Travels On Viking Sun

marzo - mayo 2019
We set sail from Sydney ,several Ports, from Tasmania,across the bottom of Australia to Perth,across to Mauritius , down the coast to South Africa,around the Cape, onward to,Namibia,Senegal, Spain and Greenwich UK. New, wonderful places to discover. Leer más
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  • Día 38

    Walvis Bay,Namibia

    22 de abril de 2019, Namibia ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Walvis Bay ,Namibia.

    After being unable to enter/tender, into our Port of Lüderitz ,we continued onwards ,in a good gale, towards Walvis Bay, a large following sea ,that made for steady sailing, in our lovely ship… and slowly died away as the day progressed.
    So many lovely things to do each day, the choices of food ,ever changing ,places to be, lectures, and entertainment, second to none, ever pleasing ,relaxing and restful ,and we never grow tired or take it for granted, our crew are a delight..
    This morning in Walvis Bay ,was actually cold, can you imagine Africa as cold, this is such a place, it is positioned on the edge of the huge Namib Desert ,and you wonder how and why would it exist. The Port is the mainstay ,being enlarged greatly, to be employing 700 ,of which 70% will be women ?. It provides a route through to South Africa, without ships going right around the continent. Fishing has always been part of this community ,and set to become much more so. Many trucks to take fish to the inner regions .Salt is harvested by the evaporation process, most for industrial use, though plans for table salt as well. Agriculture mentioned, so much I need to research. The country ,inland, will look vastly different to this unique part of it, quite fascinating to see this landscape., harsh to the extreme.
    Mines, for Uranium, most mothballed ,or bought by China, for their own needs , no flow on to the country really, also Uranium for nuclear purposes, dwindling at the present time. Mines for Granite and Marble , inland, but trucked here to be processed or polished and cut ,also a Chinese market.
    Tourism, well, only 5 ships a year ,so other avenues must exist. Our trip to see a huge Lagoon ,with many birds, mainly Flamingos , elegant ,and looking slightly unreal ,as they flock in the shallows ,also large White Pelicans ,faintly pink ,as well,[ what they eat ,is responsible ] special, also there are thousands of seals.
    Desert journey ,to huge Sand Dunes ,which people like to climb to the top of. Our crew was on hand , at Dune 7,with drinks, dressed in the national costume ,there is a hat that represents Cow Horns, worn all the time by married indigenous women, and others. Palms grow around the base , sparse vegetation, but sand as far as the eye can see, paler near the Ocean, but reddish further inland. Very cold indeed, a bitter wind in the desert. There is an amazing ancient plant that survives here to be thousands of years old. Welwitschia Mirabilis, intriguing .
    The town of 62,000,are in the dead flat, sand filled strip ,it blows a lot, as in really blows, so the sand is a huge issue, and everything has to be sand proof, temperatures ,are in the 20’s, at the highest, today to get to 17o, little rainfall,13mm,a year , that comes in as mainly damp fog, as it was this morning .Out of 365 days they said ,maybe 100, see the sun shine.. .The solid concrete homes are all walled, to keep out wind and sand, have chimneys ,we thought for heating, but no that is for Indoor BBQ’s, because of inclement weather. They are not security fenced or electrified ,here, but petty crime is an issue, well that’s everywhere, violent crime not so much .
    Road accidents are their main cause of death, huge straight stretches, we saw some of the maniacs at large, Mini Buses, travelling long distances to take workers home ,often kill many at once. Highest accident rate in the world, we were told…a sad statistic… Lagoon side, here were quite a few, very lovely homes ,with, lawns and gardens. Mainly anything else was well bunkered against the climate, not poorly kept ,most tidy homes.
    Water is a huge problem , dwindling rivers ,that top up a de salination plant. About to cost a lot more for water ,and really rain is their only hope.
    A lot of Power comes from South Africa, under a treaty, [it is sold to them of course] which expires in September, but because Sth Africa has not enough for their own needs ,it makes sense that they terminate this contract. Their lives still depend a lot on who rules after the Sth African election in May ,apparently.
    This country is in recession,36 % unemployment, and that will be way higher .Education is not a priority, for the masses, [sad mistake] and Health care ,unless you have insurance ,very poor..not a lot that was positive really, another country in tatters for most of its population, still connected to Sth Africa in a lot of ways. There are cities ,of course, where there will be an affluent minority ,or maybe even more than a minority ,but at the grass roots level, its tough .Nomadic tribes, several still exist, very different looking people, tall and stately.
    Unfortunately there was coal or manganese dust on the wharf, an attempt made to hose it off, which resulted in a black soup ,that was tracked everywhere, on to our beautiful ship, they made a path of old towels, and cardboard, and troughs of carpet in water, to dip the shoes, but still it came on board, blackened the carpet at the entrance, and we wonder if it can ever come off, then tracked down all the tiles ,disaster .! Sand from the dune climbers will combine… Tonight the cleaners, who work a night shift, to clean from top to bottom, will be very busy…!
    Its so strange to look out over the strip of the city, to see the Desert so close.! Quite a fascinating place to see ,in spite of lots of non positive information ,in this very different part of the world .To experience it a privilege .We can all be extremely grateful for our land of birth…!
    We sailed still in daylight ,to see more of the lengthy fishing Port, also many research ships of amazing scale, which I need to research.6 days at sea now until we reach Dakar in Senegal .Our special journey moving at a rapid rate, we so enjoy every day.
    Hope Mum has enjoyed Easter ,and some special visitors, Jacinda sent a little video of Ayla dancing for her, so lovely to see.
    Bye from us in the Gulf of Guinea.
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  • Día 39

