Manymoon Cruise

августа 2018
2 week cruise around the Adriatic and eastern Med Читать далее
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  • The Night Before

    16 августа 2018 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    So we have a 5 am flight, 22.50 now and Cheryl is still packing. Time for our 3 hours sleep before the alarm goes off.

  • День 1

    Day 1 Travel and Settle in

    17 августа 2018 г., Греция ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    So 2 am start....... good job Nyah woke us up because we would have missed our flight ! This is highly unusual as normally it takes dynamite to get her out of bed. Flight was at 5.00 am and uneventful except Daddy offered to take the seat next to Lillian and every time he managed to get to sleep “daddy, daddy, look at that, look at this, did you know . Etc etc .......... arrived in Corfu after 3 hour flight and so did our bags, result ! We found out about Maisie’s latest special skill “early suitcase recognition” “here comes one of ours” before it was even loaded onto the ramp ! Then for the grumpy Tui rep. “Is at least one of you 18!” We had told them that Nyah was so the girls had room of there own and Mummy and Daddy could get some peace (of course we realised within 10mins of getting into the room that this was not going to be the case, Lillian has spent a lot more time in Mummy and Daddy’s room than her own) . Corfu looks fantastic and the weather is really hot. However we did not really find time to explore (not a problem we are coming back in a week), the girls were more excited about getting into their room and exploring all the ship has to offer. I have to say the check in to the boat and the welcome was amazing. Food has been incredible and the rooms are perfect. We had our first evening meal in Italian restaurant on board watched the late night cabaret introduction and the girls went off to bed. Mummy and Daddy stayed up for the “set sail” party on deck ! It was a very memorable moment we set sail from Corfu at 11.30 PM (9.30PM UK time)...... so in bed probably around 12.30 pm and we were gone for the night after being awake the best part of 20 hrs but what an amazing start to our two weeks. This ship is amazing and there is just too much to do I think we are in for a fun time ! Ps if you reading this already then sorry for the lack of photos and maps we are trying to fix but connections are not too good at sea, we will have a go when we reach dry land ! .....”life on the ocean waves, diddly diddly dooooo”

    Oh if you want to see what this ship is like then goggle Marella Discovery 2
    Oh last thing Lillian did have a pooh in Corfu !
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  • День 2

    All at Sea

    18 августа 2018 г., Словения ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Well today was a lovely late start of me (Nyah) and Maisie about 10:00 wake up after a long day of travelling and peeling our eyes back in order to stay awake. Finally, after dragging our butts to get out of bed we headed up for breakfast but because of our late awakening there wasn’t any tables but we found a nice wobbly table outside.

    While me and moo where both waking up, Lillian and Mum checked out the Kids Club and went to an icebreaker’s session where she sang about snotty gorillas and made new friends. This was all after her stubborn attempt to not go to Kid’s Club but she loves it and had three sessions yesterday, while the rest of us had a relaxing time while tried.

    After breakfast Maisie and myself headed to the shops to have a mooch before going to reception to get the paddles and ball for table tennis. We got to the tables and oh my gosh there was a gust. It was so windy and this made table tennis impossible as the wind would carry the ball to right and glide in the wind before landing and rolling in circles around us while we tried to catch it. There was no need to go to the gym anymore we both managed to get a lovely run and squat workout while playing. We soon gave up on table tennis as it was getting ridiculous and I had stitch from laughing to much and running around.

    So I got ready to head up to the pool and sun beds to read my book. I could not find any spaces on the sun beds in any pool areas but me and mum headed up to the upper deck (deck 10). We found sun beds but we had to fight with them in order to keep the head up and pin our towels to them because of the wind. This was not fun no matter how much mum would laugh me and my subbed disagreed massively. Once the sun bed was defeated me and mum took part in the daily trivia and ended up getting 120 points which we were proud of especially as I am no good with general knowledge but I do know my marvel superheroes 😁

    I was finding the wind to hard to deal with and I couldn’t actually see my book because of my hair flapping in my face. So headed inside and went to the coffee port with Maisie where we both got milkshakes and played two games of Othello. I kicked Maisie’s bum and I was a beginner to the game haha moo😆 she was desperately to find a way to say that I had played this game before but no I beat her with no experience.

    Realising it was getting closer to 6 we went back to the cabin to start getting ready for our formal evening. We did hair, make-up and taking make up off and put on our bridesmaids dresses to head down for dinner at the restaurant 47 which was very nice. While waiting for dinner we played a couple of games of word association or a weird game where Maisie and mum were just saying random words claiming they associated like ‘railings’ then ‘peas’. Um no that doesn’t work you two. Lillian was a great player but wouldn’t stop laughing meaning there was a lot of hesitation which is not allowed.

