Ryland 5.5yo
Axel 2.75yo.
5 Nights Hervey Bay, 3 Nights Brisbane - August 2023
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  • Gün 1

    Blast Off and Big Drive!

    2 Ağustos 2023, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    A much needed little getaway!
    Around 18 months ago, we moved from our little Officer home to upsize to accommodate our growing little fellows.
    We expected a 6 month stay with my parents before moving on to our new family home in Junction Village.
    Things didn't quite pan out that way however, our builder Porter Davis going bankrupt 75% through a tired and ragged journey.
    As we now edge closer to home with our new builder, a little rather impromptu family adventure was on the menu.
    Early 6am start today, on the road by 6.30 for a 9.00am flight from Melbourne to Brisbane.
    Following that 2 hour flight, we'd pick up a white ISUZU 4WD for a 4 hour drive north from Brisbane to Hervey Bay via the Big Pineapple.
    Smooth sailing for the most part! The boys both driving their hand luggage bags around like (semi) pros now.
    Flight number 5 for each was fairly comfortable.
    Our accommodation for 5 nights - Akama Resort, level 2.
    Very comfy, spacious two bedroom apartment overlooking the pool.
    Not scorching weather for our escape from wintery Melbourne, but some sunshine warmth (around 21c) was still certainly welcome!
    We continued our tradition of everyday/evening spas and utilised the kitchen for our first dinner.
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  • Gün 2

    I Like the Sting Ray

    3 Ağustos 2023, Avustralya ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    After a big day of travel, a relatively quiet day planned today, settling in, waking up to some warmth, exploring the area.
    Today's activity was to the Reefworld Aquarium in Urangan, just a 15 minute walk or so from the hotel.
    This may be our last family trip with a pram equipped, so we made sure to utilise it. Nonetheless, Ryland's excitement got the best of him and his feet weren't able to keep up with a crash, grazed knee and tears the tragic result. This laid waste my plans to pay for a turtle swim with him.
    Fortunately, this wasn't needed as good timing and fortune favoured us. On arrival at the aquarium, they were just preparing to have visitors not only hand feed, but pet their Green Sea turtles.
    This was an amazing experience, getting up close, feeding the turtles some lettuce and getting to touch their shells and fins. The kids loved it.
    Whilst the aquarium itself was small, it still boasted some lovely fish, sharks and rays. On completion, staff welcomed us back for the afternoon to return for a complimentary fish/ray feeding session.
    After some beach, playground and lunch time we returned. Each of myself, Nat and the boys got to climb up over the tanks and feed a variety of sharks, Sting Rays and fish. The boys loved it!
    After a casual day, we ended up driving into Hervey Bay that evening for Hogs Breath (a kids favourite).
    Still time for a spa, before bed and a big day to Fraser Island tomorrow.
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  • Gün 3

    Fraser Island Adventure

    4 Ağustos 2023, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    The biggest adventure of the trip! A 12 hour tour of Fraser Island.
    Up at 7, kids fed and dressed. Backpacks and kids car-seats dragged to the curb outside our hotel, waiting for pickup and transfer to a ferry to explore Fraser Island.
    Eventually a bus arrives, seats are thrown in storage and we have kids on laps/regular seats for the transfer. There's probably about 40 people aboard.
    Half hour or so later, seats, bags and kids are dragged from bus to ferry and we're off over the Great Sandy Strait to Fraser Island.
    The ferry pulls in about 40 minutes later to Kingfisher Bay resort where our guide and rugged 4WD bus are waiting.
    Kids seats are strapped into the first couple rows - window seats, kids affixed and away we go! It wasn't long before we were off paved roads and bashing through sandy tracks cut through the forest, both boys loving the bumpy ride.
    First stop - Lake McKenzie. A pristine inland lake, with silky soft sand and shades of welcoming blue glistening in the morning sun. We made the effort to all jump in for a quick swim and enjoy the gorgeous surrounds.
    Next stop - A Forest Walk around Wanggoolba Creek. A towering canopy rainforest, crystal clear creeks and streams and the sound and company of birdlife about. A little bit of carrying kids to preserve little legs, but pretty relaxed!
    Third Stop - Kgari Resort for lunch. A buffet spread to fill hungry tummies
    Stop Four - Onwards for some beach driving up the east coast of the island to the SS Maheno. Really enjoyed this, exploring the ruins of a 1900 cruise ship turned WW1 medical boat, subsequently wrecked, ruined, bombed and lost to the ages. Ryland loved peering through old portholes, ruins and cabins.
    Stop Five - A little further of a drive on to the Pinnacles, strange rock formations overlooking the beach. A quick photo here, and then a backtrack down to Eli Creek. This place was particularly gorgeous, a creek flowing from the beach inland, where you could wade alongside a boardwalk.
    A spontaneous opportunity arose here, with a small scenic beach plane offering rides for $100 a person.
    With Nat having been on such a plane before, Axel being a little young and adverse to noisy flights I thought this might be a good experience for Ryland and I, especially given how insistent he was to go!
    We signed up and the two of us jumped aboard for 15-20 minutes or so in the air, whilst Nat and the bus drove south along the beach, meeting them thereafter. Ryland adored this, never batting an eyelid of fear or concern.
    From there, a bit of a drive back to the ferry at Kingfisher resort to begin the journey back.
    Still time for our late night spa, makeshift dinner in for the kids and Uber Eats subway sandwiches for Nat and I.
    An amazing day all round, fantastic guide and memorable experience.
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  • Gün 4

