August - December 2016
A 119-day adventure by Haslingers on Tour Read more
  • 80footprints
  • 9countries
  • 119days
  • 416photos
  • 0videos
  • 41.1kkilometers
  • 32.6kkilometers
  • Day 38


    October 3, 2016 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    If you go to Peru, you should definitely spend a couple of days in Arequipa! This city was till now our favorite! There is the restaurant "La Benita" with typical local food (Picanteria) located next to the Plaza de Armas. Another recommendable restaurant is "La Terazza" with a great view to the Cathedral Santa Catalina. Or the beautiful "Chaqchao Chocolate Factory" with great coffee and a huge variety of local beer. We spent hours in this cafe! ;)

    We had the pleasure to stay with an absolutly lovely family "Diaz Cuba", which my sister recommended. If you are looking for a family to stay instead of a hostel, you should definitely choose this great family! You can find them on:

    Sebastian, the oldest son, is such a talented musician. I hope to see him one time playing with his band in Europe. You can find him on youtube:
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  • Day 41

    Colca Canyon

    October 6, 2016 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Colca Canyon is the second deepest canyon of the world and close to Arequipa. Towards the Colca Valley there were several spots to take incredible pictures; for exemple the "Mirador de los Andes", a famous volcanic panoramic viewpoint at a height of 4800m above sea level!

    In the afternoon relaxing in the local hot springs was on our programm; while having dinner we were accompanied by a folkloric show and Chrigi was forced to partake! ;-)

    In the early morning of the second day we went to "Cruz del Cóndor", where we could see Andean Condors flying above us! What majestic birds! On the way back, farming platforms (terraces) made the trip unforgettable.
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  • Day 44


    October 9, 2016 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    This city is probably the most visited one in Peru. Cusco is the point of departure for several trips (for example the famous Machu Picchu). We stayed here for a while to acclimatize to the altitude (3400 meters above sea level) and to start our trips.

    The town is a wonderfull place to stay. It's very touristic with a lot of good cafes, restaurants, bars and clubs. One picture shows Cusco's famous 12-sided stone, which illustrates the great precision of the Inkas.

    If you like to party you stay definitly at the right place! And we both found our new favorite beer ;-)
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  • Day 47

    Aguas Calientes - Inka Jungle Trail

    October 12, 2016 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    We like action and adventures, that's why we booked the "Inka Jungle Trail" to visit Machu Picchu. We made a good deal: 150$ for the whole trip including biking, river rafting and zip lining. In contrast to the best known tours "Inka Trail" and "Salkantay Trail", this trip was more about adventure than hiking:
    - 70 km biking
    - river rafting
    - zip lining
    - 21 km hiking
    - hot springs

    We started our 4 days trip at 8am with a 4h bus ride from Cusco to the mountains. Up there we catched some bikes. It was fun to ride down the mountains. But more fun was when we arrived in Santa Maria, where we went for river rafting. Our guide (15 years old!) made a lot of jokes and funny things with us while rafting. This was some of the highlights of the trip!

    The next day we had to do a 7h walk which was quite exhausting. In the morning the weather was as beautiful as the sun was shining. In the afternoon we weren’t that lucky again, suddenly the weather turned to heavy rain and the whole group was wet all over. The more we appreciated to recover in the hot springs of Santa Teresa. In the evening we took part of the celebration of the 59th anniversary of this town. The whole town was drunken dancing and some of our group too.

    The third day started with zip lining which was quite scary because of the height. After this adventure we had again to walk for several hours along the train track until we finally arrived in Aguas Calientes, our last destination before climbing the Machu Picchu. It is a really nice town where we could spend more than one night, but unfortunately the trip included just one… Last but not least we would like to thank all people of the group which made this trip unforgetable. It was great with you chicos!
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  • Day 48

    Machu Picchu

    October 13, 2016 in Peru ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    The fourth and last day of our trip started quite early in the morning: At 4.15am we left our hotel. Chrigi started to climb up around 400 meters to the Machu Picchu, while Alex stayed in the queue to take the bus ;-) Chrigi did quite well, all the trainings back home showed success: He was with 35 minutes one of the first at the entrance to Machu Picchu – what a good feeling!
    We enjoyed the Inka town till 12.00am. It was so impressive, pictures can’t explain how beautiful it is! We could have spent the whole day up there.
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  • Day 48

    Quillabamba - somewhere nowhere

    October 13, 2016 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    After visiting Machu Picchu, we decided – when we booked the tour – to take the bus back to Cusco. It will take us 6h which is much more longer than the train but it’s free instead of paying 70$ for the train. This was definitely the wrong decision; but let's tell the crazy story that happened to us:

    We got picked up at the meeting point from the bus which should have taken us back to Cusco. On the way back we stopped in Santa Teresa, where we stayed two nights before, to buy some water and using the toilets. What we didn't realized was, that the driver changed. Close to Santa Maria, where we stayed the first night of our trip, the bus was suddenly stopped by the police. At this point our ride turned to be worse: Our driver didn’t have a driving license so we had to go the next police station in Huyro. We first didn’t get what happened, till some spanish speaking tourists told us the facts. We spent nearly 2h with waiting and talking to the police till finally a new driver appeared. We were very happy because we had 4h more to go to Cusco and everybody was looking forward to have a shower.

