
maj 2018 - juni 2024
Et eventyr med en åben slutning af Shahnavaz Læs mere
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  • Dag 1

    Good Morning Kuala Lumpur...Unexpectedly

    23. maj 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Country number 5 in the bag!

    Woweeee what a change from the previous countries. There are no scooters, no horns blasting, driving on the left (and only the left not in both directions in one lane!), no pushing, the radio commentator and songs were in English, the car had seat belts, everyone spoke English, you can cross the road without fear of being runover and they even have contactless?!

    So we were supposed to arrive at the more respectable hour of 7:45pm in time to checkin to the hotel and have dinner at a reasonable time. Luck was not on our side. The plane was delayed by 4 hours so we arrived at 10:45pm, struggled to get a taxi from the airport (an hour away from the city), eventually arrived at the hotel at 12:20am, couldn't get into the hotel and eventually got in at 1am. Although very tired we were starving as we hadn't eaten since 9am! Luckily it is Ramadan and sourcing food is not a problem. We went across the road for a yummy Nasi Goreng. Phew! What a day. Our plan for the morning is to attempt to get up by 10am visit the Batu Caves and then see Zara who lives in KL and who we met when hiking up Fansipan.

    Wups... so I forgot that KL is an hour ahead and didn't wake up till 11am! I think I was tired! Nevertheless we got up, showered and were out by 12 and that's when the rain came. The heavens opened and there was a huge storm. It didn't last long so we waited and then headed to a local market nearby to have a wander and grab some food. Will ordered the Prawn Clay Pot with brown rice, it was super tasty! Then the heavens opened again, this time we aren't so sure it will stop... We are now stuck in the foodhall hoping for a clear opening at some point!

    Zara came to the rescue and picked us up I her car. She took us to her home town Putrajaya where we saw the administrative city where the prime minister ministers and King lives. It was interesting to hear about the political changes in Malaysia recently, about Malaysian people, about Ramadan and she helped us plan the rest of our time in Malaysia! In the afternoon we went to the Ramadan Baazar for food! It was just after 5 and most people come here after work to pick up their food, take it home to their families ready to break the fast at 7:20pm. We bought soo much food!Cakoi - bread
    Roti Baghdad with cheese and chicken
    Lemang with beef rendang
    Kuih pelita
    Roti john
    Although very tempting we didn't eat the food we didn't want to feel disrespectful so we decided to jump on a train back to the hotel (they even have a metro system!) and eat dinner there. We then spent the rest of the evening planning our next couple of days.

    It's crazy how we different and developed Malaysia is compared to everywhere we have been. I honestly wasn't expecting it!
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  • Dag 2

    Can nothing go right today?

    24. maj 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    It was one of those days... As we only have 2.5 days in KL today we were determined to make the most and just visit lots of things.

    First of all as our room is like a prison cell it has zero daylight and so getting up early is just impossible (I refuse to put my alarm on while travelling unless absolutely necessary!) By the time we got out it was 11am, but we were determined it was still doable.

    First stop Batu Caves, an unmissable experience supposedly. We got to to the train station and waited 45mins for the train. There was work on the train line so we then had to get a shuttle bus, we waited another 30 mins before it could leave, then we jumped on another train, waiting 40 mins again for it to leave... We got there at 2pm! Starving was not the word! So we decided to go for lunch and ordered the quickest thing on the menu, Roti Chani. It took 45 mins to get it!!! We then hiked up a million steps in the 90% humidity, watched a man get robbed by a monkey (who carries a banana around monkeys and doesn't expect to be robbed?!), got to the top and couldn't have been more disappointed. There was scaffolding all over the inside. 😭 Having seen a lot if caves and temples this was by far the least impressive especially as it took 3 hours to get there instead of the expected 45 mins and took 5 mins to see it... Although grumpiness was running high we put brave faces on and headed back. It took 39 mins to get back.

    Next stop Medeka Square, a mosque and the national mosque. Humidity was reaching its max now and it was so difficult to walk. We wandered round and didn't hit too many barriers along the way apart from everything being shut! Luckily the National Mosque was open. I was so surprised how modern it was. It didn't have a dome or anything particularly Islamic on the outside. Inside a guide answered a few questions about Islam. Did you know that the crescent and star is a cultural thing and has no reference to the religious scriptures?

