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    • Day 6

      Rainy Venice day!

      January 19 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

      We woke up and it was gondola day! It was absolutely freezing and super windy and rainy - not the ideal time to be in a small boat. We walked to St Mark's Campanile where we looked around some shops and had some much needed coffee. Then we met up with our gondola tour guide. We walked around the streets of Venice for a bit learning a bit of history about the place and then we reached the gondolas! It was quite the opposite of any standard photo of the Venice canal, but the experience was still pretty nice. We walked around a bit before stopping for lunch. I decided I needed a break from pizza and pasta so I had a peppercorn steak with veggies! Very good, but nowhere close to steak at home. Because of the weather, we chilled (literally) back at the air bnb for a bit before going out again to the Rialto bridge. Now THAT was a good view. We walked around looking at a few markets and stalls, then we went to a mini supermarket to get some ham and bread for dinner. Can’t go wrong. Bnb time again and zzzzRead more

    • Day 16

      Remember that little pizza place?

      September 1, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Athena arrives back to our room at midday. We decide to head out to find our little pizza place that we sat at for 2 hours on our trip 4 years ago-

      (our tour guide, Steve, told us all to go and get lost in Venice. Didn't have to tell me twice, I was so happy to be set free. Athena and I wandered over the Rialto bridge, through skinny alleys and side way streets until we found a clearing with a little restaurant, we sat and had the best time)

      Well I have a great sense of direction so off we went through the maze.

      It was the same, the tight skinny streets all cool and shaded. We try to keep away from the crowds, so I do a left here and there.

      We come across dead ends with a canal at the end. I can hear tv on above my head, and people arguing.

      The sounds of living rooms pour out to us. Clothes hang on lines above our heads and the walls look so dilapidated.

      This is what I enjoy. The real life. The feeling like you are sneeking into people's backyards.
      Which way to turn? It doesn't matter. We don't know where we are.

      We come across a couple of restaurants but the square is too skinny. It is not familiar.

      'Keep going Sandra", I tell myself.
      I see at the end of one street the sun hitting a wall ahead and know there is a square there. We walk out and my seeking is over.
      I FOUND IT!!

      We are very pleased with ourselves.
      Athena orders a bruchetta and I a coke. (still not able to stomach anything)

      Isn't it funny, I have always thought that I would come back here and try to find this place, as what an adventure it would be!

      We head back, this time we follow the arrows to RIALTO and ST Marco amongst the shops and tourists.

      We get to the Rialto Bridge and it is packed with people. The annual regatta is on. People with oars stand together and row fast as they can in boats wider than a gondola.

      We look through some shops and they are full of the famous Murano coloured glass ornaments.

      I am in search of a pencil and paper.
      Jules wants Athena and I to do a drawing of our surroundings. Will give it a try.

      Something pulls me to look in the windows for a little glass black cat.
      After many yucky ones, I find one I like. I carry it close to my heart as we walk between the tourists and it makes me feel a little lighter.

      I spy a lolly shop that makes me stop in my tracks. In I go, paper bag at the ready. Everything looks devine and so different.

      Lollies make you feel good! But not too many.

      We get to our hotel about 6.30pm and go sit on our precious little quiet balcony. I ask Athena if she wants to go out to eat, she says she's full from the bruschetta. Me, I am starving.

      I pop out alone to buy some prosecco and a panini. But cannot find either.

      I walk into a little restaurant, down the lane way next to our hotel, and ask do you do takeaway. They say yes. May I please have a lasagne? Absolutely.

      I wait, families come in and are shown to their tables. I read the fish and crustacean posters on the wall.

      The maitre d sidles up to me and asks 'do you want food or me?' in a jovial manner.
      I laugh and point to the kitchen and say food.

      Boldly I nudge him with my shoulder and say you're funny. We smile broadly together. I like a bit of mischief in a person.

      My food is ready. The chef begins to put the parmesan on top and halts, looking at me. I instantly nod, smile and say a big yes please.
      He then asks me if I am single. I say yes and from Melbourne. He jots down his number on the top of my container and says in broken English, I am from Lido, there is a festival there. Come with me tonight once I finish!