    Namib and Kalahari Deserts

    23 de abril de 2019, Namibia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    More to know on these quite amazing regions. The adaptations of the people and animals ,that inhabit them, have made, are quite incredible.
    The San people are hunter gatherers ,who have the longest recorded civilization in history. 100,000 years ,perhaps…During the Apartheid years ,they were removed from their homelands ,considered National Parks, and it was thought they had disappeared, but later they returned, over time, to continue to exist, as they always have, but being very clever in how they hunt ,find water and exist as a tribe, with quite amazing “rules”. No direct leaders, nobody is allowed to rise above anyone else, and if a younger man catches/kills a Kudu, the largest of the antelope Family ,complete with large horns,400 lbs and much more sometimes… with just his bow and arrow,[poison tipped]or spear, he is belittled ,to begin with, as nobody, should think themselves special…They have this whole, wise philosophy for life ,they do not work long hours ,just get what they need. There is a movie called The Gods Are Crazy ,that depicts their lives…
    The animals that inhabit these arid , inhospitable places ,have to be just as clever, and there are wonderful people, who have given many years of their lives ,to track, study and understand, these animals ,and continue to do so. Learning so much ,previously unknown, the Lion person ,has never ever let the Lions see him, only his vehicle, so he has become part of the landscape, to learn even more ,over a period of 40 years, incredible patience. Making the villagers understand the Lions need to survive, and the Elephants need water as well ,is a huge project and challenge .
    Herds of Elephants who know where to find water by actually digging for it, Matriarchs ,who lead them over many years ,to the food and water. Lions who have adapted to killing the marine animals, seals and birds ,to supplement their diet. There are thousands of such things ,as seen by many yesterday, who are also hunted by a Jackal ,who stalks the dunes. The Lions have a sequence of events, in a hunt, a strategy ,that requires placement ,of each one, in the pride, and thinking it through, to remind us that animals are thinkers ,beyond what some may feel .We knew that did we not.! Some of us especially…!
    The plants ,like the one I described in my last blog, the Welwitschia, which only ever has 2 leaves, but its ability to capture moisture from the droplets of fog ,is amazing ,and to live for up to 1500 years , even more so…
    There are a group of volunteer’s ,from world wide ,who come to help with water for the elephants ,building structures to contain it…Want to join.?
    We have come from an amazing lecture, by a very interesting man on board ,who has taught us so much, I was transfixed .Needed to write what I can remember ,right away, to share . He had beautiful pictures ,as well, of such a harsh environment, the driest place in the world ,feel even more pleased to have seen a tiny part.
    This is an add on ,You have 2 Blogs ,one below is on Walvis Bay .
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  • Día 43

    Ivory Coast,Africa

    27 de abril de 2019, Costa de Marfil ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Busy Sea Days…Ivory Coast,Africa.