    But then we more and more realized that the new driver had some problems with driving the car. When we asked him if he knows how to drive minivans he just said: yes, yes he just needs to get used to the car. But after almost driving over the edge twice and nearly crashing into a truck it was enough. People were screaming and nobody in the car felt comfortable and safe. Even a peruvian couple felt scared. And the answer of the driver that he has not his glasses on didn't help. So we asked him to stop. In this moment we luckily came into another police control. We think it was the first time that we were very happy to see the police! We were in the middle of nowhere and it was already getting dark. We spent more than 1h by the police talking and asking for help. We hadn't even signal to call somebody to pick us up and the next town with WIFI was a 2h walk. The police didn't want to help us. They just said we should go back into the bus we were before, with the same driver. We don't know what exactly the duty of the police is in Peru but we thought they had to care about people and their safety. At one point the police said goodbye and left us with our bus and bad driver. All european people of our group didn’t want to go back in to this scary bus. So the only thing we could do was to hitchhike, but with 9 people it was not too easy.

    After a few trials, suddenly an official bus passed by. Even it was the wrong direction we could arrange that he takes us back to Santa Maria. We asked him if the bus returns to Cusco and luckily he did! But we had to drive 2h further in wrong direction to a town called Quillabamba. It was actually quite an interesting place because there were no tourists, so we saw the real Peru. When we arrived, we were like an attraction and some people called loudly “gringos are coming”. We had dinner for only 1.50 $ for a whole menu. After an additional 8h drive we finally arrived safe in Cusco at 6.30am in the morning instead of 8.00pm the day before. So it wasn't like expected but still a good experience.

    The only good thing about this unexpected trouble was, that we saved our cash for one night in the hostel and got the money back from our travel agency for the bus drive, because we could give them an official paper from the police. Luckily we are still alive!
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  • Day 50

    Rainbow Mountain

    October 15, 2016 in Peru ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    This amazing mountain formation was just opened to visit for local people 3 years ago. Since 1 year it's possible to visit them for tourists too. We did a one day trip, which started again quite early in the morning at 3.30 am! (For some reason we are getting used to it!)

    It was just wonderful! After an 8km hike (ok, Alex decided to do most of the way on the back of a mula) we finally arrived at the top of the mountain on 5100m above sea level. While hiking or riding we enjoyed the beautiful landscape with adobe style houses, herds of llamas & alpacas and had a great view to the Ausangate Glacier (6385m above sea level), the highest mountain in the Cusco region. The pictures are speaking for themselves.
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  • Day 52

    Tambopata National Reserve

    October 17, 2016 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    4 days of sweating at this nature reserve in the Peruvian Amazon! Compared to Cusco it was the right opposite! Taking off all the layers of socks, pants etc and changing it to as breezy clothes as possible!

    Compared to all the tours we allready did in Ecuador or Peru, this 4-day trip was really relaxing but nonetheless we did quite a lot:
    Kayaking, rustic fishing, visiting a native family, hiking through the rainforest, enjoying lake sandoval and of course we did a lot of animal spotting:
    - Caimans
    - Monkeys such as black & white capuchin, tamarines, squirrel monkeys, scull monkeys, spider monkeys and red howler
    - parrots, parakeets & lots of other different birds
    - giant otters
    - bats
    - tarantulas & lots of other insects

    Our highlights:

    - One was definitely at Lake Sandoval, where out of nowhere more than 80 scull monkeys, accompanied by red howler and capuchins, crossed our way! We couldn't believe what just happened above our heads!

    - Another highlight - more for Alex ;-) - was a one month old spider monkey, who was rescued from a tour guide of our lodge. Every free second she spent playing with him, whos mother got killed by hunters.

    - Last but not least, we really enjoyed the excellent food they cooked every day!
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  • Day 56

    Puno - Lake Titicaca

    October 21, 2016 in Peru ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

    The city of Puno sits on the edge of Lake Titicaca and is with its 200'000 habitants the biggest city at the lake. Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world at over 3800 meters above sea level and with a length of 205 km and a width of 65 km the second largest sea in South America. He connects Peru and Bolivia and is our last stop before we leave Peru.

    A one day trip to its famous Floating Reed Islands of the Uros people and Taquile Island was really worth it!
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  • Day 58

    Copacabana - Isla del Sol

    October 23, 2016 in Bolivia ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Our first destination of Bolivia was a small hippie town which invites to relax. It looks like a surfer town but unfortunately the temperature of Lake Titicaca is only 12 degrees. So the only thing you can do there is to eat, drink and to enjoy the sunny weather on a rooftop bar ;-)

    On this condition we decided to visit in the afternoon "Isla del Sol" and to move on after dinner to the capital of Bolivia: La Paz.
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