Provincia de Pontevedra

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10 najważniejszych celów podróży Provincia de Pontevedra
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    • Dzień 9

      Destination Quinta da Gandia

      22 maja, Portugalia ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      We both slept very well, and after a buffet breakfast at the hotel, We decided to explore Porto de Lima for about 45 minutes. And of course we took more pictures. Then we were finally on our way to our new destination. Quinta da Gandia, which is located in San Pedro de Rubiaes.
      Today, we saw some very beautiful sights, including waterfalls and streams and lots of green foliage.
      At one point, we hiked down to the water and sat on a rock and had a bite to eat. We ended up taking about a twenty five minute break, which felt really good. We got back up on the trail and came across three australian walkers, who told us that they had been hiking 19 days and they started in Lisbon.
      During the course of the day, we came across many walkers . We also came across a little snake, but I don't know what kind it is. Michelle freaked out at first, and we both started to laugh. I have to say that today was our most challenging day. We kept going up up up very, rocky terrain for hours. We also had to go through a muddy bog by hopping from rock to rock. It was definitely a good workout. I loved the day we had today!
      Tonight we are staying in a private home. And 2 other walkers that we had met before are also staying here. We were picked up by a private transfer van and taken to a local restaurant for dinner. We are back showere and ready to pass out. LOL.
      Bad Noite!
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    • Dzień 224

      Ein letzter Tag in Portugal

      21 maja, Portugalia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Ich bin heute morgen wie immer gegen 7:30 Uhr losgelaufen und habe schon an den dunklen Wolken gesehen, dass es wohl mal wieder regnen wird. Der Weg am Fluss ist super schön. Die Wolken hängen tief in den Bergen und das Wasser ist ganz ruhig. Ich hole noch Lülü auf dem Weg ein, die ich gestern in der Herberge kennengelernt habe. Sie ist dabei ihre Blasen zu verarzten und ich beschließe nur kurz anzuhalten, da ich noch etwas alleine gehen möchte. Eine halbe Stunde später fängt es an zu regnen. Erst nur leichter. Leider bin ich gerade zwischen zwei Städten und kann mich nicht so richtig irgendwo hinretten. Kurz vor einer größeren Stadt wird es richtig heftig mit dem Regen. Ich stehe erst unter einem Baum und laufe dann aber in die Stadt, um mir ein Café zum aufwärmen und trocknen zu suchen. Ich hoffe noch etwas, dass Lülü vorbeikommt, damit wir ab jetzt etwas zusammen gehen können, aber leider passiert das nicht. Also laufe ich alleine weiter. Nun durch viele kleine Dörfer und Waldstücke. Alles ist sehr hübsch anzusehen. Irgendwann komme ich nach ca. 26km wieder getrocknet in Valença an, meine letzte Stadt in Portugal. Von hier aus führt eine Brücke rüber nach tui, auf die spanische Seite. In der herberge angekommen, mache ich direkt mit meinem Bettnachbarn Bekanntschaft. Zwei Mitte 40 jährige aus Deutschland und ein Mitte/ Ende 30 jähriger aus Dänemark. Wir verabreden uns lose für ein Abendbrot in der Altstadt. Ich will die Altstadt erstmal für mich alleine angucken und auch nach einem Hut gucken. Tatsächlich werde ich sogar fündig. Endlich! Die Altstadt gefällt mir ebenfalls gut. Sie ist umrundet von einer alten Stadtmauer und das verleiht dem ganzen irgendwie zusätzlich einen besonderen Charme. Ich bin mir unsicher, ob ich mit den Anderen essen gehen will, aber nach alleine sein ist mir auch nicht wirklich. Tatsächlich treffe ich die anderen dann zufällig und ich entscheide spontan doch mit essen zu gehen. Der Abend war dann ganz okay. Meine Bettnachbarn waren schon sehr nett, aber man hat schon gemerkt, dass wir alle an sehr verschiedenen Punkten im Leben stehen und unterschiedliche themen von Interesse waren. Ich bin jetzt ganz froh im Bett zu liegen und wieder meine Ruhe zu haben. Morgen verlasse ich nach 6 Tagen Portugal. Es ist so verrückt wie die Zeit fliegt.. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 15

