Uma aventura rápida mas muito boa pela Faye Leia mais
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  • Dia 150

    Kiel Canal Transit

    6 de junho de 2018, Alemanha ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Kiel Canal Transit.

    Did not even wake as we left Port this morning ,that shows quiet we are.. Some distance down the Elbe River to the entrance to the Kiel Canal, on a calm and clearing morning. The Kiel Canal was made long ago ,it is a short cut to the Baltic Sea, so saves a lengthy journey around Jutland ,by the open and sometimes rough sea. 460 ks less to travel is a saving. We entered the Locks at Brunsbuttel , earlier than planned ,and beside us two more ships, the system is the Worlds busiest artificial waterway, and is 98 ks in length .The transit to take us all day, and what a day it was, simply amazing to sail right though the centre of Germany, in brilliant sunshine, so quiet we could hear the birds in the trees, all along the way even a Cuckoo calling clearly, at one stage. Pretty light forest for a long way, rugosa roses ,and a cycle trail at the edge .Farmland for most of the journey, so that was lovely. The province of Holstein ,so cows, but not mostly the Black and White ones, beautiful Farms, so green and lush ,no fences ,as that is how Farming is here ,and in Holland, the cows simply do not stray ,there are small ditches ,and some small waterways, but its all so clever, on the cows part…some sheep to begin with, but further in, crops of all kinds, very flat in the main. Storks with huge nests of sticks. Spectacular bridges ,of many kinds some viaduct types for the trains, they have to be high of course, but we have parts that are lowered as well, some looked to be a tight fit… Not many passenger ships transit this canal.
    Some yachts alongside us, one with an elderly dog with its lifejacket on…
    Only one sizable town all day, very nice homes almost every one had 2 levels ,even smaller ones, and many large gardens, my delight was seeing a “Roving Lawnmower” saw several ,they just roam alone like the Vacuum cleaners we know of, so clever , what a time saver for a large lawn…! Much in the way of reusable energy ,Solar panels on many homes, and the Wind Turbines . The farms have very large Farmhouses, and Barns as well, as the cows will be inside in winter I think .Some thatched houses, and then some very modern, like from Grand Designs… A lot of Glass in the river front ones.
    A few Country Inns along the canal, and very basic Campervan Parks, just a mowed strip and one facility, and many modern vans, lots of cyclists ,for the most part, just the cycle trail adjacent to the canal , and a road further back ,just for a short distance ,it was hot…[had to buy a sunhat] and our Balcony was perfect viewing ,I didn’t want to miss a thing ,and we didn’t.. Only 300mtrs wide, and 9mtrs deep so not a huge construction ,but some feat for sure, lots of ships coming from the other direction as well ,places to pass. We came to the locks at Kiel/ Holtenau earlier than planned, so at dinner we watched that process. A simple operation in the going up, both large locks full ,with the ships that began the journey with us… Into the harbour with many yachts enjoying the still ,calm and sunny evening .A beautiful day in the countryside.. Its costs in excess of $25000.00 for a ship to transit this Kiel Canal
    Tonight we saw the first Show from our singers and dancers and that was well done. We are now in the Baltic ,on mirror calm seas, sailing towards Tallin, Estonia.
    An at Sea Day ,offers much, walked the deck early on, on a sunny morning, then I attended a class on the Photo App in Windows 10, and learnt lots I can do there, in a very short time. Later a Meet The Captain gathering, with the Hotel Director Renee ,whom we have met, so interesting. Our Captain is a down to earth man, grew up in a Fishing Village in Norway , started as a deck hand on ships, and has worked his way to his senior years on Prinsendam ,which he sees as the best of ships, a fine vessel, with a select itinerary ,of highlights, in special places…and it is all of that. Lunch then an Americas Test Kitchen class on Lunch For A Rainy Day ,very nice.. A Windows 10 Class on One Note, later then Dinner and a show, what more could one ask..
    Hope all is well at home, and the snow isn’t a problem, Vegas wasn’t impressed, brought to the Antarctic… Poor kitty.!
    If you want to see ahead ,before you get your notification, you can click the link Liz mentions, Show Entire Trip,and view it all, I think the notification is the only drawback of a very easy system.
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  • Dia 152

    Tallinn ,Estonia

    8 de junho de 2018, Estônia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Tallinn, Estonia

