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    • Tag 129

      Working once more

      31. Januar 2023 in Australien

      Started work today. It was good. Simple but everyone seems to get along which is nice. Had a bit of an issue with one of my colleagues. They are incredibly intense with everything and didnt seem to understand that I did know what I am doing. But I held my tongue and let them boss me about. They seemed to be doing it with everyone so at least it's not just me.

      Made myself overnight oats for breakky. Very nice.

      Then had to do laundry. Not a vibe.

      Not only was it $8 and hour to rent the room, the machines took at least 30mins each. But the machine lies. The 30min wash was 40. Which left me with less than 20 to dry. Needless to say that wasnt long enough. So the less glamorous side of travelling became my only choice. Drying my clothes around my room. RIP.

      Now I know I could have let it dry and just paid the $16, but $16 a week is not ok. $8 I am used to and willing to do. Not twice that for machines that barely work anyways.

      On my way to work I spotted this cool motorcycle. The owner offers scenic rides up Kunyani on it. So cool.

    • Tag 133

      Friday evenings

      4. Februar 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      I have good news.

      The guy at work who made me feel like a complete idiot and like didnt know how to do my job, does it with everyone. And by everyone I mean, even the boss and the chefs. They have 0 management positions and everyone is constantly just rolling their eyes at their comments.

      So that made me feel a lot better. I was seriously stressing about work because of them so I'm glad it's not just me. Everyone was super nice and helpful aswell. I felt a lot better by the end.

      I am also trying to set up an actual blog, a way to write out my thoughts and all. But it turns out I need a name. And I can write for days about travel or hospitality, but I cannot think of a name.

      Beyond that I am trying to figure out expenses to see how much money I have for my time in Western Australia. I found a cool way to explore it but I dont know which option to choose.

      So that's all I'm really doing at the moment. Lots of relaxing in the park with my book, planning for my next steps and settling into work. I do need to go food shopping at some point but that is a future me thing. I'll do that later.

    • Tag 128

      Fun fun fun, in the sun

      30. Januar 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      I spent many an hour in the park the last couple days.

      It is so warm out, I've just been relaxing in various parks and reading.

      Saw a pretty pale green tree. Found a cafe that had wifi. Unfortunately the coffee was bad again and it felt very like a costa. And I dont really wanna support chains when I can go local. I may need to buy myself some coffee powder and do my coffee and work in the hostel. There are loads of small working spots here and the wifi is really strong so it may be a shout. Also cheaper. I just like the walk to the coffee shop.

      But anyways. Made myself a little picnic lunch and found another park to sit and read in. Finished my first book of 2023. It was a cute little Christmas holiday romance. The main character was the worst but the love interest was interesting and he had a daughter who I think was written really well.

      I'm also making my way through the hitchhiking book. I'm really liking it so far. Lots of stories of people, generosity and truthful history tellings. He is a bit of a biased narrator and fairly opinionated but I agree with him so I'm chill.

      Today it was super annoying cause it was boiling in the sun and just slightly too cool in the shade. I kept switching between the two when one got too much. I am definitely living the summer relaxing life while I can. It's nice to just be in places that arent so warm you melt in seconds.

    • Tag 126

      Saturday markets

      28. Januar 2023 in Australien

      Work up early to check out and move into my long term room. Found out it wasng ready yet, so happy.

      But then I realised it was saturday so I headed down to the markets. Bought myself some soap which I really needed and a doughnut cause why not. Also saw this chili gin which I did not try. Might go taste it next week if I have the nerve! Also saw these super cool wooden glass ball things. They rotated, really trippy for my tired brain!

      Once I'd wandered round the entire thing more than once I took a seat down in the grass and watched the performers. They were the oldest Scottish bagpipe band in Tasmania and honestly pretty good. At first I was like, dear god no, not that noise. But it grew on me. I was watching the dummers more than the bagpipers so I sort of focused on them rather than the bagpipes.

      The markets run almost all of saturday so I will definitely return. Lots of Tasmania made products of all kinds.

