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  • Dia 15

    Our final day

    15 de maio de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    So the day has come... our final day travelling and we are spending it in Barcelona 🇪🇸😁 The weather is hot today (too hot) and so I decided to wear a dress for the first time! We had no instructions as to what time we had to be out of our apartment so we took matters into our own hands and decided be out by 11 and leave our luggage their for the day.

    For the 3rd time in 2 weeks we ended up in a hard rock cafe! Slowly ticking them all off the list! I ordered BBQ ribs which were massive and so delicious, the food never disappoints.

    Next we decided to explore Plaça de Catalunya. They had some really lovely shops in this part of Barcelona and it was extremely hard resisting the urge to buy lots 😂 We found another cute sweet shop (better than the one in Prague) called Happy Pills where you get a tub and fill it with sweets of your choice before choosing a label to go on the front of it.

    We also found a fountain which was covered in hundreds of pigeons and the moment anyone threw bread the lot of them would all fly at once towards the person. (Mum you would of ran a mile, pigeons fly very close to your head over here) We also discovered a nice square with restaurants and seats where we sat enjoying the sun for a while before having some ice cream.

    It was getting towards 6pm by this point and so it was time to head back to the apartment and collect our suitcases. We still had no idea what we were meant to be doing with the key and so we just left them on the table as it was a self locking door. It was extremely hard work dragging our suitcases back down the 4 floors of extremely small broken steps but we did it! After that workout we had a 20 minute walk to the bus stop which would take us to the airport. We now knew our way around pretty well and so we knew exactly where we were going to get to the bus.

    After a short trip on the aerobus we were dropped at terminal 2. In we went to find our flight wasn’t on the board... panic... panic... panic! Till suddenly we realise there is a T2 A,B and C and we were stood in B but needed C! A short walk and we were there at easyJet’s own personal terminal where we had 45 mins before bag drop so had a drink at a cafe.

    After dropping our bags and going through security it was a short wait before boarding our flight. The entire flight was in darkness and only took 2 hours. On board we all had a meal deal for our tea :)

    When we landed it was off to collect our bags which came out straight away for once! I suddenly noticed there was another bag going round that looks identical to mine :/ luckily leah picked the right one first time as she spotted it.

    It was then an emotional farewell as we all went our separate ways after 2 weeks of always being together. Ross picked Leah and I up and Katie went home with her boyfriend. We have all had the best time and every minute of travelling was amazing. I now have the travel bug and I’m already thinking what I could do next. Thanks for all reading and keeping up to date with our movements. 😁😁😁 Goodbye till next time...
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  • Dia 14

    Barcelona 12th - 15th

    14 de maio de 2018, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    After a short lie in we are up once again getting ready and it’s a day of spontaneity. I suddenly realised I had left a bottle of wine in the freezer overnight so went to get it out and left it to defrost. (Silly Jess) All holiday we have been talking about what we could do to remember this holiday by. Some people may not agree with what we did next and I’m nervous to tell you all 😂

    You can probably guess... after a lot of research and checking that what we were going to do was legit and safe, off we wandered............

    I’ve never felt so nervous in all my life, not knowing what to expect but I was certain in my mind that what was about to happen was something I wanted to do.........

    Okay I won’t leave you hanging anymore. If you haven’t worked it out already all 3 of us got a tattoo 😬 (sorry Mum and Dad). Holding onto one another’s hands we went through with it each having something small to symbolise what we have done. I was an adult about it and decided to have it somewhere where it can’t be seen and is easily covered 😁 (Please don’t kill me!!!) After worrying for ages about how much it would hurt I was surprised to find out it just felt like being scratched by a cat😂

    All 3 of us are so happy we had it done and couldn’t be more pleased by the level of professionalism the guy had, he was clean and thorough and told us everything we need to know about aftercare.

    After a crazy morning we had to have a McDonald’s to settle our stomachs again! Next it was on to St Josep’s food market which was amazing! I’ve never seen such a large food market with different types of meat, cheese, fish and sweet treats in.

    It was then onto do even more shopping!!! (Can you tell we are chilling out and having more of a leisurely holiday in Barcelona rather than site seeing - we deserve it!)