    There is never a dull moment on our sea days..
    Yesterday was our Anzac Day service, in a phone box we felt, but no in the Theater, and so many attended, more sheets had to be printed. Huge graphics on full screen , beautiful scenes of the Poppies in Flanders Fields, the memorial at Gallipoli ,with the beautiful wording on the Monument ,to the Mothers ,and more ,very special and the service with Heather ,our Cruise Director, a Jack of all Trades, and so very good ,was very moving. Many USA people attended ,as the Military is so very important to them ,and they love a Parade…
    Afterwards all meeting in the Atrium, and finally we found the other New Zealanders on board, all 5 of us, Shelia and Dick from Mt Manganui ,and Don, who is 87,and originated in Napier ,as a baby he was damaged in the Earthquake of long ago, he is 87, so as a result he cannot hear, has difficulty walking as well, he is a poor soul, often with scrapes and bruises, but elated to know I was born in Gore ,where he went to High School, his Father was a Bank Manager ,so many different places. Sumner School for the deaf for a time .Very difficult to understand but ,we managed, on the World Cruise, and booked for next time as well ,plays Bridge every day, a very clever man, making the most of a limited life… Shelia and Dick also have a claim to fame, nice people, Dick is Dutch in origin, and their Grandson is Sam Cain ,the All Black, Sam was delighted…so a happy band we were ,and looking forward to seeing them again tonight.
    Today has been a bit of excitement, first we crossed the line of Null Island , fictional… where it is 0 latitude, North ,and 0 Latitude East, the Equator, then the buoy that marks the spot, bobbing in the ocean ,attached to 4000lbs of ballast and reports weather etc .A little detour, but our Captain enjoys such things.
    Followed by the Crossing of the Line [Equator],ceremony ,kiss the Fish and dunked in the Pool, presided over by King Neptune ,and his mermaids .Lots of crew and passengers ,and lastly Heather the Cruise Director, The Captain, and General Manager…so very hot at 33o,they would be glad to jump in !…Drinks and all good fun…To Watch…!..
    Knitting is in high gear, as we near the destination, and it seems 70 or more ,in these few days ,some interesting combos, as we reach the end of the wool supply…
    Asked what Sam does in that time, well he has a little , disciplined regime of exercise, many stairs included, a nice older Fisherman, from Australia, who lived a long time in Sth Africa ,Mike whose wife is a knitter as well… so they have good yarns..He reads and is very adaptable.. Lectures ,we have an Astronaut ,on board ,with tales to tell ,and other interesting people as well.
    Today, lunch by the Pool, looking out on a clam sea ,floor to ceiling windows, so peaceful… Our Captain stopped to chat ,to tell us of a New Zealander who had a 80 mtr luxury yacht ,built in Norway recently, so pleased he has ordered another one…![Fancy ,he remembers we are from NZ…!]
    We enjoy everyday, and will be rather sad when it all ends, its flying by ,and we have one day until Dakar, Senegal ,which will be a culture shock for sure…! Keep warm and well..
    Love every tiny snippet you send…!
    Bye from us far away in the Atlantic..
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  • Día 46

    At Sea, Atlantic Ocean

    30 de abril de 2019, South Atlantic Ocean ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Sea days and More…

