USA & Canada

5月 2022
Chala's Journeysによる15日間のアドベンチャー もっと詳しく
  • 15足跡
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  • 15日間
  • 66写真
  • 0動画
  • 16.0千キロ
  • 14.6千キロ
  • 日1


    2022年5月2日, オーストリア ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Day 1 - Arrival

    This would be my first time ever crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Just thinking about it seemed incredible. I'd never travelled that far before, and it is unlikely I will again any time soon. I arrived at the airport around 1:30pm to catch my flight to New York City. After going through check-in and security, I killed some time with Dimitri and the peeps on Discord while having lunch. After finally boarding the plane, I soon started talking to the traveller in the seat behind me. His name was Peter, 42, a digital artist living in Brooklyn who's originally from Connecticut. We made conversation through the small gap between my seat and the wall of the plane until we decided that I should simply sneak back to the seat next to him. Thanks to Peter, free movies to watch, my audiobook and the fact that I was unbelievably tired and managed to sleep some, the time luckily passed rather quickly. After landing at JFK airport, Peter and I parted at Immigration. I was nervous as hell about that process, but Immigration-guy was very nice and the whole affair took about 5 minutes. I got my luggage immediately and didn't even get checked for customs. Matt was already waiting for me at the exit and after an awkward hug and some time of not really knowing how to deal with meeting the other person in real life, we quickly adjusted to actually being able to see and touch each other. The cab ride seemed to take ages and I was surprised by how similar random streets in Brooklyn looked to the outskirts of any other European city, at least from what I could make out in the dark. Once we arrived at his apartment, we ate some amazing Thai food, thereby starting my foodie-experience in NYC. Then we went through some of the candy I brought and spent the rest of the night watching a movie that ironically plays in Vienna - Before Sunrise. Since I was already halfway asleep by the time that movie ended, we called it quits for the first day.もっと詳しく

  • 日2


    2022年5月3日, アメリカ ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Day 2 - Realisation

    We started the day with some breakfast at a nearby place. My first impression of New York therefore was eating a bagel and sipping coffee while being able to watch a homeless man dancing in the middle of the street through the window. Matt informed me that I should get used to stuff like that since Brooklyn was kinda sketchy. The answer to my question whether there were any places in New York that he wouldn't consider to be shady was a simple 'nope.' So here I was, on another continent that I've never been to before, in a country that I've seen and heard so much about yet never experienced, in one of the most - if not THE most - famous cities in the world. With only a vague idea of the things I wanted to see and experience. I realised that I lacked cash, that I had no idea about the metro system, yet alone a map of either the metro or the city, that I needed a SIM card and had no idea where to get one and that I would have to navigate a place with as many inhabitants as my entire country has without a connection to the internet. It was a little scary, I'll admit, and Matt's constant warnings about me having to be careful here didn't exactly help with that, but mostly I was thrilled by all the new impressions rushing in on me. We took a walk through Prospect Park before heading back to his apartment so that I could download a map of the metro and get my Sightseeing Pass to save money on entry fees. I walked outside and all I knew was where the metro was and that I was supposed to get on one that would take me to Manhattan. I got off at a station called DeKalb Av and made my way to Brooklyn Bridge. There, I got my first view of Manhattan and damn, was it stunning. This was the moment I finally realised where I was and what I was doing, how crazy all of this actually was. Two weeks ago, I would have never seen myself going to the States any time soon. And I realised how I haven't been this excited and happy about doing anything as much as I was about this for a very long time. The land of the free. In my case, freedom from mundane everyday life and a break from my problems. A short escape. A bit of an adventure. And man, I was going to enjoy this and make the most out of it. After crossing into Manhattan, I was surrounded by skyscrapers. It caused a beautiful sensation of feeling awfully small and as just a tiny part of something way bigger. I headed to the One World Trade Center. After waiting in line for some time, I started talking to a guy at the security check. His name was Lukass, he's a 27 year old guy from Latvia who's staying with his boyfriend's brother in Jersey. We explored the observation tower together, with breathtaking views all around us, shared a beer, exchanged numbers and decided to spend the rest of the day together. After a short walk across Wall Street, we decided to go on a boat cruise together, however, fucking up the times the boats are leaving we found ourselves stranded on Times Square instead. From there, we explored the city to our foodie-heart's content, eating some hot dogs and burgers and ended up at an American bar that's almost so cliché you could film movie scenes there. We decided to go on a little bar hopping tour until Matt would be ready to walk the High Line Park with me, almost ended up buying weed because the entire city smells like it but decided against it. Lukass and I were getting along splendidly. We even share our birthday. Matt joined us eventually at a pub in Manhattan and we ended up playing Never Have I Ever. Since it was happy hour, we kinda stuck there though and never made it to High Line Park. We had typical drunk conversations about life that I won't go into detail here. Then we went to a beer store because Matt wanted to convince us two European people that Americans actually DO have good beer. It is yet to see whether they actually do. Short update: Yes, they actually do. As long as you know which ones to buy, at least. We ate some cheap but amazing Indian food in what looked like a small grocery store which Matt frequents relatively often. Next to it was a weed store and this time, we decided to go for it. We were there for like half an hour, discussing laws regarding drugs with the cashier of the store. I smoked some of my joint and to my surprise got high from just a few puffs, although very subtly so. Matt guided us to the metro where we had to say goodbye to Lukass and then made sure we'd make it home. We tried watching a movie again but this time both of us were too tired to even get it started.もっと詳しく

