Europe Trip 2016

junho - julho 2016
Uma 32aventura de um dia na Taylor Leia mais
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  • Dia 7

    How to drink Guinness at 11am

    26 de junho de 2016, Irlanda ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    After nearly 3 hours of sleep (Canadians are champs, obviously) we got up to do our favorite thing to do in Ireland... Go grab a pint of Guinness at 11am.

    We walled to the factory in the pouring rain (see my last post for more about that...) and met our amazing American friends for a 3 hour self guided tour of how Guinness is made!

    But honestly the only things I learned were that Guinness is actually Ruby Red coloured and that the best way to drink it is to gulp it and exhale after. OBVIOUSLY WE WERE THERE TO LEARN HOW TO POUR AND DRINK THE BEER.

    After taking an acceptable amount of time reading the exhibits and doing a tasting, the 5 of us headed up to the fourth floor where the Guinness Brewing Academy is located.

    Our instructor, Flavio, told us that there are 6 steps to pouring the Perfect pint of Guinness... I can't remember what they are but I must have done them perfectly because I AM OFFICIALLY A MASTER GUINNESS POURER!

    (disclaimer... I do know the 6 steps. Above statement was for comedic effect 1. Grab a clean glass with guinness logo. 2. Hold the cup 45 degrees to the spout. 3. Pull the handle towards you and fill cup to below the white writing. 4. Turn cup straight up and fill to top of harp. Leave for 80 seconds to let the gasses settle. 5. Push handle away to finish filling Guinness to the top. 6. Serve with logo outwards with a smile)

    After pouring our pints and taking some obligatory photos, we headed to the 11th floor to the "Gravity Bar" which has 360 degree views of Dublin and is a great place to enjoy our beer. Honestly, I used to hate Guinness SO MUCH but after learning the proper way to drink it, I actually enjoy it!!

    After finishing our beer and making a quick(ish) trip to the gift shop, we decided to go grab some lunch together. We followed our American friends directions into the city and AND WE WALKED AROUND LOST FOR 45 MINUTES. MORAL OF THE STORY, ALWAYS TRUST A CANADIAN WITH DIRECTIONS.

    Anyway, after we finally found our way, we made a quick stop at our hostel to change our shoes and headed to McDonalds. Again. Honestly its so yummy and cheap... Dont judge.

    After lunch we parted ways with Ricarrdo and Azurae with promises to meet up for dinner and drinks later, and the three of us headed to the shopping district for a little last minute souvenir finishing effort. The day went well, and we headed back to the hostel for a well deserved nap before getting up for dinner and drinks.

    When we woke up, we headed into the city again to grab food (Subway) and meet up with our friends again.

    Honestly we love Azurae and Ricarrdo... We have some great new friends and WE ARE DEFINITELY GOING TO VISIT THEM IN GEORGIA. We will bring maple syrup and Canadian goodies when we come!

    Now we are sitting here, at 230am avoiding going to sleep because we know we have to leave for Prague in the morning. Its so bittersweet... We are so excited to continue our adventure but Dublin has been such an incredible time ... And our new friends made it that much better.

    Next time I post will be from the Czech Republic!!

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  • Dia 8


    27 de junho de 2016, República Checa ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We left Dublin a couple days ago to head towards Prague in Czech Republic. It was my first time flying with Ryan Air (a budget airline) and it was fantastic. Absolutely no complaints.

    In Czech, the currency is different than the rest of europe. We had to use kronas, which are horrible to convert back and forth... We only knew one conversion and that was "100 Kcz is 5$, 50kcz is 2.50$" which we would repeat every single time we bought something.... Also cause we thought we were hilarious. Soooooo when we got through customs, shaunny had to take out some money.. The options on the ATM machine were 20,000, 18,000, 16,000, 140000 ect. She took out 14,000kcz.... Which breanna and shaunessa thought was around 75$ Canadian but nope... 800$ Canadain. We ended up exchanging it back into Canadain money and she lost 100$ because of the conversion. We might have goofed a little 🙊

    As you can imagine, our time in prague wasnt starting off on the right foot... But it only got better & much better. 😊

    We navigated our way around to find our bus that would take us to the tram so we could get to our Air BnB (without using a map💁🏼). Let me tell you, it is quite difficult to find where you are going when NO ONE speaks english in the country.

