Christian. American. Born and raised in Texas. Lifelong Longhorn. Lifelong Dallas Cowboy fan. Living the dream in Central Texas. Czytaj więcej New Braunfels, United States
  • Dzień 13


    9 lipca 2022, Anglia ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    I’m Calling It

    Sitting here on the tarmac waiting for the plane to take off, it’s easy to think back about the trials and tribulations. For example, a little over a week ago, I was in a lot of pain, worried about making the next day much less completing the Camino.
    I didn’t want to not complete it. Claudia came up with a suggestion and we developed a plan that allowed us to complete the Camino. We even had time to go to the end of the world.

    In the process I learned a lot about myself and my relationship with Claudia. And as tough as I think I am, apparently I’m a big baby when it comes to pain. Oh well.

    So, I can’t express strongly enough my thanks to her for sticking with me the last 5 years until we got it done and being there when it counted on the Camino. Remember, the Camino, journey, started on my 60th birthday. Claudia, I love you and I thank you. God bless you!

    Also, to my wife Kathleen, thank you for the gift. It truly became on of the best trips of my life.

    Thanks to everyone else who has supported me and suffered me throughout this journey.

    God has truly blessed us and guided us throughout this trip. I believe I am more dedicated than ever to be like Jesus. I know I will never make it, but I will never give up trying. He never gives up on me.

    Thank you all once again and God bless each and everyone of you.

    Peace Out
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  • Dzień 12

    Day 12 - Santiago to Porto

    8 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 73 °F

    Back Where We Started.

    Besides shopping today for a few things, (weight was no longer an issue) we had some time before our bus to Porto to take the guided tour of the Cathedral that included climbing the steps in one of the towers.

    Spoiler alert. Another WOW moment coming!

    As part of the price for the tour we were also able to visit the museum with many stone carvings, relief’s and paintings brought inside to avoid any further damage. It was interesting to see how the weather had worn them, even the granite carvings. Being a UNESCO site now, the Cathedral and all appurtenances, and the Old Town are well preserved.

    So, onto the tour. Unfortunately for us they only offered it in Spanish. I was able to understand some of it, but once we started moving I became more involved in looking at a building that had been in place for 1,000 years. I can’t imagine how they carved the stones and then lifted them some 260 feet in the air. But they did.

    After climbing for a little bit we came outside and found ourselves on the roof of the Cathedral. The view was breathtaking as was the height. We didn’t walk around the roof with rails, etc. We walked ON the roof. Over one side and onto the other. It was a tad scary. You wouldn’t roll off, but a slip would still hurt. The roof was made of huge granite blocks. Obviously not original, but their weight alone makes you wonder what kind of massive support system is required.

    After our tour of the roof with the panoramic views of Santiago de Compostela, we went back to climbing. This time we climbed to a point walking outside the roof where we could actually see the service going on down below. And we were high enough to be above the gold leaf artwork above the altar. We were looking down on the statue of St. James as the Slayer with his sword riding his white horse.

    Back to climbing. Our final climb took us to as high as you could go in the bell tower. Close to 260 feet. We were actually higher than the statute of St. James you see way up high when you are facing the front of the Cathedral. I guess it’s safe to be up there, but my palms were still sweating.

    Overall, it was scary, but an incredible experience. On the way down, I missed a step, but caught myself with only a scratched knee and a sprained middle finger. No Telemed call necessary. It is a little harder to make a fist. My middle finger wants to stay straight. It probably took a good 5 or so minutes to go down, down, down all the steps we climbed. When you do them incrementally and stop on the roof, overlooking the altar and the top of the bell tower, you don’t realize how many steps up you have taken.

    Enjoy the pictures. If you have a fear of heights, I wouldn’t recommend looking. I still get the heebie geebies.

    We finished the day with a bus trip to Porto and the same hostel and room back where we started 12 days ago. We are exhausted, but fulfilled. We were blessed to take this trip and walk the Camino. The weather, food, albergues and people were all exceptional.

    Who wants to do it with me next time!?!

    0 miles and a whole lotta stairs.
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  • Dzień 11

    Day 11 - Part 2 - Finesterre

    7 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

    To Infinity and Beyond!

    Well not quite. Just the end of the world to watch the sunset on the most western part of the European Continent - Finesterre. Literally it means the end of the world. As you may recall, we thought the world was flat until the end of the 15th Century. Finesterre was that place.