    • Tag 8

      Erste Woche in Hobart

      31. Januar 2023 in Australien

      Hey und willkommen zu meinem ersten Footprint meines neuen Reiseabschnitts. Die monatelange Arbeit ist nun beendet und wird sich demnächst nun hoffentlich gut auszahlen, denn nun beginnt der schöne Teil meiner Reise.
      Am 24.01. habe ich also Sydney verlassen und bin in der tasmanischen Hauptstadt Hobart gelandet. Hier habe ich nun insgesamt eine Woche in einem Hostel verbracht. Meine Highlights waren das Wandern auf den Mount Wellington, vor Allem der Rückweg von diesem, auf welchem ich vielen einheimischen Tieren begegnet bin, und das berühmte Kunstmuseum MONA. Ansonsten habe ich diese erste Woche allein genutzt um mich ein bisschen zu sammeln, auszuruhen und Pläne für die nächste Zeit zu machen.

      …und es haben sich sehr spontan verrückte Pläne aufgetan…😉

    • Tag 9

      Evening cruise

      21. Februar in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Booked ourselves on an evening cruise with dinner!

      Sounded a bit grown up for us, but thankfully it was very casual, nice food and gorgeous views of the harbour and the River Derwent.

      It’s been a scorching day, so being on the water with a lovely cooling breeze was a fab to end the day.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 150

      Do you ever?

      21. Februar 2023 in Australien ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Do you ever wonder about the statistics of your life?

      I dont know why but I thought about it yesterday and I cant get it out of my mind. I'm just so curious now.

      For instance, how many people have I had a conversation with? What percentage of my life have I need asleep? Those are like mundane ones, but I thought of it first when I was at work. I was standing polishing cutlery and was so curious about how many knives I must have polished in my life. I mean, I've been working hospo for 3 ish years now, I must have polished a lot.

      And then other things, like how many times have I narrowly escaped injury? Or how many hours have I spent reading?

      I don't know why I just keeping thinking of new ones. I'd love that to be something you could know.

      Anyways, that's a little view into my weird brain.

      Did a 12 bell practice on monday. My first ever and it was all simulated on the computer. There are 12 bells in the tower but 2 are semitones so rung on all 12 normally is just not a good noise. The tower captain is creating a computer program that assesses the ringing and the ringers individually. The program is insanely clever, it gives perfect stats on who is ringing to fast or slow. If anyone was out, its insanely clever mechanics. Obviously they are just linked to the hobart bells currently as the sensors have to be put in perfect timings to get the accurate readings, but it is definitely a way to modernise ringing. Any mathematician or scientist would have a field day with it once it is perfected. It makes my brain very happy to look over.

      I also bought myself some wool. It isnt a great photo as the wool is actually a light blue. But I decided I wanted to make something. It took me around a week to figure out what I could make that I actually need but finally got it. I am making a laundry bag. Its hard to organise a backpack when it comes to dirty and clean clothing because it all fits in one spot. So hopefully with this I will be able to separate it out easier. I dont really like this pattern, I dont think the holes are big enough so I am going to make it again with a 2 chain gap between the stiches and hope that is bigger. Might need it to be 3, not sure yet.

    • Tag 9


      21. Februar in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      So the seaplane plan worked out! Had a fab 30 min flight over the bay this morning.

      The waters were crystal, the weather perfect, and the coastline just beautiful.

      The pilot works in Tassie in the summer and Alaska in the summer - the best of both worlds!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8


      20. Februar in Australien ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      So we’re now in the southern hemisphere which means SUMMER ☀️☀️☀️

      A chilled day which was much needed. After brekkie and some general sorting of stuff (which, now set free from their confines, has quadrupled in mass), our first job was to get our phones sorted with Telstra.

      We’d bought SIMs the day before, then spent the evening trying to get them to work. We became well acquainted with the massively helpful message ‘something’s not right’. We were frustrated (to say the least) and had to concede a win to the SIM cards.

      We marched into Telstra, took a deep breath, and recounted our woes. Turns out it’s a known issue, nothing to do with us 🫤The very helpful Luke set us up within 20 mins - happy days.