    Beautiful Tallinn, we have visited before, but today was simply gorgeous. Estonia has a Soviet background, but is so alive and doing well, many years on. Well kept, the Old Town is so picturesque , around every corner is something to take your breathe away. It dates from the 14th ,15th and 16th, Century ,with first mentions way back in the 11000’s, in the Churches and history contained within the walls. Like many countries ,Estonia has been involved in conflict in times past, Russia and Germany for a time ,many people left ,but now a population of 440,000 in Tallinn area, so not huge ,by any means. Independence in 1991,finally. Now many visitors, but they retain a lovely manner, and their buildings are kept beautifully .Cobbled streets ,from ancient times .
    Their crafts are unique and very classy, and so many different things. Amber is everywhere in this part of the world ,and in the main ,It’s not something I love, but there are some designs that are lovely. They have beautiful knitwear, and textiles of all kinds, linen in all shapes and forms ,and lots of little dolls ,and some big ones ,and very pretty tiles. Many cafes on the streets, with sheepskin on their chairs and warm blankets for the customers, and flower boxes and pots. Their array of food is so tempting.. They do Medieval “Dress Ups”, and I have a great picture…! The trees are huge and beautiful ,one we saw was 350 or more years old ,and has a special person buried beneath ,in trouble, but is coming away again. Some are Linden trees. We had coffee and chocolate to warm, as it was a very cold wind. I bought a hat, knitted ,lined with a light polar fleece, and a fur pom pom, and never took it off…I have plenty of warm clothes, but it looked sunny and nice…but, the wind was not…I shall be aware next time, but the hat I like anyway..!
    We walked up to the Old Town, and then for several hours ,reluctant to leave in case something more was missed… A very special day.
    A busy cruise port , new and modern , with huge ferries from Scandinavia ,of many kinds ,Viking Sun, which we hope to sail on in the future ,tied beside us, new and very lovely ,Seabourne Breeze ,here as well. A good breeze as we sail towards St Petersburg for 2 days ,from tomorrow. Only to be 14o,so will be prepared with warmer clothes.!
    Tonight our singers and dancers had Music from Stage and Screen ,it was simply great ,very professionally done.
    I have so many photos, choosing for you will be a challenge, as I can only see the small displays, and it has to be a quick process. Didn’t feel so bad when we talked to Renee ,the Hotel Manager, tonight ,and he said ,been here many times , [worked for HAL for 25 years ] ..said to his wife , no pictures today, then…It’s so stunning you cannot help take them…!. Enjoy..
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  • Dia 153

    St Petersburg,Russia

    9 de junho de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    St Petersburg ,Russia.