      Oh dear, I thought. I smiled and said thank you, went back and inhaled my lasagne.

      Off to bed and the TV signal goes. I call reception and the guy comes up and plays around with the remote and stuffs it up even more.

      During this time we hear a blood curdling scream outside of a woman or child and someone yelling help. The guy says sorry bout the TV and Athena and he go to investigate whilst I lay in bed. They find nothing. Weird.

      Once the guy leaves, I pull the plug out and back in and wholla it's back.

      I search for English speaking channels and find a movie with Matthew
      Mcconaughey. Slowly my eyes get heavy.
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    • Day 35

      Ausflug nach Venedig

      November 1, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Max hatte gestern den wohl schönsten Einfall: Statt einen Tagesausflug nach Pisa, könnten wir auch nach Venedig fahren. Die Vorfreude war riesig und die Sitzplätze im Nu reserviert.
      Heute war es dann direkt so weit: Um 6 Uhr aufstehen, fertig machen und ab zum Bahnhof. Mit dem Schnellzug sind wir 2 Stunden von Florenz nach Venedig gefahren. Dort war es sehr neblig, was den ersten Eindruck total unwirklich gemacht hat. Sind wir wirklich in Venedig? 😱 Unser erster Stop ging zu DM (😅), was Lilly gefunden hat, um ein paar Sachen vor Asien nachzukaufen. Danach haben wir sehr leckeren Cappuccino (sogar mit Soja Milch) in einem wundervollen kleinen Café getrunken. Danach sind wir lange gelaufen und haben uns die Stadt angeschaut. Unter anderem auch den berühmten Markus Platz, obwohl uns die kleinen Gassen und Kanäle viel besser gefallen haben.
      Danach haben wir eine Aperol Pause eingelegt, sind weiter geschlendert und haben dann (wie sollte es auch anders sein) Pizza gegessen.
      Leider war es etwas frisch, also sind wir in das schöne erste Café zurück gegangen und haben noch einen Cappuccino getrunken.
      Wir haben uns etwas verkalkuliert und sitzen nun eine Stunde zu früh am Bahnhof - draußen ist es aber kalt und dunkel. Wir hören hier noch etwas Harry Potter Hörspiel bevor es zwei Stunden zurück nach Florenz geht. Zum Glück haben wir vorhin noch einen Sitzplatz bekommen, der Bahnhof ist sehr voll.
      Venedig hat uns aber sehr gut gefallen. Vor allem, weil wir den Ausflug erst gestern spontan entschieden haben.
      P.S. Venedig war entgegen unserer Erwartung auch gar nicht so teuer. Einen Cappuccino mit Soja Milch haben wir zb für 1,60€ oder einen Aperol Spritz für 3-5€.
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    • Day 7

