Oturulan yer: Heilbronn, Deutschland Okumaya devam et Heilbronn, Deutschland
  • Gün 92–96

    La Paz

    14 Şubat, Bolivya ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    I was pretty hyped for La Paz since I heard so many good things about it and people were definitely right. Being the highest city in the world, La Paz can sometimes be exhausting to explore and you can reach areas like El Alto which are higher than 4.000m! The best thing to do in La Paz is probably the rides with the teleférico where you get amazing views over the whole city and can easily access all of its parts. One day I went to Valle de la Luna which is a place a bit outside of the city where you can observe these special formations of rocks. They have appeared due to erosion of the top of a mountain and since the soil is not solid, it has turned over centuries in a landscape like that. I was also partying a lot (more than I wanted) in La Paz and met some really nice new people or met people again! Finally, there must be a lot of good specialty food and drinks in La Paz that I unfortunately could not enjoy since I still have a lot of stomach problems which might not least appear due to the poor quality of water and in general the low level of hygiene. Nevertheless La Paz was a blast and I would always love to come back, it feels very safe to walk around, there is many cool places to visit and people are very sweet:)Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 90–92

    Isla del Sol

    12 Şubat, Bolivya ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Made it to Bolivia!🇧🇴I must say I was a bit nervous about crossing the border since I did not get a stamp in my passport at the airport in Lima when entering Peru and I did not have any ticket that shows that I would leave the country within 90 days (Colombia and Peru both requested these tickets) but it turned out to be the easiest process ever. With the bus we stopped at the border and got off at the Peruvian side to get our exit stamp, then we walked over to the Bolivian side to get the entry stamp and that was it:) My first stop in Bolivia was Isla del Sol which is the biggest island on the Lake Titicaca. First I needed to go to Copacabana and then hopped on a boat to the island. On the island there is three indigenous communities living and you can choose whether to just visit the island for a day or to stay at an accommodation of an indigenous family for a few nights. I did the latter in order to have more time to visit the places. During the boat ride I got to know two Brazilian tourists and so the second day we decided to discover the island from the north to the south together. The landscape is incredibly beautiful and the views have changed so quickly all the time. At the beginning of the hike we met a young guy living in the Northern community who explained to us how the people grow food on the terraces and collected some herbs for infusions for us. In general the people here are super friendly and open which makes you feel very welcomed. Although it should be the Isla del Sol (deriving from the dios del sol - the god of the sun who is said to have sent a couple from this island to Cusco to start the imperium of the inkas) it is pretty cold here so I’ll rather continue soonish:)Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 89–90


    11 Şubat, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    One night in Puno☺️Together with a Spanish girl I met during the hike at the colca canyon I travelled to Puno, the city next to the Peruvian side of the Lake Titicaca and over there we met two guys from Italy we also got to know during the hike. Together we went out for dinner and afterwards watched the carnival parade of Puno together which is quite a famous one in Peru! As far as I understood, the several groups start to parade early in the morning at a competition in the stadium and then walk/dance/sing through the streets of Puno until midnight. I think this is only possible due to the amount of alcohol they consume so when we arrived the whole city was basically drunk but still they continued trying their best😅In the end I did not see much more of the city than these parades because it is also not too nice to visit so I decided to cross the border to Bolivia the next morning!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 87–89

    Arequipa again

    9 Şubat, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Had another short stay in Arequipa to relax after the hike, do some yoga, go to the market, have some coffee and finally tried the cheese ice cream (basically just sweet milk ice cream with cinnamon on top)!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 86–87

    Cañón de Colca

    8 Şubat, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    One of the principal things to see near Arequipa is the cañón de colca, the third biggest canyon in the world! I decided to go there for a two day hike with a tour and hence was picked up at 3am in the morning😴The bus ride already predicted beautiful landscapes and we observed the source of the Amazonas on the way. Unfortunately that day we could not observe the Andean condor at a famous viewpoint but saw some later during the hike!! After the breakfast spot and around 4h by bus we started our hike. The first day we walked all the way down to the river to the middle of the canyon and had lunch on the other side. We enjoyed the sun and relaxed for a bit at the lunch place but then needed to continue the hike since our guide knew that in the afternoon it would start raining and we still needed to walk another 3h to get to the campsite for the night. As he told, it started raining soon but in contrast to some other people of the group I was gladly well prepared for that. The hike along the unaccountable fig trees and cactus fields was still so nice and the mood of the group was kept high! In the night we were told to revise the whole room and the bed sheets to make sure there is no dangerous spiders or scorpions but gladly we did not see anything! The next day we then started our hike at 4:30am when it was still dark since we needed to hike up the canyon again. The hike was with 6km quite short in kilometres but pretty steep and it then took me around 3h to walk up the 1.200m. Fortunately that day we did not have to walk anymore and just went to some (really) hot springs, drove up to 4.900m to have a view over the volcanos that we did not have but at least watched plenty of llamas, alpacas and vicuñas on the way☺️Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 84–86


