Saint Lucia

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Gros-Islet
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    • Jour 103

      Sailing Trip sur Uoshan J1

      28 mai 2022, Saint Lucia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Le grand départ !

      On se réveille tout excité ce matin car ça y est : c'est notre dernier jour en Martinique, on va partir en voilier !!

      On se lève tôt, car il nous faut rendre la voiture un peu en avance sur ce qui était prévu. En effet on devait la garder jusqu'au mardi suivant, mais bon l'aventure n'attend pas donc on décide sans hésiter de la troquer pour la navigation. Il nous faut donc la ranger et nettoyer, ce qui risque d'être long vu tout le basard emmagasiné. On embarque un petit déj qui sera notre récompense une fois tout cela fait.

      On arrive au lieu de rendez vous, on nettoie bien tout et on range dans nos gros sacs. On rend la voiture, on mange un bout et on repart tout de suite prendre un bus pour rejoindre Le Marin, ou nous attend notre bateau.

      Une fois que l'on a rejoint la Marina, on mange un bout et on fait une dernière lessive avant de rejoindre Martin et Sylvain. Et puis ça y est, on monte pour la première fois sur Uoshan, un voilier Sun Magic 44 (ce qui fait environ 13,5m de long) . Son nom veut dire "Océan" en créole Jamaicain.

      Avant de larguer les amarres, on profite du port pour prendre une vraie douche, ça fait du bien ! Thomas, le 4eme équipier qui connaît déjà nos capitaines, nous rejoint et une fois tout le monde embarqué et installé, c'est parti : on navigue enfin !! On est comme des enfants, on découvre tout de ce monde inconnu pour nous. Le vocabulaire, les manipulations, la vie sur un bateau, tout est nouveau.

      Notre équipage est donc composé de nos deux capitaines Sylvain et Martin qui sont originaires du Nord de la France, ayant acheté Uoshan il y a deux ans pour traverser le globe, de Thomas notre breton qui a rencontré le bateau en Guadeloupe et qui prévoit de rejoindre la Nouvelle Calédonie en bateau stop, et enfin nous 3, les bons novices qui descendent de la montagne 😂

      On décolle (enfin pas vraiment, ça reste un bateau) vers 16h du port du Marin et l'objectif est cours : traverser jusqu'à Sainte Lucie. C'est une navigation assez courte mais vu notre heure de départ, on fini de nuit. On aura eu notre premier coucher de soleil sur le bateau, avec quelques dauphins venu nous saluer avant la nuit : le rêve 😍

      Personne n'est malade mais on n'est pas vraiment capable de rester très longtemps à l'intérieur du bateau pendant la navigation (surtout Clara), c'est le début et il nous faut un temps d'adaptation. Par contre, même sans faire grand chose on se rend compte qu'on est plutôt fatigué par la navigation, ce qui fera rater le repas du soir à Titouan, parti directement se coucher 😁

      On passera la nuit proche de Rodney Bay, au nord de l'île, au mouillage. On ouvrira une petite bière d'arrivée, qui s'avéra être une tradition, on le comprendra par la suite 😂

      On a fait notre première navigation et on est super content, on a vraiment hâte de la suite, d'en découvrir plus sur ce monde de la voile et de la mer, et de découvrir des paysage magnifique.

      Bon vent ! 🍃
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    • Jour 104

      St. Lucia - Castries und Rodney Bay

      18 novembre 2023, Saint Lucia ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      Heute haben wir um 7:00 uhr im schönen St. Lucia angelegt. Das Schiff verlassen haben wir hingegen erst gegen 10:00 Uhr. Schließlich bedarf es immer guter Vorbereitung. Badezimmer,Frühstück, Wegproviant zubereiten und ein Kaffee/Cappuccino darf es auch noch sein.

      Und nein wir sind nicht langsam 😉 wir schlafen meist bis 8:30 Uhr.😴😄

      Nun erstmal einwenig Trivia. St Lucia ist über die Jahrhunderte im Wechsel zwischen Frankreich und Großbritannien in Besitz gewesen. Dementsprechend ist der Einfluss beider Nationen überall wiederzufinden. Die Insel ist nach wie vor Mitglied des Commonwealth aber ein eigenständiger Staat seid 1979. Gefahren wird links, gesprochen zumeist Englisch. Die Währung ist der Ostkaribische Dollar welcher heute ca. 0,35 Euro entspricht.

      Was haben wir gemacht. Nach längerer Suche und unserem heutigen Budget angepasst, fuhren wir mit einem Taxi in den Norden der Insel. Ziel Rodney Bay. An dieser Stelle treffen der Wellenreiche Atlantik und das warme Karibische Meer zusammen. Dazwischen liegt nur eine kleine Landzunge mit dem Namen Pigeon Point.

