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Top 10 reisbestemmingen Arzúa
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    • Dag 42

      Into Arca

      29 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ 🌧 50 °F

      Today we walked into a tiny village called Arca which is near O Pedruoso. We are within 20 km of the cathedral in Santiago!

      We again didn’t take many pictures due to the rain but it was not nearly as rainy today as yesterday. We had a very gentle walk through countryside and planted eucalyptus groves as well as through villages and deciduous oak groves. There were a couple sections next to the highway too. Some of our Camino friends were talking about the movies fan’s documentaries about the Camino. One thing they never show is how much of the Camino is on paved roads and next to highways!

      Today we stopped for coffee early and later got a sandwich in a village. They brought us little bowls of callous con garbanzos, a soup made of garbanzo beans, broth, and tripe. It was really good! I’m not sure I’m going to start putting tripe in our shopping list but it was very good in a soup.

      We are in an unusual little casa rural, an inn. It has rooms and a little restaurant next door. We like the little restaurants in inns; you don’t have to help searching for food, and the food is usually pretty good. Lots of meat and fried potatoes, but it’s usually tasty. This village probably has 100 people max so I’m glad food is easy to find here today!

      Tomorrow we are on to Santiago!
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    • Dag 27

      Boimil - O Pedrouzo

      28 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Habe schlecht geschlafen, dabei war ich an den zwei Flaschen Wein die getrunken wurden gar nicht beteiligt. Bestimmt hätte ich damit besser geschlafen, aber das wandern wäre mir sicherlich schwerer gefallen. Noch schwerer als es heute bei dem Wetter ohnehin war.

      Unsere Ponchos sind beide nun zerrissen. Obwohl das Material vermuten lässt dass es ripstop ist, ist es das aber nicht und das kleinste Loch wird vom Sturm aufgerissen. Weggeschmissen haben wir sie aber noch nicht, denn bis Santiago sind es immer noch 20 km und das Wetter hält!

      Mit den heutigen 27km waren wir um 13:40 Uhr fertig und checkten in die örtliche, öffentliche Herberge ein. Bei all den Pilgerern heute auf dem Weg, hatte ich wirklich bedenken, dass hier vieles schon belegt wäre. Ist aber überhaupt nicht der Fall.

      Auf dem Camino Frances sind wir heute ungefähr zwei Stunden gewandert und ich habe mehr Pilgerer gesehen als in der gesamten Zeit auf dem CdN. Erst war ich mir unsicher mit diese Behauptung, aber dann stoppten wir in der ersten Bar und hier waren, kamen und gingen so viele Leute. Zudem gingen noch unzählige vorbei. Wir waren wirklich erschrocken wie viel hier doch los ist. In der Bar war man nicht allein unter einheimischen, sondern alleine mit den anderen Pilgerern.

      Die Wege sind durch das Wetter sehr aufgeweicht und durch die vielen vielen Leute, sehr ausgetreten. Ich kann nicht mehr eben stehen bleiben um pipi zu machen, weil immer jemand in der Nähe ist. Der Gedanke den Camino Frances nochmal zu laufen, haben wir durch diese wenigen Eindrücke, direkt fallen gelassen.
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    • Dag 49