    Where to begin ,Russia is a whole different world ,so I was up at 4.15 am just to make sure it was the same way in, through the Old Russian Navy base ,which we pass very close to ,between two small Islands, and then through a very shallow channel ,bracken coloured water ,very shallow ,to the very modern Terminal..I didn’t stay up, I may add… The Terminal is even bigger now, several Berths for the many ships that come, some HUGE ones ,Regal and Sapphire Princess, and today Navigator of The Seas ,today, make us look tiny and that is fine…
    Our mission this time was to see The Hermitage ,so many wonders here. For Holland America guests, we were able to make an evening visit , in the day time it is very congested ,with ques for miles ,and you have to keep moving there are so many groups…but for us in the evening, when it is closed to most, we saw it all… The journey in a great treat in its self, seeing the monuments, spires ,and domes glistening with gold ,along the way. Crossing the river Neva, a very large river ,that has its origins in the biggest Lake in Europe, huge bridges that all open during the night, so that shipping comes right to the heart of the city ,where there is still Ship Building going on, almost in the centre..
    Our guide Alexander ,was a character ,full of tales and gems to tell us ,slightly down at heel, but seemed to know the Hermitage well… First glance is just jaw dropping, the Gold and the mirrors on the stairs, the beautiful paintings on the ceiling, marble staircases..the rooms are huge, and there is so much to take in, a Palace ,and now an art gallery ,full of the treasures of the world.. Mosaics of the tiniest kind, a huge clock made entirely of tiny pieces, and the Paintings, of every well known person you can think of, the beautiful inlaid wooden floors gold on the walls, that is cleverly reflected by mirrors ,and the chandeliers ,which were once with candles, but now have electricity.. Huge paintings of their military people ,in great halls. Then the china/porcelain, and that is from all over the world…The Amber, their treasure, which is not available now easily anyway ,but more on that later.The views from the windows on the upper floors out to the Neva, are stunning as well, but it is old glass, and double glazed with space between so distorts the picture somewhat.. We had a leisurely wander ,able to see everything in detail with just our ships groups and a privileged few alongside.. Goya and Rembrandt with their own huge displays. I cannot pretend to love some art, and even our guide was able to say, they had good and bad times, and one The Prodigal Son, so renowned, I tried to see beauty but no…not in the eye of this beholder…I took pictures of that which I liked, and there were some, Michael Angelo ,had some treasures, but all food for the soul ,and a great deal of it, we spent hours gazing at it all, and finding more along the way, certainly a most wonderful ,memorable ,experience, amazing to be able to photograph almost everything… It didn’t end there, we came out through the gardens, into a beautiful square, on dusk..saw the Artists display of cats for the Soccer World Cup ,one for each team, cute, then out into the huge square ,with the Obelisk ,gift from Egypt, it is massive reaching into the pale blue night sky with the clouds that look painted ,the scale of it all is so impressive..Looking back on the beautiful Hermitage in the evening light. Quite breath taking…
    Waiting for the bus there was a Souvenir shop ,of course, we preferred to be outside with many, by the canals, watching the world go by, and so interesting ,our Alexander had a small contingent join him for a bit of Vodka tasting, and he was last on the bus.!!! Smelling strongly of the that made for some amusing stories along the way…!
    Parts of the city have older apartments, crumbling and very shoddy, all lived in and apparently by several generations of one Family, Fuel is cheap, aprox 70 cents US a litre. The streets are clean, many green spaces in some parts, and flowers in elevated containers, throughout the city, petunias ,flourishing. Huge dogs, you would not believe how huge…unseen ever before, and do they live in an apartment well yes they do…as that is all there are..! Many new cars of the BMW, Mercedes kind, some of these are raced at speed ,amongst the traffic ,there must be some tragic accidents, possibly been sampling as well.!!! I mean high speed… Many observations in St Petersburg, where over 5 million people reside .Sun shining at 10 pm and light much later of course in this part of the world, very cold during the day, bitter wind ,but calm for us later on. You are not free to roam here ,unless on organised tours, or with a private tour group ,so restricted to a degree. I was unable to get the tour to the Subway and Markets only offered on the 2nd day ,but ,a wonderful first day in Russia..
    I need to make two Posts especially for the photos ,so another one later. Scarce internet, and our phones only text from here… Enjoy, Love from us, Faye and Sam
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  • Dia 154

    St Petersburg,Day 2

    10 de junho de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    St Petersburg ,Day 2.

    An early start at 7am today for the journey to the South ,to Pushkin, to see Catherine Palace. Our journey was through the city ,and all its sights ,the southern reaches seem more prosperous ,and spacious ,many Parks and flowers, spotless ,being hosed in the early morning with water trucks. Our guide, a tiny girl, called Anastasia, spoke of times past ,a tragic time in the history of mankind really, the Siege of Leningrad was one of history’s most dreadful things, where millions starved, died of the intense cold, in the coldest winter ever recorded, or of illness from all of the above ,they ate grass, leaves from the trees and burnt anything to be warm, we know of this, from the books of Paulina Simmonds ,The Bonze Horseman, and the others which many have been gripped to over time ,and it is good to have some understanding of that that history.
    The Palace, residence of the Russian Tsars ,at Pushkin. Catherine and Peter [The Great] had 11 children, she was a Polish servant and they were humble people especially Catherine, who didn’t like grandeur ,and he loved porridge.. however.. the children were different, and the eldest Elizabeth, who had a roundabout way to being in charge, had this palace rebuilt several times. Pushkin is named for Alexander Pushkin a famous poet. It’s a pretty town, leafy and we were one of the first groups to arrive, to a rousing Russian brass band. The day was sparkling ,clear blue, and not so cold, this part of the world has a very poor climate, so we felt fortunate to see it at its best..
    Entered this huge place, from one of many of the front entrances, Blue and White ,originally much gold ,on the outside ,but changed to be sensible, it is of course, simply beautiful, its light, streaming in, and much gold, and all the glitters here is gold.! The huge meeting rooms had very large “Stoves”, because you wonder how could they heat a huge place in times past, well these are made of the blue Dutch style tiles, 2 to each room, in some places, and they were the fashion of the times, this was more a home, so the furniture of the Family, their clothes in some cases, Elizabeth is supposed to have had 15,000 dresses… Their writings , beautiful handwriting, Family photos, and the paintings of these fine looking people, no fat emperors here ,the men were very trim…Elizabeth was not .The floors, the original inlaid wood and beautiful designs, it had precious stones , inlaid into furniture, in sapphire blues. The dining room set with their china, in delicate pinks and greens in a room decorated in cameo design in similar pale pinks and greens. The wooden furniture intricate and so beautiful ,in light wood. The frescos or gold parts of cherubs and the like, are of wood from the linden trees, shaped and crafted and covered with the gold leaf.. The Amber room, said to be the 8th Wonder of the World, was stolen by the Germans ,who occupied this palace during the war, but has been painstakingly restored, only completed in 2007, now said to be the 9th Wonder of the World. .No pictures allowed here, in this one room only, everywhere else ibeing so generous ,in pictures. Its huge extravagance but is wonderful to see, it’s been mostly restored ,and the Germans burnt a lot on retreat, and stole the rest. War is so stupid ,then and now…but on it goes…! We thought it more beautiful than the Hermitage ,because much was real, and the Hermitage is of course a Museum, so different. On to the rounds, just more wonder, huge and lots of symmetrical things, in perfect rows, the trees and the little reflection ponds, the Bath houses and the Pavilions, Buxus hedges ,rose beds, not in flower..Then the Lakes with views that were utterly gorgeous ,in a small pavilion with amazing acoustics, a Quintet of young men ,sang a folk song ,that gave you goose bumps, I have never heard such harmony, pitch perfect, I recorded and hopefully have I forever… Time then to walk in the grounds to further corners, of the lakes and wild flower parts, and at the last part before we left the gates, was a man in a long black coat, playing the Flute , Lara’s Theme from Dr Zhivago…What a day…walked past the sculpture of Alexander Pushkin ,who died young, in a dual, and was the naming of the small town this all began in.
    On our journey back through an ordinary Motor way, we saw not such a pretty part of the city ,BUT, when we were almost here, we detoured and were suddenly right beside “The Bronze Horseman,” my favourite thing in St Petersburg, we went around him completely , he is huge, and I could not believe I had been able to see him once more ,he is unforgettable, and from the Book. he means so much…remembering it all… Someone smiled upon me today, so very special.!
    I cannot remember it all of course, but when I read the book, which this becomes, it will remind of all and more ,that we have learnt along the way.
    Tonight an Abba Tribute ,we all enjoyed, such full and great days ,sailing away in a calm evening ,into the Bay of Finland.
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  • Dia 154