      Wir blieben fast 4 Stunden, schwammen, schnorchelten und ließen die Drohne für ein paar Runden über unsere Köpfe fliegen.
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    • Jour 172

      Mit dem Segway Rodney Bay erkunden

      24 janvier 2020, Saint Lucia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Wohow mit speziellen Offroad-Segways ging es heute über Stock & Stein rund um den Mount Primard im Naturschutzgebiet und das Allerbeste: Es gab kleine Knabberfischlis. Da sich die Gäste nicht getraut hatten, durfte ich meine Füßchen massieren lassen. Die brauch ich unbedingt auch zu Hause!En savoir plus

    • Jour 55

      Saint Lucia

      11 janvier, Saint Lucia ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      On January 9th, after 20 days, we finally get to shout the famous words 'land ahoy' and the same evening, we arrive at our destination. We celebrate with the only bottle of wine that we had on board and dinghy to the mainland, only to notice that there is nothing open at this ungodly hour.

      The next two days, we explore the neighborhood around the harbour. Beer and marijuana are plentiful, everything else less so. It's not very easy to travel around here except by boat, so this beautiful island remains somewhat of a mystery to me.

      Since Martinique is a bigger island where I have a better chance of finding a boat to Colombia, Filip and I start looking for a free boat ride there.
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    • Jour 94

      Zum Einklarieren nach Sainte Pierre

      20 février 2020, Saint Lucia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Von Dominica aus segeln wir nach Sainte Pierre auf Martinique. Die Überfahrt läuft prima und ohne Vorkommnisse. Wir starten, wie gewohnt, nach dem Frühstück und kommen nachmittags am Ziel an. Die Bucht ist gut mit anderen Segelbooten gefüllt, so dass wir in der ersten Reihe, recht nahe am Ufer und am Pier ankern.

      Am nächsten Morgen machen wir zu viert einen Landgang. Regina und Jens erledigen das Einklarieren, während Bella und Matze frisches französisches Baguette einkaufen. Nach dem leckeren Frühstück lichten wir den Anker und segeln bei entspannten Bedingungen weiter zur schönen Bucht Grand Anse.
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    • Jour 48

      Maple Leaf flag

      1 mars, Saint Lucia ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Great sleeps at the dock! It is a quiet place and we are usually the early birds up at 6am and a walk down the dock to the washroom. This morning I did yoga with Susan (proceeds to Amy’s Place). Nikki was there and I did a time lapse video and then we talked medical insurance after (as she and Barry are from Canada).
      Back on the boat to do some writing a boat chores… one being the raising of the Canadian flag. I brought one to the boat but felt it was strange for me to put it up. Brian was the one who got it out (it is a Canadian boat after all), so I proudly hoisted it.
      We had breakfast after yoga, and Elvis was working away at stripping the varnish. Then we headed to Derm Med Rx to see Dr Joseph. Brian had been before to just get checked for skin cancer and I thought it would be prudent to do the same. All was good for both of us, and it only cost me $130Cnd. The medicine on the other hand, basically mole/ spot removers, was going to cost me $200 so I declined and will us some of Brian’s (who got the same).
      Afterwards we got groceries (almost $350usd) and carried it back to the boat (I got cat treats for all the strays). Then went to hardware store to grab paint stripper and to the pharmacy.
      We paid Elvis before we left and I calculated it wrong (in EC not USD), so we walked back to straighten it out. Once we got back we had supper (salmon and salad and ocra) and went to a street party in Gros Ilets and just walk through. Lots of miles on the pedometer today! Stopped for an ice cream on the way back and then to bed as we were both tired!
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    • Jour 46

      Horseback Riding

      28 février, Saint Lucia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today I went to “yoga” again and Nikki joined me. I made our normal breakfast of yogurt, granola and fruit in the morning.
      I was able to wrap up work early and we decided to go for a walk to Gros Islet. We walked through the streets, looking for places to do art. It was great to be in a neighborhood with locals. We went to the waterfront beach and we were hot so opted to strip down to underwear and go for a swim, as one of the local kids were doing next to a wharf. We swam and then sat to dry off. In the distance I noticed a guy had a horse and was running it, and the horse was rolling in the sand. I said to Brian I would get to see it. I waved as he went by but the jockey didn’t stop. Next time he brought her out to the water for a swim and I went out too. Eventually we started to chat and he races this 11 year old Arabian, that is only 12 hands high. He offer to let me ride (bareback, in my thongs and bra), so I said sure! What a thrill to walk and trot with this horse, bareback, in the water.
      Later, on the walk back, we met a guy who was French (earlier we were trying to learn some Pigeon/ Creole language …. How are you: Sac-a-fait; I am great: March bien) so Brian enjoyed chatting with him.
      Back to the boat after a long walk home through various neighborhoods. Time for a shower and then supper and bed.
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    • Jour 45

