Brisbane to Manchester

lutego - czerwca 2024
The journey to Manchester via Asia and Eastern Europe Czytaj więcej
  • 50ślady stóp
  • 13kraje
  • 109dni
  • 394zdjęcia
  • 2filmy
  • 28,6kkilometry
  • 11,1kkilometry
  • Dzień 2–5

    Phnom Penh

    29 lutego, Kambodża ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

    Starting point of the trip
    - a bus from HCM to Phnom Penh
    - a few technical difficulties with sim cards and NAB authentication issues smoothed out once Aldi mobile allowed roaming
    - a bustling quite modern city that is advancing quickly
    - killing fields and s21 prison showing the horrors of the pol pot regime, teeth and bones evident still in the mass Graves.
    - the beautiful royal palace
    - delicious Khmer food and cheap 1$ beers
    - breweries and beer drinking during the hot middle of the day
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  • Dzień 5–7

    Siem Reap

    3 marca, Kambodża ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

    - Bus to Siem Reap, smooth and not too long, 4-5 hours. Angry birds helped time go faster
    - all kinds of spring rolls cafe
    - Sunset at Angkor Wat was lovely, met a tuk tuk driver who was the nicest man
    - Sunrise and temple visits of the Khmer empire, a huge city from 1000 years ago, visiting felt very wild and the temples were so intricate. Despite their beauty, 4-5 temples was enough, it was far too hot by midday
    - beers at several breweries and cafes were great, Siem Reap seems to be trending toward a sustainable and environmental view with their restaurants and some shops.
    - delicious vegetarian meal, the best peanut butter pie. Also Haven restaurant, a restaurant hiring local kids to educate them and pay them was a great dining experience.
    - landmine museum and the hero rats were visited, very raw places highlighting horrible things. The rats were cute though.
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  • Dzień 7

    Siem Reap Airport Experience

    5 marca, Kambodża ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

    What an experience to the airport, it needs it's own entry
    - organised our tuk tuk friend to pick us up from the hotel approx 2.5 hours before flight.
    - Siem reap has recently built a new airport and we googled this and figured it was 20 mins away, I enter the airport into the grab app and off we go, I don't realise that this says it's approx an hour journey. 10 mins into the drive, Chloe says, have you put the right airport in and I'm like yeah and then check and the airport is supper far away, so we change the address on the app (to the airport 20 mins from city). We translate to the driver, different airport, he is so confused, partly cause he speaks no english, I am also accidentally translating in Google translate in Vietnamese rather then Cambodian and lastly he says he knows airport road. We assume this is the old airport he is talking about.
    - We are not confident on which is the new airport as Google says 20 mins away but apple shows a much further one. I google the new airport code and it comes up as the one 20 mins away.
    - we then read a blog and realise they all say the airport is 45km away and the initial direction we were heading and the one the driver knows is the new one. Turns out Google is wrong and has not updated the new airport address.
    - by this time we then have to translate to go back to the new airport in broken english and google translate. The grab app won't let me change the address back so keeps telling him to turn around, lucky he knows the way.
    - we have approx 1 hour 50 to get to an airport that is now 1 hour away, in a tuk tuk, with our bags squished in. The price on the grab app mind you says 16k when it should be 60k and I can't change it , so we think we will just tip 40k on the app.
    - we race to the airport in this tuk tuk and he is going as fast as possible (I think he is unaware of the time constraints however). The airport approaches and we are approx 15 mins before bag closure.
    - Chloe goes in and I attempt to tip driver appropriately as he realises the app has not paid properly, I can't tip more then 20k and we only have a 100usd note. I attempt to tell him "ATM" and point inside. Chloe tries to change the 100usd but nobody will, we end up getting money from an exchange place eventually.
    - we get outside and old mate tuk tuk driver looks like he has almost given up on us, he is so grateful when I give him the 20USD.
    - the airport staff are so casual and blazae, the airport is dead. We end up on the plane, and it seems because we checked in last, we get the emergency exit. After all that experience, the extra leg room seems all worth it ☺️
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  • Dzień 7–10

    Ho Ch Minh City

    5 marca, Wietnam ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    - late arrival into HCM, the hotel room was unavailable due to AC not working, they all know each other so we went across the street to another hotel. Free upgrade for the next 2 nights as a result.

    - we explored the HCM chaos, motorbikes drive wherever they like including the footpath. We browsed the cafe apartments and visited the war remnants museum. Essentially, learning that the Vietnam war was brutal and the USA were crazy invested in a war that wasn't theirs to fight. A must visit place to get an insight into the horrible things that occurred. We visited a brewery selling all kinds of Vietnamese beers and then found dinner at an overhyped but nice rooftop restaurant called secret garden.

    - Day 2 involved a visit to the Cuchi tunnels, a place where the Viet Cong fought the USA using the underground tunnels. Another insane insight into brutality and unimaginable war history. Going through the tunnels was very tight, even despite the fact that they have made them bigger for tourists. The second part of the day involved a visit to the Mekong Delta, a large farming area supplying 80% of rice to Vietnam. This part visited a bee farm, some fruit farms and small canals on a boat, it was very touristy and probably would give it a miss next time. A tour deeper into the delta would have been better.

    - we finished with finding a delicious big bowl of beef pho (Pho Bo). A shop that was dingy and dishing out bowl after bowl, it had won a Michelin star in 2023.
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  • Dzień 10–13

    Hội An

    8 marca, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    - We quite enjoyed Hoi An, it was quieter and the ease of getting around on the bikes made it more flexible.

