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  • Day 38

    Peru day 2- Sacred Valley

    August 7, 2023 in Peru ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Another early start after a shocking night sleep where the girl above me stood on me trying to get into the top bunk. Ended up sat next to this Dutch guy on the bus who smelt really bad but was otherwise nice. We stopped first at Pizac, had lunch and then went to Ollantaytambo to learn about Inca construction. This was when my tour left me to navigate the train to machu pichu on my own so I had a brownie in a coffee shop and a not very nice empanada. Bought a llama jumper! The train was chaos and I arrived in Aguas Calientes with no clue what was happening. A guy shouting my name walked me to a different hotel to what I was told and was greeted by a guide who told me I had to be at the bus station at 6:15 am to buy my bus ticket because the tour had forgotten to buy it. Went to bed in a single room and had the best night sleep ever!!Read more

  • Day 37

    Day 1 in peru!

    August 6, 2023 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    After a nap in the hostel and watching the netball World Cup final through FaceTime to dad. I went on a walking tour with my friend from the bus! Was very interesting and a very pretty city! Then chilled in the hostel bar and got an early night!Read more

  • Day 36

    Final day in bolivia and entering peru

    August 5, 2023 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    My final day in Bolivia!! An early morning bus to Copacabana, not the same one from the song but the first place to be named it! Was a little stressed cause my taxi driver told me it would be too dangerous to go here at that time but was actually fine! Had the worst sandwich of my life and then fell asleep on the boat ride to Isla de sol! Pretty island saw llamas and alpacas and made good friends with the girl I was sat next to on the bus! Had to walk with our big bags across the Peru border for an hour to our next bus because it was so busy. Some festival where loads of Peruvians go to Bolivia to bless their cars? Arrived in Puno 2 hours late so got a burger from the dogiest food place ever, then slept over night on the bus to Cusco!Read more

  • Day 34

    Boliva day 5 and 6

    August 3, 2023 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

    Day 5 we explored the salt flats, we visited the very first salt flat hotel. Took some funny photos, visited a volcano and a cave with mummified people in. We watched the sunset again but my phone died because of the cold 😢 the next day we flew to la Paz and I was left on my own. I made friends with a couple from Bratislava and scammed my way into their Uber. I went to a coca museum and went to the bar with some people in my hostel room then had an early night.Read more

  • Day 32

    Bolivia day 2, 3 and 4

    August 1, 2023 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    The second day in la Paz and we did a lot of wandering round the city while there was a protest going on and a dancing parade. Decided we’d seen enough of the city and played a lot of pool in an Irish pub. Went out for food where we had a set menu of 4 courses for £10!!!
    Set off early the next morning to Sucre for the night, very pretty city! Went on a walking tour saw them making lots of tapestry’s and had an earlyI’m night ready for our long drive the next day.
    We began our very long drive by stopping off in potosi a mining city at 4200m. Continued through what looked like the Wild West. Squatted to do a wee over some cacti in the middle of nowhere and arrived just in time for sunset in our hotel made of salt!!
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  • Day 30

    Bolivia day 1

    July 30, 2023 in Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    After 22 hours of travelling we arrived in the city of la Paz at 7am, checked into our hotel and decided it was time for bed. Being at 4000m really takes its toll so we eventually decided to get some lunch and tried the Bolivian version of empanadas, salentas. We then started our tour of the city which began in the valley of the moon a dried clay valley eroding away. We took the cable cars across the city and visited the parliament square. We went to the witches market where they sacrifice baby lamas to the earth and make potions. Decided on some sandwiches for dinner next door to the hotel and asked for a tea with milk and received lemon flavoured tea made with frothy milk not amazing but drinkable.Read more

  • Day 23

    Galapagos day 2

    July 23, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    We started our day on Floreana with an early morning hike to a lagoon to see flamingos, pelicans and blue footed boobies then to a beautiful beach to see crabs and turtle nests. We returned to the boat and prepared for our first snorkelling. Within the first five seconds of jumping into the water we saw a hammer head shark 🦈 standards were set. We saw sea turtles and so many colourful fish and corals. We returned to the boat and did a quick change and took a boat to the post office, this was actually a barrel where people leave letters and post cards with the hope of someone else picking them up who is going there soon. I’m the afternoon we took a bus to the only fresh water source on the island and learnt about the history of the people who lived there. We also learnt about the work of the National park and the whaling ships who stole tortoises. On our way we saw sea lions, penguins and iguanas!Read more

  • Day 22

    The Galapagos- Day 1

    July 22, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    We arrived to the only eco friendly airport in the world on the island of Baltra and met our guide and the rest of our tour. We got on a bus and then a boat across the bluest water I have ever seen to Santa Cruz island and then on another bus to a giant tortoise ranch and a lava tunnel! We saw lots of giant tortoises and walked through a naturally formed tunnel made from lava. Had a lovely lunch and started to get to know our fellow tourers. We then went to the Darwin Research centre where we saw the breeding of giant tortoises and learnt about poor Lonesome George the giant saddle back tortoise who was left on his own for 65 years 😭. We then panic brought rash guards in the gift shops and headed for our boat/ home for the week! Had the rockiest and loudest night travelling from Santa Cruz to Floreana.Read more

  • Day 19

    Final day in colombia and quito

    July 19, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Our final morning with Finn, joe and I left him at the airport in Santa Marta and headed back to Bogotá. Both of us feeling incredibly ill from the altitude we arrived at a very very nice hotel. Had the nicest shower ever and felt the cleanest of this whole three weeks. We went for some nachos and an interesting burrito before meeting Paul and Ollie for some beers and a game of Tejo, ollie thrashed all of us. We played some pool and some cards on the roof of the hotel before having the best night sleep ever. Packed up ready to go again the next morning before meeting some of uncle Paul’s Colombian colleagues who wanted to here all about our travels round Colombia. We then flew to Quito and had some kinda authentic Ecuadorian food. Went on a walking tour of the city and saw lots of Catholic Churches and learnt about the history of Quito. Found an Irish pub that had a pool table and Guinness signs everywhere. We then moved across the road to do a beer tasting. Took a really long Uber back to the hotel and all of us were knackered again so decided on an early night ready for our 5am wake up to start our journey to the Galapagos!!!Read more

  • Day 17


    July 17, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    And then there were 3, Becca left us early in the morning and we decided to walk up the dirt track to the bus. Finn got to experience his first Colombian bus and we arrived in the very cute town of palomino. We took a very hot walk down another dirt road and walked past lots of cute little shops and stalls. We decided to chill by our hostels pool for a lot of the days we were there, we needed some serious chill time! We tried to go to a sunset hostel party but it turned out it was the day before. Went to a food market area and got bombarded by menus from every place in the market. Had a lovely chicken tikka masala and ended the night playing poker with some guys we met in Cartagena. We went for breakfast at a vegan place but all has egg omelettes. Decided to chill round the pool and play some pool and we went for a sunset body board, well Finn and joe did I just watched. They both got battered by the waves again but the sunset was amazing. We then met up with our friends from min a for some Lebanese food and decided to play jenga and cards and drink lots of 2 for 1 mojitos. We then ventured down to the beach party which was rubbish until we arrived. We then went to a bar and asked for cocktails and was given a bucket of poison (pure rum). Woke up the next day 30 minutes before checkout still dressed from the night before. Collected all of our clothes from the laundry! Took a chicken cart ride up to the bus and then another Colombian bus to the airport to our apartment that was 100m from the runway! Our final night we ordered burgers that took 3 hours to come!Read more

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