Australia 2017

September - Oktober 2017
Petualangan 30-sehari oleh Hayley Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 8

    Hopetoun & Otway Fly Tree Top

    23 September 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Finally the other two had woken and we enbarked on our day. We stopped off at a really cute little coffee shop in Lavers for coffee.

    Then we headed off to Hopetoun Falls. Would you know it we found more stairs!! But we found so much more! The falls were gorgeous and we may have gone past the fence to get some amazing photos. So worth it though.

    It was after here we left our fellow adventurers and went off to the Otway Fly Tree Top adventure. Basically a bunch of bridges between trees, such a cool experience. There is a cantilevered portion that claims to hold 14 elephants. Now there is something I would pay to see!
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  • Hari 9

    GOR Wildlife Park

    24 September 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Last morning down the Great Ocean Road. After packing up we headed off to the wildlife park.

    After purchasing what has to be the world's best hot chocolate and donning a pair of gum boots we headed off to pet all the crazy creatures. Storm and Xave started off by feeding the emus and petting the alpacas (I think) super cute, but not super into playing with them. We went on to pet the little grey kangaroos. These little guys have to be the cutest things I have ever seen. So friendly and lovable, these I want to bring home too. We then moved onto the Dingos, these are the cutest most misunderstood things ever. So loving and basically like dogs. They just want snuggles and love too! These need to come home too!!!

    We walked around a bit and checked out the sheep and the kangaroos, who were just having a casual lounge by the lake. While walking through a crazy rain spell hit.. with freezing cold winds. So we hurried back to the cafe. After warming up by the fire, we to had lunch there. Another hot chocolate and some mushroom pizza. Some of the best pizza I have had in a while....

    Back in the car for the remainder of the long drive back.
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  • Hari 9

    Storm Pt, Haley Reef and the drive back

    24 September 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    I'm a big believer in destiny and fate...
    From the timing of this trip to see my cousin. To the amazing accommodation she was able to score. While sitting looking at the map to plan things, we discovered there is a place in Apollo Bay where Storm Pt and Haley Reef exist. I mean what are the chances. Hailstorm strikes again. So naturally we had to stop by to see on the way home. Sadly not as exciting as we thought but still gorgeous.

    The drive was interesting between crazy rain and sunshine. When we were close to the coast it was sunny but as soon as we got inland it was pouring. One of the photos shows the line between the two weather conditions.

    Eventually we got back to Melbourne after a quick stop off at Xave's parents for tea and McDonald's for some much needed "chips"

    👣's: 5000 - 3.5 km
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  • Hari 10

    Melbourne Adventures

    25 September 2017, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    After a nice sleep in due to a persistent headache, we got up and headed to brunch. Storm, Xave, Jackie, Erin (Storm's roommate) and I headed to the Cheeky Monkey. It's a cute little half cafe half florist. We sat on the outdoor patio which was covered and heated and surrounded by a growing wall. The food was amazing and the atmosphere was great, especially once the rain started and it was trickling down the growing wall.

    Next we headed off into the city. Melbourne us an amazing mix of old and new, it actually reminds me a little bit of Vancouver and a bit of Seattle. Our first stop was ACMI which is the Australian Centre of moving images. Basically a museum of the history of Australian film. Kind of a neat experience to see all the different actors and movies that are Australian.

    After our education, we made our way to Hosier Lane, which is a lane dedicated to graffiti. It's legal to do it in these lanes, and it is quite amazing. Hard to describe it or even express it through photos. It's more of a must see kind of thing. There are also little bucket of chalk so that us less talented can do our own drawings on the walls.

    Basically the rest of the day was a architectural walking tour. We went through the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology that puts our BCIT to shame. Not that it's that hard. But it's such a nice building. We went to the State Library which was aparently modeled after the Library of Congress is D.C. It is the stereotype library that you see in movies with the study desks and the green lights. The main study are is a large circle with a dome that provides so much natural light. Our last little adventure was to Melbourne Central. The last photo here, it used to be just the tower that was unused. So when they refurbished the area they made it the focal point of the design. It's a really cool building.

    After a long afternoon of walking in the cold we grabbed a bubble tea and hopped on the tram to head home.

    Tram ride ✔
    Iced vovos ✔
    Caramelo koalas✔

    👣's: 15210 - 12.0 km
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  • Hari 11

    Melbourne Adventures Part 2

    26 September 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Last day in Melbourne so Storm and I headed off for brunch at the cafe Erin works at. F.O.G. (Fresh Organic Good) The name is pretty clear on what they are. A lot of organic and vegan food, or as Storm called it an adventurous meal for Hayley. We each had a smoothie, and shared a bowl, of egg avocado and tofu and a few other things I have never heard of. The smoothie was amazing. First hot date I have had in a while (it was called a Hot Date Smoothie) and oh my goodness was it amazing!

    Next we ventures off around the city, starting with a walk through the gardens and the conservatory. Then we went past St Patrick's Cathedral, and we went inside. All of you archies will understand walking through cathedrals, the absolute beauty and workmanship!

    We then ventured around the city going towards Federation Square and the Princes walk down by the Yarra River. Essentially it was a look at all the cool buildings day, which really is not a bad way to spend a day.

    The afternoon was spent relaxing and packing getting ready for my bus ride to Sydney.