  • 日3

    Settling in

    2022年5月4日, アメリカ ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Day 3 - Settling in

    The day started with news that the water would not be working until midnight. Good fucking morning to that. We went to the same place as the day before to get breakfast. This time, I got a toasted blueberry muffin. I had no idea a thing like a toasted muffin even existed. America keeps on surprising me. Since it was raining, I decided to just spend a short amount of time walking around outside and focus on indoor activities this day. I went to the metro to head to the Broadway theatre. This was the first time that I felt confident on the metro. The day before, I managed to find my way, but it involved a lot of uncertainty and guesswork. By this time, I felt like I got the system figured out. After seeing Broadway, I wanted to head to the Grand Central Station with a quick stop at the - actually quite underwhelmingly boring - Rockefeller Center. I realised that Google Maps was pretty much unnecessary in Manhattan as long as you knew which corner you're supposed to end up at, so I made it a challenge for myself to keep the usage of my phone to a bare minimum. I managed to reach the station eventually. Right behind it I could see the Chrysler Building. Because of the rain and the clouds, you couldn't see the top of it - another reminder of how imposingly huge everything in this city and probably this entire country is. After a tour through the station, I visited the NYC Public Library which is just a block away and a huge maze on the inside. While I was there, Lukass sent me a message to inform me that he was on his way to the city as well now and we decided to meet back at the Central Terminal for some coffee and a metro that would take us to the Intrepid Museum. The Intrepid was one of the coolest experiences so far. I've never been on an actual war ship before. We even got a little private tour by a nice lady who works there that we asked for the way to the deck. They have a lot of military aeroplanes and even a space shuttle there. Also, it is located right at the harbour in Manhattan so you also get a stunning view. During our visit, the rain stopped, so we decided to take a walking tour around Manhattan. We didn't have much of a plan and decided that we'd simply figure it out as we went. Lukass and I had to make our way to the metro that would take us near China Town. The path led through a district called Hell's Kitchen (which I seriously hope is somehow related to Gordon Ramsay, but I doubt it) which I would consider to be one of the sketchier areas of Manhattan. We were asked for a dollar by a guy who wanted to buy drugs, stating "at least I ain't lying" and who ended up following us for a few minutes. This was the first time I was actually relieved I wasn't exploring NYC all on my own. It is a bit harsh to see in general, actually. The poverty, the homelessness, the trash on the streets. It is very different from Europe. I empathise with the people. Matt and Lukass told me I'm too naive, yet I also can't just turn it off. It gets to me a little. Anyway, we made it to the metro in one piece. At this point, my feet hurt a lot since I'm normally a lazy bastard who doesn't walk much. Lukass had the same problem but we decided to ignore the pain for exploration's sake. We also stumbled upon a tattoo shop which ignited the desire in me to get a tattoo here. Time will tell if I'll actually go through with it. We arrived at China Town where we had some amazing western Chinese food and walked through the neighbourhood before continuing to Little Italy. Both areas look and feel like their own little world, a city within a city. You wouldn't guess you were in New York if you didn't know, apart from maybe guessing it by the typical fire escapes on the buildings. We continued our walk through SoHo and Greenwich Village, which are by far my favourite parts of Manhattan. This is where people actually live their lives, it's not just office buildings and skyscrapers, it's the actual heart of Manhattan. It feels alive, almost like a normal town would. By the time we finished our walk, both of us were exhausted. However, the plan was to meet up with Matt and finally walk the High Line Park. We arrived there shortly before it closed and the walk was accompanied by the lovely golden glow of an almost setting sun. The High Line Park has to be one of the most beautiful walks that you can take in NYC. We then stumbled around the city desperately trying to find a place that sells coffee after two coffee shops were either closed or had a broken machine. In the end, we decided to say fuck it and simply went to Starbucks and ordered the most pretentious white people coffees we could find on the menu. Lukass left us after we finished our coffee to head home while Matt and I went to a nearby ramen bar. These must have been some of the best ramen I've ever had. By the end of it, we had to fight falling asleep on the metro on the way home. All we managed back at his apartment was to finally try the Belgian beers that I had gotten for us before heading to bed.もっと詳しく