    Time to leave and head towards the famous Petronas Towers... Just as we put our bags on ready to leave the clouds went black and a huge storm came in. There was no way we were going in that we would jusy give wet to the bone. So they let us just sit in a corner to sit out the storm. It took an hour and 15 mins... It was just about clearing so we went to the station to get the train. Next stop Petronas Tower for the light show at 8pm. We got to the platform and the train was going to be 35 mins. It was now 7:40pm,so we ran back to the road and jumped in a Grab. He wasn't quite sure where the light show was but dropped us off as near as he could. We then ran through the park and just missed it! Shattered, hungry and hot we just sat at the water fountains to relax. And guess what the show started again! It wasn't just a once a night thing. We were super happy and relieved that one thing went right 😊 Then we headed to the Alor Market for food. Unfortunately it wasn't what expected and was actually a street of restaurants so we found one that sold Laksa and Prawn Mee. The laksa was just incredible so so tasty! Feeling energised we wandered round the streets and found a live open mic type band on a street corner. A really lovely end to a not so well planned day 😊

    The next day we had booked our bus to go to Penang so we just went out for lunch and ate Char Kuey Teow and Chilli Pan Mee. The humidity was so unbearable today so I was so glad to be in air conditioned bus.

    To Penang!!
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  • Dag 3


    25. maj 2018, Malaysia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    I can breathe!!! Yes it's hot but there is a breeze!!! I'm so happy I can't even explain how happy. We had a lie in and then went for brunch cake as recommended by Zara. Oh my goodness the cake, the amount of cake, the smell, the taste, the everything. They even had table cloth which was drawing paper and crayons on the table. I decided to get into the street art and draw Will. I'm proud of my drawing but he thinks it's awful. I'll let you be the real judges... So I don't mean to be harsh but it's quite obvious why people are, let's say larger than the Vietnamese. The food is sooo different here. They use fats, mostly Chinese, Thai and Indian food and they have luxury items like cakes, chocolate etc everywhere and their portion size is double the size than in Vietnam! People were easily around 40-50kg in Vietnam... Let's say they are definitely double that here! Maybe I'm going to gain that 2 inches back on my waist hehe After a bit of research I feel a bit better, Malaysia has the highest obesity in South East Asia.

    In the afternoon we decided to head out with our street art map and find all the locations (52) via a few other sights. I'm loving Penang more and more with every corner I turn. The street art is pretty interesting, it has some interesting building, sights, its an island so has a seaside, its got super cool coffee shops but it seems they just don't sell food when and where we want it. We have a food map and everytime we try and go to a place it's closed. It's now 4:30pm and I can't believe we've tried 4 must go places and they are all shut. Now it is Ramadan, but I didn't think everywhere would be shut in such a big city... Just to top it off the heavens have opened again. We finally found a Ramadan Bazaar and had somosas and bhajias, worth the wait!!! 😊 Being the Brits that we are we were determined to carry on the street art tour in the pouring rain. It was fun but eventually got so wet and tired we took refuge in a cafe before meeting some friends for a beer. As there were 5 of us it was cheaper to get a Beer Tower! Super cool!

    The next day we went for Penang Laksa (a bit too fishy for my taste buds), Kek Lok Si Temple, Penang Hill and then carried on our little tour around the street art. In the evening it rained again but we powered on through the final foodie on the list Passembeur. I honestly don't know how to describe it. It's lots of deep fried but not very crispy fish cut up into bitesize pieces with cucumber drowned in a sticky sweet goo. I wouldn't say it was offensive, I ate it, but it just wasn't great. But all Malaysians seem to love it so hey what do I know!

