Conor Trip

Jun - Ogos 2017
Pengembaraan 54hari oleh Fitzgerald Family Baca lagi
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  • Hari 33

    Daddy's birthday@yosemite

    18 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Today we woke up at about 7:00am because we were going mountain hiking. Today is daddy's birthday! We got him 3 pairs of funny socks, a king bottle opener and a T-shirt that said beer. Me and Maya and daddy went for a proper swim for the first time in a while. We swam for about 600 metres. We went hiking at McGurk Meadows. We visited Glacier Point and saw 5 waterfalls including Nevada falls and bridesveil falls. Nevada falls was bigger than bridesveil falls. We saw Half Dome from Glacier point. The views were amazing! But everyone drank all their water and I was dying to drink water! So we had to go to a store to get water. Next time we should make sure to bring more water.Baca lagi

  • Hari 33

    Hiking (Again)

    18 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Today we woke up early to go hiking again. This time we went to a place called Carlon Falls. It took us about 7 minutes to go to the trailhead which is the start point. We stopped and took some very nice photos with the camera. Mammy is a professional camera lady and she takes very good photos. After about 40 minutes of walking, we met a fisherman who was walking back. We stopped and started talking to him. He said that we were not even halfway up yet! So we climbed up a really steep part of the mountain then we finally reached the nice waterfall. Me and Maya collected smooth rocks and washed them. It was really fun so I hope that we can come again.Baca lagi

  • Hari 33


    18 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    今日は また、ハイキングに行きました!カーロンフォールと言うたきに向かって歩きました。途中でたくさん止まって、ママがしゃしんをいっぱいとりました。ママは、プロのカメラマンみたいに しゃしんがとれます。40分くらい歩いたら、つり人に会いました。その人が、カーロンフォールまでまだ はんぶんも行ってないよ、と教えてくれました。すごく きゅうなさかもあると教えてくれました。
    ドンドンすすんでいって、やっとたきにつきました。たきは、思ったより大きくて、きれいでした。人があまりいなかったので、しずかに たきがながれるのをみることが出来ました。マヤとぼくは、つるつるの石をあつめました。それをあらったり、すなをかけたりしてあそびました。ハイキングはとても楽しかったです。また来たいと思います。Baca lagi

  • Hari 34

    From Yosemite to San Francisco

    19 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Today we went to San Francisco from Yosemite. It was really foggy and really smoky on the way because of the haze. It smelled really smoky as well. I was first watching the view but I got tired so I started playing games on the iPad. It took us about 4 hours to go from Yosemite to San Francisco. It seems like we were very lucky because it seems like the haze was even worse than the morning! The haze was so bad that they had to close the road that we went to!
    We went to a place called Ghirardelli square. Ghirardelli is a chocolate company. Ghirardelli square has many shops that are not even related to the chocolate! But at the top floor there is the Ghirardelli shop. They gave us samples that were really yummy. It was milk chocolate with caramel filling. Mammy bought a big pack of chocolates that contains 80 pieces!
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  • Hari 34


    19 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    今日は ヨセミテからサンフランシスコに 行きました。途中でマリポサというところの山火事のけむりのせいで、ひどいヘイズで、すごくくさかったです。
    さいしょ 車のそとのけしきを見ていたのですが、つかれたのでipadであそびました。サンフランシスコまで やく4時間も かかりました!!ぼくたちが通ったみちは、午後にヘイズがもっとひどくなって、通行止めになったようです。(ぼくたちは サンフランシスコまでちゃんと来れてラッキーでした)
    ホテルにチェックインしたあと、ギラデリスクエアというところに行きました。ギラデリはチョコレートの会社です。けれど、ギラデリスクエアには、チョコのお店だけではなく、いろんなお店がありました。いちばん上のかいで、ギラデリの チョコレートが売られていて、とてもおいしいキャラメルの入ったミルクチョコのサンプルをもらいました!ママが、80こ入りのチョコを買いました!!
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  • Hari 35


