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Topp 10 resmål Frankrike
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    • Dag 20

      A lday in Paris City centre.

      I går, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We hopped on the metro this morning, and we must have bought an AT jinx with us as we had to change trains 3 times. The driver just switched out the lights out on the train and waited for us to get off at a platform and then took off. Getting on the next train can only be described as a scrum. Anyway, we got into the 9th and discovered the lovely L"Opera building covered in huge great Chanel ads. Not very attractive. Went on to Galleries Lafayette, and they have turned the roof into a huge viewing platform. It was just beautiful up there today.
      We went on to a 2 .5 hour 1hop on hop off bus tour, which we will do again tomorrow
      We got back to the 9th at about 3.30 PM. and had a very late lunch.
      Got back to the apartment about 5.30 and everyone is really tired.
      Tomorrow, Marina Centaine and Alecks are heading to Versailles. I will be back in Paris for the hop on hop off tour again.
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    • Dag 14

      Les Baux

      I går, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nachdem gestern Wäsche waschen und Allfälliges auf dem Programm stand, fuhren wir heute mit dem Fahrrad direkt vom Campingplatz los und nach Les Baux. Danke Pietromobil für die Inspiration.

      Unser erster Halt waren die Carriere Lumieres. Im Steinbruch Carrières des Grands Fonds wurde im 19. Jahrhundert der Baux-Stein – ein weißer Kalkstein, typisch für Les Baux-de-Provence – abgebaut. Als die Industrie jedoch weiter wuchs, übernahmen neue erschwingliche Baumaterialien wie Beton und Stahl die Rolle des Baux Stein. Infolgedessen mussten die Carrières des Grands Fonds im Jahr 1935 schließen. 1959 beschloss Jean Cocteau, ein berühmter französischer Filmemacher und Schriftsteller, hier “Testament von Orpheus” zu drehen. 1977 wurden dann die großen Steinwände ein Rahmen für eine Licht- und Soundshow und die ersten audiovisuellen Shows der Carrières des Grands Fonds begannen. Im Jahr 2012 wurden die Carrières des Grands Fonds in Carrières de Lumières umbenannt und man kann immersive Shows dort ansehen. Dieses Jahr sind es die Ägypter und Orientalische Impressionen. Ein beeindruckendes Erlebnis.

      Weiter ging es nach Les Baux, ein kleiner Ort auf einem Kalksteinplateau mit traumhafter Sicht und engen und verwinkelten Gassen.…
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    • Dag 19

      Mas de Games to Mas de Vers

      I går, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Cheerful but limited breakfast at 7:30, and then a small panic as La Malle Postale van appeared at 7;45, not the standard 8am. Six people hurriedly left the table to finish packing and take their bag to the door, where they were to be collected. We left around 8am with ponchos on as it looked overcast, and there was soon a slow drizzle.

      The walk went through farms and then 3km into a small town (Limogne en Quency) where we bought some bread and cheeses, looked at the church (as always) and headed on. The total for today was around 25km, which included three small villages (Limogne en Quency, Varaire and Bach) all about 7ks apart. There was a slow downhill to the first town, but after that it was generally flat - which was good, as there was slow and light rain.

      There were a few novelties on the way. One was an old dolmen, which was about 100m off the path, and taken as a sign that in Neolithic time, people were settling around those areas. Another was seeing a deer running through a field early in the afternoon. A third was a series of 'cabane", the circular dry-stone structures in the fields that were either shelters or storage - or perhaps wells. A lowlight was the mud, especially on the last 8kms. It was almost unbroken. The rain was not a problem with ponchos and overpants, but the mud was always mud.

      The hotel - Gite de Poudally - is a little outside Mas de Vers, which is a collection of a few farms and nothing else. I did not have high expectations, but there was apricot tea on arrival, a cheerful host, big dry rooms and lost of space. Our bags were already here. One lady said it was an hotel, not a gite, which is fine by us. We contemplated going for a walk when the sun came out later in the afternoon, but quickly thought the better of it: it would involve wet grass or mud, and there was nothing nearby to see. Everyone says that May in the south of France ought to be sunny, warm and charming, so we have not seen it at its best...

