Provincia di Verona

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Provincia di Verona
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    • Day 2–3

      Start zu einem neuen Abenteuer

      April 9 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nach unzähligen Vorbereitungen durften wir gestern bei Saharastaub und Föhnsturm unsere Heimat verlassen. Die erste Fahrt führte uns bis nach Peschiera del Garda. Ein schöner Ort um so richtig in Reisestimmung zu gelangen. Heute soll es weiter in Richtung Süd-Osten an die slowenische Küste gehen.Read more

    • Day 28

      Verona, Italy

      June 27, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      We took one 5ish hour train into Verona from Munich and had a private cabin this time. Woo hoo! This was wonderful because the kids could be silly and no masks! The views through the mountains of Austria and Italy were simply stunning. However, my camera on a speeding train did not even do it justice, so you are stuck with cute pictures of my girls. We should be able to make it back to visit Austria, but just passed through for now.

      Be proud of us because we culturally prepared our kids for Italy by allowing them to watch Luca and Gnomeo & Juliet.

      When we exited the train in Verona, we immediately could tell we had gone much further south. We encountered some good old Texas style heat - well almost that hot. They actually have air conditioning at this hotel, but the air turns off when you leave the room. No washer and dryer still, so we will have to find one of those soon.

      Our first day began with a bakery stop and cappuccino near a little market in Verona. Just the right way to begin the day. After caffenating, we were off to explore the city. This city is famous for the setting of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. We ventured to Juliet's balcony and found several art sculptures around town honoring this ancient love story. We walked around the ancient arena dated back to 30AD in prep mode for an Opera. We also discovered parts of ancient roads that were exposed as we walked to through the shops.

      We stayed in a hotel just off the Piazza Bra with shopping, coffee, gelato and pizza at every corner. We ventured away from the city center across the Pointe Pietra Bridge, built around 100 AD, and found this superb, tiny pizza shop that was delicious and cheap. We had read when traveling around Europe that venturing away from the city you often find better food at better prices, so far we have found this to be true. I will say this is the third best pizza we have ever had. Sorry guys, we still prefer Seth's homemade pizza over Italy's. Don't worry though, we will keep trying pizza.

      We decided to make the trek to a hilltop and overlook the city. Along the route, Mabel got a blister and so we carried her around the rest of the day. The hilltop was awesome. As we overlooked the city, we couldn't help but notice the roof line was perfect for an action film. We could have "easily" run across rooftops to escape a bad guy. The carrying of Mabel was a workout, especially because of all the stairs and inclines.

      Once we reached the top of the hill, we explored an old building and managed to get a little stuck. We thought we were on the path down, but it lead to a locked gate and the doors we went through locked behind us. We had to jump around/over the fence by using a ledge with a gnarly drop off. We made it out of there and found our way to the path again. Phew!

      Once we reached to bottom of the hilltop again, we found a nice green space for the girls to play. Luckily, they got their puppy fix. They giggled so much as the played with several sweet dogs. They are missing Seth's friend's dog, Pablo.

      Next, we plan to take a short stop in Venice on the way to some old Air Force friends. We are looking forward to a slow holiday weekend with good friends and hopefully some good food. We tried to meet up with them on our RV adventures a couple years ago, but a last minute deployment spoiled our plans.

      Chocolate update: Chocolate is good is all the countries, but non has stood out above the rest. Happy to keep trying chocolate all the places despite the delicious similarities.