  • 日4


    2022年5月5日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Day 4 - Bliss

    The day started slightly too late, but with 16° C (I will never get used to Fahrenheit), a clear blue sky and warming sunshine. We had planned an outdoor-day, so this was perfect. By now, I had completely settled in. Navigating the metro with my coffee to go felt like it could be my everyday morning routine. Crossing over Manhattan Bridge with its stunning views each morning seemed like the normal thing to do by now. It felt familiar. I almost started feeling at home. Lukass and I had quite an eventful day ahead of us, planning to spend the first half of it walking Central Park in its entirety. And when I say entirety, I mean it - northern to southern end and to all spots in between that seemed interesting. The plan was to have a picnic and listen to some music somewhere in the park, however, Lukass was over an hour late because he managed to get on the wrong train _three_ times. Someone should seriously take his degree away. Therefore, I started walking by myself, which in hindsight was one of the better decisions I made while being in New York. It was the first time since my arrival that I had some time alone to actually process my thoughts and disconnect from all the noise and all the things happening around me. It was during my walk through Central Park with its beautiful waters and its blooming trees, with a view of the skyscrapers surrounding me, walking by myself with some relaxing music that I finally fell in love with New York. Since I didn't get to have a picnic, I wanted to treat myself to some Mexican food for lunch before my boat cruise would start. However, the place I wanted to go to apparently shut down during COVID, so I found myself on the Lower East Side without any idea of where to go. I stumbled around there for a bit and realised that I should probably head to the harbour soon, so all of that was a pretty fruitless endeavour. A bit frustrated and set on getting my Mexican food, I decided to simply get some as a sort of pre-dinner after the cruise. Luckily I made it to the pier in time. The cruise would have to be the most cliché tourist thing I had participated in until this point. It did provide a nice view of the city though, and I do enjoy boat rides. I did end up with a major sunburn though, but oh well, the price we pay, I guess. Afterwards, I finally got my tacos and waited for Matt to respond so we could make a plan for the rest of the day. We ended up meeting at Burger & Lobster near Times Square. Matt wanted me to try lobster rolls, which I've never had before and are actually quite amazing. Our plan was to wait until sunset to see the top of the Empire State Building and Times Square at night. At the restaurant, the lovely older couple seated next to us started a conversation with us. It made me realise how much more warm and open Americans are compared to people in Vienna. I wasn't at all surprised by that since it's kind of common knowledge, but still, it was nice to be here and experience it myself. In this regard, I am more American than European, it seems. At home, I'm usually the one to start conversations with strangers, being overly enthusiastic and extroverted. We then went to the Empire State. I was done with the check when Matt figured out that he had lost his ticket when he was pulling his mask out of his pocket. I ended up going to the top of Empire on my own while he tried to retrieve his ticket, and we didn't find each other on the top. It was a bit weird and a huge fail on our part. I still got to see the city at night with breathtaking views though, so I was okay with that. I headed to Times Square afterwards. Walking Manhattan at night has got to be one of the busiest things you could participate in, I already wonder what it will be like on the weekend. Matt and I regrouped at Times and headed to a jazz bar with live music and enjoyed a few drinks. I have a hard time finding other experiences that made me feel so relaxed. It was quite wholesome altogether. After the show was over, we had a short discussion about either heading home or experiencing NYC at nighttime. Of course, we settled for the latter and went to a pub nearby that Matt often goes to and that offers some great IPAs. On the way there, I bought the cheapest cigarettes I could find - 15 bucks. Fuck. Me. Those are Norwegian prices, man. On the other hand, everything in New York is expensive. As Matt put it - it's a playground for rich people. We had a great evening together but had a hard time making it back home. We walked for a bit and I realized that I really fucked up my right foot. I ended up taking off my shoes cause I couldn't endure the pain anymore. I can now say that I walked through Manhattan in my socks. We got some hot dogs and then called a cab back home. Gotta experience a drunk ride in a NYC taxi, I suppose. It was 3am by the time we got onto the cab that would take us home to Brooklyn. Back at Matt's place, he wanted to take a look at my foot and it looked really bad. I'm not sure what exactly I did to make that happen, but this did have the potential of fucking my next few days up a lot. I knew I wouldn't be able to do another full day of walking around, so I decided the next day would be great for some state hopping.もっと詳しく