      We then pottered about for the rest of the day, getting our bearings (well, Col did, I’d still get lost in a blink) and getting tuned into Hobart’s chilled vibe.

      There were fishing vessels in the marina, selling their fresh catches of the day, most fish unknown to us.

      Our accom is next to the University of Tasmania, with marine and Antarctic studies the main focus. Didn’t know Hobart was a pushing off point for Antarctica. There’s also a recreated Antarctic expedition hut, for a chappie called Mawson, which we’ll visit tomorrow.

      Col flew the drone for some great aerial shots, then we spotted a scenic seaplane flight possibility so hoping we might get to see things from above for ourselves tomorrow……🤞🏻

    • Tag 36

      Tasmania where cold beginns & party ends

      6. November 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Laaaange Durststrecke für euch alle. Nach gut 2 Wochen bekommt ihr jetzt aber wieder was zu lesen :)

      Wir hatten einen spannenden Flug nach Tasmanien. Gestartet in Auckland, verspätet natürlich, ging aber soweit alles gut. Aber je näher wir Melbourne kamen, wo wir umsteigen mussten, desto mehr wurde klar das es mit dem Anschlussflug nach Hobart echt knapper und knapper wurde. An der Passkontrolle ging es natürlich noch langsamer als sonst & das Gepäck kaaaam & kam einfach nicht. Wir hatten einen total lieben Sitznachbarn im Flugzeug der für uns alle Fragen an der Info geklärt hat & auch rausfinden konnte das unser Flug nach Hobart auch gut Verspätung hatte. Aber für uns war trotzdem Rennen angesagt. Wie in einem Hollywood Film mit all den Pannen sind wir über den Flughafen zu unserem Check-In und dann finally zu unserem Gate gesprintet. dann festzustellen das der Flug 45 min später erst abhob. Naja wir konnten wenigstens nette Kontakte knüpfen & haben uns dadurch sogar mitten in der Nacht den Transfer zum Hotel gespart.

      Tasmanien... ja Tasmanien... was soll man sagen. Aus den geplanten 10 Tagen wurden 9... es war bitter kalt & es konnte Neuseeland einfach in nichts das Wasser reichen.

      Aber wir hatten doch eine gute Zeit hier. Wir haben viele neue Leute kennengelernt & uns die Nächte um die Ohren geschlagen. Wir waren echt in irre tollen Locations wie zum Beispiel ‚The hanging Garden’... manno man... was ein geiler Platz. Einfach nachmittags zu nem chilligen GinTonic oder abends als Club. Wahnsinnig beeindrucken. Eigentlich befindet sich alles draußen mitten in nem Hinterhof zwischen riesigen Gebäuden aber wurde mit einer Glaskuppe & vielen kleinen Ecken fast wetterfest gemacht.
      & noch viele weitere kleine Bars. (Natürlich mega Inspiration für Lori ;) ) Trotzdem haben wir nicht nur Party gemacht. Wir haben auf einer Halbinsel in der Wineglass-Bay den Mount Amos beklommen. & im wahrsten Sinne wir sind geklettert wie die Weltmeister & die Aussicht hat sich mit jedem Schritt gelohnt. Man hatte Aussicht über alles... die Strände und Wälder. Das war echt irre, jegliche Angst wurde bekämpft & wir haben unseren Körper noch etwas besser kennengelernt, was er so leisten kann wenn man erst mal seinen Kopf ausschaltet. Hammer Erlebnis.

      Außerdem waren wir im Tasmanischen Zoo & haben viele beeindruckende Tiere von ganz nah gesehen und als Highlight durften wir ein Baby des Tasmanischen Teufels halten. Sooo süß die kleine Poppy, könnt man gar nicht meinen das die einem gefährlich werden können.

      Wir waren auf dem Salamanca-Market der unserem Kulturufer sehr nahe kommt, aber doch ein ganzen Stück größer und vielseitiger. Einer der bekanntesten Märkten hier.

      Also wir sind trotz Wetter nicht ganz leer ausgegangen & haben das beste draus gemacht.

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