Changwat Krabi

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Changwat Krabi
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    • Hari 13

      Deň D - ideme variť

      28 Disember 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Dnes vstávame s pocitom že sa niečo nové naučíme a to variť thajské jedlá.
      10:00 vyrážame s Tomčom na druhú stranu ostrova kde sa nachádza cooking with mon.
      Zišlo sa nás tu 10 ľudí z toho traja česi dvaja poliaci jedna nemka ostatných neviem.
      Začíname jedlom Pad Thai ktoré sa nám podarí len ja to preženiem s chilli.
      Nasleduje Khao Soi ktorého recept tajné upravím a to tak že nepridám jednu ingredienciu nakoľko je odporné smradľavá. Ochutnávam 🤔 celkom v pohode no dojesť som to nezvládol.
      Pokračujeme polievkou Tom Ka rovnako ako v predchádzajúcom prípade upravujem recept a tiež ju nedojedam už som takmer plný.
      A nakoniec dezert Sticky Rice and Mango to bolo najlepšie čo sme "varili"
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    • Hari 19

      Day 18 - Ditto

      28 Disember 2019, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      For the 1st time, we tried out breakfast in the canteen of our Lanta Happy Hills Resort. Bloomin’ good it was too. We had a huge bowl of muesli & pancakes to share.

      We returned to our spot on Beautiful Beach & stayed there all day apart from going to the
      shack for a lunchtime beer. We even stayed for sunset on the same spot.

      That night we went all Italian, when in Rome...... I had gnocchi & Jackie had mushroom tagliatelle. We even finished with a Tiramisu, which Jackie confirmed she still hates. We would have had wine, but they started at £25 a bottle!

      The end of the evening was spent on the balcony with a Hong Thong & watching Christmas telly on YouTube.

      Song of the Day - Sunset by Nitin Sawhney.
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    • Hari 20

      Day 19 - Only Bloody Elvis Again

      29 Disember 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Today we hired a scooter again for a reconnaissance mission. We asked our lovely lady, Ling, & her husband if they could recommend anywhere around Khlong Nin Beach. They offered up two. One too expensive & hotelly for our taste. The other similar to Lanta Happy Hills.

      Our first stop of the day was Khlong Khong Beach, which Mr Chatty Man from Malina’s Kitchen had tipped us off as the best place to be on New Years Eve. The beach was not much to shout about, but apparently the bars were good. It is 2.5 miles from where we live.

      We then scooted on to Khlong Nin Beach, for another breakfast at the French Bakery. I was all teed up for my own baguette & honey, but apparently we needed to share a ham & Brie baguette. Before which we had driven up & down a few times & identified a few possible places for our next stay.

      We then sat on the beach, which was a bit windy. It didn’t have the vibe we were looking for & we felt slightly deflated. After long walks up & down the long beach we felt that maybe we should consider other options for our final week or so in Thailand. We decided to take an early lunch & reflect.

      Walking back along the beach looking for somewhere for lunch we were instantly drawn to a beach bar/restaurant called Soul Kitchen. It was possibly their speakers blasting out ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’, the decor & seating arrangements or the offer of Indian & Thai food. The music playlist was right up my street from bands such as Nirvana, Leonard Cohen, Tom Petty, The Jam etc etc. But the best bit was the food, Jackie inexplicably had French Fries, but I had a garlic dhal plate consisting of a garlic naan, a pot of dhal & a pot of raita. It was bloody gorgeous, in fact so much so that we did a complete u-turn & booked 5 nights accommodation just up the road whilst still eating our lunch. Just so we could come back every day!

      The afternoon was spent in comfort on a cushioned mat & with a triangular pillow at the front of Soul Kitchen listening to great tunes finished off with cocktails at happy hour.

      After returning home we popped out for dinner for red curry & chicken & cashew nuts. Perfectly pleasant, but we were already fantasising about what we were going to eat at Soul Kitchen.

      After we stopped in 7-11 for some provisions & I espied Elvis in a red suit eating an egg sandwich. I clearly not so discreetly pointed him out to Jackie, because he turned round & said to me “Yes, I’ve just finished a show”. At least he didn’t chase me down the street!! After
      I was kicking myself for not getting a photo, so I sneaked back in to the shop & covertly took a photo of his back.

      Song of the Day - I Don’t Like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats.
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    • Hari 123

      Joyeux anniversaire Benoît !!!