  • 日5


    2022年5月6日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Day 5 - Philadelphia

    I started the day quite hungover and decided to book my flights to Canada and bus tickets to go to Philadelphia. After informing my Canadian friend, Quin, about me actually going there, Matt and I got some breakfast at the usual spot and I headed to Manhattan to jump on the bus to Pennsylvania. My plan was to experience Philly mostly by bus so I wouldn't have to walk as much since my foot was still pretty fucked up. That was just as well given the miserable weather. The guy on the bus tour focused heavily on American history; I don't think I've ever heard that much about Benjamin Franklin and the constitution before as on this day. Afterwards, I got one of the famous cheesesteak sandwiches, which can definitely hold a candle to the food I've had in NYC so far. Philly has way more European vibes than New York does. It heavily reminded me of London or Dublin. On the ride home I talked a bit to the stranger next to me, but I mostly spent the journey asleep. Since the bus was delayed and there was a huge traffic jam, it was 9pm before I finally made it back to Matt's apartment.もっと詳しく

  • 日6

    Taking a break

    2022年5月7日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Day 6 - Taking a break

    Matt and I slept in today. At first, my plan was to go to New Jersey and walk around Hoboken. However, the weather was still miserable and I realised how exhausted I actually was after those days of constantly being on the move. I needed a short break, a chill day. I did laundry, went to the supermarket to buy some American candy to take back home with me and did a lot of organisation for Canada - checking out the places I wanted to visit in Toronto, checking in to my flight, sending Quin some documents I would need to re-enter the States to get them printed for me, figuring out how to get from Matt's place to LaGuardia and from Pearson to my hotel and so on and so forth. As it turns out, there's a lot of bureaucracy needed to move between the US and Canada as well during COVID times, at least as a citizen of neither country, and it took me quite some time to check in and provide all the information needed to the airline and in the ArriveCAN app. I also spent quite a lot of time writing postcards to friends and family back home and packing my suitcase. We finally managed to watch that movie we wanted to go for on the second night, A Man From Earth. Luckily, my foot was already feeling better so Matt and I could go on our long expected and dearly awaited pizza tour around New York for dinner. We left his apartment around 6pm and decided to go to Joe's Pizza as a first stop. Unfortunately, Lukass couldn't make it and Matt's friends ditched on us (fuck 'em). Less people also meant that we probably wouldn't get to try as many places as we first agreed on. We decided to simply go to two places and check out the other ones once I came back to NYC from my trip to Canada. I also realised that this meant I wouldn't get to say goodbye to Lukass since I was flying out the next morning and he would already be back in Europe by the time I'd make it back to New York. This made me a bit sad since I would have loved a proper goodbye. On the other hand, I hate goodbyes. They always make me a little melancholic. So maybe it's for the best that Lukass and I would never have to go through one together. At this point, I also realised that I wasn't looking forward to having to say goodbye to Matt the next morning. I was planning on coming back, but there was the small chance of me catching COVID - if I hadn't cought it already *knocks on wood 3 times* - and getting stuck in Canada. So there was the potential of it being a goodbye for good, at least until he would come to visit me in Austria as we agreed he would. Anyway, we started at Joe's Pizza with a slice of Margherita (an actual one, not a 'plain cheese' pizza) and continued to Emmy Squared and shared a Detroit style classic red, which basically means a squared pizza with a fluffy thick bottom, cheese on the crust, tomato sauce and shittons of melted cheese - so basically, perfection on a plate. Afterwards, we went to a nearby bar that Matt suggested. We started talking to a group of three strangers again and had a lovely evening with some pretty strong drinks. Being there, I was reminded again about how happy I was that I got to experience New York with a local guide who knows all of the good spots instead of having to randomly find stuff by myself. Without Matt, this entire trip would not have been possible since I simply couldn't afford it. I can't thank him enough for that, since this would have to be one of the most amazing trips I've done in my life so far. Maybe the spontaneous aspect of such a huge change in circumstances for 2 weeks contributed a lot to that feeling. After our drinks, we ended up eating another hot dog and headed back to his apartment. Since I'd have an early morning the next day, we hung out on Discord for a bit before I went to bed.もっと詳しく