    After dinner me and Lillian ran through the ship in order to get her changed for Kid's club that evening and that destroyed me feet in their heels. She made it on time and I went back to the restaurant for my yummy chocolate soufflé and then we headed to the broadway show lounger to watch the performance of Best of Broadway.

    This was fantastic and included: Chicago, Half a Sixpence, Cabaret and The Lion King. A throughout enjoyable experience and what was amazing is that me, Maisie and mum went on a backstage tour earlier in the day to see how everything worked.

    After this is it was a chilled evening where we headed to the venue to watch live music and a game show commence which was entertaining to watch even with Andrew acting like 5 yr old 😂 then it was bed time and a very deserved bed time.
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  • День 3

    Castles and Caves

    19 августа 2018 г., Словения ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Just coming into Slovenia, then off to Predjamski Castle it is 31 degrees c

    Now onto Postojnska Jama caves !

    It was Maisie’s turn to blog today however as these blogs are written on my iPad and that entails Maisie interacting with Andrew it is just not happening

    So today we explored a bit of Slovenia a stunning country quite small but without a doubt we will be returning........ “it’s very beautiful, very green and niiiicccceee and green, we have apples they are niicceeee beautiful apples niiiiceee and green, nice apples” (the girls will get it, our Slovenian tour guide, didn’t know much about Slovenia than the apples and it is green, it was very green)

    First stop was Predjamski Castle, not enough time to go in but looked nice from the outside, then 9km away the Postonjnska caves. The caves were amazing over 20km of them we did about 5km worth. They are the largest caves in Europe. A train took us most of the way in a spectacular ride, in fact it was like being back at Disney Cheryl was waiting for the “big dip” of course it didn’t happen. On the way back out there was a huge chamber that your echo last for 6 seconds. On the train back to the start a large drop of water landed on Maisie’s chest, to be fair it could hardly miss !

    Then it was back on the coach.....”it is niiiceee, beautiful and green, nice apples” etc.....

    Back on boat straight off to the swimming pool then ready for dinner not a big dress up night but we still had a posh meal in the lounge 47. Lillian went off to the Witches and Wizards kids club. The rest of us sat and watched Homeward Bound a musical with all Simon and Garfunkel music, really good girls loved it which is amazing as if I put on a bit of Simon and Garfunkel on at home they would moan!

    Lovely day, Slovenia should be on everyone’s bucket list lovely place and only 2 Million population, shame it was Sunday as most the port town Koper was closed, Slovenia has a very short coast line 47 KM and a little beach in Koper as we sailed away we saw the 2 million inhabitants they were all on 1/2 KM of beach !

    Lillian had spaghetti
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  • День 4

    Venice - ooooohh!

    20 августа 2018 г., Италия ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Well the alarm was set for an early morning start! So I thought I had set for 5:30 in the afternoon instead of morning luckily my body clock got me up (phew) although Andrew took a little longer to get out of bed. Watching our ship come into Venice was spectacular. How on earth this great big ship could get through these narrow spaces with space to spare whilst smaller boats crossed its bow blew my mind especially going round the bends. The views were stunning and there was certainly no need to climb the Campanile Di San Marco.
    Our journey started by going down the same stretch of water we had just come down only this time on a much smaller boat. It was hot and already alive with tourists. The exploration began. First stop the Bridge of Sighs and then San Marco Piazza before hitting the narrow alley ways. It wasn’t long until we had to stop for ice-cream (chocolate and Tirimasu, Lemon and Chocolate, Biscotti and Tirimasu) combinations were had. This gave us enough time to have a proper espresso in peace! It did look like we had tried to disown our children which funnily enough was not far from a church that took in orphans but had a sign telling parents that they would be damned if they tried to leave there children there. So we did pick them up off the bench although we needed wash Lillian in the local fountain after she had finished her ice-cream. It would seem I forgot to pack the wet wipes.
    Whilst we all admired the views (most of us) Maisie played spot the dog! Although seeing a pooch at the front of the boat reminded us of a real-life Gromit.
    Well we couldn’t come to Venice and not take the girls on a Gondola. It was so picturesque and an experience not to forget although the lean to the right was a little disconcerting. But we made it on and off without falling in the canal.
    We then went to find the restaurant that Andrew booked. Oh my it was gastronomy at its best. Lillian even pushed the boat out (no pun intended) and had a few shrimps with her tomatoe pasta! She also had proper Magnolia cake (aka Trimasu). It was funny people watching (dog watching for Maisie) and how ridiculous we look trying to find our way around Venice. After lunch we had a bit of time to do some shopping, a beautiful mask for Nyah, the blingiest & tat hat for Lillian and a bag of sweet for Moo! Andrew and I enjoyed the wine from lunch. We got back to the meeting point on time, good job too as it was so hot it took all our restraint from jumping in the canal. Although when we got to the cool terminal to board the ship we could have easily plonked ourselves down and not moved but the nagging from Lillian to go swimming was too much to bare so we moved. The afternoon was spent by the pool with the rest of the ship watching the medical team rush to help a poor man who slipped and bang his head (not that Lillian noticed).
    The absolute highlight was watching the ship navigate its way out of port whilst the opera singers sang the classics. It was so moving you couldn’t help but get a lump in your throats. Not really appreciated by the girls though. Due to being so stuffed at lunchtime we didn’t need dinner except for Lillian who had all the major food groups (sorry carbs) tomato pasta, rice and chips with lots of tomato sauce to make up her 5 a day. Off she went to kids club to save Superland and we enjoyed the show all about Chaplin.
    We called it a night but the girls stayed up to play Who’s Crime is it Anyway? Very funny apparently.
    It was a great day and one to remember!
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  • День 5