    It’s is only 62 km away and so we didn’t walk. You can, but we didn’t. We were done walking. I walked 200km in the last couple of weeks and survived, with God’s help of course, so we rented a car. There just so happened to be an Alamo Rent-a-Car within walking distance of where we were staying. I have an account there and got an upgrade. A nice standard KIA.

    For the most part driving a standard for the first time in 40+ years is like riding a bike. Not quite totally, but we did return the car unscathed.

    The drive to Finesterre was a beautiful drive especially as we drove a mountain road and could see the ocean. The weather was perfect and the sky was clear.

    Sunset was at 10:13 and we got there about 6:30. So, we had plenty of time to walk around and see everything it had to offer, including the 0,000 way mark. Yay!

    There was a small cafe that had a small patio facing due west. We took a seat there early and and my plan was to continue to buy drinks (not alcohol! - I was driving) and botanicos (snacks) throughout the evening. My plan worked to perfection and those became our seats for the sunset with no one blocking our view.

    With not a cloud in the sky, it was the most magnificent sunset I have ever seen. The sun literally sank into the Atlantic Ocean. The pictures are stunning, but do not do it justice. They are better than any description I can think of. So, you can enjoy them. You’re welcome!

    When the sun finally and completely sank into the ocean, everyone clapped for it. It felt appropriate because it was exciting. But I never envisioned myself clapping for the sun.

    Afterwards we left the area as did hundreds of others feeling wonderfully satisfied with our experience. We returned the car and walked back to the hotel knowing that we had experienced one of the best days of our lives. God’s grace was truly upon us.

    0 miles/ 20,000 steps
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  • Dzień 11

    Day 11 - O Milladorio to Santiago

    7 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

    What a glorious day

    For the last day of our Camino we again woke up at 5:00 am, and started our preparations. We again slept well in a wonderful albergue. It cost all of 15€. Our preparations have become somewhat routine over the last ten days. Can’t imagine why.

    But today was different. We were confident and felt strong and prepared. As I put on the Armor of God (my pants, my shirt, my bandages, glasses, hat and sandals) the reality that this day was the pinnacle of what has become a five year journey began to sink in.

    Instead of one cup of caffe con leche, we had two and a little time to talk. Instead of toast with jam, we had leftover pizza. We knew this day was going to be different. We were confident.

    Before we left, we prayed. Claudia said a beautiful prayer for us and our fellow Pilgrims, and for the opportunity to complete the Camino.

    As we began our walk we decided to take our pace a little slower. It was a short 5 miles. Over the course of the last ten days we averaged between 2.5-2.7 mph moving pace. Today, we averaged 2.9mph. Smoked it. Apparently the adrenaline kicked in.

    On our way I was taking pictures of the way marks counting down those last 7.7 km, waiting to be able to take a picture of the one that has 0,000 km. That didn’t happen because that particular way mark is at Finisterre, the end of the known world through the 15th century. You, know “In 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” So, no 0,000. At least not yet.

    We also reached a high point on the trail and were able to take a picture of the Cathedral from a distance in the sunrise. We took pictures of a mural and items Pilgrims had left on the last day of their Camino. Claudia left a small bag of items given to her by some friends.

    Most of the last 2km was through an urban part of Santiago, but it is obvious when you cross into the old town onto the cobblestone granite roads and off the pavement. We could see the towers of the Cathedral. We decided to walk around the Cathedral and through a tunnel to get to the main square.

    Oh my God!!

    We finally walked up the steps and found ourselves in the square facing the front of the Cathedral. We had completed our Camino. We took as much time as we wanted to soak up the moment that will last a life time. We were very early and had the square almost completely to ourselves. We were able to take pictures with just us standing in front of the Cathedral.

    Claudia had said on her first Camino, the Cathedral had scaffolding all around it because they were cleaning it. There was no scaffolding this time and it looks beautiful. You can see all the details, including the shell on St. James’ hat way up high. We watched the sunrise come up behind the Cathedral and between the towers. It was breathtaking.

    After soaking up the moment, we began to look for the Pilgrim office to request our Compostela. It’s down the steps, around the corner and behind the Cathedral. We wanted to get there early before people started pouring in. We were the 6th and 7th Pilgrims in line. No problem. It and our other paperwork are now safely in a tube guarded like we guard our passports. Because we were in the first 10 Pilgrims to obtain the Compostela we were offered a free lunch at a restaurant - Enexbre right on the square in a hotel.

