Araba / Álava

    • 日6

      Ruta de los elefantos

      2022年5月5日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Ein ereignisreicher Tag!
      Nach dem Frühstück mit Seeblick ging es zum Foz de Lumbier.
      Unter Geiern wandern wir durch die atemberaubende Schlucht …. Auf Abwegen am Fluss entdecken wir einen kleinen „Höhleneingang“ der sich als Tunnelsystem entpuppt …. Abenteuer… wir nehmen unsere Taschenlampen 🔦 und wagen es. Oh oh wo kommen wir denn da raus… mitten in einem zerfallenen Haus 🤷‍♀️…. Irgendwann finden wir den rechten Weg wieder und es geht steil bergauf…
      Dann ab zum 🍷 fuente de vino - toll! Direkt noch ins museo de vinos und ein bisschen auf der bodega eingekauft.
      Jetzt aber ab nach Logroño auf die tapas-Meile.
      Und wie der Titel heute heißt- kommen wir wie Elefanten stampfend und trötend aus der Straße mit den Bars. 😋🍷
      Wir bleiben einfach mitten in der Stadt stehen, weil sich plötzlich noch 4 andere spanische WoMos zu uns gesellt haben und wir wie Elefanten wanken und nicht wie Elefanten fahren wollen 🐘
      Super Tag!

    • 日15

      Day 9 - Viana to Navarrete

      2023年8月29日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      People wake up really early in hostels for reasons I don’t totally understand. There is always a pilgrim scrounging around at 5am while the rest are trying to savor a few more minutes of sleep. Sure it was necessary when it was over 100°, but the temps haven’t passed 72° in the last few days. I tried to ignore the racket until about 6:30, when I joined the throngs repacking backpacks to head out for the day. I left around 7:15 and began the long trek up into the old part of Viana. The oath out of the town was a lovely dirt trail that stretched on for about 7km u tip the city of Logroño came into view. I distracted myself with an audiobook as I entered the city. Once I arrived I ran into fellow pilgrims from the night before. We explored the cathedral before grabbing second breakfast. It took a long time to exit Logroño, but as we did we walked through lovely óseos, watched kids and dogs play, and had a paved oath for probably 9 of the 12km that separates the two cities. We enjoyed swans in a lake, adorable squirrels, and vineyard upon vineyard stretched out across Spain’s famous La Rioja winemaking region. The hostel was staffed by a wonderful and funny hospitalero, who happily prodded us for ten minutes before checking us in. After a shower and laundry, Betina and I made our way to a cafe to enjoy an afternoon drink. And then another. We visited the cathedral before returning to our bunks for a bit of r&r before dinner. Anthony, the hospitalero, made a delicious vegetarian paella - which we all happily ate. After dinner, it was back to the cathedral for a quick mass accompanied by s pilgrim’s blessing. It’s almost 9:30pm, which means I’m packed up and tucked into my bunk for the absurdly early pilgrim bedtime. More tomorrow as I head for Azofra!もっと詳しく

    • 日9

      Easiest day so far

      2022年7月31日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today I walked from Nájera to Grañón. Just over 30k per my GPS, but it was mostly flat and, importantly, there was no sun until the last 7k.

      I started before 5.30 am and was already at Azofra at sunrise. There's no spectacular sunrise photo because it was very cloudy, which was great for walking. The light breeze made it perfect, and it was all the way like that until Santo Domingo de la Calzada, where the sun finally came out.

      The landscape looked like in the photo, more or less, throughout the day.

    • 日15

      Adios Navarra

      2022年9月26日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      I was off early and caught the sun rise coming out of Los Arcos. I managed to keep pace with other pilgrims for most of the day for the first time and had to get in a queue for food at the first cafe in Sansol because I was still surrounded by people. I managed to walk 18 km for the first time on the Camino and was in my next accommodation around two o'clock, which was much faster that I was doing earlier in the week.

      Everyday on the Camino so far has been beautiful. Olive groves give way to golden fields already harvested, endless villages with their magnificent bell towers and a smattering of Benedictine monasteries on hilltops. To the north all day were the cliffs of another mountain range and south further hills abound. A wise pilgrim has explained that the Camino is never flat and each day we climb up hill and down dale repeatedly.

      We share the path with many locals walking their dogs and their families, with school children on excursions, with the occasional crazy cyclists and apparently with a bunch of old guys doing a horseback Camino.