    Next we decided to have cocktails sat at a beachside cafe which were delicious before heading for our final meal :(

    This we had on La Rambla! We treated ourselves to more cocktails ordering a small one each and then somehow ending up with 1litre ones! I told the waiter we didn’t order large and he said he would just charge us the same price. As thought the bill came and he had charged us for 3 large cocktails. For once in my life I stood up for us and argued that this wasn’t correct and he went on to say I wasn’t right and he had never said that (he had). Eventually he gave in to me and reduced the price. Jess 1 Waiter 0. I noticed they had been doing this to a lot of people around and then arguing with them. Not good!

    Even with all that drama it was a lovely meal. It was then back to the apartment to get ready for our last night out 😁 I put the now defrosted bottle of wine into the fridge to make it a bit colder for half an hour. When I went back to get it out the bottle fell out of the fridge and smashed everywhere on the floor 😂 This bottle of wine was just not meant to be.

    It was then on to our last night in Barcelona. 😁 We were going to go out out but decided against it when we found not many places were open on a Monday! Determined to have a good last night we made our own fun with a trip to the shop to buy cards and drink for a night of girly gossip and games 😁😁 This holiday has been amazing but we are exhausted 😂
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  • Dia 13

    Barcelona 12th - 15th

    13 de maio de 2018, Espanha ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Our first morning in Barcelona... sunny Barcelona! I get out of bed and look out the window to see it’s cloudy :/ So much for sunny Spain 😂 Once we are all ready it’s off out to get brunch in a local cafe. It was a reminder of home, a very British tea room with coffee and ham and cheese croissants... lovely 😁

    Our apartment is just a short walk from la rambla, probably the most famous and busiest tourist street in Barcelona! Once we had finished in the cafe it was just a short walk. Immediately we were drawn to the market stalls where we bought some bracelets and anklets at the first stall we came to! I bought the final shot glass to add to the collection! For those of you that don’t know I buy a shot glass in each country I visit.. I have done this since my first holiday without parents.

    The market stalls had some nice things as well as some wacky things such as cactus’ growing out of mugs and shoes or as fridge magnets. 😂 We then wandered down to the harbour where we were amazed by the amount of expensive yachts moored everywhere (one day we will own one!) There is a bridge that cross’s over to the other side of the harbour where there is a shopping centre and other things.

    The weather had improved by this point and was nice and sunny making the sea look a lovely light blue colour, the colour you imagine Spanish sea to be. We spent time wandering around admiring the yachts and enjoying the sea view.

    Next we decided to visit the aquarium 😁 This was a brilliant idea as we wandered around like little kids looking at the fish 🐠 There was an option to swim with the sharks but we thought we would give that one a miss seeing as I won’t even get in the water with fish 😂

    When we came out the weather had turned again and looked stormy with the rain spitting. We wandered back towards the main shopping area where we found the longest strip of people selling fake goods I have ever witnessed. As tempting as it was we resisted the urge to buy fake Michael Kors bags 😂

    We found even more market stalls, this time selling food! It was here that we decided to try some churros. They were amazing ❤️ We found an empty bench and slowly realised why it was the only empty one. There was a man blowing massive bubbles and the wind was taking them out direction getting us covered in washing up liquid 😂

    Onwards we went, this time into the gothic quarter where there were many vintage, alternative and wacky shops which were extremely interesting looking around. It was now starting to rain a bit harder and so we decided to have an early tea to get out of the rain! We found a lovely tapas restaurant, recommended by Katie's dad on the harbour, where we had some tapas dishes and sangria... very Spanish... and very delicious.

    The weather does weird things here and now there was the most beautiful sunset as we ate our dinner. Once finished we found yet more shops to look around 😁😁😁😁 and decided to stop at Starbucks for a caffeine kick.

    It was then back to the apartment via the shop to get some drinks and nibbles for another night in chilling out after a busy day! We were going to go out for the evening but unfortunately Katie had a headache and didn’t feel up to it. I really like Barcelona as there is a lot to it and each area has something new to discover.
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  • Dia 12

    En route to Barcelona

    12 de maio de 2018, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    So the day has come... our final train to our final destination 😔 We are extremely excited for Barcelona 😁🇪🇸 Our train was at 10.07 and the train is actually really really nice. We are sat on the top level as it’s a double decker train. We’ve come prepared with our lunch in our bags and plenty of films to watch on Netflix to pass the time. The lady sat next to us has her cat with her! Let’s just hope I don’t start sneezing the whole journey 😂

    Before we knew it we had arrived in Barcelona. Google maps told us it was a 30 minute walk to our apartment and so having been sat down for 6 hours we thought we would walk it in the rain (quite refreshing). We finally found the apartment however the owner was nowhere to be seen. After spending ages trying to get through to them we finally got hold of someone who told us to wait 15 more minutes :/

    She finally arrives with the key and speaks no English however I understand the word 4 in Spanish and so understood that we must go to the 4th floor. This is not an easy job with heavy suitcases, tiny steps and no lift 😬 We were pleasantly surprised when we got inside it will do us nicely.