    BBQ Shapes ✔

    👣's: 11565 - 8.66 km
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  • Hari 12

    Sydney Adventures

    27 September 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Started the day off yesterday... haha. Said good by to Storm and Xave and get on the bus to Sydney. 12 hours. First 8 to Canberra and then another 4 the rest of the way. I booked my ticket, but would you have it that it didn't go through. They let me on anyway because I have the pass. I guess the pitiful Canadian pout did the trick. I ended up sitting next to a lady and her baby, which is always what you want when you want to sleep. She took over my chair and hers and I felt terrible cause every time I moved I bumped the baby. Poor babe so not his fault. The second bus ride was was nicer, had two seats to myself and just passed right out. :)

    I got to Sydney and decided I wanted to walk... good thought, wrong direction. Most of you know that about me. Terrible sense of direction even with the GPS. So when I noticed the time was getting longer I reevaluated and made my way in the other direction. Found my hostel, still to early, but they let me change and into my room.

    I then headed out towards the Oprah House. In the process I got the chance to walk through the Royal Botanical Gardens, and past some beautiful buildings, old and new. I arrived at the Oprah House and did the obligatory few laps around. It is gorgeous, not my style or taste, but still incredible. I then hopped on the ferry to Manly Beach. Best decision ever! Words can't describe this beach. Well I'm sure they can but I cannot. The sand is so soft and fine, and the waves are just blue and phenomenal. I sat there for a long time, not entirely sure how long. But I left when some children started throwing sand at each other. I then meandered through all the souvenir shops and surf shops. I am very proud that I did not buy anything.

    I headed back to the Oprah House to meet up with a friend I had met on contiki Ross. He was running a bit late so I went for a walk and found a cute little building called the Government House... When I say cute I mean looks more like a castle. Ross and I then had a lovely dinner and catch up. After living as a vegetarian for a while, I got myself a nice big steak.... yummy!

    Headed back to the hostel for an early night... And as luck would have it my uber wouldn't work. Ross and I finally got it sorted and I still got a free ride, but just so silly and frustrating!

    👣's: 21639 - 16.05 km
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  • Hari 13

    Bondi to Bronti

    28 September 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    After a fairly decent sleep, I got up early and had the best shower. Most travelers know what I mean. I headed out to Bondi Beach, And decided to do the Bondi to Bronti walking. It's about 8kms round trip. So it was a nice walk. I got to watch a lot of surfers doing their thing.

    About halfway there it started to rain, so I went down to the beach where I found a little rock cave. I sat under there for quite a while, out of the wind and the rain. It was so nice to just chill on a beach, so peaceful.

    Really nothing more to report here... went back to the hostel where the manager was working the front desk and was very happy to have company for a bit while I wanted for my train. I then hopped on the train and made my way to meet my friend Calen' s sister who was giving me a ride up to Calen and Mark's place. Pretty stoked on not having to bus:)

    👣's: 15748 - 11.07 km
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  • Hari 14

    Kempsey Adventures

    29 September 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    I arrived in Kempsey at 10:30pm thanks to Calen's sister Hailey and her fiance Adrian. They turned a 10 hour trip into 4. Sorry mom and dad I got into a car with strangers! It's okay though, it was a Zimbabwean! So cool to meet someone who has lead the life that he has. His family is from Port Elizabeth in South Africa! I love meeting my fellow Africans where ever I go. We had a lot of interesting talks about how lovely S.A. can be... meaning we traded horror stories.

    Anyway after chatting with Calen and Mark for a while we crashed at about 1am. And I slept in till about 11... oops. Calen was so mad she took me to jail. Just joking. She took me to the old prison called Trial Bay Jail. It was a prison built by prisoners back in the day. It was shut down in the early 1900's because they treated prisoners too well and it cost a lot to keep it running. It was then used as an internment camp for the German POW's, who actually lead a pretty good life for what it was. They had tennis courts to keep their spirits up and art classes. I mean obviously it's a terrible situation but these guys were some of the lucky ones!

    We then went off to Horseshoe bay for lunch, yes I had chips with chicken salt for all you worried Aussies! And it was so yummy.

    We then went to Little Bay where we saw wild Kangaroos and ducks... And some roosters. But obviously kangaroos were all I was interested in.

    Next we went off to Smokie Cape Light house. Which was gorgeous! Apparently it was named Smokie Cape because as Captain Cook approached he could see all the smoke from the fires of the Aboriginal people.

    Then Calen took me off to buy her some shoes... really not that exciting, but it was. We then drove off to drop Mark off at his friends for the night before the wedding. And just as a fun note... We drove through a town called Dongdingalong.

    👣's: 6914 - 5.05 km
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  • Hari 15

    Kempsey Adventures Part 2

    30 September 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Today was a very chill day. Calen and Mark had a wedding to go to. So Calen and I spent the morning going off to Crescent Head, just another gorgeous beach with an amazing bakery. So my morning was started with a yummy meat pie. Then we just roamed the beach and took silly photos. Nice relaxing morning.

    There is a photo below that shows you crab balls. Apparently all the crabs roll the sand into balls when they dig. It's actually really cool, and fun to walk on.

    The afternoon was spent just relaxing doing laundry and organising our next few days.

    👣's: 6282 - 4.82 km
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  • Hari 16

    Kempsey Adventures Part 3

    1 Oktober 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    How else does an Aussie start the morning but going to the pub for a beer and a Sunday roast. Fair enough though after a night at a wedding. We headed to Bellbrook pub which was a fair drive but the food was pretty good, and it was quite a nice drive.

    We then went on adventure through Collombatti Forest. Well some call it an adventure, others would say it's three guys in their "utes" not knowing exactly where they are going... But making the most of it? We then saw a couple of goannas which are gross lizard like thingys. Yuk.

    We then ventured on to Hat Head National Park and had ice cream... for Calen I think this was the highlight of her day. Then an adventure down to the beach where we built sand castles and sand men. It was actually a lot of fun.

    Then home for a BBQ and watching the grand final with Marks brother Todd. Which essentially turned into racing videos and comedy skits on YouTube.

    Kanga bangs ✔
    Tooheys beer ✔

    👣's: 3600 - 2.76 km
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