      Tonight I spend my last night in the Spanish State of Navarra and the Basque part of Spain. To celebrate I'm staying at the palace, well in a location where there was once a palace. Now it's just a modern hotel built inside the stone facade with bedrooms decorated in regal colours.

      But I soaked in the bath forever My feet are much better and I now only have localised sore spots rather than my whole feet dying, at least that was the case for 15 km. I did struggle with the last three, but I don't have another day longer than today for more than three weeks and lots of shorter days coming up. I might brave carrying my full pack for the 9km into Logrono tomorrow.

      (Sorry about the duplicate photos, can't delete them and to tired to repost the whole thing)

    • 日24

      Now at Viana

      2023年4月20日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Today was a shorter walk, actually 18.7 kms, and we started thinking it would be a breeze. But soon found out that it was full of many ups and downs - to the rivers, and then up the hill on the other side. Still stunning scenery and lovely towns to walk through. But every view in every direction has mountains in the background, so I guess we can’t expect anything but hilly walks for the moment! But tomorrow IS easy…it is just 9.5 kms into Logroño where we have a rest day on Saturday, and again I think we’ll take it very easy…! It is predicted to be a bit rainy on Saturday and that is just fine! It’s funny how our memories of the walks seem to blot out the hard bits (or we are just older!).

      By asking people, and using apps and Google we are confident that the main grain crops are wheat and barley. Apple photos offers to identify so I did a close up of one which suggested barley, and Amr’s app identified the other one as wheat…Today we saw some sheep for the first time round here. They were being herded (just by a shepherd, no dogs) down the hill and across the road, right across our path.

      We stopped many times for breaks and cooling - it gets very hot climbing the hills, despite the chilly early start. Surprisingly I think this camino May end up being hotter than September/October when it gradually gets cooler. I think on the meseta and when we finish at the end of May it may be very hot. But at least the meseta has no big climbs!!

      We continue to marvel at the contrast of the seasons…I looked up photos of today’s walk in 2018 in autumn, and the same view of vineyards and olive groves was so different - the vineyards at the moment are brown with dead looking branches just starting to think about sprouting leaves, whereas in autumn they are all green and laden with grapes soon to be harvested, and the surrounding grain fields are now green and in 2018 were brown stubble! Amazing comparing the exact same view! Both beautiful.

      Another funny thing happened when we were having a break at a little shrine where there was shade and a nice wall to sit on…there were a few assorted people that we had seen off and on during the walk…and a little Japanese woman came up to me and said “I am 80, and do you mind me asking how old you are”…so of course I said I was 80 too, and she hugged me and we agreed we were probably the oldest people on the camino - she had thought she was the oldest person and had to share the fame!! It was quite a moment…she is staying at Viana too..we said we’d have a wine, but haven’t seen her again yet.

      We were so hot when we walked in - I still have a bright red face, and probably will till I wake up in the morning! - and we stopped for a beer before even checking in at the hotel. This is one of the special hotels..we have been here twice before..a lovely old palacio building, and right on the camino. Beautiful room, but the wifi only works in the foyer - but a very pleasant and comfortable place to sit - where I am now.

      …Now back from dinner, and have to add that it was rather fun. This hotel has a formal almost fine dining room where we have eaten before, but also there is the cafeteria bar place which also does dinners, and was where we chose to eat…with their €15 dinner. Delicious - I had peppers stuffed with cod, and then chiperones…2 of my faves. But when we were starting, in wandered the 80 yr old Japanese woman, and then a young French Canadian girl we had been talking to on and off today and they both joined us (we were a course ahead)…both staying at the hotel. A good conversation…