  • 日7


    2022年5月8日, カナダ ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Day 7 - Toronto, or what seemed like a wild fever dream

    New York, the city that never sleeps - well, maybe at 6am on a Sunday it does. The streets were almost eerily empty on my drive to LaGuardia. Luckily, that also meant that there was almost no traffic and the ride went smoothly, as did the check-in with AirCanada. The security check was something I wasn't looking forward to. I completely forgot that you're supposed to take your shoes off during security checks in the US. That still seems weird to me. However, all went well and I killed the time on the channel #breakfastclub on Dimitri's server, ironically being the only one to actually have breakfast - I needed to try Dunkin' Donuts in the US eventually, after all. I spent the flight listening to music and catching up on my Norwegian lessons, which I haven't really paid attention to during my trip. Since it only took 1h40min, the time was quite easy to kill. The first thing that made it blatantly obvious that I was about to enter another country was the language. I hadn't been exposed to this much French in a long time. After landing, I got on a train to Union Station and wanted to drop off my suitcase at a nearby place until I could check-in at my hotel. However, I was a little lost in thought and realised after some time that I had long passed the lockers, so I decided to simply walk around the city carrying all of my stuff with me. Toronto at first didn't seem too different from New York. There were skyscrapers, there were really nice and warm people, and there were way more homeless people than I am used to from home. All in all, almost the same with a bit of French mixed in. However, I soon started to discover some differences. One thing that stood out to me was that Toronto apparently tries really hard to be artistic - in my opinion, successfully so. There's some kind of art at almost each corner. My first stop was the CN tower. Security-guy informed me that he'd have to search my entire suitcase. We started making conversation throughout the process; about my travels, with whom I'm staying and how I got to know people from North America. As it turned out, Security-guy uses Discord as well, only in his case for gaming. I was intrigued to ask for his username, but considered that this would be rather inappropriate and decided against it. The view from the CN tower upon the city was a bit underwhelming in comparison to NYC, however, the view of Lake Ontario was breathtaking. I also saw the Island Park from above and decided to take a ferry over there after I was done with my tour and the check in. After I came back down from the CN tower, I got a cold drink and relaxed a little in the sun with some music. It was 14° with a clear blue sky, no comparison to the miserable weather we had in New York these last few days. Another difference that I noticed as I continued my walk came to me as I started smelling weed - and realised that I haven't smelled any here before at all. NYC was basically covered in that smell, somehow I expected the same for Toronto. I stopped at the old spaghetti factory to get lunch and ended up ordering the by far most fancy pasta I have ever had in my life and am likely to have again - butternut squash, caramelised onions and brie stuffed ravioli with cherry tomatoes, spinach and garlic shrimp in alfredo sauce. From the start I knew that the food was going to be a huge aspect of the experience and it was one of the things I looked forward to the most about my journey, but it was still amazing how much different, yet great food I ate within the span of a week. It is also incredible how many calories I consumed and how much money I spent on said food, but I try not to think about that too much. This was going to be a one in a lifetime experience for me, so I wasn't going to start counting pennies. I also ordered a pitcher of Canadian draught beer without really knowing how much a pitcher is. As it turns out, it's about 1.5 litres. Slightly tipsy due to the burning sun, I continued my walk to the City Hall. After that, I wanted to go to my hotel to check in. However, my day would turn out to go in an unexpected direction. A few metres from City Hall, I met Dave and his two dogs, Oni and Fiasco. Dave was sitting on the street, begging for - as his sign said - money or weed. I gave him props for the sign and asked him if he wanted my leftover doughnut from the morning. He agreed and I sat down next to him for like half an hour. We talked about alcoholism, drugs, the criminal law system, COVID and so on. During the conversation, he shared some of his joint with me. He seemed quite educated, although leaning very heavily to the alternative and slightly to the conspiracy theorist side. He was then kind enough to show me the way to my hotel. After I checked in, we walked down to the Waterfront together. On the way, he wanted to teach me how to skateboard, which turned out about as well as you would expect knowing my terrible balance. He also pointed out some interesting places to me. Turns out, I found a local guide in Toronto as well. In this case, it was just a polite beggar. We arrived at the Waterfront and smoked another joint together, before walking along the water to the harbour where a ferry would take me to Ward's Island. We parted ways and exchanged our contacts, saying we'd stay in touch, both perfectly aware that we wouldn't. I was awaiting my ferry as I realised I'd have to make my way back alone, in the dark; around half an hour of walking through a city full of homeless people and addicts, still slightly tipsy and under the influence of drugs, not really knowing where exactly I'd need to go cause my Google Maps wasn't cooperating. You've got to give me one thing, I do know how to stay safe. On the ferry, I started some smalltalk with the guy standing next to me. His name was Ivan, a 19 year old economics student from Russia who'd been living in Toronto for 3 years but still took the ferry every other day to walk around the island. He walked me around and showed me some of his favourite places there. As it got late, we found ourselves some chairs and sat down by the lake to watch the sunset. He gave me a jacket but I still think I might get a cold because of that - but even if I will, the view was definitely worth it. We arrived back on the mainland at around 9pm and took the metro together. Ivan then told me how to reach my hotel from my stop and our ways parted there. Back at the hotel, I needed to figure out how to get to the airport the next morning. I also tried out uber eats for the first time and got some very cliché things - pogos (or corn dogs), tater tots and flavoured cheese curds. Tomorrow, I'd get to try poutine. Gotta love Canada, man.もっと詳しく