    Once we finished, we of course went back up to the square. By then it was getting more and more crowded with Pilgrims. Amazingly, out of all the Pilgrims there, we started seeing many of the Pilgrims we had met and become friends with over the last ten days and there were lots of hugs and greetings. It was incredible to see that many Pilgrims coming in, but we did like our private moment with each other and God when we arrived.

    Later that morning, we had the opportunity to walk into the Cathedral and oh my was it amazing. To see the inside of a world famous Cathedral built in the 10th Century is something I will never forget.

    Underground and beneath the alter we finally had the opportunity to experience the existence of the bones of St. James. They are contained in a closed coffin, and represent one of the few, maybe only(?), relics from the 1st Century. It was a very moving experience.

    Every day at noon they have a Pilgrim’s mass in the Cathedral. We sat down about 10:45 to insure we had one. About 11:30, they asked everyone not staying for the service to leave. The doors are closed and no visitation occurs until after the service. The service itself was good. We managed to follow it more or less because it is the same as our liturgy, even though it was in Spanish.

    The bonus came at the end. They have a huge “botafumeria” that is filled with incense and used only if a Pilgrim donated the required amount. We’ve heard 200-300€, but don’t know. Well someone did and it was quite the show watching six priests pull the rope in unison swinging it from side to side probably out close to 50 feet.

    We had also made arrangements with our friends from Ireland to meet for lunch after the service before we got our free lunch. Out on the square we found them and thought they could join us. So, we went to Enexbre to find out. The answer was not no, but hell no. And we were 15 minutes late and lost our free lunch. The ticket said our table would be ready at 1:45. That meant 1:00.

    So, we went to the restaurant our friends reserved and had a grand time. Whiskey, wine, pimientos de Padron, prawns, paella with lobster and chocolate for dessert. Lots more hugs and good wishes. We exchanged information and invitations to each other’s country/state and said farewell.

    We checked into our hotel which was a 2 minute walk from the Cathedral and took a nap.

    Fortunately, we were not done for the day.

    5 miles/ 20,000 steps
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  • Dzień 10

    Day 10 - Iria Flavia to O Milladorio

    6 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

    Big to do tomorrow!

    The anticipation is killing me.

    Today was a good walk to essentially the door step of Santiago de Compostela. We had a great night sleep mainly because the hostelier returned to check on the Pilgrims and turned the AC on. He noticed I had opened all the doors and windows to get some air and had mercy on us. We got up at 5am to leave at 6am. We packed our backpacks and had a cafe con leche at the albergue. We bandaged our toes and feet and started walking to O Milladorio.

    We decided to not go all the way because we would not have arrived at Santiago until possibly late in the afternoon, tired and hungry. That’s not how we want to arrive. So, we stopped here only a short 7-8 km tomorrow morning in order to arrive between 8 and 9 am. That’s before most Pilgrims. We easily saw 100 or more pilgrims on the Camino, the vast majority of who were going all the way today. Mostly from Padron. It took every ounce of patience I have to not join them.

    Overall, it was a pleasant walk. The last part was pretty much uphill all the way. We got a few pics, but mostly talked about tomorrow and what we would do and see, what Pilgrim friends we would run into etc., etc. The excitement kept us going in spite of the hills trying to drain our energy.

    So, we are here now in O Milladorio. We are staying in another very nice albergue. Less than $20. We had some beers and good food (pizza!) and great conversation.

    I even had the opportunity to sign in on zoom for my Wednesday morning Bible study. I received some final prayers before my afternoon nap.

    Tomorrow will we arrive in Santiago. In my mind the trumpets will be blaring and there will be great rejoicing by all the people. Since Jesus arrived on a donkey, I think that’s a little too much to ask. But the joy will know no bounds.

    For now good night and God Bless!


    10.4 miles/ 32,000 steps
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  • Dzień 9

    Day 9 - Caldas De Reis to Iria Flavia

    5 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    Incredibly faithful day!

    After the wonderful dinner last night, but before bed last night we received some more foot help from some angels who are Scouts from Portugal. This thread and the thankfulness continues.

    We managed to get up at 5:00 am so we could leave by 6:00 am, which we did. We had about 20 km to go today and we wanted to be finished early. Mission accomplished! And that includes spending some extra time with our Pilgrim Scouts and our friends from Ireland.