    • 日15


      2023年9月2日, スペイン ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Dzisiejszy dzień był inny. Obudziliśmy się do burzy z ulewą, która trwała przez wiele godzin. Byliśmy przygotowani aby iść w deszczu i burzy, co prawda nie z jakimś dużym zaangażowaniem emocjonalnym, ale byliśmy gotowi. Niestety moje kolano podjęło decyzję za mnie, można powiedzieć za nas, bo Kasia nigdy by mnie nie zostawiła, tak, że dzisiaj wszystkie spacery były zakazane. Świadomość, że nie można zejść po schodach czy wykonać skrętu, była bardzo powalająca, ale też bardzo prawdziwa. Zupełnie inne Camino, które może nie wymaga nic, ale pokazuje limitacje, które są i pewnie będą dalej. Nic nie jest gwarantowane, może tylko to, że trzeba być przygotowanym na wszystko. Chyba chodzi o to aby nie wyprosić łagodności i łatwości podróży, ale o to aby każda wędrówka była najlepszą z możliwych.
      Po śniadanku, przyjechała po nas taksówka, i z drugą parą (z Australii) pojechaliśmy do Viana. Po rozgoszczeniu się w schronisku ruszyliśmy na miasto. Wizyta w Kościele Santa Maria de la Asuncion z piękna figura Matki Bożej Virgen de Cuevas I świętym Jakubem na koniu , gdzie cała nawa Kościoła jest mu poświęcona oraz ruin kościoła świętego Piotra, gdzie w ubiegłym roku robiliśmy zdjęcia pięknego zachodu słońca, a dzisiaj po raz kolejny uświadamiamy sobie, że każde Camino jest inne, nawet jeśli przemierza się je w odstępie zaledwie 12 miesięcy ..potem na osłodę lokalne ciasteczka , potem pinchos, magno, wino i cydr, i gawedzenie z caminowymi przyjaciółmi z których niektórzy już kończą pierwszy etap swojego Camino.... wszystko napawa refleksją o przemijaniu... jak i zaskakujące , choć spokojne odejscie Jimmy Buffett, choć nie jego muzyki... potem zakupy w spółdzielni i powrót do schroniska. Teraz odpoczynek... Czeka nas jeszcze obiadek i z dużą nadzieja czekamy na poprawę wszystkiego i dobry dzień jutro. Dziękujemy wszystkim za duchowe wsparcie ❤️

    • 日12

      Los Arcos - Viana

      2022年4月25日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Angela von der Panaderia ♥️

      Los Arcos ist wunderschön, so wie alle Spanischen Dörfer hier auf dem Jakobsweg nach Santiago sind.
      8 Uhr will ich los und innerhalb 15 Minuten ändern sich meine Pläne.
      Ich gehe nochmal zur Panaderia wo die Inhaberin Angela ihre Plätzchen, Empanadas und Brot selber backt.
      Außerdem verkauft sie alles was man im Supermarkt findet, ich brauche eine Kniebandage.
      Ich bestelle ein Café und einen Sandwich, Angela ist eine sehr liebe freundliche Frau. Als wir ins Gespräch geraten bemerkt sie meine Unsicherheit diesen Morgen. Ich habe mich doch etwas überangestrengt die letzten Tage.
      Wir versuchen uns zu verstehen auf spanisch und switchen dann auf französisch.
      Sie erzählt wie manche Menschen sich schlecht benehmen in ihrem Geschäftchen , alles anfassen, laut sind und sie manchmal sehr respektlos behandeln. Wie kann so was denke ich mir, wir sind doch alle Gast hier?
      Diese Frau versucht ihren Laden über Wasser zu halten und dann benehmen sich die Leute nicht. Ich merke es selbst, wenn ein Amerikaner reinkommt.

      Dann sagt sie irgendwann zu mir: “ Jacqueline, es ist dein Weg, lasse dich von niemanden was erzählen, du bist hier um zu genießen um Eindrücke zu sammeln und um sie wieder mitzunehmen in deinem Herzen.
      Du musst hier nichts, mache es wie es für dich richtig anfühlt.” Danke Angela auch du bist ein Engel.
      Sie fragt mich noch ob ich eine Bewertung für ihre kleine Panaderia in Google abgeben möchte, Selbstverständlich unterstütze ich das.
      Ein paar Minuten später betritt Diana die Bäckerei, wir kommen ins Gespräch und sind nun schon seit zwei Tagen zusammen unterwegs. Wir haben den gleichen Laufrhythmus😇

      Müde von der Steigung, der Sonne und den Kilometern, kommen wir in Los Arcos an. In der Ferne winkt jemand, für mich...? Ich schaue hinter mich … es ist für mich, mit beiden Armend winkend empfangen Lisette und Marcel mich, was für ein herzliches Willkommen in los Arcos! ♥️

    • 日7


      2022年7月29日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      On my way to Logroño, I started the day walking with an older German couple. They started walking in Munich!!! That would be 2,700k to Santiago, and they have done over 2/3 of the way, in a bit over 3 months. They started with very heavy packs, as they had to be equipped for the snow. Then they shipped the winter gear home. Legends!
      At one point they decided to stop for a coffee, but I kept going. I walked the rest of the way on my own, at a slow and steady pace.
      I stopped here for a break and a snack at Viana. It was getting very hot, and just sitting in the shade for a while felt great.
      Although I was walking on my own, I exchanged many 'buen caminos' with other walkers, and I could recognise some faces. Then, at rest stops, we can count on those familiar people to look after the backpack while one goes to the toilet, for example. We may not know each other's names, but we're all part of the same big thing and we look after each other.