      28 Disember 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      On continue les festivités, après Noël au Kodam Kitchen, on fête l'anniversaire de Benoît au Jenna's restaurant.

      Excellente soirée et excellent repas !

      Invité surprise cependant : un pick pocket...
      Et oui, le téléphone de Thibault n'est plus entre ses mains 😔

      Direction Koh Lipe pour la suite !
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    • Hari 21

      Day 20 - Rude & Disrespectful

      30 Disember 2019, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      We had breakfast at the canteen, we both ordered muesli & coffee. It was then back to Beautiful Beach to secure our usual spot.

      Our usual route took us down to Relax Bay Beach, then across to Bamboo Beach & on to Beautiful Beach. As we passed Bamboo Beach, we saw a western man in his 70s walking stark bo£&%ck naked along the sand & enter the sea. Now we are not prudes, but there is absolutely no need for that behaviour, there are signs everywhere requesting that people dress modestly, including no topless sunbathing, let alone bottomless.

      By the time we reached Beautiful Beach we were all hot & bothered, it was an exceptionally hot day, so we chose to sit under the palm trees. At lunchtime we went liquid at the beach shack.

      In the afternoon we returned to the palm trees 🌴, but before long we had been invaded by ants, our mats were crawling with them. We vacated back to the sand, unfortunately taking a lot of the little buggers with us. Not the relaxing afternoon we had envisioned.

      That night we took a beach stroll & used my phone to identify the really bright star that from our location shines directly below the moon & half way between the moon & the horizon. It was the planet Venus.

      We ended up in Yawee Restaurant for dinner, which doesn’t serve alcohol. We were really hungry, which was bad news, because we started ordering comfort food. I had fried chicken for starters & main. Jackie had fried prawns. After we had finished our 2nd starter arrived, vegetable spring rolls which were also fried. We left feeling a bit sick.

      Song of the Day - Venus by the feelers.
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    • Hari 22

      Day 21 - Too Old To Party

      31 Disember 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Started the morning with a sugar rush. We went native & ordered iced coffees from a roadside shack opposite Lanta Happy Hills. Jackie had an iced latte & I, an iced caramel, both made fresh to order with mainly sugar & carnation milk, making them ultra sweet.

      With breakfast done, it was then back to the beach for ant-free sunshine. At lunch we had Pad Thai & pineapple fried rice with a couple of Changs, then back to the sunshine.

      Now, over the last week we had noticed that in the afternoon young lads had come to the beach & handed out flyers for Beach Parties & Clubs, but they swerved around us. We presume we sadly look too old in their eyes to party. Well, it happened again but as the lad passed us, I guilt tripped him into giving us a flyer for tonight’s party at ‘Fusion Club Thailand’. Funky Tech House Music - we won’t be going!!

      We stayed for the last sunset of 2019, with a Chang & some selfies AND slow-mo Hoff impersonations.

      After walking home, we met Ling at reception without her hijab 🧕. She was on her hands & knees, not praying, but wrapping up a paper lantern which she presented to us as a gift. We enquired about where she would recommend we go for New Years Eve & she gave us a couple of options, but she was having an early night.

      We had dinner at Ni Restaurant, sat at the best table (for 4) in the house & had chilli chicken & a superb Massaman. A group, in just bras on their tops I hasten to add, were waiting for a table, but my thug face seems to have some benefits, because the owner asked another couple to move to a smaller table, instead of us.

      After dinner Jackie went to loo & was gone ages, other customers were waiting to go in. Eventually Jackie came back out with her trousers on back to front!! Yes I did just say that. Apparently her snazzy pantaloons fell to the soggy floor when she undid them, then she couldn’t remember how to put them back on. She tried several times to get them
      the right way round then gave up.

      Now 10pm, we walked a mile along to Phra Ae Beach to sus it out. It was full of locals waiting for midnight. We decided it wasn’t for us, so left straight away. I could hear a lot of chanting coming out of speakers within a market. I had to investigate, but Jackie wasn’t having any of it, so we agreed to meet up in Funky Monkey.

      I trotted into the market to discover it was very Muslim & I was the only westerner, but undeterred I found the source of the chanting. It was what looked like a prayer meeting (hopefully) led by an Imam sat on a stage & talking into a microphone to his worshippers or followers. I took a sneaky photo & got myself out of there.

