
syyskuuta - joulukuuta 2019
Our super extended honeymoon all around the far east. Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 49

    Nusa Lembongan

    19. lokakuuta 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Nusa Lembongan ticks all the boxes for a paradise island. It has beautiful beaches perfect for sunset beers, amazing views, clear blue sea, and laid-back locals. Lots of the people we saw around seemed to be surfers or divers, the reefs around the island make great conditions for both.
    We enthusiastically adjusted to the chilled out lifestyle and spent most of our time between beaches, bars and restaurants. We did go for a longer walk to one end of the island where mangrove trees are growing out into the sea.
    We heard that this island is 'what Bali used to be like', we could only compare to today's Bali but it definitely seemed believable. Tourism is a big deal but it didn't seem as sophisticated and polished as some places we saw in Bali.
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  • Päivä 50

    Nusa Lembongan - West Coast

    20. lokakuuta 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    One day we rented bikes to visit the west side of the island which is full of beautuful costaline and beaches. We didnt expect to bike up on a bigger hill in order to get to the other side, it was a super hot day and we were sweating a lot. We certainly got some looks from people in their taxis and on their motorbikes thinking we were crazy. The way there was interesting with some building sites for new hotels, temples and shrines, areas felt more local, unfortunately some hidden corners were covered with rubbish. Our first stop was the Mushroom Bay, nice but packed little place so after some red rice, fritters and vegetables, a local "breakfast", we headed off to some more quiet places.
    First we came to The Edge, some cliffs of black and red rock where you can see the waves smashing into the island in both directions.
    Then we found Dream Beach which was a beautiful small stretch of white sand between the rocks.
    Our last stop was Devil's Tear, a really interesting part of the coast where waves are funneled into a cave and then a few seconds later water vapour explodes out like a dragon's nose!
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  • Päivä 53


    23. lokakuuta 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    After a short plane journey we arrived to Yogjakarta, the culture capital of Indonesia on Central Java. We spent a couple of amazing and interesting days there, far away from mass tourism. In fact on a bus a secret video was taken of us and some other locals also asked us for photos with them. Yogja or Djogja is a student town which keeps the prices low but full of authentic experiences and food. People are lovely and friendly, children and adults said hello to us everywhere we went. They are also not pushy when it comes to taxi drivers and selling things, and every conversation is with a smile. We got into talking to a musician who plays at the Royal Sultan Palace, called Keraton. He told us all about his job, showed us one of the princess palaces where his instruments were and taught Tom how to play it. He suggested to check out a batik gallery/workshop closeby so we got in a "helicopter" as they call it which is a reverse tuk tuk, the motorbike or pushbike is at the back.
    Batik seemes to be a really big deal here, they might even have invented it?! The process can take for days and involves lots of planning ahead and layers of wax. There we bought our first art masterpiece for our future living room, how adult! Spent the rest of the evening at the main road which turns into a food and clothes market in the evening.
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  • Päivä 54

    Yogjakarta Palaces

    24. lokakuuta 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Yogjakarta has a strange political status as it is part of Indonesia and controlled by the national government but also has a Sultan and royal family of its own.
    After waking up early (even earlier than intended due to a forgotten time zone change) we went to the main royal palace, the Keraton Yogyakarta. Inside we wandered around the old buildings and rooms with old photos and objects with lots of batik clothes and costumes. We also watched the musicians play traditional Javanese music for a little while.
    After that we went to another palace nearby called the water palace. This one isn't in use these days and we were warned that it had been badly damaged by earthquake. To us it still seemed quite well preserved and was definitely a really interesting place. The building is built around several big pools and we could walk around them and go up to the top floor to look down. It used to be a bathing and relaxation place for the Sultan and his family.
    When we finished with the palaces we went to a puppet workshop where a puppet maker told us about how they use bison leather to make the puppets to tell old folk stories about heroes and ancient gods. There were lots of different coloured puppets and some really cool masks for sale but unfortunately our baggage allowance meant that we had to control our souvenir buying!
    All in all Yogjakarta was unexpectedly one of our favourite and most interesting places we've visited in Asia so far and we are really glad we came, even for just a short time.
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  • Päivä 56

    Kuala Lumpur

    26. lokakuuta 2019, Malesia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    We arrived in Kuala Lumpur in the afternoon which gave us a little time to explore Chinatown, where we were staying, and also walk to the Petronas Towers. They are a vey impressive pair of skyscrapers in an area of giant buildings. The weather forecast wasn't promising but before a massive storm with lots of rain arrived we had a lovely, sunny morning. Then we headed to the airport to meet our new backpacking partner for our Malaysia travels, Julie.
    The next day we got out and about early to make the most of the morning sunshine. Within a few minutes walk of our hotel we found a Buddhist temple, a mosque and a Hindhu temple which was in the middle of Deepawali celebrations (although we didn't realise at the time). Then we walked over to Independence Square where we saw the Sultan's Palace and an old cricket pitch from British colonial times. We had a long walk past the botanical gardens which took us by lots of Islamic architecture including a huge museum and the old train station.
    In the evening we found a restaurant where we could try some Malaysian food including blue rice and beef rendang while surrounded by a teenage halloween party.
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  • Päivä 58