    • 日14


      2022年9月18日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Kolejny piękny dzień. Pomimo krótszego odcinka jesteśmy bardzo fizycznie zmęczeni ale jest dobra rzecz w głowie i sercu. Nasze ulubione kolory w postaci żółtych strzałek lub niebiesko-zoltych plakietek dają kierunek w przyszłość. Pomału widujemy tych samych ludzi i odwiedzamy się czasami na 100 metrów czasami na dłużej a czasami przy kawie.Dzisiaj było chyba 8 mocnych podejść na szczęście krótkich no i oczywiście tyle samo zejść. Końcówka ciężka bo w pełnym słońcu już bez wody na szczęście zrekompensowało nam całkowicie piękna Viana.
      Z ciekawostek po pierwsze to świątynia w Torres del Rio w kształcie ośmioboku (czyli templariusze) z XII wieku bardzo przypominająca świątynię Eunate do której nie mogliśmy wejść a tutaj mozna było wszystko zobaczyć. W środku nic nie przypomina kościoła ale wręcz przeciwnie arabski mihrab
      Viana to przeurocze malutkie miasteczko leżące na granicy Nawarry i Kastylii. Było ono świadkiem wielu walk pomiędzy oboma krainami. Cezar Borgia zginął w czasie oblężenia miasta a był on synem późniejszego papieża Aleksandra VI.
      W starym mieście jest piękny kościół Santa Maria de la Asuncion z główną fundacja gotycka ale z barokowa okrasa, posiada wiele skarbów i jedna z naw jest poświęcona Sw. Jakubowi pogromcy Maurów - Santiago Matamoros. Ten motyw będzie się jeszcze pojawiał później. To tyle z ciekawostek.😊
      Jutro wchodzimy do krainy win.😁😍❤️
      I thought we were in wine country already for at least 3 days😍! Everywhere around were grapevines with different types of grapes, mainly the dark tiny ones, people are growing them on the balconies and above the garages, too! It looks beautiful ❤️
      They have been lifesavers for us, when on the road we needed some extra sugar, numerous times we just grabbed cluster of 🍇 to fullfil the carbs deficiency 😋. Same with figs, blackberries and almonds, all just in the reach of the hand...
      As they say: don't praise the day before the sun sets, after yesterday's kind day to my feet, today I developed first 2 blisters😳. Dr Tom just finished wound care for them, and hopefully today won't be a painful day😊. I'm posting few more pic from last day in a new footprint 👣. Thank you All for walking with us🥰❤️

    • 日12

      Day 9 - Viana to Navarrete

      2023年5月24日, スペイン ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      At a glance:
      Highlight: the incredible gilt work in the Church of the Assumption in Navarrete.
      Food highlights: chocolate dipped cookies
      Kilometres walked: 27.11
      # of steps: 35,307
      Elevation gain: an easy 150m

      We are in Rioja, land of grapes and wine. We passed an experimental vineyard of white Tempranillo grapes, a genetic mutation of the traditional red grape. They were experimenting something or other....our Spanish is challenged by research projects ...but each row of vines was carefully marked.
      We were overconfident today, day 9 with no blisters. We ignored our usual rule of taking a break, airing our feet every hour and changing our socks at lunch. Both Trudy and i now have a blister each on our heels.
      Tomorrow we have to get to the Municipal Albergue in Azofra before 3pm, 23k away, else we lose our reservation.
      We are in a private hostel tonight, 2 beds, shared bathroom, a pillow case and bottom sheet, no towels, access to a kitchen for a total of €38.
      Empanadas (ham and cheese) potato chips and cookies for dinner. No lunch, just chocolate and an orange and a few sunflower seeds.


    Araba / Álava, Provincia de Alava, Álava, Alaba, Província d'Àlaba, Araba, Alava, アラバ


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