      Jackie wasn’t in the Funky Monkey, she had gone shopping instead, but we luckily reunited, then walked home for a Hong Thong. At 11.30pm, armed with our paper lantern we headed for Relax Bay Beach. We based ourselves at the front of Blue Wave Bar with a Chang, then lit our lantern at 5 minutes to midnight. Our lantern set off into the night sky at the 1st time of asking & without disaster. That couldn’t be said for another hapless halfwit near us who managed to set light to the paper of his lantern & had to take a walk of shame back to the bar with just the circular metal frame & a still burning ring in the middle.

      At midnight we were treated to a decent firework display & a couple next to us even offered us a glass of their champagne 🍾 🥂, but Jackie declined before I could say anything. It was a lovely end to the year.

      Song of the Day - Lanterns by Passenger.

      Alternative Song of the Day - Back To Front by Stiff Little Fingers.
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    • Hari 23

      Day 22 - Looking Like Michael Jackson

      1 Januari 2020, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Woke up at 9.30am, slightly hungover, but grateful for a full 8 hours sleep. We couldn’t drag ourselves out of bed until 10.30am, then we went all veggie. Not a New Years resolution.

      We had breakfast at Happy Veggie next door. I had a standard scrambled eggs, baked beans & toast with jam and an Energising Smoothie, which was effectively a liquid Snickers Bar. Jackie had an iced latte & a spicy hummus sandwich, which tasted like a curry sandwich!!

      We then headed to the beach, but half an hour later, we were having a ‘hair of the dog’ in the form of 4 Changs each at the beach shack. Back on the beach for Part 2 of a our sunbathing, I looked at the tube of our sunblock & noticed that it contained whitening properties. Brilliant, we are sunbathing, but bleaching ourselves at the same time. We are going to end up looking like Michael Jackson!!

      We had an early bath from sunbathing & returned home for a couple of Hong Thongs on our balcony. We went out to Ni Restaurant for a Massaman curry each, which we had been fantasing about all day. It was nice but not as sensational as the previous night.

      The Ni Restaurant owner told me that I drink a lot (2 large bottles of Chang) & also that I’ve had too much sun. Luckily he didn’t know that we had 4 Changs each at lunch & had pre-dinner Hong Thongs. During our conversation he also told us the his wife, the chef, was called Ni and their child was called No!!

      After dinner, we got some more cash out & then returned home, where Jackie fell asleep. I listened to some Justin Sullivan podcasts. It was an early night.

      Song of the Day - Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ by Michael Jackson.
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    • Hari 20

      Súťaž aká tu ešte nebola

      4 Januari 2020, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Konečne je tu súťaž v ktorej je výhra vopred daná.

      Kto uhádnete aký ľadoví čaj pije Peťka získa thajský ananás.

      Predpokladám že do tejto súťaže sa zapoja aj ľudia ktorý už nechceli súťažiť 😀😀😀

      Danka zase vyhráva 🎊🎊🎊
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    • Hari 25

      Day 24 - Beautiful Eyes & Stragglers

      3 Januari 2020, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Considering everything we had a fantastic sleep, there must be something to be said for velour sheets!

      In bed I started to research for the previous days blog. I ended up on TripAdvisor that offered me the opportunity to write a review for last nights disastrous meal. Below is my review:-

      ‘Awful Dinner & Owner with Bad Attitude
      We have been in Thailand for over a month & this was our worst meal by a mile. The food and drink are overpriced. My wife enquired if the crab dish was still in it’s shell & was told no it was just crab meat in a curry paste. When it arrived it was a small crab still it’s shell & very little meat. The yellow curry was bland with just 3 minuscule pieces of chicken, but lots of chunks of carrot. To top it all, when the bill arrived, they tried to charge us for 2 beers that we didn’t have. The western owner was very dismissive when we explained why the crab was returned virtually untouched & that we had been over charged.. It is no wonder that his restaurant was half empty compared to the other restaurants along the beach’.

      With that off my chest, we headed for the beach only to discover that Soul Kitchen was closed. We had planned to sit on it’s beds all day, so not a good start. Instead, we set up nearby & I went for a run along the beach. Thirty minutes later, I returned gasping for water, so Jackie went to buy a bottle from crazy man at CharleeBarley’s Bar, who gave her a small bottle of water free because he didn’t know how to use the till.