    Funny side note, his wife was having trouble with blisters and had been wearing a hiking shoe or tennis shoe. He has worn sandals the whole Camino. After hearing about my successful (ongoing) recovery, she ditched the shoes and got a pair of sandals. She said she never felt better. I told her she did not have to admit her husband was right. Instead of not completing the Camino, we are all four well on our way to finishing today or tomorrow - 3 with sandals.

    Also, the insurance purchased, GeoBlue, through BCBS has come in very handy and well worth the price. I’ve called their Telemed three times and spoke to one doctor in Singapore and two in the UK. The third was able to prescribe antibiotics and email it to me. I took it to the farmacia and they filled it immediately. No three hour wait. Kathleen says I’ve spent more money at the farmacia than anywhere else.

    All in all it was another wonderful day on the Camino walking briskly, but sometimes very quietly. I took a lot of time to empty my mind and just enjoy the moment. It was wonderful.

    We had no real plans once we got to the Albergue Cruces de Iria. After a high carb Pilgrim lunch and beer we came back to the Albergue for the hostelria’s discussion about Iria Flavia and it’s place in Christianity’s history. Even with the heavy Castilian Spanish accent we learned a lot about St. James and Christianity. After listening, rather than eat dinner and go to bed, we decided to go to the places he talked about and experience them ourselves.

    The first place was on the Iglasia de Santa Maria a Major de Iria Flavia where the legend is that is where the bones of St. James were found after he was beheaded and brought to Iria Flavia. He was brought to Iria Flavia because this is where he did his evangelism. He was brought here in the first century on a boat. The church was built in the 8th Century. There are also a number of PRE- Roman sarcophagi located there. Very interesting and moving experience.

    Next we went to an area called Santiaguino do Monte. We decided to take a taxi. It was all uphill including the 130 steps (The way of the Cross). This is the site of an early Christian church dating to the 3rd Century, and the location where St. James preached. On our way down the hill, walking, we stopped and received a Certificate that we had visited the location where St. James’ bones were brought from the Albergue Municipal. You only get the Certificate if you have your stamp on your Pilgrim’s Passport that you had been to the Iglasia mentioned above. We also stopped for a beer and called it dinner.

    Finally, we visited the Church of Santiago do Padron. There is a stone behind the alter which is considered to be where the Apostle’s boat was moored when it was returned to Iria Flavia.
    The church was originally built in the 10th Century and remodeled, thankfully, in the 12th and 15th Centuries. Incredibly while we were looking at a glass coffin, a woman walked up to me and in Spanish told me several times that Christ had been in that coffin. She said it like she believed it with her whole heart. She also told me Christ’s body was in another glass coffin on another wall. I questioned her to make sure I had heard her correctly and she confirmed it every time.

    So, what started out as just another day of walking ended up preparing us for completing our Camino. It was amazing and all part of God’s plan, not mine.

    One more “just another day of walking” and then our final entry into Santiago the next day, Thursday, where I feel more ready than ever to accept what has unfolded the past two weeks on this Camino.


    12.9 miles/ 37,000 steps
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  • Dzień 8

    Day 8 - Pontevedra to Caldas De Reis

    4 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

    My feet feel like feet!

    It seems like forever, but finally my feet felt like feet today. They walked when I told them to walk. Moved when I told them to move. I didn’t have to think about lifting my foot and putting it down. They just moved! Praise the Lord!

    We got off to a great start at 6:30 am, which turned out to be a real blessing. Finishing the day early instead of it dragging into the afternoon makes a big difference in how you feel and thus affects your attitude. We left old town Pontevedra before the sunrise during a beautiful clear morning. Granted it was a little rough because it was very much up and down stone streets until we crossed the bridge over the Lerez river. The terrain flattened out eventually across the beautiful countryside.

    As yesterday we were blessed with an amazing walk along a stream under the trees and through the woods. We had the feeling that the world was
    going on all around us, yet we were living and enjoying the moment of simply walking through an amazing area. And a lot of it was on the Via Romana XIX.

    I had to look up what that meant as it had nothing to do with the century the road was made. Obviously. My conclusion is that it was one of the many of the roads built by the Romans and is known as the 19th. Almost like it is 19th street. Just follow 19th to Santiago or to Rome, whichever way you’re going.

