Australia 2017

сентября - октября 2017
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  • День 17

    Rainy day at Coffs Harbour

    2 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    An early start to the day. Calen, Mark and I piled into the car for a day at Coffs Harbour. The weather was not ideal, but a nice adventure day in the rain... why not? Besides I got to hitch a ride part of the way to Byron Bay.

    Was quite the busy day! Started off a Nambucca heads to see the break wall. This is essentially a big wait that shelters the beach from the big waves. This particular wall is built up of rocks that have been painted. It is actually quite beautiful.

    Next... Bruxner National Park lookout. Sealy lookout and a rainforest walk. Because how much do I miss looking off of foggy mountaintops in the rain and taking rain forest walks. Hahaha.

    Then we drove past the Big Banana... This is one of those things you need to do apparently. Not as big as I had envisioned but still large and yellow. And then onto the beach hunt. We started at Sapphire Beach where you had a semi view of the Solitary Islands... apparently quite gorgeous when you can see them. After that onto Emerald Beach. Much the same as all other beaches.. as in gorgeous... although I got chased down by a wave and ended up jumping in a huge puddle... So I got soaked anyway, but what can you do.

    Lunch next. Major sustenance was required... We went to Hogs Breath, which is a steakhouse. Needless to say, none of us were particularly happy with our experience.

    We walked off our slightly disappointing much by heading to the Jetty and off to Boambee Bay. Boambee is a cute little beach with a train bridge. We sat at one of the undercover picnic tables. Cause yes it was still raining. Lastly we went off to the Sawtell Headlands where we got to see a seabath which is really cool. This is similar to the one at Bondi and Bronte but way less crowded on the rainy day.

    Calen and Mark then dropped me off at the hostel and stopped off for a hot chocolate. Then they left me to my own devices. Feeling super wiped, it's not even 8pm and I am considering turning in for the night.

    👣's: 11634 - 8.96 km
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  • День 18

    Rainy in Byron

    3 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Started the morning pretty early in order to make the 7:45am bus to Byron Bay. It was a long rainy ride, not to much to see... So I just took a nice long nap. The bus was luckily very empty so I got my own seat. No annoying neighbours.

    I arrived in Byron and it was pouring. I stowed my luggage at the hostel and went to get some food. I found a cute little cafe in a church, they were so sweet and made the best smoothies.

    I headed to the hostel to check in and change... And then came back to change again. As it was raining I was thinking warm clothes, but since it was pretty warm... I figured that it was better to wear less clothes so less gets wet... that's decent logic right? I went down to main beach and walked the entire length of it and then up to the "most Eastern point of the mainland" and then to the lighthouse. You will never guess what I encountered on this walk... you're right, more stairs.

    I walked back stopping at all the small beaches on the way, and the sun decided to come out. Oh my goodness was it gorgeous. I got to do my first lie down on the beach and tan. Don't think it did much, but it felt nice :) Then I got really creative with dinner and got Subway, and headed back to the hostel to chill. I have been very lucky twice in a row with only one roommate. *knock on wood*

    I am so wiped today... And now in looking at my step count, I can see why. Scored my highest one so far on this trip.

    👣's: 22885 - 17.74 km
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  • День 19

    Byron to Brisbane and all that's between

    4 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Started the day by picking up my rental car in Byron. Luck would have that today was a gorgeous day... of course I missed that in Byron.

    Anyway I threw on some road trip music and headed up the coast with a mission of stopping at all the beaches. I got through a few before I needed to get out of the sun. Started at Burleigh beach, then Miami where I hung out for a while catching a few rays, then Mermaid and then up to Broadbeach. By this time I was feeling the sun so I went to the mall to grab some things from K-mart. I can see the appeal of this place. Super jealous we don't have one.

    After changing my mind about going to any of the world's(sea, dream, etc) I went on a cool little road trip up to Twin Falls. Very glad I made this decision. It was only a 4 km hike... that was supposed to take 2-3hrs. I did it in just over one? Must have been thanks to Dale's message about all the creatures that are here to kill me... may have walked a little faster. Saw a little wallaby.. I think, or a teeny kangaroo. Either way scared the crap out of me!

    After that it was just a drive to Brisbane... took another hour or so... a little extra with traffic and having to go around the block a bunch of times. But I made it... safe and sound and with an extra hour to my day because apparently Queensland doesn't have day light savings.