    Random Roadtrip and Reptiles

    5 Ağustos 2023, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    After such a big Friday at Fraser Island, today was a specifically designated rest day. No rush, no agenda, no expectations.
    We noted a couple of bird parks in the area, neither with particularly compelling or convincing reviews. Nonetheless, we decided to jump in the car and head through Hervey Bay itself, westward, around lunch time.
    By the time we'd reached Childers, the kids were snoozing. I parked and jumped out for some info and to grab a couple pies for lunch.
    Queensland time is a different agenda to back in Vic, people are up earlier, and everything closes earlier. I was lucky to grab pies by 12.55 with most lunch options closing up at 1!
    Whilst we'd considered visiting the Fly High Bird park in the area, we flipped and decided to give the "Snakes Downunder Reptile Park and Zoo" a spin which closed at 3pm. Arriving just after 1, we just caught the 'reptile encounter' show which involved us getting to hold and pat both a baby alligator and snake.
    This place had a really impressive range of lizards, turtles, reptiles and snakes, many I hadn't seen before and even a Komodo Dragon.
    The kids also enjoyed petting and getting up close with red kangaroos, wallabies, emus and koalas.
    The rest of the day was casually spent, I watched most of the Hawks Collingwood game, we swam, and enjoyed another home cooked meal in the hotel.
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  • Gün 5

    A Whale of a Time

    6 Ağustos 2023, Coral Sea ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

    Our last full day in the area, we'd spent the majority our at sea whale watching. As expected, it proved to be the most challenging of our planned activities with the kiddos.
    They started the day at 7am in fantastic form, full of energy and excitement, for a 15 minute walk from the hotel to our whale watching vessel. Axel entertained, running laps while we waited 'look at me, I'm a whale I'm a whale!'
    The kids were excited to be aboard and both picked up a 'Whale Warrior' showbag with pencils, a hat, some colouring in and bits and pieces.
    It probably took half hour or so from the pier to our first whale sightings. We started with a few fins, a few tail breaches, a few fin slaps. Initially the kids were interested,- 'whoah whale there, that one hugeeeee'. It didn't last though, has we sailed from whale sighting to another, they grew bored, weary, annoyed by the wind.
    Whilst the sightings were fairly good all afternoon, it was the final group of whales 'mugging' us (showing an interest in our boat) that was by far the most rewarding and memorable. A group of three circled the boat, interacting with us, swimming under and around, peeking their heads above and playing. Getting within metres of these friendly, playful, gentle giants was amazing especially when you could fully appreciate their size.
    For our last night in the area, we headed out on foot to the Hervey Bay Boat Club for dinner. A good feed!
    Tomorrow, we say good bye to the area for a 2.5 hour morning drive to Australia Zoo en route to Brisbane.
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  • Gün 6

    Crikey That's a Big Day

    7 Ağustos 2023, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Packed, up and on the road by around 7.45am today. Not a bad effort!
    Just a casual 230km 2 hour 45 minute drive ahead southward bound to Australia Zoo on the way to our next hotel in Brisbane.
    No stops, just full steam ahead arriving at around 10.45am.
    Rather than replicate our Australia Zoo route of last year, we decided to do it in reverse this time, catching a shuttle from the entrance to the far side of the zoo - the African savannah and work our way back.
    It proved a great move, firstly to see those animals the kids were asleep for last time, and secondly to avoid back/double tracking.
    First animals off the bat were about the most impressive, a whole group of giraffes and brown 'Southern White Rhinos' the kids were absolutely in awe of. As a bonus, the dinosaur statues from last year were still prevalent throughout the zoo, much to Ryland's delight.
    Underwhelmed last year by the Croc show itself, we had no intent of attending it, but ended up there at the start time, so stopped there to watch and eat at Ryland's insistence. It still wasn't a highlight, unlike the 'bouncing pillow' and Laughing Frog 'water play' section. Axel laughed himself to death on the pillow and Ryland threw himself into the water play loving it despite freezing/hypothermia.
    Beyond that, seeing some baby koalas was a big highlight. The kids were well behaved most of the day, and actually finished up the zoo (including a stop at the animal hospital) around 415pm.
    Now, just an hour drive to Brisbane, how hard could it be?
    Whether it was Womens World Cup crowds, or peak hour, it was a hectic drive in to our next hotel the CLLIX Sky Tower.
    It was actually about 6.30pm before we managed to get in and park in the depths of a nightmare carparking catacomb!
    Not a bad view from level 78 (of 83) of the highest building in Brisbane it must be said!
    By the time we explored the area, around the central promenade about the tower (Queen St) and got back to the hotel, some take out pizzas and souvlakis had to suffice for dinner (many places had closed).
    It ended up being a late one in the end, the kids down probably by around 10pm.
    Tomorrow is clear as a relax/unwind day!
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  • Gün 7

