An NZ Odyssey by Lisa & Keegan

września 2018 - czerwca 2024
Two Canucks just out for a rip in New Zealand Bud. Over there for like a good year... oh fuck yeah bud. Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 42

    Coromandel - day 1

    22 października 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Northland was great but we wanted to be in 1 spot for a bit so we could get some more consistent surfing in. So plan was to go south, back to tauranga area and stay for a bit. A nice place to stop on the way was the coromandel. Our first day we decided to hit up the tourist attractions which is most beaches. The top 5 must dos of this area include Hauraki rail trail, cathedral cove, new chum beach, hot water beach and the pinnacles. We had plans to come back for the rail trail and already experienced the hot water beach thing so decided we would fit in the other top 3. Maybe not the best day for touristy things on a Monday of the long weekend but we went for it anyways. We started out with a visit to cathedral cove, pretty cool rocks down there but it was crazy busy with people. From there we headed up the coast to find new chum beach..this was much better! Takes about 30 mins to walk in to the beach from the parking lot. We went in the late afternoon and were happy to only see about a handful of people relaxing in the sun. Beauty beach and nice day to be in the ocean!

    Tomorrow we see the pinnacles:)
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  • Dzień 43

    Coromandel - the Pinnacles

    23 października 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    The Kauaeranga Kauri Trail is 8km trail, following an old packhorse trail used in the early 1900s for forestry, through the Coromandel Forest Park up to what are known as the Pinnacles. It is a very popular trail, so it is super wide and well built. It actually reminded Lisa and I a lot of the Inca Trail in Peru. We spent the night with 30 other people in a massive 80-person hut with running water, propane, and electricity about 6 km from the trail head. It was fancy, and they actually had a shower block which Lisa used. In the evening, we wandered up from the hut to the top of the Pinnacles, which are several steep rock spires.

    From atop the Pinnacles, we were treated with sweet as views of forested valleys with occasional kauri trees, mountains and the ocean to the west. We found a flat spot to settle in for sunset, fired up the campstove, drank beer, and cooked up some Kumara (Sweet potato native to NZ) chickpea powerbowls. pretty much half way through meal prep , the rest of the hut patrons made their way up to the top. Although we were on a separate pinnacle, it dawned on us that because we were positioned between them and the sunset, we and our bright colored hiking cloths were going to end up in a bunch of other peoples pictures. Too bad for them, but it did make us chug beer and eat fast. Sunset was sweet too, lots of practice with the new camera.
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  • Dzień 54

    Papamoa beach

    3 listopada 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    For the past 10 days we have been staying in Papamoa, in a cute little guest house, across the street from the beach. You think when you go away on holiday you will feel relaxed and stressfree but that really was not the case with us. When you are moving around all the time you don't feel like you get to just relax. So this was a perfect opportunity for us to take some chill time. Some things that we got up to over the past 10 days:
    - sleeping and napping: this one was especially important for Keegan
    - watching Netflix... a lot of it!
    - beach walks and home yoga (nice way to relax😊)
    - mountain biking at Summerhills and out in Rotorua (only a short 45min drive away)
    - little hike up Mount Maunganui aka 'the Mount'
    - biked the Hauraki railtrail (old rail road track that is now a gravel bike path in the coromandel area. There is a tunnel that is over 1km long that is pretty neat! Also was a good reminder to buy padded bike shorts!
    - dinner and a visit with Jenna (Luke's sis) Blair and the kids. This was so nice since we don't have a ton of opportunity to hang out with friends over here.
    - got out surfing for 4 days. Well for me, it was an attempt Haha. Conditions were not amazing for a beginner which really makes you feel frustrated and like a scaredy-cat! I'm a pretty solid swimmer and have done a lot of open water swimming but surfing is so different! There is a lot more fear involved in surfing and I was scared a lot! Hopefully we will have some better conditions coming so I can get some practice with that.

    We both feel like we didn't do a lot but I think that was the point! It also gave us an opportunity to do some planning for the next couple months.

    Oh and we signed up for the Old Ghost Road mountain bike track! It's 85km long, with 5000m of climbing, technical terrain, including some pretty crazy looking alpine riding. It looks insane and I'm really excited about it! Training has officially started😎
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  • Dzień 55


    4 listopada 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Ok back to vanlife. We headed out towards the east coast to a place called Gisborne. This was a top destination pick for Keegan because of the surfing but our timing continues to be off and there wasn't any good surfing conditions for the week. So we drank some beer at a brewery instead. Our Kiwi turned Canuck buddy Luke recommended to check out the natural rock waterslide in the area, which was good fun! We bought a little kids size floaty which didn't cut it but were able to borrow a boogy board instead. Definitely a worthwhile side trip to check out.