    - We had started getting over the same basic breakfast and Hoi An was the place to go and find some western style ones due to the fresh/wellness type culture that Hoi An has.

    - Walking around the streets was great, having a look at all the tailors or leather makers or fake shoes. Despite the pestering to buy, it was interesting to see the products.

    - We booked a food tour with a local company and he took us to all the off the beaten track places which is hard to find in Hoi An. We would end up in a locals loungeroom which they had converted to a eating space essentially.

    - Chloe continued her quest to swim in every sea, swimming in the south China sea.

    - we treated ourselves to a wine bar and some delicious cheeses, couldn't help ourselves considering 4 wines and cheese was only $35
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  • Dzień 13–15


    11 marca, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    - A short stop in Hue was on the agenda as it was close to Hoi An and the home of the former royals/dynasty

    - The trip to Hue was off to a flyer when the bus company booked by the hotel seemed like the most disorganised chaotic shuttle service. The tourists waiting were going to all different places but nobody knew which bus they were getting and apparently they were all late, despite once time to get on, they actually had been sitting there since the start. The bus was a sleeper that looked like it was from the 90s and had never been cleaned. I'm glad we weren't booked for 20 hours to Hanoi like some people.

    - We arrived in Hue to a rainy foggy evening, found some tasty vegetarian food including a banh xao and ofcourse spring rolls. We then found a very cool cocktail bar down a small alley where a staff member was having a birthday so we got a bunch of free stuff. The drinks were delish.

    - We used the full day to visit the former royals, the Nguyen's, city of living. It was interesting to see but a few hours there was enough. We used the rest of the day to relax and then we did another food tour as Hue has been said to have 1500 dishes.

    - the food tour again took us to places we would never go due to language or just being in random places. We dabbled in many dishes and I tried pigs blood in my Banh Bo Hue and pigs feet. Not sure if I'd eat that again.
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  • Dzień 15–16


    13 marca, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    - We flew into Hanoi early (to Chloe's dissatisfaction due to lack of sleep) and planned to wander around before heading to Halong the following day.

    - We walked around the busy streets of the old quarter with its crowded buildings and chaotic shop fronts. We found our 10th or so Banh Mi of the trip (spoiled for choice in Hanoi). As for the Banh Mis, if it wasn't for their cheap price of around 2$, the probably would be better in Melbourne due to the quality of ingredients used in Aus.

    - We went on a walking tour where we were shown the main places such as the lake but also some smaller places like the tiny little houses some of the older generation took up after the war, literally 4-5 square metre rooms with holes in the roof to climb into the floor above. Not sure how they live this way. We also visited an egg coffee shop which was run by the family that initially invented egg coffee after the war, the iced version was a lot nicer then the warm.

    - We met an Aussie who was living in Japan on the ski resorts. We started with some local beers (Bia Hoi) for approx 70 cents and had a few drinks. We then moved on to a hidden gem I'd heard of, which was a woman making Pho in her house for tourists. We found the alleyway, went upstairs and found a loungeroom full of tourists eating delicious Pho Ba (beef). There was no english, no menu or no other choices, we parked on the tiny kindergarten chairs and enjoyed some Pho for approx $2. After that we moved on to beer street/corner which is pretty dirty in culture but a good place to people watch, particularly when beers are 1-2$ for a pint.
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  • Dzień 16

    Halong Bay

    14 marca, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    - We were picked up early (Chloe not too keen again) and headed to Halong Bay in a small bus chockers with tourists bags (seems they don't plan for that very well). We were spending 1 night on the Bai Tu Long Bay, a subsection of the Halong park where only 10-15 boats go rather then 200+ in Halong Bay.

    - We were given the top room, we had our own floor and balcony which was nice after some of the budget hotels so far. We went for a kayak around the limestone mountains and ended up at a beach and despite the misty weather, most people had a swim, it was cold but super refreshing and the water is quite clean. The rubbish around the place although small really does dampen the place and feels disheartening, a shame to see places ruined by tourists who don't care or fishing pollution.

    - The kayak back was tough and long but a good time and we enjoyed a hot shower on return. This lead beautifully into happy hour beers and cocktails, and even a spring roll making competition which Chloe took out as the winner (another free beer)

    - All the meals on board were included in 5-6 course menus and the food was great. Dinner included things like baked fish, honey chicken, prawns, soups, fresh fruit etc.

    - By this time a few english and Dutch had some liquid courage and they embraced the karaoke, it only takes a few people to break the ice because soon enough me and Chloe were singing Hwy Jude, sweet Caroline and even a Duet of Land Down Under which was good fun. We finished the night and I randomly caught a squid off the side of the boat.

    - Halong bay was a good experience, Swan cruises were a good company and Bai Tu Long was a good choice.
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  • Dzień 17–18


    15 marca, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    - Return back to Hanoi from Halong Bay, early in the morning, today's goal was to eat some good food and relax. However, that wasn't going to be easy as the hotel decided to cancel our reservation last minute in an attempt to scam us for more money

    - We decided to book a last minute hotel with decent reviews, it was only for a night. We checked into the worst hotel we have ever seen, the walls were so dirty and the room was super damp. It was like a horror movie hotel.

    - We went and found a good banh mi and wandered around looking at the shops. The amount of fakes here is insane and they look incredible, quality however?

    - Dinner at a small little restaurant, of course spring rolls were eaten. Early night for an early morning train.
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