  • 日8

    Welcome to the Soo

    2022年5月9日, カナダ ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Day 8 - Welcome to the Soo

    I started my day with a walk to the airport and killed my time there on Discord again before boarding my plane to Sault Ste. Marie. I was quite disappointed that there was no Tim Hortons at the city airport, since I definitely would have gone for it. On the plane, I thought about how relaxing those short flights I took actually were. They provided an opportunity to get lost in music and thought, which I need to recharge. The flight was 45 minutes delayed, which was just as well given I would have to wait for Quin to finish his shift before he could pick me up from the airport anyway. Flying over Lake Huron made me realise how enormous the Great Lakes actually are. There was nothing but water in any direction. I completely underestimated the sheer size. We could as well have flown over an actual ocean. After arrival, I walked around outside a bit because the weather was way too good to be waiting inside. So here I was, in rural bumfuck Ontario, not really sure what to make of myself. I started to realise how little I actually knew about Quin. At least that meant we wouldn't run out of stuff to talk about. Him and his girlfriend Krystin picked me up and we sang along to some songs together on the ride back to town. We got some fried fish and poutine and went back to his mum's place to eat while watching a Canadian trash show called Trailer Park Boys. I told some stories about New York and Krystin then drove back to their place to clean up a little. Quin and I took a walk around his neighbourhood and the forest while we had some music playing. It was lovely to see rural Canada slowly awakening to spring. Quin is the kind of person who will sing along to any song and actually jump into the air when he's excited, I enjoy his company very much. You actually gain a bit of energy yourself just watching the guy enjoying himself. He made fun of my quirks in pronunciation and I therefore started counting the times he said "eh?", but I stopped at 7. Krystin picked us up again and we drove to a Native American reservation to buy weed-slushies - I had no idea such a thing existed - and some shrooms for the next night at the camp. My slushy tasted like grapes and as I was about to find out, would get me really high. We continued to a supermarket and got some Canadian snacks for me to try and ingredients for dinner. We cooked some goulash and made spätzle. Very cliché European, I know. Cooking while being high is something I'd never done before, but it's actually a lot of fun, even though it probably took slightly longer than I intended. We also went through most of the Canadian and some of the Austrian snacks. I got to try some really good things but also curious stuff like ketchup flavoured chips which taste - and I promise, I haven't gone crazy - quite alright, although in a bit of a weird way. We had some red wine for dinner and watched another trashy Canadian show called Letterkenny. By this time, I was pretty done. I hadn't been this high since my experiences in Copenhagen, 2015. Edibles definitely seem to be getting to me. We decided to call it a night and get some rest before going to the camp the next morning.もっと詳しく