      Tomorrow is the last day of the Camino. Going only on the distance from town to town, we will have done 350km in 17 days.

      34,190 steps, 27.8km and 6 flights
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    • Dag 3

      Inkontinente UrAlteZiege

      I går, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Bärnd meinte, dass mit der Inkontinenz der UrAlteZiege geht so nicht mehr und hat sich das mal angesehen. Bei einer Pause hat er dann gleich viel Stellen gefunden, wo unsere UrAlteZiege inkontinent ist. Unter allgemeiner Beobachtung haben wir alles repariert. Mal sehen ob das jetzt positive Auswirkungen auf unseren Ölverbrauch und/oder Benzinverbrauch hat.Läs mer

    • Dag 136

      Honfleur, France

      6 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Today, we took a D-Day tour of Normandy, visiting both Utah and Omaha beaches as well as the American Cemetery. It was surprisingly emotional and very moving. Both the ingenuity and strategy behind the WWII allied forces military operation as well as the courage of so many who responded to the call of duty.

      It was only at the end of a long day that our tour guide, an elderly French woman, revealed that her father was the sole survivor in his Jewish family. He survived the War and went on to marry a Catholic woman. Our tour guide was raised Catholic. It was only in later life that she felt able to delve into her Jewish past. Her work now is to do her part in ensuring History is remembered.

      Note: Operation Overlord was the codename for the Battle of Normandy, the Allied operation that launched the successful liberation of German-occupied Western Europe during World War II. The operation was launched on 6 June 1944 (D-Day) with the Normandy landings (Operation Neptune). A 1,200-plane airborne assault preceded an amphibious assault involving more than 5,000 vessels. Nearly 160,000 troops crossed the English Channel on 6 June, and more than two million Allied troops were in France by the end of August.

      General Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed commander of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force.

      The coast of Normandy of northwestern France was chosen as the site of the landings, with the Americans assigned to land at sectors codenamed Utah and Omaha, the British at Sword and Gold, and the Canadians at Juno. To meet the conditions expected on the Normandy beachhead, special technology was developed, including two artificial ports called Mulberry harbours and an array of specialised tanks nicknamed Hobart's Funnies. In the months leading up to the landings, the Allies conducted Operation Bodyguard, a substantial military deception that used electronic and visual misinformation to mislead the Germans as to the date and location of the main Allied landings.

      The Allies failed to accomplish their objectives for the first day, but gained a tenuous foothold that they gradually expanded when they captured the port at Cherbourg on 26 June and the city of Caen on 21 July. A failed counterattack by German forces in response to Allied advances on 7 August left 50,000 soldiers of the German 7th Army trapped in the Falaise pocket by 19 August.

      The Allies launched a second invasion from the Mediterranean Sea of southern France (code-named Operation Dragoon) on 15 August, and the Liberation of Paris followed on 25 August. German forces retreated east across the Seine on 30 August 1944, marking the close of Operation Overlord.

      Note: The Normandy American Cemetery is located on a bluff overlooking Omaha Beach (one of the landing beaches of the Normandy Invasion) and the English Channel. It covers 172.5 acres, and contains the remains of 9,388 American military dead, most of whom were killed during the invasion of Normandy and ensuing military operations in World War II. These burials are marked by white Lasa marble headstones, 9,238 of which are Latin crosses (for Protestants and Catholics) and 151 of which are stars of David (for Jews).

      The cemetery contains the graves of 45 pairs of brothers (30 of which buried side by side), a father and his son, an uncle and his nephew, 2 pairs of cousins, 3 generals, 4 chaplains, 4 civilians, 4 women, 147 African Americans and 20 Native Americans. 304 unknown soldiers are buried among the other service members. Their headstones read “HERE RESTS IN HONORED GLORY A COMRADE IN ARMS KNOWN BUT TO GOD”. East of the Memorial lies the Wall of the Missing, where are inscribed the names of 1,557 servicemembers declared missing in action during Operation Overlord.
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    • Dag 4