      Oh ya! Addy lost a tooth in Italy and the tooth fairy still found her.
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    • Day 11

      2. Teil Verona / Aida

      June 23, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Wir haben uns für unseren zweiten Besuch in der Altstadt von Verona E-Bikes geliehen. So kommen wir richtig gut gelaunt und nicht verschwitzt an der Arena an.
      Direkt daneben gibt es ein ACI zertifiziertes Restaurant. Die Krönung unter den Restaurants die glutenfreies Essen anbieten. Von so etwas sind wir in Deutschland noch meilenweit entfernt.
      Das muss ausgenutzt werden. Für mich gibt es wieder Pizza. Als der Oberkellner merkt dass ich die falsche Pizza gebracht bekomme, ist der junge Kellner einen Kopf kleiner.
      Er konnte das so schnell sehen, da „Personen wie ich“ sowohl extra eingepacktes Besteck bekommen als auch andere Teller.
      Auch wenn man keine Tickets für eine Oper hat, lohnt es sich auf dem Vorplatz vorbei zu sehen. Es ist köstlich zu sehen wer was wie anhat. Es gibt gewisse Regeln, aber Regeln sind ja sehr dehnbar.
      Der „Pöbel“ wie wir sitzt ganz oben auf den Steinstufen. (Deutlich besser als die Mittelklasse auf viel zu engen harten Klappstühlen). Da muss schon überlegt werden was man für 3std. so anzieht. Ich freue mich tierisch über meine Laufleggins unterm Kleid.
      Auch Martin haben wir „extra“ eine Stoffhose gekauft. Andere Damen in kurzen schwarzen Minikleidern (ohne Picknickdecke oder Sitzkissen) werden sehr leiden. Es zeigt sich mal wieder, vorher ein paar Erfahrensberichte zu lesen und etwas Menschenverstand lohnt sich immer wieder.
      Die pompösen Abendgarderoben kann man von hier oben auch sehr gut beobachten. Unsere Plätze kosten 31€. Die unten haben bis zu 220€ bezahlt.
      Was soll ich sagen… Aida ist pompös. Das Bühnenbild und die Kostüme sind grandios. Ich bin richtig froh mir die Handlung vorher durchgelesen zu haben, aber auch ohne ist es ein Spektakel der Extraklasse. Zurück heißt es leider wieder laufen. Die Oper ging bis 0:40 und ab 0:0 Uhr kann man keine Räder mehr leihen.
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    • Day 43

      1er pas en Vénétie : Vérone

      April 18 in Italy ⋅ 🌫 14 °C

      Le wwoofing dans les Alpes est fini !!
      Il est temps pour moi de visiter un peu plus l'Italie en pur touriste, d'abord Florence puis un gros morceau de la Vétie sont prévus !

      Avant la capitale de la Toscane, je fais un détour (très) rapide à Vérone : "La Petite Rome"
      En effet, Vérone est une ville antique abritant de nombreux monuments et sites antiques, à commencer par ces fameuses arènes, un mini-colisée dans cette partie nord de l'Italie 😊

      Deux petites heures pour se balader dans son centre historique, qui a un charme fou avec tout ses édifices médiévaux ou de la Renaissance.
      Vérone est aussi connue dans le monde entier pour l'œuvre de Shakespeare : Roméo et Juliette. Mais flemme de rester plus longtemps dans cette ville si romantique d'Italie 💗🇮🇹

      Après le déjeuner, reprise rapide d'un autre train pour gagner en fin d'après-midi Florence 🚄
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    • Day 5–6

      Verona - auf den Spuren v. Romeo & Julia

      April 26 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      ... ähm nicht. Anstehen, um ein Foto von einem Balkon zu machen, der nachträglich erbaut wurde, um Touris zu locken, da bin ich raus. Der Rest war ganz ansehnlich. 😅 Aber ich habe wieder gemerkt, Städte sind einfach nicht so mein Ding. Zum Glück geht es morgen nicht in die nächste Stadt (Ironie). 😅

      Zum Start in den Tag: Für heute habe ich einen Campingplatz gebucht, weil nahe an der Stadt und sicherer für FJ (wg. Einbruch). Der Plan war, FJ bezieht sein neues zuhause und ich radel nach Verona. Nunja, das Radel betreibt weiterhin Winterschlaf, nachdem ich von der Rezeption darauf hinweisen wurde, dass das nicht sicher sei mit dem Rad. Ich solle lieber den Zug nehmen. Das fühlt sich doch direkt gut an hier. 🫢😂
      Zugfahren. Auch genau mein Ding. Ersten Zug direkt verpasst. (War klar. 🙈) Den Zweiten dann überpünktlich genommen.