      Recovered, I went off in search of more liquid & found a smoothie bar. The guy in front of me was wearing just a pair of pink Muay Thai shorts. It turned out he was English and comes out to Ko Lanta each winter to train & fight for Nicha Muay Thai Gym. He had had 3 fights & 3 wins by knockout so far this season. He was only 59 kilos, but I wouldn’t be fighting him. Before he left, he kindly let me taste his smoothie which was delicious, so I ordered a couple of the same.

      The Thai lady making the smoothies, made the 1st one & put it down between us, but it was about to topple, so we both went to grab it. I got to it first, but unfortunately I squeezed too hard & a jet of orange smoothie ejaculated from the hole in the top, some landing on me, but the Thai lady’s face & chest were dripping in the orange goo. After apologies all round & a clean up, she made the 2nd & I finally returned to Jackie.

      Due to flying sand we took a bed outside Blue Moon Bar & Restaurant, then had a stroll to the shorter end of the beach, then had lunch back at Blue Moon. We went western, with a club sandwich & a cheeseburger & a couple of beers each. The waiter felt obliged to inform Jackie that she had the most beautiful blue eyes. When the bill came they had omitted 2 beers & to my shame I didn’t correct the mistake.

      After lunch, we walked to the long end of the beach still searching for our next hotel. We wandered in & around a few hotels & played toilet bingo. Jackie was all chuffed with herself about her ‘beautiful eyes’, she thought she was the bees knees until she realised that she had some stragglers poking out of her bikini bottoms!! How embarrassing, a shave would be required this evening.

      Along the beach we found a hotel that was only half built, but had full infinity pools, so we stopped for a little cooling dip, which was quite surreal. After finally getting to the end of the beach, we headed back to Blue Moon. The beach, Klong Nin Beach, is approx 2 kilometres long, so having run & walked it several times, we had definitely burnt off our lunch.

      At Happy Hour, I went & ordered some more drinks & the waiter asked me if I had had other drinks. I slightly offendedly explained that we had, but had paid for them at lunch. He didn’t seem convinced. After sunset, we took a visit to 7-11 to buy some ‘crap’.

      That evening we went to a street restaurant called MaMas Style. Jackie selected a whole squid which they barbecued & served simply with just chilli sauce & a jacket potato. I had Massaman curry. It all beautiful, a thousand times better than the night before. We had a cheeky banana & milk roti on the way home.

      Song of the Day - The Walk by The Cure.
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    • Hari 20

      Cesta na Huay to waterfall

      4 Januari 2020, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Ráno sa prebúdzam ako prvý a na YouTube hľadám pesničku Bola raz jedna hviezdička, ktorou zobudím zvyšných spáčov veď už je 9:15. Tak dobre sa nám ešte nespalo, čo vypovedá o tom, že máme konečne poriadný matrac.
      Tomčo už kuká do mobilu a zahlási že on ide motorkou kuknúť na vodopád. Čo nám iné ostáva, ideme s ním.
      Sadáme na motorky a vyrážame. Prvá zastávka tankovanie kde Tomčo volá Ei - zmena plánu.
      Motorky parkujeme pred Makro obchodom, prichádza Ei a naša mototúra končí. Ide sa autom.
      Cestou Tomčo sadá za volant a vezie nás až k vodopádom, čo nieje dobré, ale našťastie sa nič nestalo🙄.
      Po desať minútovej túre k vodopádu, kde sa poniektorí dobré schladili po náročnom výstupe 😀, nasleduje cesta na hotel a večer ideme ako ináč z Ei do Krabi na trh. Na večerný troch sa nám páči. Hneď na začiatku objavujeme môj obľúbený vyprážaný hmyz, ktorý ochutnávam spolu s Ei.
      Je tu veľké množstvo dobrôt a zábavy, ktorú tiež otestujeme. V Tomčovi sa prebudí hazardný hráč a už kupuje lístky. No ani my nezaostávame a tiež kupujeme lístky, čo aj oľutujeme, lebo okrem mydla a pracieho prášku sme nič nevyhrali. No Tomčo, to už je iná liga. Vyhráva BICYKEL, nasledujú gratulácie. Ide sa ďalej na strelnicu, kde strieľame do plyšových hračiek a podľa počtu zostrelených plyšákov si Ei vyberá veľkého medveďa.
      Cestou domov sa ešte zastavíme v talianskej reštaurácii to bol Ei nápad dáme pizzu a nejaké talianské jedlo a poď ho do hotela.
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