    We got to our place safe and sound in no time. It was also a 10 minute walk.... Well an hour if you are drunk. It was located just above a resturant called the Grand Cru, which we didnt get to eat at but looked simply amazing with their rustik feel to it. Our appartement could have fit up to 9 people, it came with a full bathroom, a living room, kitchen and small dining area.. All for 23$ a night per person.

    After we got settled in we headed out for the night, determined to find a super market. But as you can all probably tell by now, we never get to the things we need. Instead, we walked to Charles Bridge, which was beautiful at sunset. We took some pictures & then i remembered that Buzzfeed had posted an article about how, in prague, they sell ice cream in a donut.. So plans changed VERY quickly. Off we went off for another adventure. We connected to the starbucks wifi & searched up where we could get one. After stumbling upon it, we enjoyed an apple struddle and ice cream filling.

    After walking up and down Karlova street and old town square, we decided to try to find a grocery store. On our way there, it decided it would be a good time to down pour. We casually continued to walk in the rain while everyone ran for shelter.

    We also did a huge circle while trying to get back to the apartment, all becuase we wanted to crash a bacelor party walking down the street.

    We made it back to the apartment safe and sound, obviously cause im writing a blog post, & we each took our turns showering. Getting to bed around 12:30pm. With nothing to do the next morning, we decided it would be a good time to sleep in & give our livers a break from ireland... But not too much of a break ;)
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  • Dia 8

    Wo ist der König das Pöbels?

    27 de junho de 2016, Alemanha ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Day 2 in Prague, and all I have to say, it was the most beautiful city I have ever seen & I will return someday.

    We headed out around 12:00pm to go see St Charles Bridge in the day light, St Nicholas Church(where shaunessa's boyfriend was baptised, & Prague Castle.

    We tried so hard to go through the exit so we didnt have to pay but we got kicked out immediately (hehe oops) Shaunessa went inside to go get some pictures, while Breanna and I sat on the steps outside pondering how people looked so good in europe without even trying. So not fair.

    Once done at St. Nicholas Church, we headed up to go see Prague Castle. This was one of the most gorgeous structures I have ever seen.

    We went to a garden afterwards to have a picnik lunch where we ate peanut butter sandwhiches, sliced cucumbers, chips and had a 2L bottle of wine (in total cost was 2.50$ each -- prague is so cheap).

    Then we OBVIOUSLY haddddddddd to go back to get another icecream donut magic goodess that was made the hands of God.

    We sat outside at the same place. This German guy, Oli, took a picture of the sign and asked us what blizzard meant, so we told him a harsh snow storm, & he responded "oh cause where I come from it means when you have to go to the bathroom, like "i have to go take a blizzard".....& this is where the nigth began.

    He stood there talking to us for 30 minutes before offering to buy us a beer... And one turned into 2 and 2 turned into staying out until 5:30 am. We didnt open our wallets once last night, I can tell you that much.

    This German guy was part of a soccer team, who we partyed with until dawn. The only thing that you need to know is "don't trust the Pöbels"

    After the hour walk home... With TOO much stumbling & questions, we made it back to our airbnb with a whole 2 hours to sleep. I, woke up completely sober, no hangover ready to go. Breanna on the another hand was still completely HAMMERED. Like to the point when she stood up, she fell on her ass.

    Another lesson to take away from our time in Prague, is DONT PACK & DRINK, your bag WILL be 100x heavier than your own body weight & half of your things wont fit in the bag. Ask Breanna who is carrying half her luggage in her carry on because she couldnt figure out how to get everything back in.

    After check out, we ventured to find some hangover food. Yes, we found mcdos. After we nursed our hangovers, we dropped off our bags at the bus station & headed out for one last walk across prague... All the way to the Dancing House, where two buildings lean up agaisnt eachother.

    We also went searching for a Czech hockey jersey, which apperently are not a thing during "off" season. Us Canadians dont know what off season is.....

    We are now safely on our way to Amsterdam & passing through germany on an awesome coach bus with tables, wifi, and TONS of leg room & TONS of time to update you on our adventures in Prague.

    Until next time,
    Xoxo Pöbel
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  • Dia 11

    Canadians take on Amsterdam

    30 de junho de 2016, Países Baixos ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Arriving in Amsterdam yesterday morning after our 13 hour bus ride, we quickly grabbed the train to head to Amsterdam Central Station.

    When we exited the train station, we were awed with beautiful canals, colorful boats and tall leaning buildings. We navigated our way to our hostel with was very central in amsterdam... Thank god because it makes up for being on the 5th floor of this extremely steep building with zero wifi and the room the size of my closet at home.

