K and C Trip Around The World

October - November 2018
A 29-day adventure by Kelly Read more
  • 44footprints
  • 9countries
  • 29days
  • 176photos
  • 0videos
  • 55.6kkilometers
  • 51.2kkilometers
  • Day 23

    Remarkable Rocks

    November 2, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Today was so beautiful I had to do 2 posts.
    We went through Flindlers Chase National Park. It is huge - well over 300 sq km of rugged wilderness and landmarks.
    We went to a place called Remarkable Rocks. It is granite from the ice age on the ocean that has been weathered over the thousands of years. The wind was blowing over 50 km/hr. It was hard to stand and walk on the rocks.
    Our next area to explore was Cape du Couedic Lighthouse and Admirals Arch. If I thought it was windy at Remarkable Rocks, at this southern point of Kangaroo Island it was really blowing. Walking up and down the boardwalk and stairs was a good workout in the wind. This area is so remote that the lighthouse was only accessible by boat every 3 months. The Arch has been formed by the erosion of the pounding sea.
    A long but fantastic day.
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  • Day 24

    McLaren Vale Wine Trip

    November 3, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    When we checked into the hotel the concierge gave us a brochure of new cafes and restaurants recently opened in Adelaide. This morning we set off to find this brand new coffee shop that served breakfast. We found the place and it was quaint and excellent. Celeste was craving Avocado toast and they had it on the menu.
    At noon Jamie and Denine from William Buck took us out to the Mclaren Vale wine region. Adelaide has 2 wine regions - McLaren Vale and Barossa Valley. McLaren is less than an hours drive from the city.
    Australia has the largest area of vineyards in the world and it was easy to see why. As we drove to the winery we saw acres and acres of vineyards.
    We went to d’Arenberg winery and had a premier tasting in the Cube. The fourth generation winemaker and owner is quite eccentric and creative. The Cube is part tasting room, restaurant, art gallery, museum - just very funky. We tried many wines and in particular their premier Shiraz. The area is famous for its Shiraz wines.
    After the tasting we had a reservation for a late lunch at the vineyard. We had a great day with our Aussie friends and we hope someday they will come to Canada and we can host them.
    We returned late this afternoon and with no plans we walked a couple of blocks to a movie theatre and caught the Bohemian Rhapsody movie.
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  • Day 25

    Beach Day Port Douglas

    November 4, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    This morning we were up early and flew from Southern Australia to the north. We flew into Cairns ( pronounces “Cans”) rented a car and drove along the coast line and through the rain forest to Port Douglas. Driving is a challenge as they drive on the left side of the road. Everything in the car is opposite and each time I went to signal I turned the windshield wipers on.
    Our room wasn’t ready when we arrived so we changed, had lunch by the pool, and went for a long walk on the beach. The ocean is much more calm here than what we’ve experienced in the south. Afterwards I went for a swim in one of the many pools at the resort.
    Tonight we went to dinner at a restaurant called Nautilus. It is set in the rain forest and was so unique.
    We had the tasting menu with wine pairings which included the house specialty which is Coral Trout.
    It was delicious.
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  • Day 26

    Finding Nemo

    November 5, 2018 ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today I scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef. I actually did 3 dives on 3 different parts of the reef. The reef is about 90 minute boat ride from Port Douglas.
    The first stop was at a place called Chapel. The coral on the Great Barrier Reef was amazing, the best I have ever seen. The fish were abundant and hundreds of different kinds. It is neat to be down 35 feet and look up and see tons of fish swimming above your head.
    The second spot we dove was called Nursery. At one of the places there they have a mountain tower of coral. Our guides told us it is one of the best spots in the world to dive. As we were swimming around the mountain of coral we saw a lot of big fish including barracudas. I was pretty excited to see how many big barracudas there were. Also on our second dive I saw a Great Barrier Reef Giant Clam. As we swam closer to it , it slammed it sides together and caught its prey inside. Wow what a sight.
    Our third spot was at a place called Helms Deep. The little fish were so abundant including clown fish. ( Nemo). While were were making our way along the coral , our guide gave us the full stop signal. He pointed up and over and right above us was a Napoleon Fish. It was huge. We estimate it to be 150kg. Our guide told us afterward it is the King of the Reef in the Food Chain. It is very rare to see and he was quite excited to see it ( see picture). About 2 minutes later I gave the signal for potential trouble, as I had spotted a shark. I saw a White Tip Reef Shark about 10 feet in length. I was happy to get the all ok signal from the guide that we had nothing to worry about.
    The fish and coral are so colourful and you can see really well under water.
    In total I did 3-45 minute dives and I was exhausted for the 90 minute trip back to town.
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  • Day 27