    It has taken 6 days at sea to reach Senegal ,so much to do and enjoy along the way. Very hot , very calm .
    Knitting has been very busy, to get the baby hats for Dakar . We managed 112 ,a fine effort ,as our numbers are diminished since Durban. One lady, today, completed a first hat, first time knitting anything, and she cried…she was so proud…! Great gathering of the Officers, to take pictures and say lovely things to us all. It’s been a humbling experience .We had an Anaesthesiologist ,Paediatrician, on board ,speak to us and tell us the reason the little hats are so important to the Prem babies ,as they cannot regulate their body temperature etc ,so they are not just for looks…!
    I do recall Raewyn, your patience ,teaching me to knit, pre marriage, the yellow jersey, WITH collar, and many mistakes…! We have been on the news in Australia now, and in the travel section of a newspaper there, this past week, maybe on Facebook as well in Viking Sun World Cruise..
    An Atrium concert from our Cruise Director Heather Clancy, a Mezzo Soprano ,toured the world apparently…very good , a huge crowd, but slightly over our heads really, not pretending to love an Aria that went for 10 minutes, but recognising huge talent.
    Enjoying friends along the way, Alwyne and Steven Reding from Melbourne, their son is Adam, Cetrece, [ at the Austin..] Kidney Specialist. The Sam Cain Grandparents, report he is back in action, maybe just in training… Our nice Canadians ,Beth and Dave ,from Vancouver Is, sharing books with Sam . Last night we spent time with Don, from Auckland ,who is profoundly deaf, and cannot speak much, so in a quiet spot, we wrote much, he was so excited to communicate, told us, as you thought Thelma, as a little boy of 5 at Sumner School for the Deaf, he cried every night, to go home. He is fragile at 87, so needs a walking stick, and showing us his wounds, I said a walking stick Don, would be so helpful,[ he hangs on to the walls and things,] Yes he said ,it might be good, I will get my Father’s when I get back home…! Months away, he is going on to a Princess Cruise, in London.!!! Many nice acquaintances , along the way.. Our crew ,who are so our good friends, too.
    In Dakar our Officers and some crew, took a huge collection of clothing and toiletries to an Orphanage ,this had been gathered by the Crew, also our Baby Hats, they have tiny babies, whose Mothers have died in Childbirth, many, so sad to see these tiny souls.! Many other children also, well cared for, and so excited to receive the chocolate from Easter ,and all the goodies ,and just to be picked up and hugged by some of our Officers, the pictures shown to us pre Show, in the evening, were pure joy…and Heather cried, telling us the days events…This Ship and Viking Ocean ,spreads its Hygge where ever we go. Very proud.
    Yesterday I went to Cooking School ,oh my goodness, what a delight ! So professionally done, great recipes, we made the food, 12 of us, in a beautiful kitchen, The Chefs Table… The Exec Chef, teaching, a dear man from Bali, who had a long way to get where he is, also helped his siblings ,who are all successful, his Mother his driving force.. Most participants had been to every class, some for months ,so last time he told his story…
    Some tricks were just so simple, cooking rice, Saffron ,but method, so easy, we chopped and sautéed ,cooked ,then had a delicious meal ,Cream of Parsnip Soup, divine, Coquinas, a paella like mix, with lobster and prawns ,cockles ,so very good, and Bolas De Anis, like little doughnut buns, with a crème filling ,flavoured with aniseed ,sat upon Caramel, home made, Chocolate drizzled ,sprinkled with Pasticcio’s. Chef plated it all ,then we ate, had wine and cocktails, a special one with passionfruit…AND we got to keep the apron. ! It was 3 hours, not expensive ,and I loved it.!!!
    Yesterday at lunch we had hundreds of little dolphins beside us ,jumping and playing ,also 2 whales spouting near us…
    There is lots of illness aboard, warning about hand-washing etc, coughing is very evident… We are on red alert for those , cannot afford to be ill for the UK…! Not many days away , but still 3 lovely places to visit.
    Had my hair done today ,Ivana ,who cut my hair earlier, I would love to see again, she is great…!
    Hope all is well, love from us, nearing Tenerife ,The Canary Islands.
    Have sent more cards Mum, not easy to find in Africa..!
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  • Día 48


    2 de mayo de 2019, Senegal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Dakar, Senegal.