    Successful day of driving on the wrong side of the road✔
    Day learning how bad I apply sunscreen... ✔ (just a few silly spots hehe)

    👣's: 13710 - 9.69 km
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  • День 20

    Moreton Island

    5 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Not a very eventful day, but a lovely day in a gorgeous place. Spent the day at Moreton Island. I had so many ideas of what I wanted to so, but I got lazy and spent the day lazing on the beach and swimming. I got a decent amount of walking done, but was not feeling up to the hike to get to the other side of the island. So just hung out by the shipwrecks. I swam out to them but didn't have snorkeling gear, but I took the Go pro with me. So let's see what turns out. May just be alot of my limbs as I swim. Haha.

    Feeling well sunned, the tenderness of a slight burn, but did do the application of SPF60 3 times. It's the kind of lotion that leaves a goop of white.

    👣's: 15047 - 11.07 km
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  • День 21

    Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

    6 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Not the most thrilling of days... travel day.

    Started the morning with packing and orginizing. Booked some tours and a flight. And ensure the last few days of my trip are all organised. Stress gone. Started having minor breakouts last night thinking of trying to get the last few things done. But the lady at flight centre was a gem. So I'm good!

    Then went off Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. No I did not hold one. Why? Cause it's not my thing. I just enjoyed all the other animals. Saw crocs, koalas, kangas, dingos, wombats, Tasmanian devils... And plenty of snakes. Got the whole Aussie list done. And I saw a platypus! So I am over the moon.

    Dropped off the car and made my way to the bus. Which is where I am. Enjoying the a.c. on this 34 degree day... mmm.... walked 1.5 km in the heat with my backpack. Loved it. But not complaining... just sweating. Hehehe

    But all in all Brisbane was a success... And driving here is lovely. Everyone is so nice and it's easy to navigate ... sorta. And I stayed on the correct side of the road... yay! Go me.

    👣's: 9542 - 7.15 km
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  • День 22

    Airlie Beach

    7 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    So after a loooooooooong bus ride, 18 hours... yeah that long. I arrived at Airlie Beach this morning.

    The bus ride wasn't to bad, got in alot of movie watching, electronic charging and reading done. And sleeping, got a full night of that. At some point in the middle of the night we made a stop. Don't know where but there is this famous kangaroo... check the photos and see why it was the best thing to see in the middle of the night.

    First thing I did, store my luggage. Second thing book a jet ski tour. So after a nice relaxing breakfast and a leisurely stroll around I hit the waters. And I do not regret it. No photos because well too busy having fun. It was so much fun. We went around the bay, and luckily got separated into two groups, I think I would have died in the other group. It was filled with tourist that could barely fill out the forms never mind operate a jetski. Anyhow I got put in the fun group and got to be right behind the guide. It's so much different driving one on the ocean vs the lake like I have before. It was pretty rough but I was able to keep up.. sorta... with the guide. I think I hit about 80km... the speed where you can't let go... yeah fun speed I think some call it. After a few shots of adrenaline... the guide said... "there ya go, there's the Canadian in ya coming out". Not sure what that means? Maybe Canadians are more adventurous.

    I've actually received quite a few comments about being Canadian today.. that little flag on my bag does wonders. A whole crew of backpackers were chanting "Canada" as I walked by.

    So after dinner with some people from the hostel. Back to the hostel to pack up. 7am check out for my Whitsundays tour.

    Got a bit of sun over the last few days... yay:) Looking slightly less white.

    👣's: 10318 - 7.98 km
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  • День 23

    Whitsundays Island Adventure

    8 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today was definitely an unforgettable day. I got a really good sleep and got to sleep in and leisurely get up and go to meet my tour.

    Thudercat was the tour that I joined. It was a pretty cool adventure. I met a really cool girl Rachel who was on the tour, so we spent the day together as we were both singles.

    We went on the boat to Whitehaven Beach. As those of you who have heard of this beach, nothing can do it justice. It is an absolutely gorgeous white sand beach. And it stretches for quite a ways. We climbed up to the lookout. Which essentially meant a fair bit of waiting for the slower half of the crew. We got up there and it was just amazing. Although not nearly as amazing as being on the beach. We had an hour and a bit to hang out on the beach, so we hung out and did a bit of swimming before heading back to the boat.

    After our lunch on the boat we headed off to Mantaray Bay where we did some snorkeling. I have never done snorkeling before... And some of you know I am not super comfortable around fish. So this was quite an experience for me. The guide kept throwing fish food so the fish were rushing back and forth. The little fish were okay, but the bigger ones were a little uncomfortable. Then there was a really large Maori Wrasse named George. He was a little scary. I think I got some good footage. Haven't had a chance to look through it.

    Next was Betty' s beach for some reef snorkeling. I was told it is not nearly as good as what I will see tomorrow. I still thought it was awesome.

