it was, so Omnia could go in, but Amr and I couldn’t, so we happily waited in the seats outside.

      Then the adventure of getting home started. We knew there was a metro equivalent station nearby, and we asked the mosque lady how to find it…she explained but as usual it is never as simple as it sounds. We could see sort of where we needed to be, but we had to cross a very busy road, and unlike Cairo pedestrians can’t just walk into the traffic and wend their way through the cars! She had mentioned an underpass which we finally sighted, but then found it was shut…so we braved the road, one side at a time, and then still had trouble getting to an actual station. To complicate it, there is also a train line above ground (but that was not the right one for us)…after much round and round walking we did find the right line and station, and Amr managed the ticket machines which gave us plastic tokens. But these magically worked on the reader and in we went, and successfully went on the right line in the right direction!! Getting out we had to find an exit with a slot to put in the token…didn’t work on the reader this time as they wanted the tokens back…

      Then the next feat was to find the hotel…we knew we were very close, but not close enough to see anything familiar…thank goodness at this point there was a big pedestrian crossing with lights and a countdown! KL is quite organised, and the traffic orderly - they stay in lanes, signal directions, stop at red lights etc, but it is not very pedestrian friendly. Maybe just because people don’t walk much. It does not feel seething with people either…maybe that is just after Cairo? The metro (MRT) was quite busy and full at mid afternoon. Anyway, after much fiddling and wondering Amr got us back - he sort of remembered from his venture out yesterday. And we were lucky it hadn’t had the afternoon downpour yet. It rains every afternoon usually after 3. So Amr and I had a late lunch at the restaurant he got the soup from yesterday…you just get a bowl and choose from the assortment of vegetables, noodles, tofu, fish balls, bits and pieces with tongs and give it to the man and he takes it and puts broth in it…very yummy! I knew not to have laksa as Amr had that broth yesterday and while I love spicy, it was just too hot for comfort. And we were very lucky - while we were eating the rain poured down, drenching if you were caught in it. And it had virtually stopped by the time we just to cross the road to get to the hotel.

      So now back and relaxing for a couple of hours. Amr is swimming which is his relaxation. At 8 we are being picked up again to have dinner with Ragai. He has ambassadorial duties till then, and promises it will be a light late dinner…I’m not sure that Egyptians understand light!

      So that is an enormous double report, and I will add pics of birds and Islamic art.
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