    After a quick trip to Carreforre Express to get some ingredients, we were at work preparing a nice spaghetti bolognese for our tea accompanied with a bottle of 1€ wine which actually tasted surprisingly good. Although getting the cork out the bottle was a struggle and resulted in me practically hanging off the bottle with the Leah holding onto it for a good 10 minutes 😂 A quick shower to freshen up for tomorrow before bed was compulsory as well after having completed the longest, hottest walk we have done to date dragging our suitcases which now must weigh about 18kg. The muscles we will be coming home with will be bigger than any gym freak I know.
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  • Dia 11

    Paris 10th - 12th

    11 de maio de 2018, França ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    It’s a sunny morning here in Paris and I’m up bright and early... other two not so much! Anyway I’m going to make the most of my time here so after getting ready I decided to go shopping 😁 There are some really nice places along the street near our hotel including a wine shop, patisserie and flower shop. First stop.. wine! The man in the shop was very helpful and talked me through which type of wine he would recommend and the flavours etc... I just agreed and had no idea what he was on about! Next stop... patisserie where I bought 2 chocolate éclairs and a giant macaron for Leah who has been desperate to try one! After buying the nicest looking cakes I gave the flowers a miss after deciding they were a bit too hard to get home on a plane. Back to the hotel I went where the other two had woken up and were greeted with cakes which we ate later on in the day!

    First item on our list of things to do today was the Eiffel Tower. Let’s be honest you can’t go to Paris and not see the Eiffel Tower!!! Katie was amazed at how big it is in real life 😂 It’s a shame you can’t walk under it anymore as they have fenced off a large area around it. We decided to be very French and go and buy baguettes from a local patisserie and eat them on the Champs-Elysees looking at the eiffel tower... all very nice.

    Next thing to see... the Arc de Triomphe. We walked about 30 minutes next to the river and up a street of shops to find it. Once their we were highly entertained at the madness of the roundabout surrounding it with cars going every direction narrowly avoiding one another. This is one roundabout I would never want to drive!

    We then started to head back towards the Eiffel Tower via Paris’ oxford street! Looking for somewhere to get a drink we decided this street probably wasn’t the best place to look as prices were extortionate. Passing Louis Vuitton we spotted 3 Lamborghini’s and Ferrari’s that we could only dream we would own one day😂 Before we knew it we were back to the riverside and found a nice bar where we had a relaxing drink in the sun.

    Time was getting on and so we decided to head back towards where we were staying. After finding a few more shops to have a nosy in we went back to the hotel to rest our feet for an hour and get ready to go out again for the evening.

    Along near our hotel we found a lovely little French looking restaurant where we had some French wine and some amazing food!!! One thing we all love about France is how they give you bread before your main meal comes out and we even got given a glass of popcorn! We sat here chatting and enjoying our time in Paris long into the night until we decided it was getting late and we should probably get some rest.

    We have our last train journey tomorrow :( :) Mixed emotions... sad that it’s nearly the end, dreading the 6 hours sat there (although 6 hours goes fast now to us), very very excited that we are going to Spain and also extremely happy that we don’t have to get on another train!!!!😁😁😁
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  • Dia 10

    One long day travelling...

    10 de maio de 2018, França ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Our new train was scheduled for later than the one we had planned to get therefore we had a lie in till 9.30am 😁 It was then back to Roma Termini to catch our train. We bought some sandwiches for our lunch and then grabbed a McDonald’s breakfast. Once on our train we ate our breakfast. A burger with bacon and cheese is not our idea of breakfast and I ended up leaving mine although I can now say I’ve tried a McDonald’s burger (never again).