      6 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Przewedrowalismy dzisiaj około 20 km. Jest to ostatnia noc przed wejściem do Santiago. Dochodzimy do celu, ale czy do końca? Myślę, że koniec okazał się bardziej odległy niż się wydawało, ale za to emocje i przemyślenia będą nam towarzyszyć przez długi czas, aż wszystko się ułoży albo nie ułoży w głowie. Na razie nie ma szans aby to wszystko ogarnąć. Poza osobistym zaangażowaniem nie byłoby możliwe aby to dokonać, bez waszego wsparcia i miłości, którą czuliśmy każdego dnia.
      Dotarliśmy do miejsca gdzie od katedry dzieli nas tylko 9 km, także jutro powinniśmy dotrzeć na miejsce około południa.
      W ciągu dzisiejszego dnia dołączyły do nas na trochę Ewa i Julita( Sztokholm) z Polski, także nasza grupa troszkę się powiększyła. Nie było żadnego otwartego kościoła. Nie było też żadnego kamiennego krzyża, tak jakby wszystko już tylko czekało na wejście do Santiago, czyli tam gdzie jest punkt kulminacyjny.
      Pogoda traktuje nas od dłuższego czasu w sposób bardzo łaskawy ( AJ jest 5 raz na Camino Frances I po raz pierwszy w Galicji towarzyszy mu słońce), zapewniając ciepły dzień z lekkim wiaterkiem i cieniem z drzew rosnących wzdłuż drogi.
      To chyba tyle, na razie nie ma szans aby przelać wewnętrzne myśli i przemyślenia w słowa, to chyba przyjdzie później...
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    • Dag 26–27

      Day 25 Melide - Salceda

      21 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      25.2 km (740.2 km from the start). 31.000 steps. 5h 5min on the road. 1658 calories. 5.7 km/h

      Melide provided what I have been craving for in 20 days - deep pan pepperoni pizza 😂 It was greasy, fat and disgusting - and I loved it 😇

      So many people on the Camino. Very few with big backpacks, mostly with small bags and no equipment. It was raining again today and many Spanish pilgrims were wet and their pretty new sneakers were suddenly dirty and wet 😂 Welcome to Camino without global warming

      Unfortunately - sad news on Camino. Missing pilgrim from France, age 45, has been found dead on descent from Pyrenees. Experience hiker was missing since Sunday but found this morning. Just a reminder that Camino is not a joke and, especially in Pyrenees it can be a very challenging task.

      Staying at Salceda - small 27 km from my finish line. While I am enjoying my well deserved beer - some Spanish pilgrims decided to have a party. It is going to be a fun afternoon - after they remember that they still are missing some 11 km before their stop for today 😂😂
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    • Dag 32

      More people

      23 augustus 2022, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      The two girls in the photo with me, Elena and Yolanda, plus 2 others who were travelling alone, got together in the garden of a bar on the Camino.
      When they saw other pilgrims passing, they asked them to join for a drink.
      The group got bigger and bigger, there was singing and dancing, and everyone had a bit of fun.
      The group was already quite large when Jan and I arrived.
      Most were young Spaniards who started the walk in Sarria. This shows the different mindset of the 4-day walkers as opposed to most people who do a longer pilgrimage. One group is there to have fun, the other is searching for inner peace. This is obviously a gross generalisation, but you get the idea.
      The demographic of the Camino undoubtedly changed after Sarria, and albergues in many villages were full.
      For this reason, in the last 110k of the walk we had to book ahead. For the same reason, we completed this section a day earlier than originally expected- to avoid the hassle of ringing around to find a bed for an extra day.
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    • Dag 35

      A Salceda

      9 oktober 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      12 miles.
      Started off dark and foggy again this morning. I kinda love it! There have been a lot of eucalyptus trees along the path in the last few days. Also, there are many of these grain or corn storage buildings.
      Tomorrow is supposed to rain. Hopefully not when we're walking.

      Last photo: When it's raining outside and your socks aren't dry have to improvise.
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    • Dag 29

      Arzua to Pedrouzo

      23 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Our second last day and a 21kms ahead of us, which we were all a little concerned about. A blessing from a beautiful nun at the start lightened our way. Had a mix of heavy mist, which cleared to overcast day, then sun, then rain, then finished with very warm sunshine 🌞. We made it without incident, though I must say, our shins were feeling the downhill tracks somewhat. Onward to Santiago de Compostela today🙏Meer informatie

    • Dag 35

      Day 32 - Hills, hills and more hills

      17 oktober 2022, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      "I love walking because it clears your mind, enriches the soul, takes away stress, and opens up your eyes to a whole new world ." - Claudette Dudley

      Day 32 - Melide to Arzùa - 14.2 km - approx 3 3/4 hrs walking time

      A rainy day was forecast again, and it had been raining all night. By the time Annette came to my Albergue and we were ready to go, it was just about 8:40 am. Later than usual, but it was good timing. The rain had stopped and we stepped out to the smell of wet pavement and overcast skies. I have no problem with this! Much preferred to rain!