    Split the difference

    21 августа 2018 г., Хорватия ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Today we had our adventure in the lovely city of Split in Croatia. We began our adventure with a fabulous 2 hour journey to Krka National Park, the perfect time for all of us to have a snoozet. Nicolina the tour guide was really good. We stopped off for a toilet stop “here you can do a toilet” at a service station which was rammed because all the coaches went there, also this is where mum realised she had the wrong currency therefore we had no food for the whole day until we got back to the cruise ship.

    We got to Krka and had a 30 minute walk around, there was human traffic the whole way round until we got to the waterfall and kind of a beach where you can swim in the lake. It was very busy but we managed to find a spot where we climbed over a fence to get to lake, we had to then crawl through the mud and swim through the reeds then out into the lake under the maxing waterfall.

    Lillian swam for about 20 minutes before she realised she was scared of the fish “They are sharks at heart”

    We then had a boat ride along the lake to a lovely little town called Skradin, unfortunately not enough time to stop here as the coach was due to return. So back along the A1 motorway for an hour and a half.

    So Croatia is famous for the neck tie, where he word cravat comes from apparently and every October 18th the have a celebration. All 4 Million of them. We were reminded a couple of times “we are famous for stopping football coming home” this is kind of backhanded complement I suppose.

    Split also has a revelry with the capital Zargreb in Split they do evening thing slow “polago polago” (slowly slowly) ........ so people from Zargreb say they are lazy and slow, while the people from Split say that people from Zargreb are dirty and come to Split because it is by the sea and they need a bath.

    Back the ship everyone was very hungry and tired we went straight for a buffet dinner in Island restaurant and then Lillian went of to kids club watched Paddington 2 apparently and the rest of us watched a comedian called Phil Melbourne (he was very good) then we watched the dances through the decades show, which was also very funny then all in bed for about 10 ish
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  • День 6

    Down the Dalmatian coast to Dubrovnic

    22 августа 2018 г., Хорватия ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    A beautiful stunning place should be on everyone’s bucket list, however it is hight of the season very very hot and crowded added to the fact it is quite small made getting round tricky but that did not take away the beauty of the place.

    Croatia is a little different from the other ex-Yugoslavian countries in that it is not in the EU and not adopted the Euro. Ironically they fought a bloody war of independence with Serbia in recent memory and now Serbia are supporting in their quest to get into Europe. This will be a very beautiful corner of Europe and the people are great, they are concerned joining to EU as they are small and could not cope with the influx of people. However excited about the economic benefits to the region

    Back to our day here. A short bus ride from the boat took us to the cable car that then took us high above the old town of Dubrovnik, the cable car held about 20 people and swayed about quite a bit, Nyah was a bit white and hanging on with white knuckles! But he view was worth it some of which are attaché wow !

    It was again 32 degrees but felt hotter at the top we doesn’t probably half an hour then back down for a small tour of the old town. Really a stunning place with so much history I could not do it justice this blog so you would need to google it if interested I intend to when I get back home

    We had the rest of the morning for some shopping with the girls which mostly consisted of pick and mix, we did visit one historical building a church and we rubbed Marin Dvoric’s nose supposed to give us good luck.

    Back to the ship in the afternoon and usual round of kids club, swimming and quizzes.

    In the evening we went to the 47 lounge for dinner, Lillian had spaghetti, then off to see the show which was Chaplin story which was very good, then in the Venue we had the dance class through the decades the girls loved it very funny.