    We only stayed 1 night in gisborne which I think we both are regretting but there may be a chance to come back another time. When the waves are big enough!
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  • Dzień 58

    Napier and Hawke's bay

    7 listopada 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Further down the coast we headed for hawkes bay area. We spend 3 nights at a campground just outside of Napier, in Eskdale. Hawkes bay is wine country so I was pretty happy to be there:)
    The first couple days we checked out napier and did a couple mountain bike rides. We explored the local mountain bike park which had fun trails but not the prettiest area. Te Mata park on the other hand was awesome! This park has a bunch of hiking and biking trails and would definitely recommend! The mtb trails were pretty sweet! Some of our favourites so far this trip:)
    We also got out for a hike out to Cape kidnappers, which was a 10ishkm beach walk each way. At the end of the trail is another gannet bird colony reserve so we saw a bunch more birds.
    Finished each day off with some wine tasting of course.
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  • Dzień 65

    More Hawkes bay

    14 listopada 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We spent another full week in hawkes bay area but moved on to Hastings, a city more inland from Napier. It was a pretty chill week with some rain and cooler weather. We got out for a couple more rides at Te Mata peak because it's just so fun! And we checked out a couple beaches - Ocean beach and Waimarama beach. Keegan recently bought a surf board so he was very excited try it out! Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 68


    17 listopada 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    We said goodbye to the ocean for a couple weeks and headed towards Taupo. This city is basically right in the middle of the north island. Taupo and area have some great biking trails so we did a bunch of exploring by bikes (of course). With a giant lake there too we decided to get in some water activities as well. We signed up for a guided tour by kayak out to some Maori rock carvings. We also checked out another geothermal area that was right by the bike park.

    We stayed a couple nights at a free campground but 2 nights was plenty for us. After camping with at least 40 other caravans or campervans and hanging out with our sneaky rat neighbour (he was cute and I named him Fergus) we moved on to a quieter spot with a shower - you can really only bath in the river for so long before you need to actually get clean!

    From here, we weren't sure where to go. The forecast wasn't looking good for our original bike plans so we both agree it was time for a bike break so we could hike:)
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  • Dzień 70

    Kaimanawa Forest Park - Solo Trip

    19 listopada 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    So Lisa and I had spend approximately all of our waking hours together since getting to New Zealand, and most of these being in a van crammed with a bed and all our equipment. These hours, for the most part have been epic... But when rain, illness, and road bumps in logistics get thrown into a trip like this, Lisa and I can get on each others nerves. We decided to take a few days to ourselves, which I used to hike Mountains in the Kaimanawa Forest Park, Just south of Lake Taupo. This involved 65ish km of walking and 2 nights at the Waipakihi Hut.

    If this hasn't been made completely clear, tourist hoards can get on my nerves. I recently read an article about a 45 minute "Social Media" queue at the top of some mountain overlooking Wanaka on the South Island of NZ. I understand the view from this mountain is probably epic, but this behavior makes me irrationally angry. Why? Because the mountain next to it is probably offers a better view, and does not have a person on it. I will gladly put in any extra effort to hike that mountain. Anyways, this adventure into the bush is a possible example of this.

    With prior engagements in a few days in Taupo, my options for backpacking were Kaimanawa or Tongariro Forest Park, a massive volcanic highland containing 3 volcanos, one of which being Mount Doom from LoR (Ngauruhoe). While Tongariro has lots of epic trekking opportunities, it is somewhat of a tourist trap. Huts and campsites in the park have to be booked well in advance and are expensive. Kaimanawa on the other hand is remote wilderness, with less maintained hiking tracks, and backcountry huts, and is visited by way fewer people. In fact, no one at the tourist information center 10 km from my starting point had ever heard of it, but were at least able to sell me hut tickets (remote huts are first come first serve, all you need to do is prepay). Great joy came from knowing I had a place to stay, and knowing I likely wouldn't be overwhelmed by tourists.

    Day 1: 25km, ~1200m gain

    Lisa and I hiked up Mt Urchin (1,392 m) a small peak with an awesome view. We cooked up some instant noodles at the top which I argue taste great anywhere and Enjoyed a view under partly cloudy skies. She turned around while I carried on a ridge to Mt Umukarikari (1,591 m). It started snowing about an hour after we parted ways and did not stop until I dropped down the ridge to the hut. So I can't say that it was all that exciting, but not often do you get to do a hike where you gain most of your elevation in the first 3 km, then maintain it along a ridge for 19km. So there's that.

    I got the the hut around 6 pm and thought thought I had the hut to myself. I start a fire, and laid claim to the kitchen area with wet cloths and steaming boots and crushed some food and beer. 8:30 pm still raining hard at the hut, still snowing on the ridge, and a young kiwi couple wearing hunting gear roll in. They are cold, wet, miserable, and she is super angry at him. They are happy there is a fire, as did not bring pack covers, so their gear is soaked! I surrender my kitchen and the fire and retreat to bed.