      Day 3 Cycling Coastal Camino

      20 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Today we are cycling another 50+ km from Viana do Castelo to Oia and our gel seats arrived - yaaay.
      Start the day towards the beachside town of Vila Praia de Ancora, cycling along the coast
      to get there and avoiding the challenging climb where the official Camino route goes. Continue with a coastal cycle path
      that connects you to Moledo, just before reaching the pretty town of Caminha at the mouth of the River Minho as you head more inland. There is a beautiful parish church
      here, the clock tower and the decorative fountain in the charming square of Praca
      Conselheiro Silva Torres. Here you have to take the scenic ferry and cross the River Minho, the natural border with Spain. Cycle
      through the fishing town of A Guarda to follow the Camino along dirt tracks and tarmac roads to the village of Oia, where a 12th century monastery dominates this
      small but attractive village. A small beach can also be found in front of this monastery.

      We typically have the same breakfast each day and make a sandwich and take some fruit or yoghurt for lunch. We saw the couple who are following the same route as us with the same company and they are having trouble with the bike seats too and found yesterday very difficult.
      We got ready to head out with our gel seats and the first sit felt much better🤗 Macs Adventure set our navigation for the Coastal Route so we apparently bypassed the mountain and looking at it, we were happy with that!! We had an absolutely gorgeous day on the coast. The weather was very warm today even with the ocean breeze. We saw a few round, stone structures right on the shore ( possibly decommissioned windmills?). We came across several Forts all from the same era, looking at their design and square shape. We passed the Praca Fort before stopping for coffee and a snack in Ancora, which also had a fort. Today we had such a fun mixture of paths. We were on smooth bike paths at the beginning and end of our ride today, we cycled on long sections of boardwalk, through some really nice forested paths, we had sections of cobblestone, but not as bad or as much as yesterday. We had one section of it today that we could not possibly ride up. The cobbles were massive. We had a section of zig zags through farmland with cobbles, then flat road. It reminded us of biking on the farmland towards Abbotsford. We had a beautiful ride right along the ocean on boardwalk which turned to deeper sand so had to walk our bikes through that and down some stairs. We had just a few small hills and a few sections we walkwd up because of the steep grade or ginormous cobbles. We had some really nice sections along old walls again, and lots of sections with old lower rock walls bordering properties. Many were breaking apart, but visible. We watched a man herd his sheep across the road, right near us. That was fun. We rode to the ferry which takes us into Spain, but it was broken down so the lady sent us about a km or so down the road to see Miguel and take his "fast" ride over. You can see by the photos that we were in for an adventure. Miguel was just fantastic and friendly. He had such an amazing personality and looked after us all, our bikes, and us "ladies" by giving us life jackets to sit on and also put on. He was constantly checking if we were okay. It was a very quick ride across to a beach. We got ourselves off the boat with Miguels helping hand. Though I tweaked my knee slightly which took me a bit to get warmed up again so it wasnt hurting while riding. Thankfully no worse. Miguel offloaded our bikes and we sat right there on the beach and enjoyed our lunch. We were off our route for navigation, so had to wind our way through the streets of Meledo then through A Guarda to get back on track. From here our ride was so beautiful along a nice gravel path past older homes and the old rock fences just off the ocean. We tried to stop for a beer in Oia, but we were a bit too late because the time here makes us an hour later yet. We are now 9 hours later than home. So our greeting to other pilgrims also changed once in Spain. We are now saying Buen Camino, not Bom Camino (Portugese). We saw lots of pilgrims walking again today.
      We found our Hotel Glasgow right on the ocean with a beautiful pool( too cold to go in, unfortunately). We showered then I sat in the sun, did some stretching and journaled. Today was my favorite ride of our 3 so far with the landscape variety, gel seat and fewer cobbles!! We had a nice "Pilgrims" dinner option tonight. We had wine, sparkling water, Hake fish, pork, Russian salad ( similar to potato salad) and squid that was the best we have all tasted. We are all so tired today.
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    • Dzień 10

      HOLA SPAIN!!