    28. lokakuuta 2019, Malesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Ipoh is one of the closest big cities to the Cameron highlands and we based ourselves there for two nights. The old town is full of restaurants, cafes and street art. As we were wandering a Korean chef invited us to try some kimchi pancake which he was practicing to make for his restaurant opening. Followed by some more food and drinks at a Chinese restaurant we had an early evening as we had a big day ahead of us.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 59

    Cameron Highlands

    29. lokakuuta 2019, Malesia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    As a birthday month present for Vera, Julie treated us all to a tour of the Cameron Highlands, an area in the mountainous centre of Malaysia, famous for its cool climate and tea plantations.
    Our driver, Prakash, picked us up from our hotel in the morning and we had a quick stop for coffee and breakfast before we started the drive out of Ipoh and up into the hills. The first stop was at a small tea plantation where we could walk around in between the bushes and we tried some iced tea with honey and ginger.
    Next we went to a Lavender farm. This was quite a strange place, a cross between a garden centre and a novelty tourist attraction. Although there were some unusual flowers the main focus seemed to be selfie opportunities, those were very popular but not really our thing so we moved on quite quickly.
    We also saw a bee farm with lots of hives and different types of honey to try and a much bigger tea plantation where we could walk through the processing factory and look out over the tea plants from a high up balcony. The views of the plantations are really interesting because of the way the tea is grown, with space to walk around each plant and to reach over to pick the top leaves.
    The plantations date back to the British colonial times and there are clues to the history dotted around, like scones with jam on sale in the cafes. At the last plantation we did stop for dessert but went for chocolate cake instead of the scones.
    Some other, more unusual foods which we tried were deep fried pumpkin leaves, some orange and purple roasted potatoes, and wax apples which tasted like melon.
    In the afternoon we started heading back down the mountains on the other side and we thought the tour was pretty much finished. However, we still had time to visit an aboriginal Malaysian (whose brother was called Michael Jackson apparently) who demonstrated his poison dart blow pipe for us and let Tom have a go (not very successfully).
    One last stop off at a waterfall which was way more impressive than we had expected and then Prakash drove us back to Ipoh to a pub for some well earned drinks and dinner after a long, eventful and brilliant day.
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  • Päivä 60

    Penang Hill

    30. lokakuuta 2019, Malesia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Penang Island is in the north west of Malaysia, it took two buses and a ferry to reach our next quirky hostel in Georgetown. Dropped our bags off and ordered a Grab (Asian Uber) for the funicular which takes you up to the Penang Hill with extra speed. On the top there were beautiful views, a mosque, a Hindu Temple and some coconut ice cream was waiting for us. After a brave decision we started to walk down from the hill. Later we found out we were the only ones choosing the jeep road to descend which was probably due to the steep, long, asphalt road which caused us massive pain in our legs and bums the next day. As we walked in the jungle we saw giant ants and many monkeys playing on the trees, some came real close to us. When we arrived at the bottom on the other side of the hill we were ready to get on a bus. But it never came so after a coconut milkshake we ended up walking another 6 km to home. Although at the time the flat surfice almost felt like a relief we still decided not to walk much the next day.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 62


    1. marraskuuta 2019, Malesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Over a couple of days we explored all around Georgetown and made a short trip to Batu Ferringhi beach.
    We had heard that this was the busiest beach on Penang so it was a nice surprise to arrive and find that we had it mostly to ourselves. We enjoyed a drink and some lunch in a bar right on the the beach and a bit of swimming in the warm Indian Ocean water. We also had a look around an art shop and ended up getting a tour of a batik art studio from the very talkative artist himself.
    Back in Georgetown we found a lively area where the old fashioned shop houses are mostly converted into bars, cafes and restaurants and there are street food sellers lining the pavement in front.
    The next day we found a lot of the street art which Georgetown is known for. We also went to the Clan Jetties where settlers from China set up their family homes and businesses along the coast and competed with each other for the shipping trade. Nowadays the jetties are full of souvenir shops but some of the old homes are still occupied and there were some small shrines still in use.
    Having seen durian fruit and all its many products all over Malaysia, we decided to try out durian ice cream. One spoonful later we rushed to get a coconut milkshake to help recover from the awful armpit/foot taste, durian is not sonething we're likely to try again!
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  • Päivä 63

    Batu Caves

    2. marraskuuta 2019, Malesia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Half an hour from Kuala Lumpur is the Batu Caves - a Hindu Temple which attracts many believers and tourists. Next to an impressive huge gold Murugan statue are the 272 steps up to the caves with the the temples inside. Some sort of celebration, music, chanting and food distribution was happening which made our visit even more special.
    In the afternoon we returned to the Petrona Towers and checked out the gallery inside full of Malay, Indian, Chinese and Indonesian objects, hats, materials, pottery, pictures etc.
    For our last dinner with Julie we had Biriyani Indian food, we ordered many weird but amazing things to share.
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