    More Pictures

    10 de junho de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Just letting you see a little more from previous days. I am only allowed 6 at a time

  • Dia 155

    Helsinki Finland

    11 de junho de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Helsinki, Finland and Beyond..

    From early morning ,still and so perfect, in the brilliant sunshine, we silently sailed in,a stone’s throw from the tiny Islands of the archipelago around Helsinki ,swans along the shore,[their national bird] through a tiny opening, that was a fort in times past, into the inner harbour.
    A hazard here, are the sea gulls, and having my breakfast banana, a fluttering of wings ,almost in my face, in he came looking for a bite.. !!!Last time here ,a cunning one swept in while we were having gourmet sandwiches in the beautiful park ,and whipped it from Sam’s hand a flew off…we were quite indignant.! So reminded hastily, these are the clever ones, of the Baltic.!
    Some places stretch your mind and some your hearts, and that has been Finland today ,a trip to a Country Home ,our choice with Porvoo , the 2nd oldest village in Finland .What helped to make our day was our guide Corra ,who was an older person, who was SO informative and delightful. She looked like some of the Wast Family as well…
    The Finnish language is unique, comes from Hungarian origins, nomadic tribes came North, and settled long, long ago, understanding them somewhat, are the Estonians, across the water. They are not Germanic or Russian, at all. They have overcome enormous odds in war, to remain as they are ,and have had to be innovative and courageous to survive. Russia ruled for a time ,and did do some good things like the Rail links, but when they insisted the children learn to speak Russian they said NO, goodbye. Hard won battles by a small nation, who lost so many men to war, has made them strong. They have so many sensible laws, Education is vital , and many things in place to teach young ones to strive, and really that has to be the most important part of a country. Medical care is almost free, Drs visits are, and Hospital care a flat rate of about $40. Waiting lists for only non essentials ,like cataracts or veins, and then its not more than 3 months.. Pensions are 60% of your earnings ,and Taxes 29%,considered high, but pays for such a lot. 9 months maternity leave ,and that can be shared by both parents, almost all Mothers have a good job, and child ,care is free in the main .There is a Baby Box for every baby born in the country, with everything a baby needs and the box can be used as a bed, but not often now, but from the war days it is on going.
    Drink driving is 0.5 % tolerance, and today, Sunday, way out in the country ,there was a checkpoint, and they get the night beforer’s.. Our bus fitted with a device, strictly enforced, a breathalyser, that it wont allow it to start, if there is any alcohol recorded at all, the driver told me that this is not a nation wide requirement ,but many towns and villages ,where children are transported ,require this to be so.. 6mths Military training for all males of 19 years.
    This is a land of sensibility, it seems, and no nonsense at all…!
    All this and I may have lost you already ,before we begin the actual outing…
    Off through a coastal part of the city, many boats along the smooth rocky shore ,of Helsinki ,out through Parklands with Lakes that are skated and skied upon in the long dark winter, this is also the home of Ice Breakers, built here ,because for a start they are the only Baltic country that all its harbours freeze ,so needed, and they supply other countries as well. Ship building is a main stay ,as is a paper industry, in the land of many trees. Clever technology in the propulsion systems of all ships originates here ,and other technology as well.
    Out into the real Finland ,where 68% is water, so its silver birch forests with ferns beneath, and blue lupines along the highway, the enemy of their DOC as well…and small Lakes and water everywhere. All flat land is utilised for crops, of barley ,rye ,rice and legumes ,subsidised by the government. Animals do not feature ,they have wild Elk, Brown Bears and wolves in the north and Lynx as well .