      23 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Today, we walked over 13 miles from Quinta da Gandra in San Pedro de Rubiaes to Hotel Villa Blanca in Tui Spain .
      We crossed the Guadiana River to get from Portugal to Spain today! What a rush! There were a lot of Camino walkers arriving at the same time we were. Very exciting indeed!
      We were sad to say "Adeus" to Portugal but very happy to make it to Spain.
      We walked through the town and found our Hotel Villa Blanca. We took showers and set out for dinner. On the way, we stopped at the Santa Iglesia Cathedral. It was built in 1227 under the order of Archbishop Rodrigo Jimenez mandate. The Cathedral was dedicated to the Virgin Mary in her ascension to heaven. It was constructed in Gothic style. So cool!
      There is so much detail in today's adventure that I just don't have the energy to type it all out.
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    • Dzień 16

      Day 4 Cycling Coastal Camino Oia to Vigo

      21 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we ride 40+ km from Oia to Vigo. We had rainshowers during breakfast and were treated to some local fisherman out on the rocks fishing for mussels according to our host. One of them fell in then they get right back up on the rocks. Tough work.

      Your journey continues along the coast,cycling past small fields and villages before reaching the pretty resort town of Baiona following the coastal road to its marina. We are following an alternative route to the official Camino from Baiona to Vigo here, which is closer to the coast. The official Camino involves several complicated
      forest sections which we don't recommend for bikes. The historical centre of Baiona
      is worth exploring, with many medieval buildings and several religious monuments. The view towards the ocean is dominated by the Monterreal Fortress, and you can also go onboard a replica of La Pinta Caravel, one of the ships used by Christopher Columbus. As you leave Baiona behind, you'll continue to follow the coast to the city of Vigo.

      We took our starting group photo after our hearty breakfast and headed out. We got right back onto the bike path by our hotel then followed the trail through some of the village and kept either on the bike path or little detours here and there past horses and houses but staying along the coast. We came across one of the largest stone piles from various locals and pilgrims and had fun looking at the painted rocks. In one part of the mountain we saw the old cannons fortifications built into the rock. It was a really rocky shoreline until we got to Baiona which had beautiful sand beaches. Coming into Baiona, we had a nice descent into the town. There was a large statue overlooking the town and the Monterreal fortress. This is definitely a fishing and tourist town based on the seafarer statues and symbols and the beautiful beaches. We stopped for a coffee and pharmacy break, then got going out of town. We came across a really nice red and white tiled area, waved to a school group on a field trip and made our way to a beach to eat our lunch. We stopped at Praia (beach) America. A lovely man stopped and asked if he could take a photo for us. After, Joanne discovered he took a selfie photo of himself as well🤣🤣We had a very friendly dog stop and hang about because he could smell our food. His owner came over and we tried a bit of a conversation then eventually he got his dog to go!! We enjoyed the beautiful scenery while eating. We had a couple of steep hills and meandered until we got to a nice gravel path along a little river. With 7km to go we had an older man who heard our bike bell but panicked and didn't know which way to go to get out of our path. I braked and the gravel grabbed my tire and down I went. My knee and hands took the brunt. I had to sit for a moment and get cleaned up with bandaids on my one hand but just left my knee until I could clean it up at the hotel. Just another part of the adventure😬🤭
      We found the last 4 km the worst trying to navigate up hills, along busy roads, through forested paths in parks, up steep hills and just when we thought we arrived our own gps said we were still 10 min. away. This is the part of their navigation app that needs work. This happened 2 days in a row, where we still had km to go to get to the actual hotel even though it shows we have arrived🤪😝 I cleaned up my scrapes and Anthony got some ice for my knee and then he and Joanne ran out to check on some changes to our train ticket from Santiago de Compostella back to Porto. A really great ride today with fantastic scenery. An okay meal in the hotel, then more icing and off to bed. We done a total of 178 km in 3 hrs 42 min.
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    • Dzień 9