    We ventured out into amsterdam determined to find the Van Gogh museum. When we got there, around 11:45, we looked at the line to get in it was about an hour and a half wait just to buy your tickets, then you have to wait for your assigned time to go in. We knew that you could buy your tickets online so thats what we did. We sat out side of the line on the steps, bought 3 tickets, and we were in at 12 oclock.

    This museum was simply amazing. It was the biggest collection of Van Gogh's work in the world. We had a good time reading his letters he wrote to his cousin and friends in french. Finally, knowing frech came in handy outside of Quebec.

    After we were finished, we sat outside in this stunning park, filled with people and dogs. We enjoyed the scenery before we walked around trying to figure of this complicated city.

    We later ate at this AMAZING italian resturant, where we ordered pizza, soup and got free garlic bread.

    Don't ask me how, but someone we ended up at Lush (we are so basic) and chatted with the sales associate.. When we told him about our travels and how tored we were, he called over another associate and PAMPERED us. I mean, hand scrub, hand cream, face toner, mask, scrub, cream, eye cream and tea tree oil spray. We honestly needed it so badly, and felt instantly refreshed as we left. We spent about an hour getting pampered by the staff with hand massages and facials. It felt so good after our bus ride.

    Once we hit a grocery store and navigated our way home (we are really pros at this whole being local thing) we all showered, repacked, and are currently sitting in the lobby stealing the wifi and eating fruit. It was a wonderful day, can't wait to explore some more tomorrow!!
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  • Dia 11

    If I were a duck, I would live here.

    30 de junho de 2016, Países Baixos ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Yesterday, we let ourselves sleep in until about 10:30 which had felt amazing considering we have been on the go since day 1.

    Once on our feet and showered, we headed out to hit up some souvenir shops (classic tourists) before our bike tour.

    We grabbed a tea from starbucks, and went on our way to find our meeting point for our bike tour. Let me tell you, we walked in circles... No worries.. With the help of some locals (and some not so helpful locals that pointed us in the wrong direction) we made it!!

    This tour was 4 and a half hours late (yes, if you were wondering.. My butt is hurting today). Our guide, Sylvia, proceeded to take us to several places in Amsterdam and tell us about why the city is so beautiful and lively. She told us how the entire city used to be a port for launching ships and one day, they decided to build ARTIFICIAL LAND and create canals throughout the city to encourage growth ans trade! We biked through central station and a few of the nicer neighborhoods and Syliva told us why Amsterdam is associated with the three red X's (as youve probably seen in many of my posts).

    The red Xs on the coat of arms originally belonged to a prestigious family that settled in Amsterdam prior to the artificial land building days. Amsterdam decided to adopt it as their own to represent the three huge problems they have had to overcome as a nation: Floods, Fires, and the Black Plague. A lot of people assume the x's are linked to the rid light district.

    Next, we biked over to Vondale Park, the largest park in Amsterdam,where we found out it was once part of the hippie trail in the 1970s, and many people used to camp here to avoid paying for hostels. The government made this illegal in the late 70s and now, that area is one of the most expensive to stay in.

    After, we biked through the museum district and near the red I AMSTERDAM sign the city errcted in 2004. The sign is supposed to represent the multicultural nature of Amsterdam and how the city is about more that just drugs, sex, and windmills - it's about leaving a bit of you here and taking a bit of the culture back!

    Next up, skinny bridge! We saw the locks that they open every 4 days to keep the water in the canal clean and leveled. She also explained to us that people say the canal is 3 meters deep, 1 meter of water, 1 meter of mud and 1 meter of bikes. Over 20,000 bikes fall into the canal every year. In Amsterdam, there is also more bikes than people. They have an excellent bike path system where bikes have their own lights and rules apart from cars. She was explaining to me that after world war 2, people started biking because they didn't have any money & was alot cheaper than driving and faster than walking. She also said she sees 8 month pregnant women driving around on their bikes and new borns strapped across their chest. Oh and helmets also aren't a thing here.

    We then drove past a canal with beautifier homes, she told me the price of living here is very expensive. It is about 300,000€ per 50 square feet. The houses here are built narrow but long (somewhat like our hostel 😑) because people used to have to pay a tax based on how much street room they would take up.