    Day 2: 21km, ~1100m Gain

    I awaken to quite a sight. First, it's beautiful outside. Clouds roll down the valley giving way to clear skies and an unobstructed view of the snow dusted peaks . But more interestingly the Kiwi couple have pulled mattresses out of the bunk room, and have converted the kitchen/fire area into a sweet cloths drying/ mattress fort, in which they spend the night. Over in Tongariro Forest Park, I imagine tourists who have awoken to early to the sound of snoring and farting in their overcrowded superhuts. No one has made a sweet mattress fort. I imagine they are miserable.

    I spend my day hiking in the "Middle Range" and head up an unnamed peak (1660 m), again following the spin of a ridge line for most of the day. This time I can enjoy the views in sunshine and take a ton of pictures. I get lost on my way down and have to bushwack. I get back to the hut and realize I have lost my pack cover, and sunglasses somewhere in the process. I eat dinner and retrace my steps up into the middle range in search of my sunnies and pack cover, although I find neither. When I get back, the kiwi couple have re-stoked the fire; their mattress fort still in tact. That night they tell me what they do for fun, what animals you can shoot, and they teach me how to catch an eel. I may or may not have got to shoot his hunting rifle.

    Day 3: 18km, ~800m Gain

    The weather on Day 3 is even better then that of day 2, sunshine, no wind. I get up early, breakfast coffee. I pop into the kitchen area to say goodbye to the Kiwi's and once again to mire at their mattress fort. I notice that all they have packed were instant noodles and chips, pretty sweet. The hike out is fast, even with all the breaks to stop and take pictures. It follows much of the same track as that of the first day, t once agian traversing Umukarikari peak above the trees on a really long ridge line, only this time in the sun. I am treated with views of the Kaimanawa Forest, Lake Taupo, Lake Rotoaira, and the 3 Volcano in Tongariro.

    Pretty Sweet. Lisa picks me up from the trail head, and I am happy to see her. While it was nice to have a couple days of alone time, I felt like Lisa would have really enjoyed the experience, and I would have most likely enjoyed it more with her. Either way it was still amazing, I saw two people the whole time I was out there. The visitor book at the hut showed that days can go by without an occupant. I had arguably better views of Tongariro then anyone actually in Tongariro, and the nearest tourist center had never heard of the Kaimanawa Forest. No 45 minute " Social Media Queue". New Zealand has hidden gems, you just have to work for them a bit.
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  • Dzień 85


    4 grudnia 2018, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    After spending the weekend (Nov 23/24) with friends watching/cheering them on for their bike race in Taupo we headed out to the west coast to check out the Taranaki area. We spent almost weeks in the area checking out some different spots along the west coast. Taranaki also has a pretty incredible volcano (Mt. Taranaki) which we were hoping to explore.
    First stop was New Plymouth. We hung out for a few days with a plan to do some surfing and exploring the city. Did a bit of freedom camping on the waterfront which was basically a parking lot but perfect access to the beach. Keegan got out for a day of surfing while we were here. I relaxed on the beach instead. I'm still feeling a bit nervous about surfing so looking for an opportunity to take a lesson. New Plymouth was cool and we probably didnt give it enough time to see everything that is there but over the few days we biked at there mtb park, bikes along their coastal trails and checked out the outdoor velodrome (we were just on our mountain bikes and it was crazy windy out but still fun!), had a picnic dinner at Pukekura Park and explored the streets a bit (mostly on a search for yummy ice cream)
    After a few days here we headed down to Oakura where we rented a guestsuite for a couple nights and got in another couple days of surfing. Day 1 didnt go great for me and after being run over by an intense surfer bro, Keegan and I decided on a private lesson the next day together. This was great and I finally enjoyed myself again in the water. Sticking to the baby waves for now but definitely feel more excited to keep at it.
    We continued down the coast to a small town called Hawera. Mostly a great place for some RnR. Cheap and quiet campground and a good spot to relax for the both of us. The weather hasn't been the greatest with alot more rainy days which is making it tough to plan a hike up mt Taranaki. So we surfed again. Keegan did 2 days and I got out for 1. We found a nice surf beach in Ohura. The waves started to get huge with a swell coming in - like 10 to 16ft! But luckily the weather improved and we got a great day out hiking the fanthom's peak track. This is the peak that is right next to the top of mt Taranaki. Great hike, weather turned on us once we got past the treeline and was actually a super steep up but we made it!
    We decided to leave the area and head to Whanganui city where we met some travelers who were also biking around just like us. We were looking for a longer distance bike trail to do prior to our upcoming canoe trip. They had recommended the Timber trail so we decided to check it out!
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