      Italia 🍕

      June 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Samedi matin on est donc partis de château d´Oex ( qui restera dans nos cœurs à jamais) pour aller vers l’Italie ! Donc on a pris la voiture et on s’est dirigés vers le sud de la suisse et le début de la route dans la réserve nationale de Gruyères était vraiment superbe ! Arrivés proche de la frontière on a grimpé une montagne super longtemps pour faire un pic à 2002m d’altitude puis on est redescendus pendant 20 minutes dans une pente à 10% ( pas super agréable ) et la fatigue de la route m’a super vite rattrapé donc a peine la frontière passée on s’est arrêtés dans un petit café italien pour refaire un plan! Par ailleurs les passages de frontières sont vraiment inattendus dans le sens où c’est juste un panneau « Italia » sur notre chemin puis d’un coup on se retrouve dans un autre pays et on remarque super vite que les gens sont complètement différents, la langue n’est pas la même et l’atmosphère est vraiment différente, c’est un peu bizarre mais à la fois assez magique de pouvoir changer de pays si facilement !!
      Ducoup comme je me sentais pas trop bien on a opté pour aller à Domodossola ( et non au bord du lac Maggiore comme prévu) et on a loué un petit gîte pour la nuit. Le soir même on est quand même allés se balader en ville, trouver un petit restaurant et manger nos premières pizzas italienne (c’était délicieux !) .
      Et donc le lendemain (dimanche donc) on s’est dirigés vers le lac majeur et, arrivés à Stresa ( qui ressemble un peu à Cannes mais en plus petit et vraiment superbe ) on a décidés de partir plus loin, de vraiment se rapprocher de la Slovénie en prenant l’autoroute. Après avoir testé le Mcdo italien on a repris la route vers le lac Di Garda mais une fois lancés on a vus des panneaux indiquant Venise et sur un coup de tête on a décidés d’y aller ! Et Ducoup 3h après on se retrouve dans Venise (sans vraiment y croire) et la ville est vraiment superbe. Des qu’on lève les yeux il y a des monuments de la renaissance et de toutes époques, les maisons sont colorées et même délabrés les bâtiments sont très beau, bref la ville est charmante ! On a en plus réussis à faire un grand tour dans la ville et dans les coins résidentiels où très très peu de touristes vont, on était Seuls au bord des canaux, un bonheur, avant de bien sûr aller manger une pizza ( et on s’en lasse pas!). Voilà nos deux derniers jours bien remplis, bisous !
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    • Day 23

      Bridge of Sighs

      October 9, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Finally have experienced the Bridge of Sighs.
      The prisoners were reputed to have crossed this bridge on the way to prison from court.
      The prisoners had quite large cells though although the doors were huge!
      Very impressed with how preserved it all this.
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    • Day 6

      Venedig Tag 2

      September 14, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Heute bin ich wieder ziemlich planlos in Venedig rumgelaufen. Dabei bin ich auf einen wunderschönen Buchladen gestoßen. Zum Glück waren die meisten Bücher auf italienisch und ich hab sowieso keinen Platz um sie mitzunehmen, sonst wäre ich dort wahrscheinlich mit zu vielen Büchern wieder rausgekommen. Drinnen war der Buchladen total vollgepackt und in der Mitte jedes Raumes stand eine Gondel mit Büchern. Auf der Rückseite war eine Art Treppe aus Büchern, die bei der Flut beschädigt wurden.
      Als ich aus dem Laden rausgekommen bin, bin ich noch etwas durch die Gegend gelaufen und habe dann ein Boot zurück zum Bahnhof genommen.
      Nachdem ich mich im Hostel ein bisschen ausgeruht habe, bin ich noch in einem Supermarkt gegangen und habe mir was zum Abendbrot gesucht. Dabei war ich von der großen Auswahl an glutenfreien Produkten ehrlich gesagt etwas überfordert.
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    • Day 11

      Sunday, last day in Venice

      October 2, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      First I have to mention the most amazing thing that happened last night…we were standing on a bridge outside our restaurant waiting to be called in, when a couple came up and she said “I don’t believe it….” I gazed at them blankly, who could know us in Venice?? Anyway it slowly dawned that is was Cassandra Farrell (my ex-niece!) with her husband Henrik who I had never met!!! Of course, they do live in Europe - in Denmark - but what a coincidence…they were in Venice for the weekend, but to be at the same spot in Venice on the same day!!! So that was exciting and fun, and we hope to see them when they come to Oz at Christmas.

      This morning we got going leisurely as no time constraints. A beautiful day as promised - cool to start, and almost hot in the sun by afternoon. First we went to La Fenice to take a tour to see the whole building. Fabulous…you pay to enter and then download an audio guide on your phone (with their wifi) and we went right through the whole magnificent building. It is huge, and much larger then looks from the front, and in fact, if you walk round the little lanes to the canal at the back there is what was originally the main entrance as the nobility would always arrive by water (they would not walk!!)…the main concert hall is stunning…they were working on the stage, presumably setting up for Daughter of the Regiment which is on in about a week…we could view it from the boxes…very rococo and ornate, but somehow not overpowering. It has twice been destroyed by fire, but like its name, it has twice risen from the ashes. (I had not realised that Fenice means Phoenix).