    There is an African proverb that says ,”The Eye Never Forgets What The Heart Has Seen”, and that applied to today.
    Unforgettable in many ways ,we wait listed a trip to a Game Reserve ,with many others, and got it, so pleased.!
    As soon as we boarded our slightly dowdy bus ,a smaller model ,realised everything here is covered in red dust ,the bus and window’s no exception..sadly, but we will remember it all.!
    Very basic Pier with many trucks adjacent, unloading in primitive ways , with lots of man power, various cargos. Then an oil spill, trying to be contained , but not really. Many haphazard vehicles covered ,in the red dust ,flat tyres… Around the Port Gates ,very dishevelled people in tiny, broken ,small shacks, that were shops. Out on to the streets, hilarious melee of traffic, warned there are no rules ,and even if there were, not followed .Roundabouts of chaos, with everyone jockeying for position…the ambulance ,siren going, getting simply nowhere ,you would be gone in the time that took to reach anything resembling a Hospital.. Sheep, the Arabian kind, long tails and tall, a small flock upon a pavement side, been wet in some way,. Thousands of Taxis ,in various states of repair ,like nothing seen before… A large new Railway Station, looking like a building in Shanghai , and of course it is Chinese…
    A brief summary of Senegal, French for a very long time, French is still widely spoken, Slave Trade in earlier times ,terrible ,through France and Britain, the Island of Goree ,was a tour for passengers ,visible as a pretty place ,from the ship…French buildings etc. Independence in the 80’s as they wanted, but no ,like all of Africa, it is mismanaged and a disaster, for many, getting bigger by the day.
    There apparently is some progress, but lapses like a HUGE bronze statue made by Nth Korea, costing $27 million ,sort of cartoon like, towers over the city ,while some people starve… the whim ,amongst huge protest, of a Prime Minister… However apparently 66% have electricity ,in the city ,sanitation , water as well, so all is not lost. Education is free, and a student allowance for University, so seems very good.. Further out ,and not much further, it is to be honest, squalor , no other way of saying…everything seems to be, being built, but is lived in, on the way, concrete blocks ,little reinforcing,2 rooms and a toilet,perhaps, the Banks lend on these at $30,000,they earn $3600 a year…so a difficult path .
    Rubbish piled everywhere, and just dust , that is more so, because it has not rained since August last year… This is horse and cart country, a little related to Egypt, donkeys as well, who tow large loads and a lump of a person, often.! These people are tall , handsome , some have colourful robes, and the women ,in an almost completely Muslim country, wore very colourful ,long dresses ,some of beautiful fabrics. Water is sold from tanks, on carts ,to suburbs. More tiny stalls selling fruit, mainly ,along the dusty roadside…Herds of cows wandering ,also goats, they didn’t look starved…
    Large orchards of Mango trees, seem to be quite well tended.
    BUT, there are highways beyond belief, beautifully made, over passes ,channeled for water…even some landscaping ,being watered by hand. The lighting is all solar, such a good idea, they seem like the roads to nowhere, but they wont be, a new Airport is complete, so progress is obvious ,Chinese progress in the main…There are small parts of development ,inner the city ,apparently nice mansions, also, of those in power..
    Soon many Baobab trees, the real Africa, disappointed we didn’t see them in Madagascar , but here in abundance, their national symbol . Some just coming into leaf, but many still bare. They have fruit of a powdery nature that is high in Vit.C. Gorgeous ,stately and live for 2000 years ,although in the drought ,some very old ones succumbed.
    Soon to the Bandia Reserve ,all very professionally done. Waiting in the shade for our 9 seater , small trucks, many monkeys, so cute ,scampering about. Through majestic Baobab and acacia trees , making for the real look of Africa ,and dusty red earth.
    Animals, well birds first, Ostrich ,many ,one flopped on her nest in the heat, with a few huge eggs scattered out at the sides, apparently they rotate, the eggs,and the Male does night shift..He has very black ,shiny, plumage.
    Warthogs, cute Families , earnestly going about their day ,giving the Ostrich a wide berth ,they don’t eat her eggs…Giraffes ,many ,eating the hugely prickly Acacia, unaffected.. Various Antelope ,so clean and beautifully marked ,the Kudu ,the largest. Weigh 400lbs. Many kinds we had not seen. Water hole with dozens of monkey’s ,all sizes and shapes ,running hither and yon, tiny babies underneath…Expressions and actions I never tire of ,[ Sam can’t stand them..] Drinking and grooming the children..!
    Rhinos ,being fed, as they have had to feed the animals, there is simply nothing left to eat,. Huge ones males, but horns removed of course… Buffalo, the look of Africa ,mean looking male, and his harem,also little ones , almost all with the little birds, as passengers, on their backs. Then my favourite.. Zebra, amazing stripes, everyone unique and apparently the stripes are like a kind of louvers, in heat reduction, how clever is that.! I could look at them for hours, they are beautiful, and they to me ,are Africa…
    Hyenas …hideous , prowling, creatures, quite large and very strong looking, are contained just for viewing ,I asked what do you feed them ,he smiled and said they eat anything.! Crocodiles ,many, wild Guinea fowl, bigger than we know.
    What we enjoyed most ,was seeing all the animals we didn’t see at the first Game reserve, we visited from East London, in South Africa., different today ,very close viewing ,many pretty birds ,as well, on the ground ,mainly. It wasn’t the greatest of Parks, but it was so Africa, the trees ,just as you see in pictures .Apart from being among, not such a nice lot of people ,who would not let the guide sit beside them ,so he hung from the side ,perched, for the duration…!
    Later we gathered for a drink ,by the water, full of croc’s, only offering beer and cola,[ my bottle was from the 50’s]…so damaged I only had a little bit…!Goodness knows….So very hot and then rushed off to the bus, but noticed an urn type container ,made in Raffia woven with cloth, a very clever design ,quite lovely.
    Journey back, on the amazing roads through the chaos . Not pictures really ,of it all, because the windows…
    Gathering our passengers, who had been on a Safari of 6 days through many countries ,with many tales to tell, not all of them good…very happy to be back on board…
    Also those on local excursions said they were physically handled in markets and quite frightened ,seemingly aggressive people, in parts, so not the place for your next vacation. Ever interesting, and a huge learning curve, anyway. The docks are like from another era ,of long ago, a big fishing Port ,and some containers in one part…
    But we did enjoy our last day in Africa, much food for thought…as is all of Africa…
    I will do a sperate blog, because of the many things that have happened in our last 6 days at sea.. Sailing along in the calm waters as usual…Perfect.
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  • Día 49