    The home we visited was of many generations ,managed by a far seeing wife and grown to be a conference centre and retreat ,originated in the 1600’s and added to in the 1800’s and 1900’s, so bigger than most Finland homes, which are small ,to enable them to be heated for 9mths of the year . They say they see other countries with large homes and think, are you mad..!
    Welcomed into their living rooms, amongst the Family treasures, and the Art of Finland ,some quite precious ,along with the Families baby shoes ,bronzed and kept. Mangus the son ,was the host, Mum in the kitchen ,quite a glamorous Mum, an up market lady very friendly,.Mangus telling us of the history and traditions of times past and heating stoves etc. Mum saying get on to the coffee and cake ,which we did, very tasty, and enjoyed in the sunroom over looking the lake below. They now make jams ,and fruit cocktails of interesting mixes of natural fruits, and berries, to sell. The Lake is for fishing.[ Almost every Family has a Summer house near or on the water.]
    Such a beautiful setting and such a treasure to see ,on a warm and lovely day. Small garden of Peony’s, Alchemilla Mollis ,and Sedums, exactly what we grow..
    I cannot remember it all , so much today .I now believe some things are in the genes.., Family traits.! Sam’s Grt Grandfather ,Abraham Wast, came to the other end of the earth ,from Bergo in Finland ,in the 1800’s,he educated his children well, in a time that was not considered necessary, especially for girls, who went on to be Dux at their College in the North Island.. A clever Family resulted.. I felt sad he never saw his home and Family again ,when Fins are so very Family orientated, and fiercely patriotic .
    Visiting Porvoo, a beautiful, ancient village ,so precious with its cobbled streets ,original houses, now selling gorgeous things as small shops ,much left from times of long ,long ago, they kept their cemeteries beautifully ,amongst glades of birches , and I understood the remaining relations wanting Abraham to have a memorial ,and that he now has, at the other end of the world.
    We had time to enjoy Porvoo, wander along the tidal river that was a busy Port in times past ,to see the little things, that matter, learning what Finland is about ,we understand so much more, and our group all enjoyed the day greatly. It seems this is a well run Country, with innovative systems in place.
    On return to Helsinki we had time to walk , it is an up-market city, with quality everything…Large harbour front market, seeing all the fruits and tasty things on offer, we had some, and once again robbery attempted by gulls…!!! Drinks and coffee on the harbour edge, and back for the sun, as we sailed..
    You will have tired of this ,but felt it important to recall, and there was so much to learn.. Wish you could all come ,it is so beautiful, and different from anywhere else. The sail away was equally as beautiful as the arrival, many people lining the harbour walls, of the outer Islands. We are sailing to Turku ,in Finland, the former capitol and oldest city.

