Making my dreams come true! Let's see how many countries I can see in a year or until I run out of money! Baca lagi
  • Hari 266

    Vilnius-Lithuania-Don't look up!

    27 Mei 2017, Lithuania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Arrived at 6am in Vilnius this morning fourty minutes ahead of schedule and the temperature a balmy 7 degrees. I don't think I'll ever learn to sleep on buses or trains. I think I managed to sleep for an hour. I booked a room at 5am on the bus and when I got to the hotel they let me in right away so I could get some sleep. So nice! Rise and shine at 9:30 and I hit the coffee shop across the street for a cappuccino, eat my sandwich from the night before and hit the pavement for an all day tour. First thing I notice is the horrible condition of the sidewalk and know that I'm going to have to keep my eyes to the ground so I don't trip. There city is being restored and you can see it everywhere. There are a lot if churches here. I start out by seeing the town hall, cathedral basilica and bell tower, the hill of crosses, Bernardine gardens, and palace of the grand dukes of Lithuania. It's already so hot and the climb to the hill of crosses is steep, boards in the stairs are broken, and the bank is silty. I get to the top sweating but the city view is fantastic. On the way down I step on a step and it gives way and I go falling forward and down the stairs. Ouucccchhhh! I manage not to break any bones but I can feel the stinging and cut on my leg under my tights and I'm covered in silt. I walk to the gardens and regroup under a shady tree while I watch a wedding. I manage to get back to the hotel after finding a great and cheap organic food store, have a shower to clean my wound and vegetate for a few hours. Have to wash my clothes from all the silt. Back out at 6:30 after having a nap and checked out the rest of the old town I missed earlier in the day. Hard to find a grocery store here and after walking 2.5 hours I found one. Bought my water (mint) and headed back to the room to book my trip to Latvia tomorrow. Walking back I noticed women pacing the street and asked the hotel clerk if this was the red light district and after having to explain what it meant, he said yes. Hmm, interesting!Baca lagi

  • Hari 265

    Farewell to Gdansk

    26 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Lousy night sleep! Didn't help being woken up by the slamming if doors at 6 am by the rotten school kids. This is going to be a day of walking and shaking off the cobwebs before I board my overnight bus at 7pm tonight. After breakfast and having to wait until 9 to get into the kitchen for a cup of coffee Agatha and I set out for a tour of the Solidarity Museum. It took about 3 hours to go through the museum and was so packed with information about the set up of the trade unions by Lech Walesa in the early 80's, the country falling under martial law and communism. I never realized how powerful the people of Poland were in the support and backing of trade unions. Hundreds if people died and were jailed during this period. There is a statue erected of anchors on three crosses erected in front of the museum in honour of the three shipyard workers who were shot to death in the site. We headed into the old town after and found a locals restaurant and had lunch. I had a beetroot borscht with spinach and a piece of fresh halibut. Grabbed my bags from the hostel and Agatha walked me to catch my 7pm bus. I sure hope I can sleep a bit on the bus. Total bus time is 10 hours 40 minutes.Baca lagi

  • Hari 264

    Gdynia and Sopot daytrip

    25 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Set out today on a day trip with Agatha (64 and solo travelling)from Vienna Austria on a tour of two of the port cities north of Gdansk. Our first was a half hour train ride to Gdynia which is a modern port city. We spent about an hour and a half walking around and then decided to head to Sopot. Sopot is the Monte Carlo of Poland. Lakefront spa, Grand hotel, beautiful beaches, and a walking pier you had to pay for to walk on. We walked around the pier and got the same great view. This city was totally tourist driven. Lots of shops and restaurants. We had a lovely cream desert at a pastry shop. We headed back to Gdansk and went to the Twarg Dzewny (market). Lots of expensive food and clothes. We headed back to the hostel for pasta and beer. After dinner I went back out to check out the areas I'd Gdansk I missed in the day. Visited the Golden gate archway, Westplatz (a well restored promenade) and the Matllowa Canal on the opposite side. We were parachuted on by a group of preteen school kids which were so noisy and made the night unbearable to sleep. Booked my bus ticket to Vilnius, Lithuania for tomorrow evening.Baca lagi

  • Hari 263


    24 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Well what an interesting surprise in the north of Poland. Mainly brick buildings. After a 4 hour train ride I could hardly wait to go for a walk. I found the quay area and it reminded me of pictures I saw of Denmark and Amsterdam years ago. Everything is fresh fish here! I checked out a couple of menus and the spicy fish soup at Dominkanska taverna caught my eye. Wow, never had anything like it. Made with onions, zucchini, red & green peppers in a red broth with cayenne pepper. Served along side with rye bread and garlic herring chive butter. The most interesting food so far. Tomorrow will be a busy day of walking!Baca lagi

  • Hari 262

    Last day in Warsaw

    23 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Well I decided to stay another day because I didn't see everything and because it's just so gorgeous. I went to the train station and got a 1st class ticket for tomorrow that was cheaper than buying a regular ticket for today. I went to the Dali-Warhol art exhibit, which was a little disappointing because it was only one floor ($17.50). I've been to better exhibits for less. I walked back to the hostel to rest and then went off an hour later to the Warsaw uprising museum. It was so hot and quite a ways away. I went to the former Jewish ghetto section where more than 300,000 Jews were executed. I finally reached the uprising museum and it was closed. Back to the hostel I went. Bought some items for tomorrow's roadtrip and in the evening participated in the "learn polish" program at the hostel. That was fun! (16km today)Baca lagi

