South America Adventure

mayo - julio 2023
Lu and Angus take on South America! Leer más
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  • Día 53

    Iguazu Falls: from Brazil

    23 de junio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    Today we got to explore the Iguazu falls from Brazil. While waiting for the bus we experienced torrential rain (luckily we were under a covered shelter); however, the rain almost completely subsided when we started our hike (though this didn't stop us from getting soaked... more on this soon)!

    The Brazilian side only has one short hiking path and it is across the river from the falls. This means you don't get as close to most of the falls but instead you're rewarded with incredible panoramic views. One of the best parts of viewing the falls today, was that they were almost empty! The rain and poor weather (even though the rain had stopped) resulted in very few tourists. We had almost every look out to ourselves and just got to really enjoy everything. This was definitely a bonus compared to the Argentinian side, where there were tourists everywhere. The view points were very beautiful and at the end of the trail there was one lookout point on top of the falls. This is where we got soaked! The mist coming off this section of the falls was so crazy but it was definitely worth it for the view. We got this viewpoint to ourselves and got to appreciate the panoramic views of the falls up close.

    Iguazu is such a beautiful place and I loved that we got to see it from both the Brazilian and Argentinian sides. They both offered unique and epic experiences. The Brazilian side was more panoramic and way less crowded while the Argentinian side had so much to do and so many trails and vantage points and allowed you to get closer to the falls! Overall, loved it here and definitely want to come back and see it again one day. It is truly breathtaking!
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  • Día 56


    26 de junio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We spent the past few days in Florianopolis which is a beautiful city on the coast of Brazil! This means we finally are in a place with warm weather and beautiful beaches! Honestly Florianopolis really was like a stunning paradise. Our hotel was right on the beach and so we had a few days relaxing on the beach right there. We went for walks and played in the waves and just relaxed! We also explored two other beaches.

    The first other beach we explored was a casual easy hour long hike to a tiny little beach surrounded by rocks. This was a lovely little beach where we swam and played some cards while enjoying a picnic lunch! We then had a delicious fish dinner overlooking the lake (Florianopolis has a lovely lake right in the middle of it). We saw a beautiful sunset and it was a lovely end to the day.

    The second other beach was an hour long hike away and this one was an actual hike not a casual walk. We hiked up and down through the rainforest until we approached a stunning secluded beach. The best part was there were about 3 other groups of people here only; this meant we had almost the whole beach to ourselves. We played in the waves, played some cards, and just relaxed on the beach. We then decided to hike the very steep trail to the mirador lookout point. This was the steepest trail we have hiked thus far as some points we were scrambling upwards on all fours. Luckily we are at sea level, which actually made this steep hike easier than most of the other hikes we have done at high altitudes. We were rewarded with stunning panoramic views of the beach and surrounding area. It was a tougher hour of hiking but totally worth it. We then had one last swim before hiking back. This was my favourite beach in Florianopolis (although there were many more beaches we didn't get the chance to explore... maybe we will get to come back and see more one day)!
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  • Día 59


    29 de junio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    We spent a few days on the beautiful island of Ilhabela (which literally means beautiful island). We got to eat some good food and do some relaxing. We had 3 main adventure days while in Ilhabela.

    Our first big adventure was to a lovely waterfall. We had only a short 30 minute hike from the bus stop to the waterfall. The waterfall itself was stunning and very unique. It looked like a giant water slide and I got to swim at the bottom of it! Midway through our journey to the falls we were treated with an absolute downpour. While the weather wasn't ideal it did mean we got the whole waterfall to ourselves. Honestly there was something really epic about swimming in a waterfall in the pouring rain surrounded by rainforest in Brazil.