    We then headed back to Airlie and Rachel was kind enough to let me shower at her hostel as they wanted to charge me $5 to shower. We then went out for a nice dinner before I got on my bus. Now for a 9 hour bus ride to Cairns. So essentially bed time :)

    👣's: 13073 - 9.51 km
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  • День 24

    Great Barrier Reef

    9 октября 2017 г. ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    After arriving at Cairns at 5:30am after very little to no sleep. I ventured off to find my reef tour boat. I was lucky that they were able to store my luggage for me as reception at my hostel wasn't open that early. So I went for breakfast at McDonald's and then went off to the marina.

    After finally getting in the boat I met two pretty awesome Irish girls, Lauren and Ciara. So I ended up spending the day with them. After about 2 hours we got out the Great Barrier Reef. They took us to Norman reef where we went to Dhark Mountain. We then spent about an hour and a half snorkeling around there. Was way nicer than the snorkeling at the Whitsundays but since all the reef is bleeching, which is natural, it is not as vibrant as I anticipated.

    We then had lunch and headed off to a second dive spot, still at Norman reef called Plate Top Similar experience although there was more turtles here. Hopefully I got some footage of them. We will see when I look through all the footage.

    Because it was so hot I spent most of my time out of the sun which I can say I am glad for, because all the girls got so badly burned. It was nice because I got to meet all the crew who were super cool. They do this thing on Mondays where their boat gets free beer at a pub called Gilligans. So they invited us out to go drinking with them. We did and it was a blast. We didn't end up going back to the hostel until about 2am.

    So let's us say that was a very long day for me. But I made it and got an amazing sleep.

    👣's: 9292 - 7.29 km (But phone wasn't on me all day)
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  • День 25

    Day off in Cairns

    10 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    After coming back late the night before I was super happy to have a nice sleep in. I got up leisurely and then called the family for Thanksgiving. Lucky them, got a very quiet day.

    I then headed out to the lagoon, stopping off to buy some sunscreen. Randomly ran into Nick, one of the crew from the tour the day before, he was going sailing so we walked to lagoon together. I then hung out by the lagoon for the day. Ended up meeting up with Lauren, Ashleigh and Sam from the cruise as well. We ended up enjoying the lagoon for the afternoon and then headed off to dinner.

    Nick joined us and then the girls ended up going out drinking. I was not really feeling it. So Nick and I walked around Cairns, I got a small tour of the area and a reef education. Was a pretty relaxing evening. It then got "cold" so Nick headed home, And I went off to bed. Ready to another early morning.

    👣's: 20141 - 16.99 km
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  • День 26

    Chasing waterfalls

    11 октября 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Another early day go get on a bus for yet another adventure. This one I would highly recommend. It is called Barefoot Tours.

    First stop was Lake Eacham, it was pretty, but nothing special. I didn't go swimming as it was a little early and I just wasn't feeling it. We had morning tea and then headed to Milla Milla Falls. For those of you who don't know this falls, it is the home of the hair flip shampoo commercial. The water was a little cold but once you were in it was amazing and you could swim up to the falls and go behind it. It was pretty incredible.

    Next stop, Josephine Falls, home of the natural water slide. Definitely my favorite stop of the day. Lorrain and I had tons of fun sliding down the rock and just hanging out in the water. Beautiful clear water. Pretty indescribable.

    Next we went off to Devils pools and Babinda Boulders. There is a really interesting legend here about a you g aboriginal girl who was meant to marry the chief but fell in love with a warrior from another tribe. They decided to run off together, but we're caught. He was published and she was taken back to marry the chief. She then threw herself into the pools and killed herself. Over the years quite a few people have died there, mostly young men. They say it is her spirit that lures them there. I think it's just young men being young men. Then the last swimming spot for a quick dip. Some of the boys were jumping off the rock.

    Back in the bus for the drive back and some Timtams. Yum:)

    We got back to Cairns, do I went back to get all packed and then went to meet Lauren and Lorrain for dinner. Good old Gilligans again. But delicious steak. We then played a game that was a version of Family Feud, you can only imagine how that went. Lauren went to bed so Lorrain and went for a walk for one last drink down to the Pier bar. Got myself a legit Pina Colada. Which is hilarious because we were talking about those that day.

    Now for yet another fun coincidence of the trip. I was telling Lorrain a story of an Asian girl who was yelling at the Jet ski tour on the phone while I was in Airlie. And she said the story sounded familiar. Turns out... She was on the other side of this girl!! We had already crossed paths on our trip. Crazy!! This whole trip had been coincidences and timing things, it's been quite cool.

    👣's: 14853 - 10.87 km
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