    Tenerife ,Canary Islands

    3 de mayo de 2019, España ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Santa Cruz de, Tenerife, Canary Islands

    This lovely place was occupied by the Berbers ,of Arabian descent ,fought for ,for 100 years , by the Spanish . As was the case in other parts of Spain , if they embraced Catholicism ,they could remain, if not.. gone.. Franco was exiled here, but played a part in organising various wars.
    The birds, it seems, are not named after the Islands ,the other way around .Tenerife is simply lovely, volcanic, but dramatic, has a different landscape, to the South.
    A clean, modern ,very pretty, place ,with amazing flora and fauna, still with the charm of old , many buildings of the older style remain, well kept. Very hilly ,in the North, more beaches and sun in the South. Very productive in what could be an arid landscape ,but “Gallerias”, as named, bring water from very deep underground ,within the volcanic hillsides, to water crops, in every available space. Vineyards that are very old, so low growing, as they are harvested by hand, on the slopes ,mainly. Banana plantations ,many. Potatoes, 3 crops a year, fruit so many kinds, green to the tops of the mountains.
    In other parts cactus covered, many Agave ,not the tequila kind ,ice plants of all kinds, and the Prickly Pear cactus ,reminded of Malta.
    Well cared for at every turn, so clean and tidy, huge contrast to Africa ,safe, warm and very interesting.
    Botanical Gardens established in the 1700’s by a great Botanist ,the best ever seen, with plants from around the world .A beautiful space of huge trees ,orchids, ferns and rare treasures, even fruit, of many kinds ,in a clam oasis. The huge Palms of the Canaries are fire resistant as are their Pines. Huge figs. Maidenhair ferns growing out of the attractive pumice walls ,they use pumice for all sorts of things.
    These gardens are in the Orotava Valley ,they have many valleys, separated by ravines.

    A stop with time for a quick refreshment ,we had coffee to amaze and Cake, Strawberry Layer, and Chocolate Mousse Gateaux. Delectable..! Time to walk and see the coastline , very rugged ,but swimming, salt water pools ,adjacent .Not one piece of rubbish to be seen, white washed and spotless, a busy tourist enclave, well used by British holiday makers. Germans own Winter Houses here. This was a public Holiday , A religious Fiesta occasion.. little open in the city, and that is how it goes on this journey…never mind..
    Jacaranda’s ,and other flowering trees ,grace the countryside.
    The rough volcanic landscape has caves along the coast ,a few black sand beaches ,dramatic and stunning ,as I would not have imagined.
    There is less tax than the mainland of Spain ,and is quite distant..Several Islands make up the chain, Las Palmas, and Grand Canaria ,all served with frequent, large ferries, from where we were .
    Small hamlets of the brightly coloured houses, high up ,reminiscent of the Berbers villages in Spain..this is somewhere to consider for your next vacation.! Temperatures of 22/24, year round with just 20 days average of rain a year.
    Some volcano's are dormant, but there are many and eruptions do happen ,but not considered dangerous.
    Our 4 ½ hour tour today was an included one [ one allowed in every Port] then others are offered extra ,this was excellent , as any we have taken, have been .So much to reflect on, that was lovely and interesting, we so enjoyed today..
    Big news this evening as our Captain announced a very large storm in the Bay of Biscay ,connected to our traverse of that part of the ocean, so Morocco has to be cancelled, as he heads for Vigo, in Spain to keep ahead of it all, we will have a day in Portsmouth instead ,which we so loved last year .To keep us on track for our entry to the Thames on time.
    Just one of those things, entirely in his hands to make the right decisions. We had big plans to see Rabat and Casablanca ,but will just have to come again…!
    Today ,Saturday we have has a Lobster lunch, to make everyone happy.!
    Bye from us heading for mainland Spain.
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  • Día 49

    Santa Cruz ,Tenerife, Canary Islands

    3 de mayo de 2019, España ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    More Pictures of Tenerife to share, blog below

  • Día 52

    Vigo ,Spain

    6 de mayo de 2019, España ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Vigo, Spain.