    More and more along the way we saw our Peregrino friends and made more. It’s so easy and enjoyable. As I mentioned before “my saviors” found me and we are having dinner with them in an little while.

    We also met a wonderful couple from Ireland and I spoke with John and Claudia spoke with Brenda for about an hour as we walked. They walked very fast and before we knew it our walking for the day was over. We sat down for beer and tapas and mapped out our strategy for the next few days.

    We will do 19 km tomorrow, trying to leave at 6 am. About 19 km the next day, leaving us with about 7+ left. We plan on a glorious early morning arrival so we will have plenty of time to enjoy the day in Santiago. Like I said before, I have a plan, but will follow God’s plan. Maybe they are the same this time?

    After beer and tapas we found our albergue for the night and relaxed awhile before lunch. Wonderful restaurant on the river. I had prawns. Claudia had pulpa aka octopus. Bleh. Even though it is a specialty in Galicia, no thanks.
    I even found another use for my Brierley Guidebook/Bible.

    Special treat for today were the hot springs here in Calda de Reis. Calda, get it? Since the Romans, people have come here to enjoy them. We found an open one and rested our feet in it for a few precious moments, with our fellow pilgrims.

    After relaxing, we went to dinner with the saviors and had a great time.

    Time for bed now. Early morning tomorrow.


    13.4 miles/ 35,000 steps
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  • Dzień 7

    Day 7 - Saxamonde to Pontevedra

    3 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    What a glorious day!

    After a wonderful evening and restful sleep we left with goals in our mind and dreams of being closer in our heart. We got away about 7:40 and were rocking a pretty good pace when we stopped for lunch at 11:00 am.

    On the way we saw many of our Camino friends and met many more. It’s great how they will pass us and we will greet each other and later on, we will pass them and greet each other.

    Today was one of the most beautiful days on the Camino as we went through many picture perfect locations and ate at a couple of scenic places. We will do so again tonight in the beautiful town center of Pontevedra, Spain.

    A very special part of the Camino Portugues is a picturesque babbling brook you can choose to walk along as opposed to the traditional route. It’s called the C. Complementario. It’s 1.3 km further, but why not. So we did. Absolutely well worth the extra kilometer. It was cool under the trees and walking next to the river for about an hour as we wound our way to Pontevedra. We even passed a special tree all roped off. See the pics. I don’t know why it was special, but we had to stop and look.

    We finally wound our way through Pontevedra into the old town past the beautiful Cathedral and other sights. We even got a pilgrim stamp in the Cathedral.

    After going into the Cathedral and saying a small prayer of thanks for such a wonderful day and that my feet held up, and praying they hold up until the Camino is complete, we continued on to our hostel for the night overlooking the old town.

    We look forward to tomorrow with great trust in God that we will complete that goal and each one thereafter until we reach Santiago. Your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated and our prayers are being answered.

    Until tomorrow,


    15.8 miles/ 41,000 steps
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  • Dzień 6

    Day 6 - Os Eidos to Saxamonde

    2 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    We’re off like a herd of pregnant turtles!

    We escaped our hostelier aka “Dr. Driese” and his hangover, and the time warp of the 60’s about 7:45am this morning. Funny he had agreed to provide breakfast at 7:00am and when I saw no one moving at 6:30am, told Claudia let’s leave. Before we got packed and left he had the table set for 7 pilgrims and we felt obligated to stay. We had paid.

    Before long he whipped out a display of a toaster and bread, coffee, orange juice, milk, jams and butter. It was good and welcomed. So, we stayed and helped ourselves before we left Casa Alternativo.

    Before I left, I made sure and thanked him profusely for the help on my feet. What he did really did make them feel better and put me in great shape for a good day walking. For further information on the miracle blister cure, see the post script below.

    The Camino and God provided again.

    Our day got off to a great start feeling well and pretty much stayed that way until we stopped for the day. Our pace was good moving from about 2.3 mph to 2.7 mph, which was about what we did the first couple of days.

    A big chunk of the morning was walking through the “industrial area” which included granite mining, automotive assembly and who knows what else. A relatively smooth level walk which was good for the feet. As we moved out of the industrial area into the country we continued to see beautiful neighborhoods and yards. The most amazing thing about all the housing and fence construction is it’s all granite. So they are well, solid as a rock.