    A little joke from today..A couple from Finland ,celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary, wife cooking dinner in the kitchen…crying, the husband hearing this, goes and says why on earth are you crying.? Well we have been married 30 years, and you have not said you loved me , once ,all day. I told you I loved you 30 years ago, he said, and if I changed my mind ,I would let you know.!!!
    This was in the explanation of how the minds of people from Finland work… We all laughed a lot.! They do NOT do small talk…!
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  • Dia 155

    Turku, Finland

    11 de junho de 2018, Finlândia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Turku ,Finland

    A 5 hour journey from the open sea to reach Turku, amongst many tiny Islands that is a huge archipelago. The Port is large, but the part we came to not so much and just nearby is the countryside, so pretty. Ships are built here and some very large ones ,of recent times ,like Oasis Of the Seas..
    Only a short time here , so we were off early, on the shuttle, to this the oldest city in Finland, a Castle from ancient times, and these buildings are so ,so sturdy ,climate wise this needs to be ,and I think such functional people, don’t do anything frivolous ,so strong and huge to last forever in times past..
    The older part of what is now an extended city ,was very pretty ,and along the river with its beautiful trees ,we were early ,so not at all busy, and we made our way to the very huge Cathedral on the hill, so strong and tall, with its wooden top and spire. Beautifully positioned, looking down on the city, inside it is massive, almost unadorned though, as are these Lutheran ,and it is not their way ,the structure was hard to believe, some small stained glass windows ,where a special Catherine was in her crypt, and the biggest organ ever, which in such a space would be amazing, a nice part for the children to play. Hard to imagine how such a structure could be built long ago.
    Cobbled streets, around the other parts of the older buildings ,little courtyards with wrought iron porches over the doors, some crafts, they make the rag rugs, and lots of wool for knitting and looms around, the lengthy darkness of winter would have to be filled. It’s quite old fashioned, crafts, knitting patterns even lacy looking, pots for plants made from the Birch Bark. We investigated it all and in the Park a little red squirrel ,busy up a tree ,such a teat, so very cute..! Ancient buildings painted in interesting shades , some now are cafes and the like. Impressive statues, a lovely wander
    Later we went to find a supermarket for Laundry supplies, always an adventure in a foreign land , where you cannot read the labels, but stumbled across a pack of Sard looking soap, and took the advice of a young assistant, they speak English and yes had the right thing…hand washing, our laundry is included but…have to be selective…[later to discover it is the most huge cake of soap every made, [we thought 3 in a pack..but its super sudsy..!]
    On then coffee, very good here, and onward futher,for a Hat /cap for Sam, had to have one from Finland, and that was no mean feat. As in cold places [today was anything but, hot in fact] shops from the outside are not very recognisable, so through double doors you need to investigate ,that we did, and met lovely people and had perfect coffee. Onward through the flower market, they love the flowers ,in such a short summer, everyone has baskets ,and all kinds around, as many as possible, so its very bright and beautiful seeing them all together.. The fashions are not our kind of things ,but pretty scarves and accessories to be had.. Finally found the hat ,in a very hidden but wonderful food market ,and café building ,looking almost disused from the outside…!
    Time to return for our early departure ,you discover such a lot on foot, but unfortunately don’t know the details ,in a different language… we have nice thoughts of Turku, our sail away was through the Islands ,and many lovely homes along the way, to the outer Islands, where almost every one had a Summer house and little jetty ,further out were fish farms , just a few on our way, we saw the most gigantic fillets of salmon today, enormous, I suppose the cold waters help them to grow, but really would not be keen on such a size..
    Today is a special day for our ship , Prinsendam is 30 years old ,on this day 30 years ago, she sailed on her maiden voyage ,from this Port of Turku. At 5pm we came from our cabins, to the hallways to meet with our neighbours,[Our next door, did not attend] many others did…the Officers and Captain came through and we had champagne, a beautiful cake has been made . Nice to be part of history ,she is a specially lovely ship, taking us to amazing places ,and for that we are so thankful.
    Bye from us heading for Sweden.
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  • Dia 157