      As Annette called her husband in AUS, her pace got quicker and quicker while we were walking downhill. My poor little legs were struggling to keep up with her and I didn’t want to interrupt her call to tell her. She did notice after a bit, and we slowed down. Whew! There was no way I could keep that pace up!

      Within about 15 minutes, we had caught up to Lucinda who had apparently left earlier than us. We all walked happily together along tree lined dirt and stoney trails. Very little road walking today, which was lovely. There were a lot of hills though - not so lovely. I still hate the damn things! My recovery time is definitely better, but I’d prefer not to have to know that!!

      We stopped briefly at an organic stand and each bought a bottle of the woman’s homemade liquor. Raspberry for Lucinda and I, and coffee liquor for Annette. Going to be interesting! I think I will save it until Santiago as a celebratory tipple.

      After leaving the stand, we walked through some fragrant eucalyptus forest. It smelled SO good! Apparently the Ozzie’s have come and they are here to stay. Eucalyptus is apparently quite invasive - but it does smell good!

      We had a rest stop approx half way, and said hello to Elise who was resting at the same bar. This was the only time we saw her today as she walks faster than we do. Once tea and coffee’d up, we hit the road for the last half. We were thanking our lucky stars that the promised rain had not yet materialized. In fact, we started to see some blue skies that gave us hope for the rest of the walk.

      More uphills and downhills and uphills. I was so grateful it was a short day as the hills just make it seem so long!

      We arrived Arzúa at 1pm and each went our separate ways to our Albergues. Mine didn’t open until 1:30pm, so I hung around in order to get a good bed. When I had gotten my bed made, myself organized and hand washing done, Annette and I met for a pizza lunch and a couple of glasses of wine. I walked with her to her hotel as she was able to check in finally. Afterwards, I hit the grocery store to pick up a salad and some cold sliced chorizo for dinner. Also grabbed at bottle of wine for 2.40€. Crazy!! I have only had 1 glass and not sure what I will do with the rest. Thinking my empty water bottle is looking like a good candidate….

      Tomorrow is more hills all the way to O Pedrouzo. Annette and I have decided to walk together again, so I am going to go further than I had originally intended. The following day will be slightly shorter, then before I know it, I will be in Santiago de Compostela. As of today, I have less than 40km left. How is that even possible? I am still sad I needed to take a train to make my timeline (and now have extra time) but, it did take the pressure off me and allowed me to relax into this last third of my journey. They say the Camino doesn’t give you what you want, but what you need. Case in point, right here.

      Wish me luck on the horrid hills tomorrow!
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    • Dag 32

      The plan

      23 augustus 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      So, what to do with 9 spare days?
      There's an obvious answer: continue walking to Finisterre and Muxía. These are official pilgrimage routes as well. If I keep walking at the current rate, I can even walk back to Santiago and complete 1,000 kms.
      That's my next challenge! 😀
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    • Dag 38

      O Coto to A Salceda 17.5km 4.5 hrs

      12 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      A beautiful walk through Eucalyptus forests. The smell was incredible. We met up with a lovely couple from Germany and we walked a good part of the day with them. We both find that the walk goes by so quickly when you have new people to talk to. We are staying at a nice little albergue where we met up with ladies from England, Brazil and Holland. We all ventured across the street for dinner where we were joined by others from Uruguay and Germany. The one guy from Germany started in Germany in July and has walked over 3000km. Makes us feel like we are just doing a stroll around the block.
      It’s exciting because Santiago is now in everyone’s reach. Some are planning on getting there tomorrow and others like us will get there Saturday. Some of our friends have arrived already and sending us pictures. So nice to see.
      Tomorrow looks like it will be a very rainy day so not looking forward to that. We have been very lucky with the weather so far.
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