  • Hari 261


    22 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Early morning start today after having a great breakfast at the hostel. Headed out in the sunshine by 8:30 am to beat the Korean tourists in the park. Not being biased here but there are hoards of them here with their selfie sticks and I can't get a photo in edgewise. Today I did! Started with the tomb of the unknown soldier which is guarded by two soldiers and a burning flame. Behind it is the beautiful park with a huge fountain and statues of Greek gods. I was off then to the modern part of the city to look around. Made my way back to the Chopin museum and then stopped off for a coffee crema at Tschibo. I walked for 4 hours and then went back to my room to rest my feet. After my test I was on the search for the long stairway and the underground tunnels. I found the stairway but not the tunnels. I asked a waiter for directions and he told me to wait for him after work and he would show me. The guys here are certainly not shy to ask a girl out. I had to ditch him (not my type) nicely. I found the mermaid in the old square which is a symbol of Warsaw and is said to be the protector of Poland (once rescued by a fisherman). I had an early dinner at the restaurant next door and it was fabulous. Soft and airy potatoe dumpings with forest mushroom and garlic sauce and a beer ($13.39 CAD). Warsaw: home of Madam Curie, Chopin, Lech Walensa, and many famous movie stars and playwrights. Never there was so much history here.Baca lagi

  • Hari 260

    Krakow to Warsaw

    21 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Well I decided on not doing the salt mine tour after all because of the cost. After to talking to two young polish girls last night in the hostel they recommended Warsaw and Gdansk. I decided to move on. So far on my travels the Polish people are the kindest, nicest, happiest and helpful people. By far this is the safest country I have been in. Three hour fast train ride and I'm in Warsaw. Another beautiful city. It was completely flattened in WW2 but totally rebuilt and is pristine. Coming out from the train station I'm met head on with the technical building and in behind the art gallery. It looked like the Empire State Building. A twenty minute walk to the hostel and the city is again buzzing and there is music everywhere. A quick shower and change and I'm out to catch the sites. It's Sunday and the museums and exhibits are free. I walk through the market and winding little streets, more music, and a old man playing a old piano with a parrot singing along. Lucky me I manage to catch the exhibition to the Royal Palace and it is magnificent. I don't know much about Polish Royalty but am totally impressed with the whole palace. Looks like a prelude to St. Petersburg. I finish up with a walk along the promenade and then find a restaurant for a pizza and a couple of beers....and delightfully people watch for two hours. My waiter is a student and has a nametag saying so and tells me he is learning. Brilliant! This stops people from being nasty to him. Next I see the water truck coming along the street and watering all the flowers and soldiers tapping each other on the back and laughing. It feels good to be in Poland!Baca lagi

  • Hari 259

    Jewish section & Oskar Schindler Enamel

    20 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Back in the swing of walking again and put on 10km today! I dropped if my bags in luggage storage at the hostel as I had to change rooms and didn't want to be in a dorm of 10. I walked to Schindler's Enamel factory and didn't have to wait long in the queue. Schindler saved over 1000 Jewish and Polish by employing them in the factory to make enamel pots and pans for export to other countries. He had a smart account who skimmed money from the sales (fixed the books) so he could get Jews out of Kraków. After the factory I walked through Jewish market Kazmierrz and had a traditional polish meal called Bigos, sauerkraut stew with beef. I made my way to the new hostel which is smack dab in the middle of the old town with a great view. The condition of the hostel is dub par to what I had and paid last night. Location, location I guess. I hit the market again after for perogies made with feta, spinach, garlic and sun dried tomatoes, made by a local woman. Delicious! Wavering on seeing the Salt mines tomorrow aa the cost is $45 and there are so many tour buses going there daily. Just met 6 welsh guys on a stag who snuck into the hostel. Will who is getting married for the second time after 30 years of singledom donned a beautiful one piece his son bought him. The lot of them were hilarious. They are from Cardiff and work on the railway.Baca lagi

  • Hari 258


    19 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Thanks to all for wishing me a happy birthday! I left Katowice this morning and stalls were being set up for a musical and outdoor festival. Music was playing and people were in great spirit and another sunny day. Holy cannoli is it hot and Kraków is buzzing! So much action. Music and film festival, huge market and artisans in Rynek Square. Loved it the first time here with Olli in 2013 and I love it even more again. Had a plate of mushroom and cabbage perogies and a couple of beers for lunch. There are a ton of British tourists and the Polish people speak excellent English. Booked my hostel away from the old town as it is super noisy and I'm only a 10 minute walk away ($11 per night, yippee). Lots of parks and green space and super clean. Krakow is the Catholic capital in Poland and home of John Paul II. Walked along the river Wisla and enjoyed the warm summer night. Kraków has become a gastronomic Mecca and there are so many great restaurants to choose from. I walked through the indoor and outdoor market and through St. Benedicts church. There was a peaceful Communist support rally in the main square. I didn't go into Wawel church as the queue was huge and I had too much to see. Lots of super fall down drunk British guys tonight. Don't think the Queen would be too impressed.Baca lagi

  • Hari 257

    Katowice, Poland

    18 Mei 2017, Poland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Had breakfast with Marienka this morning and packed a lunch for the trip to Poland. Couldn't decide whether to go to Kraków or Katowice. Zdenko took me to the train and at the last minute I decided on Katowice. The train was quick with only one hiccup where the rail line couldn't be switched and so we waited for half an hour. Arrived at 15:30 and quickly found a hostel, dropped my bags and started touring the town. There are a lot of young people here and very fashionable. Beautiful fashion! The streets are super clean and the countryside coming in had absolutely no litter. There was a light show in town these evening and the police stayed back from the crowd. People are so well behaved here and polite. Have not seen any homeless people or Roma's here at all. Stunning so far. Only staying one night and off to Kraków tomorrow.Baca lagi

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