    We biked by the Zoo, we didn't get to go inside but we did get to see some cool giraffes :)

    Last stop: one of the oldest working windmills left in Amsterdam. In Amsterdam, you are allowed to actually live in a windmill if you take a year long course on how to manage it and provide proper maintenance! This one had a small brewery attached to it, and we each had a glass of amazing beer for only 2.5 euro! Fortunately for us, we didn't even have to actually pay for the beer as we ran into a bit of luck and found 10 euro a little while earlier. Score! .

    Afterwards we cycled back to the buke shop to drop off our bikes, and headed back to our hostel to get ready for the rest of the evening. We decided we wanted to check out the red light district tonight, so we bundled up (it was getting quite chilly!) and went out in search of food.

    We grabbed dinner at this place called wok to walk & let me tell you....... 😋😋😋😋 so good. Better than thai express. We went over to the red light district where wifi doesn't exist.. So we couldn't meet up with our friends that we had met on our bike tour but we enjoyed our night regardless.

    I was pretty disappointed with the district. Wasn't what everyone talked it up to be. Still weird to see women in the red rooms banging on the window trying to make you come in. Some were also just sitting there on their phones texting and talking. Pretty funny actually.

    We went to go see a peep show.. & that's all you need to know about that.

    Breanna and I decided that since we were in Amsterdam, we should probably smoke weed... you know, since it's legal and everything. We went into a coffee shop, where they handed us MENU for weed!? Say what??? We picked something random, cause we all know that we don't really know what we were doing. We walked outside & smoked a joint walking down the street... what a strange feeling. I was debating if I should put this in or not.. but for the memories I will. We were standing at a donut shop looking in. Breanna & Shaunessa were looking in and were mesmerized by all the donuts in the window... meanwhile, I couldn't focus on anything because it felt like my legs were shaking back and fourth 50 times a second. Two minutes later, I looked at them & all I could get out of my mouth was "I'm going to puke". I ran through the small alley ways in the red light district packed with people, to find a canal that I could puke in. Good news.. I didn't puke.

    We sat at the edge of the canal for a bit and enjoyed the calmness of the light drizzle on the water and decided to call it a night.

    We were going to go to bed early... Oh but look at that, we only got to bed at 2am... What a suprise 😏
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  • Dia 12

    Share your talent!

    1 de julho de 2016, Países Baixos ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Day 3 in Amsterdam... Yay! Today we didn't really have much on the agenda, so we got up (thanks to the church bells AGAIN) and headed out to start the day! First stop was the red light district (too see what its like during the day) and to visit an amazing candy store called Candy Freaks! When we were walking through, we noticed that a lot of girls were just getting setting up for the day, so once again there was not a lot to report.

    We continued on and find the store of my dreams... A candy store with literally some of THE best candy I have ever TASTED. most of it was vegan, organic, and all natural.. All of it was delicious. After grabbing some candy, we wanted to make sure we hit the I Amsterdam sign so we headed to the free (!) ferry that takes you across the bay to northern Amsterdam 24 hours a day.

    On the way we had to walk through central station, and we noticed a group of girls standing around a piano singing while a man played it and three people were social dancing. We noticed that the floor had a sign saying "share your talent" and realized that these people had all come together randomly to do something that they loved. Of course, Shaunessa and I were prodding Bree to go in and dance... So after some convincing she did. The girls sang "say something" followed by "hallelujah" and I got chills watching Bree dance.. what an AMAZING talented girl!

    After Bree was done, we headed to the ferry once again. After boarding the ferry we got to the other side and made a B-line to the I Amsterdam sign. We made friends with a cute girl from the Philippines who was on a layover while working on a cruise and she took some pictures for us with the sign. We also checked out the museum of film and the arts briefly before heading back to south Amsterdam.

    Once we got back, we knew we had a few more things to grab and - though it started to absolutely POUR - we braved the weather and went shopping anyway! Canadians, eh?

    After perusing some more, the rain slowed a bit and we headed back to the hostel where we caught a nice nap. Something about rainy weather just makes you want to curl up and sleep!

    Right now we are in the lobby bar stealing wifi and blogging before packing up... Next stop, Brussels!
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  • Dia 14

    We didn't steal any glasses?

    3 de julho de 2016, Bélgica ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Our first full day in Brussels! Last night, after getting in and finding what seems like the only open waffle house and watching the Brussels game/orange is the new black, we got a little sleep before getting up and heading out on a walking tour at 10:30am.