      Tag 1 in Marseille

      6 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Hey ihr und vor allem hallo Oma,
      Hier kommt mein „gibts denn nichts Neues aus Frankreich?!“:
      Leona und ich sind gestern Nachmittag angekommen. Thomas (bitte französisch ausgesprochen lesen) - Leonas Freund - ist noch bis Samstag verreist, deshalb sind wir jetzt noch alleine. Die beiden haben eine total tolle Wohnung mit rieeesigem Garten! Gestern haben wir nur noch gechillt, gegessen und eine Serie geschaut und haben uns dann in das enorm große Bett gekuschelt. Heute musste Leona in die Schule und ich bin mit ihr um 6:30(!!!)aufgestanden und hab dann mehr oder weniger Uni gemacht.
      Mittags bin ich in einen Supermarkt gegangen. Anton und Johanna ihr wärt stolz auf mich!! Ohne Nawi hab ich hin und zurück gefunden (naja auf dem Rückweg hab ich einmal ganz kurz geschaut, aber nur um ganz sicher zu sein). Heute Nachmittag waren wir im Park mit den Hunden. Das war total schön und man hatte eine super Sicht auf Marseille. Jetzt hat Leona Orchesterprobe, wo ich gerade in der Ecke sitze. Morgen gehen wir wahrscheinlich kiteeeeen. Ich freu mich!

      Aktueller Shotstand, weil deutsch geredet wurde:
      Malina: 9
      Leona: 10
      —> wir haben jetzt abgemacht, dass wir über emotionalen Kram auf deutsch reden dürfen
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    • Dag 6

      Arrivé, laissez l'âme vagabonder

      6 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Eine Nacht die nicht enden wollte.. Georg hatte Kopfkino und ich zunehmend Halsschmerzen, Husten und Schnupfen.
      Schrecklich solche Nächte wo man sich nur wünscht das sie vorbei sind.. irgendwann schläft man ja dann doch.. aber bis dahin…

      Den Kaffee mit Meerblick gab es natürlich trotzdem.

      Wie sich gestern Abend über meinen Status herausstellte, war die Frau von Gambia Klaus vor 50 Jahren bereits an dieser Stelle, sie erkannte das kleine Steinhäusschen an unserem kleinen Strand.
      Da es gestern schon zu spät war, sind wir dann heute morgen los um nach dem Haus zu schauen, in dem sie seinerzeit bei einer Austauschfamilie wohnte. Sie schickte mir gestern noch Fotos, Elke war ganz aufgeregt als sich bestätigte das es DER Ort war. Sie hatte sich hier auch das erste Mal verliebt 😍.
      Das Haus was es sein musste schien es aber ihrer Meinung nach gar nicht zu sein.. als wir um das Haus, zur Landseite gingen, kam uns der Agent der auch für unser Haus zuständig ist, entgegen. Ich habe ihm von der Geschichte erzählt.. Er kannte sogar die ersten Besitzer, somit wahrscheinlich auch die Gastfamilie von Elke. Es war das Haus, nur aufbereitet. Nun kann man es wie unseres mieten und so hatte ich auch einen Link für sie. Sie war so gerührt wie sie schrieb, das sie weinen musste. Sie planen nun direkt im Herbst hier hin zu kommen, mit der ganzen Familie. 😊.. ich habe ihnen versprochen eine Flasche Wein für sie zu verbuddeln 😄.

      Georg hat sich für Elke auch auf den Stein gesetzt, auf dem Elke immer saß.. Foto anbei.
      Wir haben dann noch einen schönen Barfuß-Spaziergang auf dem Sand gemacht, da wo ich grad nur Meer sehe. Das ist schon irre mit dem Wasser.. kommt und geht, und mit welchen Massen. Das Barfußlaufen war bestimmt auch gut für meine Erkältung 🙄.

      Danach mussten die Supermärkte gestestet werden.. Lidl geht gar nicht.. SuperU ist klasse. Jetzt ist der Kühlschrank voll.. und wir könnten uns hier einschließen.
      Durch diese Superlage des Hauses haben wir heute einen Ort am Haus gesucht, wo es nicht windet.. wir waren erfolglos.. somit haben wir uns in Decken eingewickelt und das Gesicht in die Sonne gehalten. Herrlich..