    Australia stops for a race

    November 6, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    Today, in Australia, is the Melbourne Cup and the whole country stops for this horse race. It is a Holiday in Melbourne and there are Cup lunches everywhere in the country. Not sure which horse won.
    Originally we were going to go on a Rain Forest Tour but we decided we were toured out and were going to have lazy day enjoying the sun and the resort. So we cancelled it.
    Last night we met up with Ted and Kim Dickman from BKD and Matt and Patti Snow from DHG. Both are firms in the USA and part of our affiliation. We had found out this summer all 3 couples would be in Port Douglas this week and we agreed to meet for dinner to celebrate Kim’s birthday.
    During dinner they invited us on a private boat charter to go to the Low Isles of the Reef.
    This morning we slept in a bit and I went for a long swim. After my swim, Celeste and I went for a long walk on the beach. The humidity is very high here.
    We met our friends at the pier at 1:00 and went out for a 4 hour boat charter and snorkel trip.
    We had a great day. As part of the trip we went on a glass bottom boat and we got to see the coral and fish from the boat. We saw some green turtles.
    I went snorkeling for an hour and saw lots of fish and coral. We saw some juvenile black fin sharks. They are about 3 feet and came within 2 feet of us.
    I saw a big school of barracudas and some other big fish. The area of the reef had variety of small fish.
    We snorkelled right off of this small coral island. The island was made from coral deposits over thousands of years. When you snorkel or dive you must wear these Lycra suits as the jellyfish fish stingers are extremely dangerous and if you get stung you will probably die.
    Afterwards we had a lovely dinner before we said our goodbyes.
    It was a great day.
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  • Day 28

    Another dot on the Map

    November 7, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Up really early this morning as we had to check out and drive from Port Douglas to Cairns. It is probably one of the most curved highways I have ever driven. It is along the ocean and mountains. The humidity here is super high. I have been leaking big time.Read more

  • Day 28


    November 7, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    We arrived in Brisbane just before noon and our friends Andrew and Anne met us at the airport. We had met them over the last few years at the Praxity meetings and they are super nice.
    They drove us to our hotel. After we checked in we went out for lunch and did a long walk along the beautiful river they have in Brisbane.
    The river is a salt water river and it is quite wide. Both sides of the river banks are well developed with walking trails, parks, sidewalks restaurants, bars, cafes plus the central business district. This area is quite vibrant and a popular meeting place.
    We had a great seafood dinner with 3 couples from William Buck. They are wonderful hosts.
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  • Day 29

    Home Sweet Home

    November 8, 2018 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ -3 °C

    Well we did it. Our adventure included:
    12 flights ( with no lost luggage)
    10 taxi rides
    7 hotels
    7 coach rides/tours
    6 Ubers
    6 walking tours
    5 boat rides
    4 car pick ups by friends
    3 mini bus tours
    2 games of golf ( walking)
    1 Ferry
    1 - 4 day rental car

    Just under 50,000 km traveled
    About 311000 steps taken
    344 flights of stairs climbed
    And about 6-8 km of ocean swam

    We saw some amazing vistas, were moved by historical sights, took in intriguing architecture, saw all kinds of birds,animals, coral and fish, were entertained in unbelievable venues, tried all kinds of new food and wine and visited with wonderful friends.

    Thanks to Celeste, I would not want to have done this with anyone else.
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