    I have to say this train journey was highly entertaining with so many things that made Katie and I giggle. First we spotted a woman who had so much lip filler her lips looked like they were going to pop 😂 Next a guy walks past with spiky hair almost like a hedgehog, he must of used a whole pot of gel to achieve this look put it that way. Then finally we our sat in our seats minding our own business and the man on the table next to ours starts reading his book out loud for a good 2 hours 😂

    We made it to Torino Porta Susa where we then had an hour to kill so went to grab a drink and some provisions for the rest of the journey. Long journeys seem to fly by now because we have become so used to it. Our next train was at 16.11pm and it was direct to Paris. The first part of the journey was very picturesque through the Susa valley with views of mountains covered in snow and very very high. The houses were cute as well all made out of wood and stone and quite small.

    Crossing over the boarder into France we were asked to show passports to the police. A few people were frisked and taken off the train. Next thing the police are walking down asking who’s suitcase the rose gold one is... that would be Leah’s! They immediately put it back and carried on wandering looking at bags. Not going to lie it was extremely scary.

    The journey continued and we realised the guy on our table spoke no English, Italian or French. People kept coming over and giving him food and then asked us if we could tell him to get off at Paris. He kept getting phone calls and every time the phone went off an old lady, who we then nicknamed the queen of the train, would come up to him and tell him to go somewhere else for his phone call.. very strange and also very rude. We just told him to ignore her.

    After figuring out the French metro (so confusing) we found our hotel. 😁 It’s very very nice! We had lindor chocolate balls in our room on entry with glass bottles of water (we haven’t had these luxuries on our travels so far). It was getting late and so Katie and Leah decided to have a tea before bed! The kettle decided to boil over and not stop boiling and so the only option was to catch the water in the bin and empty it in the bath😂 Second attempt and Leah pulled the plug before it boiled to solve the issue... puts the milk in the tea and it’s gone off 😂 Third attempt and they finally have their cup of tea each. Time for bed.
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  • Dia 9

    Rome 8th - 10th May

    9 de maio de 2018, Itália ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    We aren't having much luck with sleeping lately. Our apartment is on the 4th floor yet it still sounds like you are sleeping in the middle of the m5! The Italians feel it necessary to beep their horns at each other constantly. The moment one car beeps it encourages them to all join in and before you know it they are playing you a tune (not a very nice one, especially when you are trying to sleep). However I understand why they feel the need to beep as they all think they are F1 drivers going in multiple directions, ignoring all traffic signals... It's chaos 😂

    We were up at 8am today and on the tube by 9 on our way to our first attraction, the colosseum. Stepping out of the train station and seeing it for the first time is pretty surreal and you have to almost pinch yourself that your actually there. There were so many people around to help you know where you were going and we bumped into a very helpful man who said we could upgrade our tickets we already had for a bit extra to have a guided tour and enter the colosseum via a special entrance taking you straight out into the arena. By doing this we skipped all the queues and learnt a lot about the history of the place with the most energetic and engaging tour guide I've ever met. She was also English which helped!

    The colosseum is the largest amphitheatre ever built and construction began in 72 AD finishing in 80 AD when Titus was in power, however further modifications have been made since. It could hold between 50,000 to 80,000 people and was used for many things such as gladiator battles, recreating mythology, execution of criminals and re-enactments of famous battles. One thing that stuck in our heads from our tour guide was that the colosseum was not just a place of murder and death it was in fact entertainment which is very hard to get your head around in the present. Around the outside of the colosseum is a white line showing where once upon a time the walls came out to, however an earthquake had caused damage to the building and then robbers came along and nicked a lot of the fallen stone.

    Once out of the colosseum it was then onto the second part of our tour where we met another enthusiastic tour guide who made jokes throughout his tour which were terrible but actually by the end you found him funny. He showed us around Palatine Hill which is one of the most ancient parts of the city standing 40 metres above the Roman Forum. The Romans built palaces on this hill. We learnt that back in the Roman period if you were seen to be wealthy then the people of Rome would hate you and most likely you would be killed therefore early emperors did not want to show their wealth and so built smaller palaces on the hills. Whilst walking up the hill you pass the arch of Constantine which is a triumphal arch erected to commemorate a Roman victory. If you walk under the arch then you would be commemorating something therefore it is fenced all the way around so that people can't walk under it. Part of where we were walking was actually once underground and appears outside now due to it being dug up.