      After that we walked along the riva Schiavoni, through the slow-moving milling throngs, towards the park at the pointy end of the island. Paused for a juice, coffee and pizza slab to keep us going, and then sat in the park with kindles. That was the plan, but Amr decided to look at the Biennale exhibits which are right there. So he happily did that and I happily sat in the beautiful park. Amr says to report that the Australian exhibit had a welcome to country…Wandered back, absolutely stunning light on the sparkling water, and being Sunday it was difficult walking as everyone was out and there were people traffic jams in all the narrow streets.

      Tonight we go to an opera in a palazzo! Meg and Stephen recommended it so that is good for us, and it will be fun…it is the Barber of Seville….what can go wrong! ….and it was fun! We are now back from the opera. Really intimate, about 70 or so people, and a piano, violin and cello provided the music…very spirited and funny. The barber of Seville is a comic opera so they spoofed it up and involved the audience in a fun way, and modified the story to accommodate fewer characters, but it is such a silly and complicated story that even a purist wouldn’t care, and they sang all the good bits!! A great evening. And it was lovely in the palazzo - each act we moved into another room…hard to describe the whole experience, but we are really happy that we went.

      Now all packed up and ready for an early start to get the 9.42am train to Bologna.
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    • Day 7

      Last day in Venice!

      January 20 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Ahhh today the weather was nicer! We spent most of the day just walking around the parts of Venice we didn’t really see much. We visited the San Marco Square which had a bunch of cool restaurants and shops, and this is where I had some spaghetti and clams! (Side thought - it is surprisingly rare to see spaghetti bolognaise anywhere in Italy but spaghetti with clams are EVERYWHERE) after a bit more walking and shopping it was time to go to Vivaldi’s church to see the famous 4 Seasons! Wowee that was special. I’ve never experienced something like that, where the venue felt so important, and the audience felt so moved. Might just have to ditch jazz. After that, we got some last minute snacks at the supermarket and headed home. ZzzzzRead more

    • Day 4

      Oupss n°2

      April 12, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Après être enfin arrivé à Venise, nous avons...
      1) traversé Venise dans tout sa longueur avec nos valises
      2) monté une dizaine de pont avec des escaliers
      3) passé 10min à trouvé le logement
      ...nous voilà enfin dans notre logement !!! 😮‍💨😅

      PS : merci a Arthur pour la participation sur la photo !
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    • Day 60

      Tag 59 | Venezia

      August 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      In der romantischen Stadt Venedig treffe ich Linda 🥰. Gemeinsam beschreiten wir das Sightseeing (Rialto-Brücke, Canale Grande, Markusplatz, Palazzo Bovolo) und trinken den ein oder anderen Aperol. - Hier gibt es sogar vier Arten von Aperol, wir haben die Select-Version probiert und sind uns nun fast einig, dass wir Select mehr mögen als den Classic Aperol 🙃.
      Und tatsächlich ist das Essen gehen oder Ähnliches hier gar nicht so teuer wie gedacht.
      Das einzige, was das Dolce Vita-Feeling ein wenig trüben könnte, ist der hier und da strömende Regen ☔️. Aber darüber wollten wir uns gar nicht beschweren und haben das Beste daraus gemacht!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Venice, Venedig, Benezia, البندقية, Venecia, Венеция, Venecija, Venècia, Benátky, Βενετία, Venecio, Venezia, ونیز, Venetsia, Venise, Vignesie, Venecia - Venezia, ונציה, Velence, Վենետիկ, VCE, Venesia, Venizia, Feneyjar, ベニス, ვენეცია, 베네치아, Venetia, Venedeg, Venies, Венеција, Venetië, V'nise, Wenecja, Veneza, Veneția, Vinezzia, Benetke, Venediku, Venedik, ۋېنىتسىيە, Венеція, Venezsia, 威尼斯

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