    After missing Casablanca ,as explained ,we arrived this morning, to this pretty ,interesting place ,in Northern Spain.
    Much cooler today ,only 12o to begin with ,rising to 15, I think it is higher, but a cool breeze, as the day passed. We were off early , looking forward to sightseeing on our own. Only us and the dog walkers out to begin with , always nice to see the busy puppies, on their morning journeys…many kinds, a Toby in there ,full of business, all shapes and sizes…they of course understand Spanish…so not responsive…!
    A palm lined , sea front ,walk way, with many statues, always interesting ,a few ultra weird thrown in ,like The Mermaid Man ,situated in the heart of the city at Porta Do So l ,upon 2, 15 mtr granite columns, by a considered exceptional sculptor, Francisco Leiro…hummm… the old ones are very special. Jules Verne features ,in a nice way, his books related to these regions ,and he came back for treasure ,that may be here, due to much pillaging and looting by various thugs like Francis Drake ,Napoleon ,and a few Vikings thrown in, so treasure in the Bay it seems ,gold doubloon’s and pieces of eight.!? A place of many battles and sinking’s…!
    Today beautiful Parks to walk in ,trees in spring glory, chestnuts in flower, roses coming out, with the wisteria ,fountains, that are very old, so pretty ,and some really quaint children’s statues. Impatients surrounding. Many steps , streets going up in stages, like an ancient San Francisco.
    The buildings ,are of lovely granite ,some are related, a little ,to those of La Courna , further North , that we visited and so enjoyed, some time ago, as it rains, they have closed in Balconies ,wrought iron, so old and pretty.
    We covered a lot of ground, finding many delights along the way, ancient olives, mixed with the new and huge, slightly weird statues…beautiful Church ,tiny streets, lined with Basket sellers. This is a special place of basket weavers ,so many different examples, in the narrow old streets. Orange trees growing on the streets ,so nice… Climbed right to the top, then panoramic views. Vigo dates from the 1600’s.
    As we worked down from the top ,we came to many little Plazas,[Squares around the old buildings] All with pretty names and plaques.. A huge and stunning Cathedral ,I quietly popped in for discreet pictures ,many were kneeling ,and had to exit, as the Priest came ,swinging incense ,and there was ringing of bells… It was very special, inside, outside very solid…
    This is a large Fishing Port , so the sardines ,in small cartons ,or like, for sale ,amongst the fruit ,it was actually nice to see, the plentiful fruit shops ,we bought oranges ,the only slight thing to say that is not so plentiful , that is fresh ,large fruit…it is that we are used to having such a lot, instead of our 5 a day, we probably have nearer to 10 ,fruit and veg…! Miles of mussel farms , everywhere in the Bay. Also a Farming area, and Spain’s Gateway to the Atlantic.
    This is not far from the great walk of the Pilgrims, to Santiago De Compostela ,on the Camino De Santiago.
    Spanish people are small, I think we must get Mum’s DNA, as I feel they came to Mull, and the Family were quite dark and small, that there will be some Spanish, in there somewhere…There would have been clothing to fit Mum here, just had a bit much glitz…!
    Long, gently sloping, hillside of a shopping ,a pedestrian Plaza, so like Porto, nearby ,but more spacious ,beautiful things ,many bathing suits of interesting design ,the fashions are a step back to yesteryear, double breasted coats are here, with the pleated skirts we wore then as well…!! Classy fashions ,for men and women ,beautiful shoes ,and bags. There is never enough time , I think I would like to come back to Spain ,maybe a Villa, Thel.?? That can be the next dream…
    We walked a long way ,up and down many hills, before making our way back, we have a 4.30 deadline, as of course we are out -running the storm, that prevented us from stopping in Morocco.
    A lovely day, in a beautiful , charming place .,always with so much more to discover. Public access by ferry to beautiful beaches [The World’s Most Beautiful Beach ,apparently] in the Cies Islands ,fine white sand and turquoise water..we could see from our highest vantage point. Oyster Street ,with the famed oysters, everywhere.
    Bye from us, heading for the UK.
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  • Día 54

    Arundel Castle U.K.

    8 de mayo de 2019, Inglaterra ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    More of the Castle Gardens