    20 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Today we went to Angel Island and Alcatraz. First we went to Angel Island. Everyone was supposed to go on a tram and go around the island but the group was too big so we had to wait for the first group. Each tram ride is one hour so we had to wait for 1 hour. We ate lunch and went to a tiny nearby museum. Me and Maya had a corn dog and mammy and daddy had a tuna sandwich. I wanted to cycle but mammy and daddy said that we will cycle another day. The first group came back so we rode the tram and went around Angel Island. There were speakers on top of our trams so an audio tour tape was rolling. We rode on the tram for about 15 minutes then stopped. The driver said that this place is a good stop for photos. The view was great! So we rode on the tram for a few minutes then went back to the start point. We rode the ferry to Alcatraz. It was freezing so me and Maya got hot chocolate. At Alcatraz, we met Wendy (the park ranger) who said that we could do a walking tour and an audio tour. We did the walking tour that was for 45 minutes. During the tour, about 22 seagulls became crazy just because of a juvenile gull!
    We went to the place where they did the audio tour. We were actually in the prison building! Inside a few of the cells, we saw dummy heads of the people that escaped Alcatraz. Here is the history stuff: The chief officer got a call from the other officers. The officers said that there was an escape. The chief ran to the prison and saw the dummy heads. The officers thought it was a real head until one of the heads fell off.
    We went to the bookstore and saw a person who was a prisoner in Alcatraz for bank robbing. He is an author now, and he wrote a book about his life. It seemed interesting so I bought the book. I hope that we can come to Alcatraz again.
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  • Hari 35

    Alcatraz Japanese

    20 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    今日は、フェリーで エンジェル アイランドとアルカトラズ島に 行きました。エンジェル アイランド に ついたら トラム にのって 島を 一周する 予定だったのが、人数が 多すぎたので2つのグループに 分かれました。 ぼくたちは二番目のグループだったので一時間またないと いけませんでした。 その間、近くのレストランで ごはん を 食べました。 ぼくと マヤは、 コーンドッグ と いう ころもに 回りに あるソーセージを 食べました。
    そして近くのミニはくぶつかん に 行きました。その後ちがうグループがもどって来たので,ぼくたちのグループが トラムにのりました。
    ぼくたちのグループのトラムのツアーがおわった後すぐアルカトラズ島 に 行く フェリーに のりました。 ものすごく寒かったから、ホットチョコ を飲みました。
    アルカトラズ島についたら、けいむしょのオーディオツアーにさんかしました。それによると、3人のしゅうじんが だっそうしたじけんがあったそうです。朝 オフィサーが 、しゅうじんのへやのベッドから、にんぎょうの頭がおちて、しゅうじんがいなくなっていることに 気づいたそうです。ぼくは ちょっとビックリしました。
    その日に、アルカトラズ島の元しゅうじんだったおじいさんが、本屋さんにいました。 どうしてかと言うと、自分の人生のことを書いた本を 売っていたからです。チラっとおじいさんを見た時、 やさしそうに見えて、むかし アルカトラズ島にいたのがしんじられませんでした。 本がおもしろそうだったので、ママとダディに買ってもらいました。
    アルカトラズ島は ちょっとコワイと思いました。
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  • Hari 36

    The day with Gopal

    21 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C


    Today we went to the Exploratorium with my Friend Gopal. We ate a cookie while waiting for Gopal. When Gopal came, he gave me presents and I was happy. I also got a gift for him. I felt very happy to see Gopal in San Francisco!!😊
    The Exploratorium was similar to the science center in Singapore at the beginning, but actually it was more fun!! We stayed there for about 2.5 hours and then we went for lunch together😊.
    The Exploratorium was fun and playing with Gopal there was the best part of today.
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  • Hari 37


    22 Julai 2017, Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Today we went to the palace of fine arts and the golden gate park. The palace of fine arts was beautiful!!
    We rented bicycles at the golden gate park and cycled in the park. I had asked daddy and mummy to take me to cycling for a long time so I was very happy. It was wheelie fun and I hope we can come here again.Baca lagi

  • Hari 38

    Universal studios Hollywood

    23 Julai 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Good morning! We traveled to Universal Studios Hollywood. It took us 2 hours by car. Daddy was kind enough to get us a front of line pass! The first ride we rode on was the Simpsons ride. Maya thought that it would be her favourite ride, but it wasn’t. It was really scary. My legs were trembling after the ride! We went to the Harry Potter ride. I think the thing we rode on was a dragon. It was like the ride in Singapore.
    Maya and daddy went to a 4D Harry Potter ride.
    We went to the studio tour on a tram. It was 4D so we needed 4D glasses. There were many special effects like an earthquake and floods. The best effect of them all was the 4D effects. It seems like you are moving but you are actually staying in one place!
    There were not much rides than we expected. We drove to Disney land. It took us 2 hours to arrive @ disney land. We were staying at the hotel.
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