      At last! Some sun 🌞

      16 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We had a really good night's sleep at the campsite, sharing our room with Maria from Peru (although she's lived in Germany for over 20 years). Half way through the night we were woken by howling wind and rain - all good because we were snug in our beds and hopefully that was the weather front passing, leaving us with lots of dry weather when we woke up!
      We weren't disappointed because the sky was blue and it was beautiful walking weather - we still had the breeze from the Atlantic but the sun glasses were on 👏.
      After about half an hour of roadside walking, we took a right turn up into some amazing woodland. The path became large (and small) boulders, grass and mud, but it was such beautiful countryside, albeit quite steep in places, that nothing mattered. We wandered through small hamlets, past sheep and a couple of goats, but no pop-up stalls for a drink stop in the sunshine. Still, it didn't seem long before we reached Baiona, a seaside town, where we stopped at a café for our first tortilla of this camino, and were we disappointed? Yes!🙄😂 It was very dry, but that didn't stop us eating it! Sid had a good go, too!
      We found the Tourist Information for a stamp in our Pilgrim Passports and were off again, on the lookout for a Gelato shop. But there were none to be found 😫 until, according to Google maps, Playa America, close to Nigrán, so we headed there! Were we disappointed? Yes!🙄😂 It was closed... But we found a small café/restaurant place and stopped there for a cold drink.
      We'd already decided this was as far as we were walking and were ready to take the bus into Vigo. We used our phones to find the closest bus stop to Vigo, found the timetable, and took ourselves off. The bus stop wasn't signed but we were definitely there, so when the bus arrived, and drove straight past us, with the driver giving us a shake of the head and a finger wag, we started looking again! Another bus passed us, so we walked a km or so onwards to the next 'real' bus stop. Whilst we were waiting there, the heavens opened, so it was a quick change into waterproofs. Despite sitting there for well over an hour, probably closer to 2, not one bus arrived, despite the timetable telling us they would🙄. What next? A taxi!!! We went into the local tobacconists and two very lovely Spanish ladies booked us one, which quickly arrived and sped us off to our accommodation here in Vigo. But... they keys were at the office, a 10 minute walk away... Another lovely lady (I'm in 2B, come for a coffee!), said through translation with her neighbour in 2C, that the owner of the flat was Galician and should 'have the balls' to come here😂. Anyway, we walked quickly to the office, picked up our keys, and walked back - all in the pouring rain. We were drenched!
      A quick trip to the supermarket next door for provisions found the lady again, who began to tell everyone who we were😂. But we're in, and it's great. We've finally managed to wash our clothes (thanks, Yvonne🤗), and now we're waiting for Luke and Ray to join us. But they've been having their own issues getting here, so are a day late! It's now our rest day and I've been out to find something healthy for breakfast, only to discover (remember) it's Galician literature day so all the supermarkets are closed🙄, so more carb it is... And it's due to rain heavily tomorrow when we start walking again... 😂😂😂
      Looking on the bright side, my foot's healed 👏🙏👏.
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    • Dzień 13

      May 30

      30 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      After a sleepless night, I arose quietly, so as not to wake my bunk mates, at 5:00 am. This early start to my day gave me time to do a few posts and wander the empty, peaceful streets to enjoy the elaborate Corpus Christi masterpieces lining the roadways. A hearty breakfast that included boiled eggs (rare to find here), fruit, cereals, yogurt, breads, pastries, juice, coffee and tea provided us with good sustenance to begin our 18 km walk. To begin, we took a taxi ferry (a very small boat with 4 of us) across the River Minho which is the natural border between Portugal and Spain. Historically, this river border was a location where many battles were fought between the Portuguese and Spanish but today they enjoy friendly relations with their neighbours. We landed in Spain on a pristine deserted beach and quickly found a beautiful boardwalk along the ocean. This part of the walk to A Guarda was stunning with a number of interesting and beautiful distractions such as hieroglyphics painted on the trees. We enjoyed a rest stop and stocked up on food and water in A Guardia before beginning the long trek of 14 km (no facilities ) to Oia. It was hot with a few climbs on various pathways including road side and forest paths before we arrived in the quaint seaside Hamlet of Oia. Our accomodation here was incredible, La Cala, A Pilgrims Hostel. We had an ocean view from our spacious bedroom and enjoyed the common kitchen/dining room facilities. A delicious dinner of scallops, shrimp and Russian salad at a cafe beside the ocean while taking in a beautiful sunset was a fabulous end to our day. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 18