    13 de junho de 2018, Suécia ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Stockholm ,Sweden.
    Early rising as there is a tiny gap in this huge archipelago of over 25,000 Islands ,and I was just in time for the Fort, and the way through. So many homes on these Islands ,they are the suburbs of the city really, further in, but the outer ones are the very pretty summer houses, in the dark red with white trim ,that is the tradition. Cooler day though to be 21o ,on arrival our Captain, like our Father, came on and said it is very cold ,just 14o,there is a cold wind ,and you need your jumpers and your jackets today…! How kind…
    A blue line to follow from the berth all the way into the city today, didn’t seem that far, but it was, and there were major works happening, harbour side and simply everywhere in Stockholm ,a huge motorway bridge being torn to pieces we had to walk under…and then all along the harbour as well, cannot imagine what they are doing, but it’s a noisy summer here ,with so many buildings also under repair ,even the huge Palace is partly covered ,and undergoing something. The Royal Family are right in the city, on the Harbour ,The Changing of the Guard happening ,so we saw that, and the Old city we detoured through ,seemed intact.! Felt sorry for those who had not seen it before ,as it’s a beautiful Harbourside city, with lovely mellow coloured buildings, and grand things on a great scale. Further on, I recalled a lovely pedestrian area ,with seating and interesting things to see ,so we found that, but it all seemed bigger today, I guess that’s sign of age, the distances seemed further..!
    Had delicious very large coffee, and a Wheat ,Hickory Bagel with Balsamic onions, chicken ,ham and rocket, light and lovely. Their food is so well presented and such an array. Friendly folk ,young people strong , tall and good looking..are we shrinking as a race…hummm I wonder…?? Hopefully not..! The only awful thing are the tattoos that mar their lovely, perfect bodies….! Many of them..
    More workings and buildings happening in the inner city ,but we moved on to see so much that was classy ,in their little galleries. I liked the bright designs on the trays. We walked back across the river ,through the Houses of Parliament ,huge arches ,and decorations of all kinds ,from long ago.
    Their shop windows are a delight of little collections, back in the Old Town,we walked the cobbles, for a long way, to see the narrow, tiny alleys ,some you can touch the sides from one to the other, these run off the main street ,filled with pretty things and lots of Cafes..curving through to a pretty square where we could see our ship in the distance,…A sit for orange juice ,then the trek back ,through the construction site…and along the Harbour where the Viking Ferries are ready to roll on their traffic ,and sail away, very large ships.
    Later, as we are on the pretty Harbour side ,we had a procession of the Swedish Navy, at least 10 ships of varying size, 2 of a very new looking design, came into the Harbour and are now moored right in the city. We see a lot of Military Might in the Baltic, submarines ,and various others, in every Port and at sea, I tend to think that Navy’s may be redundant in wars of today, all over I no time with accurate air strikes, but ,perhaps not, they are certainly all ready anyway..!
    Walked for 4 hours today, and the hip will be either make or break, and so far its making it well, maybe I should not even say that.! Then walked up the 88 stairs we have from the gangway ,to our cabin..[Sam counted them early on]! Will be able to have desert tonight.! Our food is very good with so many choices. The sail away will be gorgeous in the evening light.. Two large vessels already passed ,there has to be a line up for the narrow parts, so its many in order…
    We had a great show last night the music of Billy Joel and Elton John ,almost better than the real thing, so talented..
    Our sail -away was spectacular, positioned in the Crows nest, it gave a great sense of perspective ,to how narrow the waterways actually are, so with nice “sipping’s”, we sat for sometime ,enjoying it all. Some of the Royal residences ,in pretty places along the way , and the most huge copper beaches ,in all their splendour. It is noticeably dry, as is all this part of Europe, with no rain ,of any consequence, for over a month. Right to the pilot station ,there are still little summer houses on tiny rocky Islets..
    Off to Gotland tomorrow Visby ,a small, pretty place in the Baltic.
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  • Dia 159

    Visby ,Sweden

    15 de junho de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Visby, Gotland.

    Our call today was at Visby, a pretty walled medieval town, on the Island of Gotland . Gotland belongs to Sweden, and over time has belonged to others Germany and Denmark. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site .It has a complete “Ring Wall” for defence in times of old ,and parts here relate to the Stone Age.
    Several ruins of churches from the 12th and 13th Century, one pertaining to King Olaf, is in their Botanical Gardens ,not much remaining, but ivy covered and still an alter intact. Attractive gardens, with many different Salvia ,and the roses that are part of Visby. Higher up, many steps, other more majestic ones with little gardens and statues ,and a huge cathedral that is more recent, they have the wooden spire top parts ,unique to this part of the world.
    We walked the outer walls along the sea front, calm ,cloudy ,few spots of rain ,but pleasant .Had a nice encounter with a friendly man and his huge St Bernard ,who was extra friendly, and when we patted him, he became all silly and excited ,and barked this enormous bark.! We do like the dogs , there are lots of the “Sausage Dogs”, around these parts…don’t seem so friendly, German like I think, with a gruff exterior, perhaps..
    Cobbled streets ,tiny cottages ,and so ancient and pretty, most just the two windows and the door, but everyone had Roses, of every kind, their perfume filled in the air . Many known to us, and some great specimens of the David Austin’s ,but mainly the older kinds, grown over a long time, valerian ,and other things we knew as well, saw a large and gorgeous Handkerchief Tree, had not seen one completely in bloom . A lovely place with many streets to explore ,and we had time to see ,we think, it all. Once again very dry, and unsure that water would be readily available to use for gardens. Islands often have limits. Coffee in a local Café, some interesting inhabitants live here…
    They have many wool crafts, because they have these special ,very woolly, grey sheep, large horned variety, and they have curly coats. So unusual. I need to research them, but it is what they are known for. It is summer holidays so it seemed to be very quiet ,but for us and the passengers from The Marco Polo, a British charter, cruise ship ,that was very old and had few of the nicety’s of cruising it seemed ,but a jolly band, enjoying themselves. Visited the museum and walked extensively ,from everywhere, great views to the sea ,over the rooftops. An easy day for us today…
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  • Dia 159