      In Verona gab es heute auch den ersten Aperoli zu einem super Aperol-Kurs. 🍹

      Knapp 25.000 Schritte.
      Denke, ich bin bereit für die Heija.
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    • Day 71


      May 26, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Heute geht es ein großes Stück nach Hause. In Orvieto auf die Autobahn und bis nach Cola, in der Nähe von Lazise gefahren. Ungefähr 50 € Autobahn Gebühren, dafür super Straßenzustand und sehr gut zu fahren.

      Hier gibt es den „Parco Thermale Del Garda“
      Ein tolles Thermalbad, in dem wir vor 14 Jahren schon einmal waren. Zwei große Seen werden aus 37 bzw. 42 Grad heißen Thermalwasser gespeist. Das ganze liegt in einem alten Park.

      Was wir nicht wussten, das Bad hat bis 23:00 Uhr auf und ab 18:00 Uhr ist es billiger. Das haben wir dann ausgenutzt.
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    • Day 158


      April 30, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Da es Samstag ist, und ich noch einkaufen muss, überlege ich mir einen Parkplatz nahe einem Lidl Supermarkt zu suchen .
      In Lazise werde ich fündig und besichtige danach die reizende Altstadt am Gardasee .
      Es gibt wirklich viele schöne Geschäfte und ich kaufe hier meine Urlaubssouvenirs und lasse für die Babys in der Familie nette Produkte besticken .
      Dann fahre ich weiter Richtung Venedig wo ich nahe Aprilia Marittima übernachte.
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    • Day 12


      April 16 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Thermal baths just aren’t really a thing in the US. I finally realized what is so odd about them…no life guards!! And this place was huge. So many pools and places to relax, both indoor and outdoors. The water was 35 C which is really comfortable. With the package we bought the adults got to go into the spa area. So Michael and I decided to check it out while Ian napped with Mom. We had to change out of our normal bathing suits and into some weird disposable bathing suit that was heat proof. The woman at the desk said we could join a “ritual” if we wanted to. We had no idea what this meant. Anyway I noticed there is a schedule on the wall and that it is nearly time for the Nordic relaxation ritual in the Russian bath. Whatever that meant. Then Michael noticed a little basket that was supposed to have tokens. It appeared all of the tokens were gone, but then we noticed behind the sign that two remained. I quickly grabbed them. Right then a couple people came over also trying to get tokens. Tough luck for them. We followed the herd of people all in their weird disposable bathing suits to the Russian baths dropped our tokens in the basket and entered. The dude leading the “ritual” says a bunch of stuff really fast in Italian and I catch a list of essential oils and that it will last twelve minutes. He and this other dude then put what looks like a snow ball on the hot rocks and the room fills with scents. Pleasant. They then start to wave flags. Weird. The point of it appears to be to waft the scent around. Okay. That’s nice. And then it starts to get real. The real purpose is to redistribute heat. And this thing is hot like the goddam sun. By the end Michael and I (and all the other people) are drenched in sweat and I thought my contact lens would fuse to my eyeballs while my skin would burst into flame. At one point I felt cold almost because I think my nerves were totally whacked. Oh yeah and this really loud German language music was playing. So weird. But I did feel great by the end of it. Since we only had about forty five minutes to spend in the spa this was totally the way to go. Overall we spent about eight hours at the complex and it was a great day!Read more

    • Day 7

      Bolca: Well, this is Italy!