    After a pretty full on morning taking in some of the most famous sights in the world, we wandered in the direction of the Trevi fountain looking for a place to have some food. Along the way we spotted a street artist doing paintings using spray paint. Leah and I bought a painting each (we will see how that one survives the journey home 😂) We stumbled across a cafe called Euromania which sold mini €1 sandwiches and looked similar to subway. Once at a table we discovered none of the menus had any English on and so with help from google translate we figured out what we could order. It took us about 20 minutes to figure out how the system works. You have notepads and pens in the centre of the table and each item on the menu is numbered. You then have to write which numbers you wish to order on the order form and take it to the counter. They then hand you a buzzer and when it goes off you go and collect your food. This gave Leah and I ideas for a business venture back in the UK 😂

    When finished it was a short walk to the Trevi fountain. Along the way we were approached by a man dressed as a gladiator who wanted us to take a photo with him for money! He gave us no option but to take a photo and after giving him 10 cent we legged it. The Trevi fountain was extremely crowded as expected but also extremely beautiful. Whilst there each of us threw a coin into the fountain in our right hand over our right shoulder and made a wish (can't say what the wish was otherwise it might not come true).

    It was then a short train ride to the opposite side of the river to see the Vatican City. When there it was straight in skipping the 3 hour queue as we already had tickets. The Vatican City is a separate state within Rome and is ruled by the pope. If I'm completely honest we learnt nothing here as we were more interested at looking at the architecture, paintings and statues. We went down into the Sistine chapel where you must cover your shoulders to see the artwork on the ceiling which was pretty impressive. It was extremely crowded everywhere we went and so after about 2 hours we had enough and headed towards the Oxford Street of Rome... Via del Corso.

    This place was our idea of shopping heaven. Straight to Sephora we headed where they sell high end make up brands and demonstrate how to do it. Unfortunately mine and Katie's budget wouldn't quite stretch to be able to buy anything however Leah had a field day and came away with lots of goodies. Very aware of how much we could get back in our suitcases we were hesitant to buy a lot and so after our look around wishing we had brought a spare suitcase we decided to grab something to eat in an Italian fish restaurant (I was not impressed as I hate fish). However after spotting the only thing on the entire menu I liked, spaghetti carbonara, it was fine and actually extremely delicious (best carbonara I've ever had)😄.

    We had been so lucky with the weather all day but our luck had ended as we came out the restaurant to heavy rain (luckily we were all armed with umbrellas). The roads were all flooded once again and even the entrance to the tube station was like a swimming pool, and so following a group of Italians that looked like they knew what they were doing, we found ourselves at another, drier entrance to the train.

    Back in our apartment we were hit with another hurdle. The train we need tomorrow is fully booked! After a few hours panicking and trying to figure out ways around it I found a solution and we could all sleep knowing we would make it to Paris😄
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  • Dia 8

    When in Rome...

    8 de maio de 2018, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    We were rudely awakened at 7am and given bread rolls, butter and a drink for breakfast (could do with some flavour). Leah and I being the top bunks couldn’t even sit up straight so we sat with our heads at an angle on the ceiling trying to eat.

    We got into Venezia Mestre at 8.12am and it was a quick change to our final train which would take us to Rome. Now on the train we could finally feel comfortable as the seats and the train were nicer than the overnight one. Our train got delayed during the journey and so we arrived in Rome an hour later then scheduled at 1.10pm.

    After figuring out the Italian metro system we found our way to the metro station we had been told to get off at and then proceeded to wander to what we thought was the apartment. Stood outside what we thought was our apartment I suddenly realised we had walked to number 23 not 233 😂 (silly Jess typing the wrong number) A short walk back to basically where we started and the owner was stood outside waiting to give us the key.

    We were all exhausted by this point and so to get some energy back we all had a refreshing shower and relaxed in our room for a few hours watching the rain pour outside and listening to the thunder.

    The heavens have well and truly opened but nothing stops us, the three musketeers, from getting to a restaurant for food! We found a pizzeria where we had some delicious Italian cuisine and I had the nicest glass of prosecco I’ve ever tasted 😁🥂🍾 Italians know how to make pizza 👌🏻 it was AMAZING!!! The owner gave us free shots of limoncello to finish off our night.

    Once finished we literally had to swim back to our apartment as it was that flooded already. My choice of footwear (sandals) was perfect as I could just walk straight through the flood :) Once back in our room we decided to get an early night so that we were all ready and awake to see the sights of Rome tomorrow 😁.
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  • Dia 7


    7 de maio de 2018, República Checa ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Even after getting in at silly hours of the morning we were up at 9.30am and out the apartment by 11am, leaving our suitcases behind to go and collect again later. First stop... to get a drink. We had one in the coffee shop opposite our apartment, Leah and Katie ordering lemonade which came out as tap water with raspberry bits and flavouring in (they’re not having much luck with ordering drinks).