    Our 2nd and 3rd adventure days were journeying to and from Bonete Beach. This is a beach rated as one the best ones to visit in Brazil; however, it is only accessible by hiking or boating. We decided to hike there and boat back. The hike was through the rainforest which made it very beautiful. That being said it was challenging as it was long. We hiked 2km to the bus stop, 2km from the bus stop to the trail head, 15km on the trail, and at least 1km strolling up and down the beach. After at least 20km of walking that day I was very tired but it was worth it. The beach was so stunning with a long stretch of soft sand surrounded by mountains and rainforest. It was also so secluded that you had the beauty almost all to yourself. We spent that night and the next day walking on the beach, swimming in the waves, and just relaxing. We then had the boat ride back which I pictured being a nice calm ride where I do some whale watching and take photos of the island from the water; however this was not the case. Instead, we had an adrenaline pumping thrill ride on this tiny speed boat where we were sitting on a foam mat on the floor. We were bouncy up and down on the wavy water, getting soaked by water splashing over the edge, and I was gripping the side of the boat for dear life. Angus didn't find it scary and the people driving the boat were very professional so we really weren't in danger. That being said, I still found it a very stressful ride so needless to say, no photos were taken on the boat and if med school doesn't work out, a backup plan of a pirates life will not be for me. Although the boat ride was intense, it was worth it for the views. Honestly some of the most stunning views of the island (just take my word for it)!

    Overall we really enjoyed Ilhabela and it was a destination we weren't originally planning to visit due to time constraints. Very glad we were able to adjust our schedule to fit it in because it is a truly special place.
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  • Día 65


    5 de julio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    We spent a lovely few days in the beautiful city of Paraty. This place had such a unique vibe and aesthetic. The downtown core had all white buildings with splashes of bright colours. We spent some time roaming the streets and eating good food. Paraty had a lovely coast with some beaches to relax on and lots of stunning islands in view. Add that to many colourful and fun boats roaming the shores and you get a perfect little paradise.

    We did one bigger activity while here which was an island boat tour. This was such a fun day. We boarded this boat and peacefully sailed out to sea (this is what I pictured the Ilhabela Bonete Beach boat ride being lol). Our first stop was at this island with super clear water where we got to swim with fish! Angus decided not to join (the water was too cold for him) but I spent 30 mins swimming with fish! I have never been snorkeling or done anything like this before so it was very amazing to experience being up close to fish like that (can't wait to do more snorkeling at our next stop)! We then continued to a lovely little beach where we played in the water and walked along the beach. Our next stop was next to this island for lunch and we ended with one more beach before returning to Paraty. It was very beautiful and relaxing; what a way to spend a day.

    The other thing that happened was at breakfast that same day. Angus went to use the bathroom at the breakfast place in our hotel and the lock broke. He was trapped in the bathroom and couldn't get out. He texted me to come try and get him out but I could not so I had to talk to our hotel staff. In total it took 6 people and over 45 minutes to help him escape from the bathroom. All the while the staff were giggling about the whole situation (I joined them lol). It was a very funny and very awkward experience. Definitely a fun story to tell!
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  • Día 66

    Ilha Grande

    6 de julio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We spent a few days on the stunning island of Ihla Grande. This is an island off the coast of Rio and has no cars. Only walking, biking, and boating are used for transportation. This gives a very peaceful vibe to the area. We spent time walking the town and exploring the beaches along the coast.

    My favourite day here was a day boating tour of the surrounding islands. This was a snorkeling tour so I was so hyped as this was my first time snorkeling. Our first stop was Cataguás. These were two islands connected by a small beach. We walked around the beach and then snorkeled around the island. Here we saw flounder fish, small star fish, a butterfly looking fish, and a few other types of fish. Our second stop was Botinas island. This was an island surrounded by deep water. This allowed us to see even more marine life than before. We saw massive star fish, these massive blue and yellow fish, a cool yellow and black striped fish, and more. The best part of this island was how deep it was. You look below you and there was fish as far as the eye could see. It was such a beautiful spot! Our third stop was a stunning beach called Dentista. Here we had a picnic lunch and just walked up and down the beach. We also went for a lovely swim in the crystal clear waters. Our final island stop was Lagoa Azul. This was an amazing snorkeling spot that was also so deep. We saw lots more fish, sand dollars, beautiful coral and my favourite of the day... A SEA TURTLE!!! This was one of the most special moments on the trip. As someone who has always loved the water and the ocean, this was a dream come true. To swim so close to a beautiful sea turtle in natural habitat was just incredible. I swam alongside it for about 5 mins before I had to go back to the boat. There was one moment where it swam to the surface for air and then dove deeper below me. I was swimming on top of it looking down on it and honestly was one of the most beautiful experiences in nature. We didn't have an underwater camera so I can't show all the amazing things we saw but just know it was an incredible experience! Our final stop was at a small beach where you could get food. Here we tried a coconut which was yummy! Overall a very special day at a very beautiful island!
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  • Día 72