      April 11 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      In 1998 I moved to Germany to live with a family for year. During the first month I was living with them, they took me with on their annual vacation to Italy--the Lake Garda area. I recall my host father going hiking and coming back with a shell fossil. So fast forward 25 years (I actually cannot believe it has been that long!) and we're going to be staying within a half hour of Lake Garda. So I look to see if there is anything having to do with fossils around Negrar. I stumble on Bolca and its museum of fossils, a little over an hour from Il Castello. Many stunningly well preserved fish and palms dating from 50 million years ago come from that site. It has been in the same family for many hundreds of years, and in fact the same family maintains the museum and the fossil site to this day. Certainly you can see many wonderful Bolca specimens in Padua, but I wanted to check out Bolca because there you can try you hand at cracking rocks and also entering the cave from which the specimens were found. Way back in February I filled out an internet form and in my halting Italian asked if we could visit the site on April 11. Massimo Cerato said yes! Vi Aspettiamo! (we wait for you!)
      So we make the 70 minute drive up up up to the town of Bolca. At the last few miles we're following a small car going pretty slow around the last few hairpin turns. It turns into the parking lot in front of us. We are the only two cars in the lot. The two guys in the other car have photography equipment--they seem to me there to make images of specimens.
      So we are, arriving at the museum on Thursday April 11th right around 2:30pm just like that email from early February. And when we walk up to the ticket counter ask about going to the fossil site they look at us like we're crazy. It is only open on Saturday and Sunday! No one is waiting for us! My Italian is poor but I do mention that I have an email from the museum. At this point one of the photographers comes over and since he speaks better English than my Italian he helps communicate. He sees the email, confirms what it says, goes over to others, who I presume are members of the family, and shows them the email. Now everyone is talking rapidly and what I can hear over and over again is the name Massimo. Massimo was the one who had emailed us...and of course he was not around today. (of note, Massimo does have the last name of the family) Anyway, they clearly feel bad about what has happened and offer to let us see the museum free of charge. The photographer shrugs his shoulders and says "Well, this is Italy!" as a way of explanation. But the chapter isn't over. The family is still chatting and two new dudes appear and the photographer helps interpret that they will take us to the cave after all! So they take us to the site, show us how to hit the rocks to open them up (they make it look easy) and we spend some time trying to find fossils (we're really bad at it) before they take us to the excavation site. They give Annika some semi precious stones, give us some fossil leaves and shark teeth and really made us feel welcome. So I suppose, this is also Italy. We met such kindness.
      Not sure Massimo will meet kindness tonight. haha.
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    • Day 4–5

      Wenn's mal wieder anders kommt...

      April 25 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      ... als man denkt.

      Man wacht auf, die Sonne knallt, es sind leicht transpirierende 22°C im Camper. Man freut sich auf's T-Shirt-Wetter, reißt die Schiebetür auf und knallt sie halt doch direkt wieder zu, weil's nur erfrischende 5°C sind. Egal. Die Sonne scheint. ☀️ "Das wird heute gut." (Das Schicksal schmeißt sich schon weg vor Lachen.)

      Da mein eigentliches Ausflugsziel heute nicht machbar ist, muss kurzfristig umgeplant werden. Naja, die Sonne gibt ja alles, also war für mich klar, ich will Natur. Wasserfälle mit einer Wanderung sollen es werden. 2 Stunden über Stock und über Stein gefahren zum Ausflugsziel. (Wahnsinn, was Google Maps da manchmal für abenteuerliche Straßen ausgräbt: "Ja, die Alex, die schicken wir mit ihren 3,5 t doch mal über die Buckelpiste"). So, Serpentine hoch, FJ geheult vom Feinsten, um dann, na klar, vom Regen empfangen zu werden. Na eeeeendlich wieder Regen. Kann ja keiner ahnen, wenn man 700 km in den Süden fährt, dass der Regen mitkommt. Selbstverständlich hat der brav gewartet, bis wir zwei uns hier hoch geschafft haben.
      Wasserfälle gab's dann erstmal nur von oben...
      Hab ca. eine Stunde gewartet und bin doch los (siehe Bilder).

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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Provincia di Verona, Vérone, Verona

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