      Plage de Barra

      6 czerwca, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Après une nuit agitée à cause des moustiques, on décide de se rendre par le chemin côtier à la plage de Barra, une de celle qu'on visait la veille.
      Le chemin descend sous les pins avant de longer le bord escarpé. On arrive enfin à une grande plage de sable blanc avec des paillettes argentées 🤩 On profite du soleil, on se promène sur la plage et après déjeuner on part explorer les alentours pour essayer de comprendre pourquoi on a pas trouvé cette plage et son parking hier 😆
      Mais on n'a pas perdu au change parce qu'on aurait pas pu y passer la nuit.
      De retour à Suzy, on retourne profiter de notre plage de Melide et du soleil de fin de journée. On aura même droit à un coucher de soleil de feu entre les arbres.
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    • Dzień 13

      Tag 4 Camino, alles normal?!

      11 czerwca, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Heute läuft sicher alles normal oder? Naja die Ausweise haben sie im vorhergehenden Hotel nicht gefunden. Ist so…
      Also dann hier mal Frühstück und kurz nach neun geht es los. Heute stehen so Mitte 50 km auf der Uhr. Erst mal geht es etwas hoch dort gibt es einen markanten Punkt mit vielen Andenken. Dann wieder runter und immer an der Küste lang. In Baiona erst mal einen Kaffee und etwas das Fahrrad richten, denn es quietscht…

      Dann geht es weiter in Richtung Vigo und spätestens dort geht es meistens hoch. Vorher passiert es aber doch noch, Veronika stürzt im Flachen und auf gerader Strecke. Lenkertasche hat sich gelöst. Ein paar Schrammen gibt es als Andenken. Als wir denken, dass ein Großteil der Höhenmeter geschafft ist, gibt es noch mal Pause und den Rest der Tour wird überdacht. Also dann mal runter und nach kurzer Suche finden wir einen ehemaligen Bahndamm, der nun als Radstrecke ausgebaut ist. Dann eine WhatsApp Nachricht an die Vermieterin, es soll jetzt nur noch eine halbe Stunde sein. Daraus wird aber eine Dreiviertelstunde denn es geht mal wieder rauf und runter. Aber dann sind wir da, loggen uns ein und finden eine sehr schöne Ferienwohnung vor. Gut, dass wir unterwegs noch etwas Sangria und Wein gekauft haben. Jetzt können wir relaxen und die Wäsche in die Waschmaschine stecken. Nachher werden wir uns etwas schönes zum Essen suchen. Tipps gab es von der Vermieterin ja genug.
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    • Dzień 30


      16 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      War heute morgen schon um 6 Uhr 45 im Cafe, um 7 Uhr kamen Archie und Adam zum Frühstücken, dann starteten wir gemeinsam raus aus der Stadt. Kaum Regen, aber was soll ich sagen, gleich mal kam's richtig runter. Bis um 11 Uhr hielt das an, dann kam sogar etwas die Sonne raus und nur bei leichtem Nieseln erreichten wir kurz nach 14 Uhr die Albergue. Heute ging es dann ca 7 km an einem Fluss entlang, war wunderschön, aber totaler Matsch und stehende Pfützen. Wir hatten die gleiche Herberge gebucht, kurz davor war ein Aldi, bei dem deckten wir uns gleich mit Essen und Tinto de Verano ein f. den Abend. Heute ist Waschtag, wir sind ja voll dreckig und nass. Die Herberge ist wirklich nett und schön.
      Leider hörten wir von Kate, die gestern in Vigo, einen Tag hinter uns war, dass sie beraubt wurde und und ohne Geld und Karten in Vigo ist. Ihr Mann schickt ihr Geld, wie sie weitermacht, wissen wir noch nicht, auch nicht, wie es passierte. Dies tut mir echt leid. Hoffe, es wendet sich alles zum Guten.
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