    12 de julio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    We spent a few lovely days on the coast in the town of Buzios! This was a quiet paradise with beautiful beaches and a slower pace than some other cities we have been to!

    We spent each day on the beach walking, swimming, cards, etc and then each evening walked into town to try a restaurant. The main part of town is very cute with lots of little shops (I bought a dress)!

    We also had a day of surfing here. The conditions were the best for surfing as the area for beginners like us had very inconsistent waves. Sometimes we would be waiting 15+ minutes for a wave! That being said, it was lovely to just be out on the water looking at the beautiful view. It was peaceful and fun! We did manage to catch a few good waves as well (Angus caught one really epic one)!
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  • Día 75

    Rio de Janeiro

    15 de julio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Our last stop in Brazil was Rio de Janeiro. This is a beautiful and vibrant city. We stayed near Copacabana Beach and our room has a lovely view of the ocean. On our first day after we arrived we walked from Copacabana to Ipanema Beach. Both of these beaches had lovely views of the surrounding mountains. That being said it was VERY windy during our walk... see hair photo (you'll know what I mean 🤣). For dinner we got Brazilian BBQ and acai for dessert. A very delicious and traditional meal!

    The next day we went to see our second wonder of the world: Christ the Redeemer. This massive statue is very impressive to see up close, although the best part was the panoramic views of Rio. Everywhere you went you could look over and see a different section of the city. It was very crowded but worth it for the views. We walked Copacabana Beach again in the evening and prepared for our last night.

    On our final day in Rio, we again, were on the beach in the morning... after having a crepe of course! The most epic thing on this last day was attending the FluFla game! This is when the local derby in Rio happens and Flumenese plays Flamenga. We decided to cheer for Flumenese and we were glad we did as they were definitely a better and more entertaining team. The game ended 0-0 but there were 2 disallowed goals due to VAR and a red card and a fist fight and 3+ bicycle kick attempts... Definitely enough to keep you entertained. The atmosphere at the game was amazing and the fans were yelling extremely passionately. Soccer is such a big deal in South America that it seemed only fitting to have this be our last hurrah!

    Leaving Brazil seems so crazy. While we still have a few days in Panama, the trip is coming to a close and we are leaving the continent of South America. Brazil has been incredible. It is such a beautiful country and I have loved every day I was here. The people have been kind and friendly, the food has been delicious, and the beaches have been stunning. This was a massive change of pace from a much busier, more jam packed, and hike intensive start to the trip and it was very nice. It really allowed us to relax more and unwind. This trip has been amazing and ending it in Brazil was the perfect thing. Now on to a few last days of adventure!
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  • Día 77


    17 de julio de 2023, Panamá ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    To end the trip we had a few short days in Panama. We spent one day exploring Panama City. We then decided to head for two days to El Valley de Anton. This is a beautiful town in the mountainous rainforest area in Panama. We stayed at a beautiful hotel with a lovely pool and a stunning view. We visited a nature reserve and saw some wildlife. We had some delicious food (empanadas, arepas, and maracuya juice)! It was a beautiful spot to spend our last few days! Panama seems like a lovely country and definitely one to explore more in the future! I will give my concluding thoughts on the trip in my next post!Leer más