World trip

November 2022 - Juli 2023
A penguin trip around the world Baca selengkapnya
  • 62footprint
  • 14negara
  • 242hari
  • 567foto
  • 26video
  • 73,7kkilometer
  • 61,7kkilometer
  • Hari 13

    Deception Island

    1 Desember 2022, Antartika ⋅ 🌬 -1 °C

    After surviving 4 hurricans the last two days we finally found shelter on deception Island and could manage to do our last and final landing before heading back through the Drake Passage to Ushuaia. Loved this landing as we finally were able to get into the zodiacs and were also able to do a polar plunge in ice cold water. I think my feet were frozen for half an hour but i loved it!
    Which had once been a whaling Station we could luckily also see some cute gentoo and chinstrap penguins and some seals which was definitely worth the visit :)
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  • Hari 15

    Back the Drake to Ushuaia

    3 Desember 2022, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    The last days at sea we headed back the Drake Passage. Again you could tell that people skipped dinner or breakfast and in general most people stayed in their cabins. But i was excited to come back, remember all the wonderful things That i saw. On the last evening on the Drake we even saw a rainbow right before we got into the Beagle channel as if it was a sign and a great way to end this amazing trip to Antartica.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 16

    Last day in Ushuaia

    4 Desember 2022, Argentina ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    On the last day in Ushuaia i went on a hike with some very nice people from Denmark which i met in Antartica. It was a very nice and scenic hike in the national parc tierra del fuego. For a split second i even stepped foot into chile as part of the border runs through the parc. Later we went for a last dinner and then sadly had to part ways as i will continue my trip through Patagonia and they will fly back to Denmark.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 18

    Punta Arenas

    6 Desember 2022, Cabai ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Next stop after Ushuaia is Punta Arenas in Chile 🇨🇱. The Bus took 10 hours which was so long but we luckily could see some guanaco which are really cute. This made it all feel much more like South America. The next day i went on a scenic hike on my own to the reservas de magellanes and the following day i booked a Tour to See the only king penguin colony in Chile. So many penguins i know haha but they were missing on my list :D in the a typical chilenian lunch and a tour through the ghost town called estancia san gregorio was included. The buildings of the commune appartently date back to 1882. So even though most people told me that you should just stay in Punta Arenas for one day in my opinion it is definitely worth the visit und there is so much to do besides seeing penguins! So much history also about the first expeditions!
    Apparently you also should not miss out on the calafate sour which is similar to pisco sour but very sweet and looks like a blueberry drink. I was not surprised that it was sweet because the people here love their sweets! Apparently there is also this myth that if you drink a calafate sour in Punta Arenas you will come back to the city! Guess this will not be the last time i will be in Punta Arenas. :)
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  • Hari 22

    Torres del Paine National Park

    10 Desember 2022, Cabai ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    After seeing 5 different penguin species i was now ready to see some more amazing nature at Torres del Paine National Park which is known for its 8th world wonder „las tres torres“. So i left Punta Arenas (knowing that i would be back anyways at some point after trying the calafate sour) and took the short bus ride to Puerto Natales the gateway to the Torres del Paine National Park. Puerto Natales is a small but also very touristic town where most people start their „W“ or „O“ Trekking Journey. I decided to not do the full trek, especially because of the lack of time and money. So i started my own shorter trekking journey with the famous „las torres“. Of course i always like a good challenge so i started with the supposedly most difficult hike first. Great! After around 3,5 hours, lots of sweating and cursing i made it to the 8th world wonder and the weather was even on my side! The last km I definitely struggled but was so happy when I finally made it to the top!
    The next day i did a hike to Glacier Grey. It was not as challenging but i was still exhausted from the day before so i was very happy to get to my refugio at the end of the day and reward myself with a beer :) On the final day i was able to do the Valle de frances. Again i was blessed with wonderful weather even though the weather forcast showed a 70% chance of rain. Sooo lucky! Loved the hike because it sometimes reminded me of Switzerland! For me it was definitely the nicest hike so far.
    In the end i was impressed by the beautiful nature at Torres del Paine National Park, was surprised by the really expensive prices, found new friends and learned more about myself and the challenges you can overcome if you believe in yourself and have mental strength. I‘m grateful of this experience and so happy that I managed to hike 50 km in 3 days which was almost the „W“ trek. Couldn’t be more proud of myself after one year of sitting constantly at my desk :) now off to more trekking with my big sister! Can‘t wait!
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  • Hari 27

    El Chaltén

    15 Desember 2022, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Back to Argentina and all of this with my amazing big sister! I really missed traveling with her!

    We started off with some small hikes the first few days with amazing lookout spots and continued with Laguna de los Tres. The water of the laguna was soo blue! After our hike we did a small polar dip in Laguna Capri on the way back which was the best idea as are feet hurt from the 20 km of walking.