    Off to Montenegro tomorrow to sail up the worlds sothern most fiord...... can’t wait
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  • День 7


    23 августа 2018 г., Черногория ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    In Kotor, amazing cruise in !

    I got at 5:30am to watch us come into Montenegro! The scenery was amazing and watching how the ship is navigated through the Fjord, we travelled in a horseshoe. Whilst taking in the scenery we were joined by a dolphin. I did see it splash out the water but it soon disappeared in the ocean. Coming into the port, which is quite small it looked like our ship wouldn’t fit on the jetty but we did (just!)
    We also had a posh breakfast for 2 in 47 with Waiter service. Absolute bliss and thoroughly enjoyed. The girls decided that they were going to wander into town on their for an ice-cream. Yes we said and then at the same time went by my mother’s radar kicked in! This involved us getting ready at record speed and managing to get off the ship before them. Hiding behind a bush our surveillance began. Watching on the crossed the road on the pedestrian crossing (tick - we taught them well), they then stopped to get free map (tick - very sensible Nyah) but we were getting to close and at risk of being spotted. We turned to look at our surroundings and blend in. We turned around and they had vanished (no tick for us) We walked into town checked out the souvenir shops and more likely ice-cream shops, no sign of them. We took a deep breathe and realised that we were rubbish at stalking our own daughters. They had out smarted us so we needed to trust them and enjoy our mooch around the town.

    Lillian had Spaghetti
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  • День 8

    Corfu and Aqualand

    24 августа 2018 г., Греция ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    So today was half day to aquadlsnd for the kids mostly and Cheryl, I am clearly getting old as the 30 second thrill to me is not worth the half hour queue. However we got to aqualand quiet early and the weather a little bit overcast (though still hot) so it was reasonably quiet.

    We had a guide for the trip but I would say it was not really necessary “here we have toilet, in case you want to make a toilet” another reason I gone like water parks as if those 100’s of kids are going to get out the water to make a toilet!

    Anyway it was quiet so usual procedure find a spot Cheryl worrying about the minimal amount of valuables on us and thinks about hiring a safebox thingy..... Nyah and Maisie shot off not to be seen again until it is time to go, apparently they did every water slide which was quite impressive, equally impressive was how they managed to keep their bikinis on the height and speed of some of the slides. We started off on the lazy river always my favourite then did a few slides with Lillian, she is still too small for all of them, then a bit of the wave pool which was great fun. Finally the highlight of any trip with Lillian an ice cream the size of her head. Before we knew it we were back on the coach.

    Back on the boat we had a “down” afternoon, mostly sleeping watching films of course Lillian had a little swim

    Dinner tonight was in the 47 lounge all very nice although Maisie appetite was missing think she over did it in the snack shack

    Lillian had spaghetti

    After dinner a game of cards and we were all in bed fairly early, Mummy and Daddy had a cocktail on their balcony as we sailed away on the second half of the trip left Corfu about 11.30 PM we are now 2 hours ahead often UK.

    Ps sorry for lack of photos today as we were at the water park the were taken on the waterproof camera and we haven’t worked out how to sync with the iPad just yet !
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  • День 9

    Twisting by the Pool

    25 августа 2018 г., Eastern Mediterranean ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    A day at sea again, ship is full of new comers, it was us last week, weather is hot hot hot

    So today the girls bit the bullet and joined the teens club, they had a table tennis tournament a water bomb fright and hang out in the “hideout” in the evening..... I think they enjoyed it however as they only communicate when it is absolutely necessary (need money a lift or food or clothes) then it is hard to know for sure.

    So we set up camp on sun beds near the pool, only 4 needed as Lillian spends the whole day in the pool. Usual day of poolside games quizzes a paella demonstration (quite nice but not as good as mine)

    In the afternoon Lillian had kids club

    So it was the last dress up night so back to the room fairly early to shower and put on all the clobber, Cheryl got to wear her wedding dress for the 3rd time ! Me looking much like James Bond the girls like looking very glam, even Maisie finishing off her outfit with trainers !

    We had booked the surf and turf restaurant on deck 11 an amazing meal of steak and lobster with enough side dishes to sink the ship, and it finished us off no deserts today !

    Lillian had spaghetti

    Anyway after a grumpy moment from me as the girls wanted to rush the rest of their dinner to get to that evenings show that night I bit my lip and and they rushed off to reserve our seats and we all made it in time for the show based on the musicals. Which was spectacular as always

    Mummy, Daddy and Lillian all in bed by just gone 10 it had been a relaxing but hot day which I think took it out of us, we don’t know what time the girls got back from their teens club but they certainly were not bright as a daisy the next morning...... sailing into the beautiful Santorini in the morning
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