    The walking tour was amazing and our guide, Adrian, made it even better. We started out at the Grand Place of Brussels - an amazing square which houses the city hall, kings house, and various old guilds now dedicated to public services. The only guild still housed in the Grand Place is the guild a brasseur: the brewers guild. Brussels is known for its beer and trust us .. There is a reason for this 🍺

    After taking in the splendor that is the gilded buildings of the Grand Place, we headed to our next stop: Mannekin Pis. This unique statue represents a little boy peeing into a well... And they honestly don't know why. The best guess they have is that back in the day, many items had to be dyed with a mix of ammonia and where can you find ammonia for cheap? In your urine. The statue is bit of a legend now, and (though small) definitely brings character to the city.

    After mannekin pis, we traveled through to see the church of St Nickolas, the church of St Michel and the opera house (all beautiful but I'm too tired to think right now) and ended up past the Sablon to the city hall overlook.

    Once the tour was over, we decided we wanted to go to the (in)famous bar "delirium" where there are hundreds of Belgian beers on tap including several of their house brewed. Honestly we just went for the pink elephant glasses... Which we may have walked out with. I'm not sure. Ok I'm sure. We have the glasses.

    After the successful raid of the pink elephant glasses we headed back to the hotel to change and shower before coming back into the city to grab food and watch the Germany vs. Italy game. Yay Deutschland!

    As usual, we were out far later than we thought we would be and headed back to the hotel to get some rest before checking out tomorrow .
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  • Dia 15

    Leave the canadian poncho..Try to fit in

    4 de julho de 2016, Bélgica ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    So yesterday morning we checked out of our amazing... Let me repeat.... Amazing hostel in Brussels. It has been by far the nicest accomodations we have stayed in thus far.

    We headed over to the train station across town to drop off our bags at the Brussels Central Station since our flight was only at 9pm.

    We ventured off into the rain with our ponchos.. As per usual. We were trying to find a market that was recommended by a local... And would you look at that. We ended up at a waffle place. Since it was our last day, it only made complete sense to eat waffles & chocolate for breakfast & so we did. (im sick with a bad cold so I ended up just eating the fruit off the top)

    We roamed around for a couple hours, visiting a church and another cathedral (europe has too many of them)

    We decided to hit up the airport early because we didnt know how security was going to be & didnt want to risk it.

    So off we went back to the train station to retrieve our bags & buy our tickets to get to the air port... WHICH WERE 8.50€ 😭

    Oh also I forgot to mention that the cops in belgium walk around with AK47s on them... Which stand taller then me & if that wasnt bad enough, they always had their hand on the trigger... Couldnt figure out if I felt safe or scared.
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  • Dia 15

    Delay after Delay after 8€ voucher

    4 de julho de 2016, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Yesterday night at the airport was a complete shit show from Veuling.

    When we arrived at the gate to check in, the agent told us that the flight will be delayed for 2 hours maybe more. We had yet to recieve any email or notification from veuling.

    Long story short, flight was delayed twice. The first time from 9:25 to 12:30 (with no notification & no rep from the company present at the gate). For this delay, they gave us an 8€ voucher to get food.. At one store called "grab &go" which you couldnt even afford to get a sandwich and a drink.

    The second delay was from 12:30 until 2:00 & then pushed back again until 2:30.

    We didnt end up taking off until 3:15am.

    & not to mention it was the worst flight I have ever taken. There were a couple of times we all just looked at eachother like "yah we're probably going to die"

    So after this long night of zero sleep.. We also lost 90$ because we had booked an accomodation for that night.

    We are here safe & loving barcelona sooooo in the end... Life is good 😎
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  • Dia 15

    I've fell in love with Barcelona

    4 de julho de 2016, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We checked into our Airbnb, which is quite small & hot but will do for sleeping. The location also makes up for it since we are a 10 minute walk to the biggest beach in barcelona, just off of La Rolmba street (clubs&bars) & when you walk outside you have a beautiful view of the port.

    After we checked in, we decided that we would do half a beach day & try to catch up on some sleep while we can. We fell asleep at 7:30 with no one on the beach & woke up around 10:30 feeling like a sardine on a beach. There were so many people & it felt like it just kept getting more & more crowded.

    We left the beach around 1:30 & decided to make today our shopping day. Barcelona has crazy good shopping for incredibly cheap too!! They even had a sale at Sephora... How.

    We came across this huge market that had fresh pressed juices & fruits for super cheap. We will be returning there tomorrow for lunch as well 😋

    After strolling in & out of stores & grabbing something for dinner, we headed back to our place. The girls are now passed out sleeping (not to mention they both got sunburns today🙈).

    Until tomorrow xo
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