    We hadn't had breakfast and so decided to treat ourselves to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe (yes we may of fallen in love with this place, 2 down, 189 to go). The food is just amazing and tastes heavenly (that’s no exaggeration), although we are all craving a roast and some vegetables now after nearly a week of eating very unhealthy.

    We spent the afternoon looking around some shops and introducing Leah to the world of Hamleys the toy shop. It has been extremely hot today and having been walking around for a good 2 hours now it was time to stop for a drink break, this time in Starbucks where they actually understand what an iced coffee is 😂. Time was getting on and we had a train to catch at 6.01pm so we made our way back to the apartment to collect our belongings and then found our way to the train station to catch the first of our three trains to Rome 😁 This journey in total will take 18 hours 😬

    The first journey to Linz HBF in Austria went quite fast. We passed the time by catching up with people back home on FaceTime. We also noticed houses in Austria are clearly built for very small people as they were tiny 😂 After a 40 minute stop off we were boarding the night train at 22.58pm.. excited but also very nervous not knowing what to expect. We were in a compartment with 3 other people and I can only describe my nights sleep as sleeping on an ironing board suspended from a height 😂 It was very cramped! We managed to get some sleep however it was extremely loud and the rocking motion all night was very strange. We arrive in Venezia Mestre at 8.12am tomorrow!
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  • Dia 6

    Prague 5th - 7th May

    6 de maio de 2018, República Checa ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Waking up to sunshine and heat is something I could get used. We’ve been so lucky with the weather😁🌞 Today it is hot outside with temperatures in the 20’s so choice of attire was slightly different to the 2 previous destinations! We didn’t have any food in our apartment so we had to skip breakfast and decided we would just have brunch instead.

    We hopped on the underground, now understanding the system, with an app that takes you through getting place to place step by step (what would we do without modern technology). With the underground they have a system whereby you buy a 3 day pass and stamp it the first time you travel to validate it. We suddenly noticed we had stamped ours the wrong way round so every trip on the train after that we were praying no one asked to see our tickets, avoiding being fined. 😂

    Once in the centre of Prague we crossed over the river to find a nice cafe where we then sat and had lunch. In the distance we could see Prague castle and so when we had finished our meal we thought we would go and explore. After a steep walk up to the castle we were met with some incredible views of Prague looking down on all the terracotta roofs. On our way up there we saw a man with doves on both his arms giving them a drink out of a water bottle.

    As you enter the castle grounds you get searched and are more than aware of the massive guns the police and guards are holding 😬 After a quick stop to buy some water (feeling rather dehydrated after the climb) we started to explore. We started off by looking around the Old Royal Palace which was the original residence building built in the 9th century. Next it was into St Vitus Cathedral which was stunning! The stain glass was more vibrant than I’ve ever seen before and the scale of the building was incredible. After a quick coffee break, whereby Katie and Leah ordered ice coffee which came out as ice cream with a shot of coffee and then cream on top, we had a look in St George’s Basilica before wandering down Golden Lane, a lane which was once inhabited by defenders of the castle and servants.

    We spent much of the afternoon at the castle. On our list of things to do was to have cocktails overlooking Prague so we found a roof terrace (part of a very posh hotel) where we sat in the sun having cocktails with the clock tower behind us overlooking the old town square. Next on our agenda was to go straight back to the sweet shop we had previously found and get some to take home (not sure if they will make it home yet 😝) Walking around Prague we had noticed these unusual looking things called trdelnik. They look like a doughnut and are filled with ice cream. It seemed only right to try the local delicacy.. our thoughts... nothing special 😂 We had also noticed a lot more bars and clubs during the day which we had missed the night before and so we went into ‘one club’ (that’s the name of the place) for a glass of wine and to listen to the DJ. We noticed a sign on the door saying club night 22.30pm and so that was it our evening was decided.

    Back to the apartment we went to get ready, have a drink and sing along to the only English radio we could find on the TV before heading straight back to the club for a night of dancing 💃🏻 We had the best night and ended up being more or less the last people in there. After a quick McDonald’s (how you end every night out) we realised the public transport had stopped running and so we had a 25 minute walk up a very steep hill back to the apartment although time seemed to go pretty fast. 😂 It was straight into bed and I’m pretty sure we were asleep the moment our heads hit the pillow.
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