    In the morning we got up bright and early for a quick breakfast before heading out to the ferry. I swear Malaysia hates us. Nothing was open! Not even our supposedly 24hours open restaurant attached to our hotel! 7Eleven for a croissant then... Will had been pretty nervous about the ferry being too bouncy and making him sick but it was great and pretty smooth! We watched Pirates of the Caribbean and Avengers along the way 😊 Next stop, time to relax and finally have beach time, Langkawi!
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  • Dag 6

    Sleep, Swim and Recuperate - Langkawi

    28. maj 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    So glad the ferry journey was fine. When we arrived we jumped into a grab, got to the homestay which wasn't quite ready for us so we headed out in search for food. So this time we found food, it was recommended, but it was god awful. We ordered Roti Canai but they didn't have any left (it was the start of lunch...I think this was a lie), then went for a naan with chicken curry instead. The naan was barely cooked and the chicken curry was the most upsetting thing I've seen. Firstly it came 40 mins after my naan, then when it arrived it was one piece of chicken in a watery sauce. God I miss mums food!!

    Then we headed to the beach (that took us forever to find 😭) where we swam and caught up some R&R.

    Not sure what is happening at the moment but we are both so on edge, having very little sleep and not being able to find food when we need it does not help matters! We definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today with under 2 hours sleep search for food at 1pm and ended up going to a French cafe for a sandwich. Not ideal! To bring back our memories of Vietnam we hired a scooter for a couple of days so we can ride around the island in hope of it making our lives a bit easier. Fed and with a scooter we headed off to see a Rice Garden Museum. Maybe we are expecting too much... Or maybe we've just seen incredible things in Vietnam I'm not sure, but it was terrible. It was a field the size of my back garden with a poor rice Padi inside. So we decided to head to a public park for a stroll where we saw a pair of wild Giant Hornbills, afternoon tea at a cake shop and then dinner at the local night market. A lovely end to a very slow morning.
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  • Dag 7

    Cable Car, Waterfall and finally FOOD!!

    29. maj 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    What a storm! All night there was thunder and sooo much rain, but luckily by the time we were heading out it was all cleared and sunny.

    We jumped on the scooter and headed to find the steepest cable car in South East Asia. It was pretty impressive, really steep and the views at the top were pretty spectacular of the islands of Malaysia and Thailand in full view. Unfortunately we didn't see any birds or wildlife. Then we headed to see the seven Wells waterfall. Obviously we hadn't eaten as we couldn't find anything... the highlight of the day was on the way back home when we happened to pass a local Ramadan Bazaar. Food food food!! We bought lots of bits and bats and headed to the beach for a sunset picnic. Bliss 😊

    The next day we headed to the North of the island in search of another mountain view via a recommended Laksa Restaurant. The restaurant was closed, so we just carried on to the mountain. The drive was fun and windy, but the top of the mountain was such a disappointment! The tower was shut!! So you couldn't really see much 😭 Starving we headed towards a really lovely beach at the north of the island and went for a well deserved swim. Before sun down we headed back and found another local Ramadan Bazaar on the way home, but it was pretty late so everything was closing. Still feeling positive we headed to the night market near our hostel. Guess what... It was closed! So we watched sunset on the beach and then went for pizza 😊 Look we tried to get local food but everything was against us. Well we've had pizza in every country so far so we needed to have a Malaysian one too hehe

    The next day we packed ready for the airport back to KL, had a lazy brunch, sat at the beach and then headed to the airport wearing our 7kg worth of extra weight as we only had 7kg allowance again. Luckily we were prepared after last time and knew exactly what to do.

    I am so so so excited to see Viraf and Amber for our weekend to the Cameron Highlands. I've not felt homesick this entire trip, but knowing I was going to see family made me feel so home sick in the week up to today. It was sooo nice to see him come through the arrivals door. It was 10pm and we headed off in the car to the Cameron Highlands. It was a looong drive and seriously Google Map the route. Jeeze it was turn after turn, after turn, after turn, we were all soo car sick by the end. When we arrived we went into our posh apartment that Viraf had booked. Ooo luxury!! Sooo excited to get sleep!!
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  • Dag 11

    Cameron Highlands - Afternoon Tea

    2. juni 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    We definitely belong up in the mountains, but this time it's not for some crazy hikes but for a weekend of luxury, drinking tea, coffee, eating cakes and driving to see views! Just what the doctor ordered. First stop Boh Tea plantation for tea and cake brunch. After 5 months of not driving it was amazing to to be back behind the wheel and be the driver again!! The roads were so nice compared to where Will has been driving on the scooter. Yum yum yum and wow what views! I've never seen a tea plantation. It's so beautiful how they grow on the hillside especially from a glass cafe overlooking the rolling hills. It was so nice to catch up with my brother, we laughed lots. When being away for so long having some sort of normality again is such a relief and feels so good. I can't imagine travelling without him now.