    A City Day

    8 Ağustos 2023, Avustralya ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    After an epic day yesterday, today was set aside for a quiet day to enjoy the city and hotel.
    We explored a couple of (pretty cold) pools on deck 66 and deck 40, with the latter being slightly warmer and welcoming.
    'Blast off. Go up in the Sky!!' - Axel every time we rode the lift up to our room.
    The kids enjoyed the hotel, the view and some play time. After a recharge, we decided to set off on a late afternoon stroll to Southbank for dinner. We set off from the hotel around 5pm, through the Botanic Gardens and over the Goodwill Footbridge.
    This took us through some winding paths, gardens, lagoons and waterways. The kids loved exploring here, the lights, some music and playgrounds.
    As the evening wore on and the kids got tired and hungry, the lessen learned was that the perfect family restaurant is the one that feeds the kids before they turn.
    Despite this, we ended up with a good experience at a place called Ole - a Spanish tapas restaurant.
    Ryland sampled a bit of everything and we finished with some icecream over the road before completing a circuit back to the hotel past the Brisbane sign, past the museum and over the Victoria Bridge.
    It ended up being a rather late one again, the kids in bed 9ish before our last full day ahead to Dreamworld.
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  • Gün 8

    Dream World

    9 Ağustos 2023, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Queensland and its theme parks. Fond childhood memories for many of us 30 or 40 somethings.
    Things have changed over the last 20 or 30 years. Have I just aged? Died inside? Or is Queensland not quite the international premium holiday destination it once was.
    As much as we have and still did enjoy ourselves, the same theme of time taking the gloss or polish off the Queensland Coast is plain. It's all a little of a shadow of its former glory, a little tired, a little run down, a little lacklustre. This theme is especially known and accepted among the theme parks.
    Last year we got the kids through both Sea World and Movie World. Whilst the former was more than tired (and more like something out of the apocalypse), there were still faint sounds of a heartbeat and ICU treatment at Movie World.
    After the recent deaths/ ride tragedies at Dream World I was under the impression it was probably now the front runner of the theme parks, and whilst this may be true, it's a close run affair..
    Around half the rides were closed, haunted, or under maintenance. Access around the park was a little limited as well with many blocked paths. There were still plenty for the kids and they probably got on 5-6 rides they loved including the 'old time cars' (on a track) I went on at their age, some little planes, a ball-shooting area, little maze, tea cups and rocky boat.
    I got on (my legs fit for once!) the two fastest thrill coasters - the Steel Taipan and Gold Coaster and Nat got on a 4D experience ride with Ryland.
    The animals here were pretty good, (despite no advertised show times) we caught the Tiger show and saw dingoes, koalas, reptiles, crocs, cassowaries and bilbies. Axel particularly loved the Tigers.
    For our last holiday dinner, we headed out to the Pancake Manor nearby the hotel. Great location (old church), terrible food. You can't win em all!
    We spent the evening half packing.
    Overall, we couldn't be much happier with how things went. The kids have been exceptionally well behaved all things considered, and have a bunch of experience and memories to take home with them.
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  • Gün 9

    A Return Journey

    10 Ağustos 2023, Avustralya ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    An excellent and much needed adventure. Just so, so short. Before we knew it we'd been and back again.
    We had a fairly smooth run back, waking at 7am and completing our pack before departing the hotel at 9.30am (for an 11.55am flight home).
    I even had time in the morning to sneak in a quick solo swim in the pool on deck 40.
    Just 20 minutes drive from the hotel to the airport/ rental car drop off. Our flight was a little painful, being delayed around an hour including some ridiculous carry on weighing but we got there.
    Both the kids, on their 6th flight each over the last 12 months or so handled themselves as well as ever.
    Whilst we're now back 'home' (with my parents), we're more than ever now counting down the remaining month or two or even weeks until we can truly get home to our finished family house in Junction Village. We're expecting this to happen in September or October.
    Once there the fun won't stop and we'll look ahead to booking our next adventure in late 2024.
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