      Meine Erkältung fühlt sich nicht wirklich gut an. Hatte mir Nasenspray besorgt heut, den Rest habe ich mit. Um einen Schlaf im Bett bin ich nicht rumgekommen. Es ist kalt, es ist warm.. ich hoffe morgen wird es besser.
      Rotwein soll ja helfen 🤔
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    • Dag 15–16

      Day 15 - Montverden to Montbrison

      6 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We slept well in our spooky Priory. We were let out at 8 as planned 🙌
      We had dried everything out. However today it rained a lot. We marched down the hill to the Boulangerie that provided us with breakfast then set off on the path to Montbrison.
      We coped well with the muddy wood path but then we hit the bog path and feet got saturated again 😭.
      We trudged through the rain as the moody cows looked on. The path takes you on crazy tours of villages and we are sure just for the sake of it!!
      We couldn’t sit to rest and have lunch as nothing open on a Monday so had our saved croissants on the hop.
      We have been togged up in our Batman capes all day trudging along like medieval monks. Simon refused to wear his as we came into Montbrison - he still has his standards.
      We had to wait for 3 hours for Airbnb to send us the key code for our apartment in a cafe as Simon makes us walk so fast 😂
      We are staying in an apartment above the local theatre. We have shopped, laundered, cooked dinner and now having a bottle of red to chill before retiring to our anti bug bed pods as this place doesn’t provide linens!
      Tomorrow we move to second stage of our walk in Le Puy de Velay.
      Very few pics of the day due to weather!!
      210km completed 👣👣👏
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    • Dag 18

      Cajarc to Mas de Games

      6 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We stayed in bed a bit longer than recent normal because we only had 20kms to walk. Breakfast at 8am (good cereal), bags left at reception, into town and a boulangerie, then along the river, up and down a few hills, through rocky woods and farmland and stopped at a village called St Jean de Laur for lunch at exactly 12pm - sitting on a rock with a view over the countryside.

      We knew it was 12:00:00 as the bells in the church beside us rang 12 times as we stopped, then 12 times as we put down our backpacks, then started a little tune as we ate, then another new peal when the rain started.

      Note to Nico ( who may well be secretly reading this each day): it is acceptable for your parents to have the same simple lunch several days running because we also have breakfast ( hint) and extremely varied dinners - from potatoless potato soup to amazing dishes in Conques and St Chely.

      It had been cloudy all morning - T-shirt weather once walking- but light rain set in as we sat there, so ponchos on, lunch over, setting off. It was only 6kms to the place we are staying - a ‘Chambre d’hotes’ or B&B. Another long rocky path and surprisingly monotonous scenery- thick woods, with few clearings or buildings.

      We arrived at Chambre d’Hotes La Hulotte, Mas de Game, at around 1:30, just as the rain eased. The non- English speaking host showed us the room and large kitchen/ communal area. Our luggage was here, plus 4 other cases, so perhaps 6 people at dinner tonight.

      The room is decorated in a more rustic style than hotels, but is otherwise as large and good, and we have had the large kitchen to ourselves for a few hours. It has a small garden, cows in the next field and a few old stone farm buildings and houses nearby. I walked around in sunshine, although it was only 12deg.

      Dinner at 7pm was for six - two French men, two French women and u, and all of us around the same general age. Two men spoke better English than our French, so we got along. The meal was all home-made: vegetable soup, a terrine, duck sausage and chocolate cake. A bit of discussion on how to organise caminos, and the weather outlook, as well as where we all came from.
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    • Dag 568


      6 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      ... ist nun angesagt. Die Fähre steht wohl schon seit gestern da. Da wir nicht im Auto schlafen können, haben wir einiges eingepackt. Decken, Ladekabel , Getränke und Essen, sowie Beschäftigung für die Frau zieren nun das "Handgepäck" .... 17 Stunden Fahrt stehen uns bevor bis zur grünen Insel.
      Wir buchen die Fähren von Stena Linie immer über die schwedische Internet Seite. Da sind die gleichen Konditionen zu günstigeren Preisen verfügbar. Diesmal kostet uns komplett die einfache Fahrt mit Ruhesesseln 187 Euro. Das, so finden wir, ist in Ordnung.
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