    Copenhagen, Denmark

    15 de junho de 2018, Dinamarca ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    A happy day today in Copenhagen, the best berth we could have ,as close to everything as we could be.
    Hop on Bus at the Quay ,charged to our ship, so a speedy process ,in efficient Danish style.
    We didn’t love Denmark in the past ,found it unfriendly, and things didn’t work so well..Today was great, we saw lovely places, and met nice people.
    Able to view all the main sites, and decide what we liked ,as you cannot see them all of course .We chose Nyhaven first, it is an area of brightly painted houses ,on canals with all the old boats ,traditional craft, some being restored ,but a lot used for charters. A nation of Islands, so the seas is a large part of life here. Canal side cafes ,all different and attractive. We explored it all ,of great interest to Sam ,and moved on for coffee, the Danes are good at coffee, average 4 cups a day…but no mocha, however they gave it a go, and very good it was..
    Bikes to the fore here, very much so, and such innovative add ons for them ,children transported in many ways .You do need to be very careful ,as bikes have their separate track, and then a footpath, they go at great speed..!
    Such a strong , attractively built city, is Copenhagen, the new matches the old ,a lot, then they have huge and outstanding new creations. In need of rain ,like everyone around of course. We did the whole circuit, and then I decided on the Palace I needed to see, and it was walkable, so we set off along the waterfront ,wide walkways, waterways and stunning statues ,the prettiest part. The little Mermaid was absent last time, being re bronzed, so today she was along the way ,she is small, but very lovely ,and really sort of is Copenhagen..
    The birds here are huge…[like the people, another tall strong race, ] but even the sea gulls, I said is that real, it was, but the biggest ever..Swans, so huge with many cygnets ,so gorgeous, hissing at Asian visitors who were far too close. They beat a hasty retreat!
    Onward to the Palace , Amalienborg. I am very interested in this Royal Family ,Margarethe ,the Queen, is a very clever woman, speaks many languages ,and is a talented artist as well, they are much loved by their nation ,supported by 85% of the people ,in a country that is very far thinking, it is apparently unusual .Then of course there are Mary and Fredrick and the children.[ Plus another brother and his Family] .The Palace is HUGE, it is a wide semicircle, immaculate , changing of the guard ,all very regal ,and seeing the Balcony we often see them on, the courtyard where Mary biked the children to school, in their little cart, like all the Parents in Denmark .I loved it all, and wondered what Mary thought when she came from Tasmania, must have been rather over whelmed.. it is the biggest Palace I have ever seen.! She is very much to the fore, speaks the language, and perfect for the part it seems.. It is near the water, with gardens across the road, on the waterfront.
    We had a traditional Danish Hot Dog, harbourside ,not as we know it, a great tradition here, not a frankfurter in a bun..All nicely cooked ,large sausage type, cut and browned, flat wider bun ,toasted, pesto, chilli, sausage ,onions ,pickles ,tomatoes, rocket, mayo, gherkins, ketchup and cheese…! Made by lovely young people, who enquired of our origins ,and had never met people from NZ. This all took sometime ,so we had nice chats ,after we ate, I went back and said how good it was, and how it is the little things you recall, that make a place special..We also met a young sailor ,from a beautiful Tall Ship, just nearby ,been in Spain and far places ,it was named simply, Danmark, he was interesting and friendly, and they sailed off again, majestically, before us, to more interesting places in the world. A training vessels for sailors.
    We had a line of pretty shops adjacent to our berth today so nice to wander and look at local things. We sailed at 4.30 with Hot dogs on deck and Danish beer ,a far cry from our lunch ,but many seemed to enjoy.. Good to meet fellow NZ’ ders ,they are getting off in a day though..
    Our show tonight was very professional and the talent of our singers as good as any ,singing the well loved classics.
    It is blowing tonight, we have been with a good view of the Coast of Sweden for a long time ,the most movement since we began.. Its fine, and need to rest after a very full and good day in Denmark.
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