    6 Şubat, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    My next stop after another 12 hours in the bus (with the fanciest bus so far though) was Arequipa! I’m now again travelling on my own since my friend Petra moved on to Bolivia already. At first I was really excited after my arrival since the city looked so cute to me but I was then welcomed with the information that there is no water in the city due to heavy rain in the north and too much sediments in the river (or so). With the ugly feeling after the night bus and no shower I then did a great free walking tour through the city with a very passionate arequipeño and explored more and more the relaxed but still lively atmosphere of the white city. The city is by the way white since they used white volcanic rocks to construct it and this is because Arequipa is close to several dormant or extinct volcanos. Although the no-water-situation at the hostel got uglier and uglier, I enjoyed my stay not least because of the sunny weather and the great local food market!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 78–83

    Cusco again

    31 Ocak, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    After the Salkantay trek I first needed to get some rest in Cusco so I decided to stay a few days more. The first days we just went out to cafés and museums (in one of them they even portrayed Stuttgart as a sister city of Cusco but showed Tübingen as the historical centre of Stuttgart😭) and in the night we met our new friends we made during the trek to have some pisco sours (famous Peruvian drink). Then, since there is so many archeological sites of the Inkas around Cusco, one day I did a day tour with a bus. We went to places like the town of Chinchero, the terraces of Moray and the salt terraces of Maras, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba and Písac. Although those tours are super touristy, I had a good time getting to know another German guy and an Austrian girl.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 73–78

    Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu

    26 Ocak, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Before coming to South America it was one of my goals to do a hiking trek for several days to Machu Picchu. The salkantay trek is a famous trek that you can do in 4 or 5 days but it’s also a quite tough one due to the amounts of kilometres you walk ever day and especially due to the altitudes you reach! Especially the second and the fourth day were pretty exhausting since on the second day we went up to 4.600m and since we are still in the rainy season, both of the days it was raining heavily. Nevertheless, the views we had and the hiking days which were filled with compelling conversations with other members of the (Papi’s-) group were worth the struggle! After 4 days of hiking we then arrived in Aguas Calientes, the town next to Machu Picchu. Due to the manifestations these days it was all empty and we were not 100% sure if we can enter Machu Picchu the next day. Our guides told us to go as early as possible in order to arrive before the strikers and pass the entry so we got up at 3:30am and walked up the last challenging kilometres up to the Machu Picchu! In the end we were rewarded with a beautiful view over the mountains and the archeological site (apparently not that common in rainy season) and since many tours these days were cancelled, we could experience Machu Picchu as a quiet and peaceful place instead of a tourist hotspot🙏🏼After the hike which was in the end about 100km in 5 days, we needed some rest in Cusco again to process the whole experience!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 70–73


    23 Ocak, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Cusco, the first three days:
    - Acclimatized due to the higher altitude (3,400m) and therefore prepared for the upcoming trek to Machu Picchu
    - Treated ourselves with a luxurious dinner consisting of vegan versions of traditional Peruvian dishes
    - Joined a free walking tour around the city which is very touristy and cosmopolitan but still has a lot of beautiful streets and markets
    - Walked up the Jesus statue to get a view of the city and ate “choclo con queso” (corn with cheese) on the way down:)
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 67–69


    20 Ocak, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    After 12h in the night bus we arrived in Ayacucho in the morning! Ayacucho is a medium sized town in the mountains of Peru that is still not very touristy although it is so beautiful and has a lot to offer! In town you can watch the traditional Peruvian Andean life and buy food at low prices at the central market. The centre is very lively and since carnival starts in February and Ayacucho is highly famous in Peru for its carnival, we could already watch some groups practicing on the streets!
    One day we went to a nearby town called Quinua where you can watch (and buy) traditional handicrafts made out of clay or ceramics, discover the monument memorizing one of the most important battles in the history of independence of Peru and visit the archaeological site of Wari where you learn about pre-Inka life in the area. During that day trip, people were so open and happy to talk to us everywhere we went and in the end a family from Ayacucho even gave us a ride back to town!
    Probably one of the reasons why Ayacucho is not too touristy is that the years of terrorism that took place in the 80s in Peru, started in Ayacucho with the creation of the terror group “Sendero Luminoso” or in English “Shining Path”. Back then many civilians, especially people from indigenous communities, were killed not only by the terror group but also by the Peruvian military. In the museum “ Casa de la Memoria” you can inform about the brutal times and since the museum is not supported by the government but instead created by a group of activists called “Anfasep”, the information you receive is quite differentiated. Until now, we needed to realize that receiving nuanced information about these times is not always very easy in Peru since the government still covers up or blurs parts of the history.
    Although learning about the past of Ayacucho was pretty hard, I think it was one of my favourite places on the trip so far since people were so nice, the city is still untouched by many tourists but the surroundings are beautiful and the culture and knowledge is so rich!
    Okumaya devam et

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