      Work Days

      27 février, Saint Lucia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Up and had coffee and then off to yoga with Susan in the morning. It was a combo of Qigong and yoga. Interesting poses and movements, but since she wasn’t a yoga teacher the queuing was not great. Afterwards I went and grabbed a coffee as I had lots of work ahead of me. Brian hollered at me from upstairs as he was getting his delivered batten and panel… we carried both back to the boat. The batten was wound tight and hurt both myself and more so the boats we tried to gently open the coil.
      I set up in the pilothouse and worked for about 10-12 hour to try and finish off stuff for SJTC but time eluded me, and at 10pm Brian convinced me to go to bed and awake early to finish, which I did.
      I took some mini breaks during the day secure the spare batten in the boom and help mount the solar panel. Also took an ice cream break — lemon and chocolate sorbet. So good under the full moon!
      Tuesday was much the same. I delivered to SJTC and had a presentation to LexisNexis for FTHS.
      Since I have worked most of the time in Saint Lucia and we were supposed to leave tomorrow I asked Brian if we could stay longer. Mid afternoon we went to the Marina office and extended our stay to Saturday, which I was super grateful!
      While I was working, Brian did a pastel, chatted with locals, bought fruit, TDS the pilothouse window and wrote. He was so supportive!
      In the evening we had to buy Mid Summers again so we could finish it….. I definitely prefer this version and after reading it and seeing two movies I kinda understand it …lol
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    • Jour 43

      Saint Lucia

      25 février, Saint Lucia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      A great sleep with air conditioning running all night. Brian, still shaken by the murder of Ralph and Kathy, locks everything down even though we are on a dock with security.
      Laundry was gathered and picked up at the dockside (by Pat on golf carts that go zooming by). Garbage is also collected right at the slip and people continue to stream by. One couple came and recalled Brian’s carnage last year (hand in cast and wife left), wondering who I was in the mix. A bit awkward but I tell them we are a new couple.
      I work for a bit and then we make our way to the town of Rodney Bay, and then beyond to Reduit Beach (by the Starfish Hotel).
      We walk the beach and then decide to go for a little swim. It is fun to play in the water beside Brian! He didn’t do any art, but it poured rain and I was worried his pad would get soaked, so covered it up. While waiting the rain out, under a big tree, we snapped a few selfies, which Brian later posted to Facebook (inflaming his “soon to be ex” as he calls Karen, and exposing our new found love to the world).
      On our way back from the beach we stop at the grocery store and pick up a few things, including Quality Street candy in the form of a chocolate bar. In the evening we went for drinks with a number of the Salty Dawgs that were at the marina as well. It was nice to socialize, but it was loud and we didn’t stay for to long. (Cathy, Brian, Phill (Dragonfly), Fred (Isola), Barry (Momentum), Ted (Raven), Bob (Pandora), Nikki, Heather, Barbara, Bill & Maureen (Kalunamoo), Muna, Anne.
      Back to the boat to watch more Mid Summers Night Dream and to bed.
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    • Jour 42

      Full Sails to next country

      24 février, Saint Lucia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Up early and had coffee, writing, nice breakfast and then dealt with gathering the stern anchor. While we were out with the dinghy Daniel flagged us. He was having trouble with his dinghy engine and wanted a ride to La Morin (a considerable distance via dinghy). Brian suggested he might sail there, but Daniel asked if we would see if any other boats would take him…. As we were leaving in the opposite direction. We spoke to a Catamaran in the bay and they were also from Brittany — we explained Daniels situation and the guy said he would go help. As we were leaving and hoisting the anchor he headed over. We lamented to leave our newfound friend but we were moving to Saint Lucia, some 35miles away.
      Sails up and we had a wonderful crossing to Rodney Bay. As we entered the harbour we saw Kalunamoo coming in as well. The plan was to go to the marina and Brian hailed them on VHF and they offered F1, but he wasn’t sure where it was so we said we would get back to them, but couldn’t reach. Brian called them on the phone but continued to proceed to the Marina, looking for F1. We were going to the very end on the main dock. I had to yell at the water taxi guy to move his boat so we could back in. Always a little unnerving but Brian did a great job.
      We went to check in and it went smoothly…. Also stopped to buy fruit from the stands and local fruit boat.
      This is the exact same location Brian was in early last February when his marriage dissolved and his wife left, to never return to the boat except to gather her things in Maine. I suspect it will be difficult memories for him (and Karen and he speaks to her often).
      He was at the marina for 5 week last time, so he knows ALOT of the workers and people at the dock. We went for a walk of the docks, and visited a boat called Aquarella that he remember from last year (Evelyn and Terry). She does watercolours and invited us aboard to see some of them.
      It was nice to be at dock and have access to showers and toilets and restaurants although we both had sea legs for awhile.
      We went to eat at the sushi restaurant in the evening before returning to Lorena. We are hooked up to shore power which means not having to run the generator or worry about power for a few days. We decided to watch another version of Mid Summer Nights Dream ~ director, Julie Taymore. As I am not a TV person we only got through part of it before retiring to bed.
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