    We continued on our steady pace and finally passed the way mark that said we had less than 100 km to go. The Camino gets much busier from here on out because a lot of pilgrims walk the requisite 100km to receive their Compostelo. So, they start in this area.

    On the way we met some pilgrims and talked with them as they walked by. And we also saw many pilgrim friends we had met from the first day. Sean was one and he joined us for lunch. We had a great time getting to know him and enjoyed hearing how the Camino had enriched his life. This is his fourth Camino and I believe in many ways each one has truly been a spiritual experience. I’m beginning to see for myself how it is doing the same for me.

    So, the day had gone so well that where we stopped for lunch at 11:30 am was across the street from where we were going to stay tonight. We re-calculated our route and decided to continue on to Saxamonde.

    A beautiful town. The albergue, made of granite, is on a very steep hill and as it turns out we are the only pilgrims here tonight. Good thing we didn’t take up the hostelier’s offer of a private room. We have the whole place to ourselves.

    The amenities are great. The first hot shower I have had since Sunday night. She washed all of our clothes for us. The beds have sheets and are comfortable, especially with the extra pillow from the bunk bed above us. The best was we asked her where the nearest bar was and she said it was hers across the street. We asked where the nearest restaurant was and it was hers also. So, we had greet tapas and beer when we arrived and a great meal on top of that.

    Overall, these pilgrims/herd of pregnant turtles moved very well and got farther than planned sooner than expected.

    12.1 miles/almost 30,000 steps


    Guaranteed to stop the pain

    #1 - Do not ever pop them! If you do and you continue walking, the blister will tear off and leave you with an open wound.

    #2 - If you are stupid enough to think popping them will help while walking and the skin does tear off, take off all of the bandages.

    #3 - Take a shower and clean your feet. Then let them dry.

    #4 - If you didn’t take off all the bandages from both feet, take them all off and go wash your feet again and let them dry.

    #5 - Once dry, have a friend spray some antiseptic on any open wounds. Be sure they grab and twist the toe with their bare hands so it hurts enough until you scream.

    #6 - Without looking or knowing have them whip out a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and as they mumble “this is gonna hurt” start pouring it all over the wound, continuing to twist your toe. You will scream like a baby while you’re alleged friend makes an evil laugh and comments on your manhood.

    #7 - Let it dry and you stop screaming.

    #8 - When he comes back, he has cut a chunk off of his aloe vera plant with the same dull knife he has done God knows what else with and walks over to you with an evil grin.

    #9 - Again, he grabs your toe and starts rubbing the aloe all over the wound like a mad man. All whilst you are screaming again.

    #10 - He orders you to do the same thing with the aloe every 10 minutes. He goes in and continues cooking dinner using the same knife he had used for the aloe.

    #11 - Leave your toe open overnight to air.

    #12 - Wake up the next morning, walk out the door and walk 12 + miles with virtually no foot pain.

    As Dad used to say: “Thar you go!”
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  • Dzień 5

    Day 5 - Valenca to Os Eidos

    1 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    We started the day in the Fortuleza of Valenca in Portugal after a very good night’s sleep in a wonderful room overlooking Valenca. On our way out we passed by a trebuchet (Google it), and down the steep passageway across the moat and through the town. Before we knew it we were crossing the Minho river from Portugal to Spain.

    On the way to Spain we saw the Tui Cathedral high on a hill far away and thought surely we were not going there.

    Welcome to the Tui Cathedral originally built in the XII Century with a few updates in the XIV and XV Centuries. As was the Fortuleza, it was heavily fortified against attacks by the Portuguese, so getting up and around all the steps and cobblestone roads was a challenge. Accepted and completed.

    We also had the opportunity to travel along the Roman route, not used for the Camino, and saw a bridge built by the Romans.

    We ultimately arrived at our albergue named Casa Alternativo. A very interesting character named Dries (sp?) owns it and had a great story about how he is a pilgrim and decided to open his own albergue. We had our first “Camino” meal with the other pilgrims here. A Camino meal is basically a family style meal served by the hostelier including wine. All the produce came from local farms and we had a good time.

    He was also “Dr. Dris” and assisted me with my foot problems. I have to say for the most part they are feeling much better. On the Camino, the Camino provides and it did again.

    I have retired early to take it easy on my feet while we work our way to Santiago. Tomorrow is another day and I am looking forward to a little longer walk each day.

    Buen Camino!

    8.4 miles/ 22,000 steps
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