    The next day we did some „stargazing“ and got up at 2 am to see the sunrise at Laguna Torre. It was amazing! Windy as always and very cold. But as i’m a real winter professional I was well prepared and could even help my sister that we didn’t have to freeze too much. Because we went so early we even had time to have some breakfast afterwards and watch the final World Cup match Argentina against France! This was definitely a crazy experience. Being in Argentina when they won the finals of the World Cup! Sooo much party and celebration and this even in this small town of el Chalten! Loved it! All the happiness and this feeling of unity of the Argentine people. I will never forget this experience!
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  • Hari 32

    El Calafate - last stop in Patagonia

    20 Desember 2022, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    The last stop in Patagonia was back in El Calafate. I was there for one day before I started my hiking journey with my sister in El Chaltén. It is a nice town but not a lot of things to do. It is however famous because from there you can book tours to see the Perito Moreno Glacier! We booked a minitrekking tour which included seeing the glacier, a boat tour, ice cave and even trekking on the glacier with spikes! The weather was amazing and we had three hours on the glacier! Definitely a once in a lifetime experience, especially because I was not able to check this off my bucket list in Antarctica due to the bad weather conditions. Seeing the glacier and doing the trekking with my sister will for sure be one of the memories I will never forget. As we are sitting at the airport right now on the way to our last destination Buenos Aires before Christmas, I’m so grateful for my first month of traveling. For all the people I met in Ushuaia, Antartica, Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Torres del Peine, El Chaltén and El Calafate. For all the paths that crossed more than once and for all the wonderful experiences. My backpack is so heavy because of all the amazing memories! Can‘t wait for the last part of the trip for this year and then spend 4 weeks in Uruguay! :)Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 34

    Back in Buenos Aires

    22 Desember 2022, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    After taking a break and spending important time with my family I’m back with some updates. After El Calafate my sister and I got back to the place where my journey first started - Buenos Aires. Our flight was delayed and bumpy, which apparently happens a lot due to the strong winds. Luckily we arrived safely and were ready to pick up my mom from the airport. At least this is was I thought! Little did I know that my sneaky brother, who was supposed to spend Christmas back in Germany was on a plane to Buenos Aires too. My sister planned the whole surprise. And wow I was surprised! I was so overwhelmed with joy, emotions just everything that I could hardly react and froze for a second. Couldn’t ask for a better Christmas having all my loved ones at one place.

    But there were even more surprises. My sister planned the whole day in Buenos Aires for us and organized an amazing biking tour through the city where we could learn so much about the people and history of Buenos Aires. And the best thing was that I did not have to use my feet that much. Haha After hiking 100 km in Chile and Argentina that was a much needed relief. My knees to this day still hurt a little bit but with more rest I hope they will be fine in the end.
    After our bike ride we went to the Plaza de Mayo which is famous for the Madres de Plaza de Mayo. All the mothers whos children were kidnapped during the military dictatorship demonstrate there every thursday and wear „scarfs“ over their heads to remind them of there lost babies. It is basically a human rights association with the goal to find their lost children.
    We then had a quick stop at one of the well known cafes called Tortoni, went to the amazing botanical garden and and ended the day with something you definitely have to do at least once when you are in Buenos Aires! Watch a real tango show! Loved to spend this day with my mom, my sister and my brother.
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  • Hari 36

    The Uruguayan way of life

    24 Desember 2022, Uruguay ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    After 2 wonderful days in Buenos Aires together with my family we made our way to Uruguay. To get there we first took a boat to Colonia del Sacramento. This little sleepy colonial town is definitely worth a short visit! We then took the bus to Montevideo where my sister has been living for the past two years to spend the first Christmas with palm trees, heat and lots of meat which is actually an understatement. You will only realize what the Asado is all about when you experience the true culture behind it. It is not just lots of meat on a barbecue but rather all about the slow cooking process, having the patience while also enjoying time with family and friends. This is what makes it so special and part of South American culture. After Christmas we went on a wonderful trip up the coast line of Uruguay towards Brazil. We had several stops along the way and I think I was truely able to capture some of the highlights of this trip and the beauty of this county. So many deserted beaches with almost no people, amazing wildlife and of course the most prettiest sunsets. We also visited two museums (MACA museum and CASA PUEBLA) of well known Uruguayan artists which also reflect the modern way to live. Thank you Uruguay for these wonderful two weeks of the New Year. I’m almost finished with my first week of Spanish class. I just love it. And don’t you agree that the best place to actually learn Spanish is the beach? :DBaca selengkapnya

  • Hari 76

    Celebrating life

    2 Februari 2023, Uruguay

    Wow! I cannot believe that my time in Uruguay has come to an end. After spending 5 weeks with my sister I cannot wait to start a new adventure. To recap the last weeks.. On the 17th of January my sister organized an amazing birthday party for me for my 30th birthday. In the evening of the 17th we even went to a rooftop bar overlooking Montevideo which was so amazing and a night I will never forget! I was also able to blow out so many candles! So many wishes for the next year! :)
    The next day the party continued as the carneval in Montevideo started (which is known to be the longest carnival in the world).

    I then extended my Spanish class for another week and an article was written with some pictures of all the students. Can you spot me? :)
    After my Spanish course was over i went on an wonderful girls trip with two of my sisters friends and their daughter which are from Argentina. It was so much fun being only on a trip with girls even though very exhausting at times as the girls hardly speak any English. However it really helped me to improve my Spanish skills! During the trip we were even able to go to a shelter for marine animals. And of course I was able to see some rescued penguin babies. :) Funny because magallanic penguins were still missing on my list! We then spend wonderful days at the beach, enjoying the sun, the ocean and of course the typical South American drink Mate! Thank you Uruguay for this precious time and thank you to my amazing big sister who I look up to and who constantly amazes me! 😘 And to her wonderful partner in crime! They both have made my stay so great ❤️ now off to Brazil 🇧🇷 for my next adventure!
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