    After Boh we went to the local Butterfly Garden. The butterflies were so tame here and such posers! They were happily flapping for pictures haha They also had various insects including a Rhinoceros Beetle, escaping scorpions (literally escaping from their glass case) and beautiful flowers.

    We then headed for coffee and on the way back we found a Ramadan Bazaar which was beginning to close but were able to grab some yummy mango juice just in time. The mango juice over here is soooooo gooooood!!!! I'm addicted to the sugary, thick, creamy juice.

    Luckily our beautiful apartment was right next to a huuuge night market. But... this market only deep fried vegetables, deep fried chicken, fresh vegetables or strawberry related products... Not ideal for dinner but we grabbed a couple of things for dinner, some beers and had a super chilled evening.
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  • Dag 12

    Mossy Forest and Strawberries!

    3. juni 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    The next day we headed via a market for deep fried chicken (seriously why is everything deep fried) before heading to the top of Mount Brinchang. Well the drive up was basically single track and after a couple of car bottom scrapes we got to the top... LOL!! Typical!! At the top it was closed off. Mossy Forest was pretty good though so luckily it wasn't a wasted drive. Then we headed down for lunch and to the Strawberry Farm which was definitely the highlight! We paid extra so we could go in and pick our own which was fun... One for the box, one for me, one for the box... Viraf and Will wondered why the box was looking so empty 😂

    For dinner we headed to the Ramadan Bazaar to take back to the flat and ended the final evening playing pool in a local bar with a FIRE! Ah a fire! It was actually a bit cold in the mountains so this was just amazing.
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  • Dag 13

    Ipoh and back to KL

    4. juni 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Unfortunately it's our last day together so on the way to the airport we went to a temple in a cave and then to the famous Ipoh for White Coffee, an egg tart and Hor Fun. Ahhh it's like being back in Vietnam! The coffee was sooo sweet, chocolately and creamy. The egg tart super eggy and to be honest by the time the Hor Fun came I was so full I could barely eat it but it was also really different and tasty. Hor Fun is a thick noodle soup with chicken and prawns. We wandered round Concubine Lane before driving back to the airport. A sad sad moment when we had to part ways but it's been such a lovely weekend and sooo nice to see Viraf and Amber!!

    Well after a weekend of true luxury and only 3 nights left in Kuala Lumpur we decided to finally pay a bit extra and go the whole hog on luxury. We rented a private room in a beautiful apartment with a view of the sky line of KL, a washing machine, a dryer, a gym and an Infinity Swimming Pool on the 37th floor. And guess how much it was... £20 a night. Heaven heaven heaven!!
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  • Dag 14

    3 Days of Luxury Before Budgeting Again

    5. juni 2018, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Soooo excited, we had the perfect sleep, had a bowl of cereal (it really is the little things you miss!) and how could we not... Yep we jumped into the Infinity Pool. Ahhhh it was sooo amazing!! The views were incredible it was sooo amazing!!! For two days we relaxed in the pool every morning, went to the National Art Gallery, wandered around a park, went shopping (can't remember if I said but I have been living off 2 shirts for the past 2 weeks!), were able to wash our clothes in Hot water and then dry them in an actual dryer and ate amazing Korean food. I don't have much else to say a part from... I don't think we should get used to this haha. Its incredible in just 2 weeks in Malaysia we have spent the equivalent to what we would spend in a month in Vietnam!! OK yes we did some indulgence but jeeze!! Good job we are only here for 2 weeks.

    Bye bye Malaysia, although you didn't want to feed us we ended up having a great time!! Next stop country number 6, Indonesia!
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