  • 日9

    Oh Canada

    2022年5月10日, カナダ ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Day 9 - Oh Canada

    Quin and I started the day outside with cider and cigarettes and then continued with red wine. He took some days off work for my visit so we were able to not care about behaving responsibly during my stay. I am treated with so much hospitality here. They paid for the food, the drugs, the ingredients and wouldn't take my money for it. They were trying to make me comfortable and to make my Canada experience as authentic as humanly possible. We then smoked a bong. It wasn't even noon and I was both drunk and stoned as fuck. Also, we managed to lock ourselves out but luckily, a kind neighbour let us back in. I got ready to go and headed back outside into the sun to smoke another cigarette and started some smalltalk with another guy from the neighbourhood. The weather was perfect, it was in fact the first time this year that I was wearing short pants. Krystin - who was completely sober, in case you were wondering - then drove us through the wilderness. It seemed a little like driving through southern Norway, only less mountainous, or maybe Estonia. Forests and nothing else. We arrived at their camp and I went into Lake Superior, which I was told is kind of a rite of passage. Maybe they were just shitting me. However, I did and it wasn't even as cold as I expected it to be. We then lit a campfire, cut up some wood and got the ATV - or as they call it, the four-wheeler - going since Quin wanted to take a ride on it. Afterwards, we smoked some more weed and prepared the roast for the evening. Then we sat down by the campfire with some whiskey and got the tea with the shrooms ready. We made hot dogs over the fire and his family came to join us. We were having a great time playing cards and preparing the rest of the food. We spent a lot of time discussing the German language with his nana and his brother. I was basically invited to a family gathering here and welcomed with open arms. I was astounded by that level of hospitality. We had an amazing beef roast dinner and some apple pie for dessert. After they left, we sipped our tea, but it didn't do much. I was still pretty high and drunk at that point, so we killed the fire and called it a night.もっと詳しく

  • 日10

    Maple Leaf

    2022年5月11日, カナダ ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Day 10 - Maple Leaf

    I woke up way too early; around 6am, and killed time with Norwegian and music. I got some whiskey and sat down by the burnt out campfire, appreciating the sunlight. I sat there for about 2h, just enjoying the view and the peace. Quin and Krystin woke up eventually and we sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather together. I was still only wearing a bikini for pants. We cleaned up the place and got ready to go at around 10am and went to Tim Hortons, which is actually quite overrated. After we put our stuff back into the apartment, we went to the reservation again to buy some cheap cigarettes. Quin and I then went to the bushplane museum in the Soo and afterwards I wanted to turn my desire of getting a tattoo in North America into reality. We walked to a few tattoo shops before finding one that does walk-ins and I got my small souvenir. Afterwards we drove around town and I got my COVID test done at a pharmacy to be able to re-enter the States the next day. We then got some burgers and poutine on the way back to the apartment, watched some more Letterkenny and sipped on some wine. Gotta admit, I love Canadian trash television. I was then on a call with Matt for some time after informing him that I'd be back at his place the next day. We talked a bit about my visit to Canada and he found the best description of that nation, ever: A barren wasteland full of bears and socialism. Quin responded by informing him that they have better maple syrup in Canada than he does in Vermont. After the call, we made chocolate fondue. I started writing my journal for some time and went to bed.もっと詳しく