gereisd in 7 landen Meer informatie
  • Dag 4

    Haapsalu #3

    9 oktober 2019, Estland ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Dag 3 in Haapsalu begon al vroeg, om 8 uur zaten we op school aan het ontbijt en daarna moesten we aan de slag met het volgen van een aantal lessen.
    Opzich wel heel interessant om te zien hoe ze hier met onderwijs omgaan al waren er een aantal dingen waar je in Nederland echt niet mee weg zou komen.

    Na de lessen kregen we even wat vrije tijd die ik graag gebruikte om de grote troep die inmiddels al de titel 'centrum van Kabul' bereikt had op mijn kamer op te ruimen. Heb zelfs nog even mn ogen dicht gedaan.

    'S avonds zijn we met studenten de stad nog even in geweest en hebben na afloop zelfs net een kroeg gevonden.

    Morgen stappen we al vroeg in de bus om te gaan hiken! En uiteraard mag de wedstrijd van Oranje tegen Noord Ierland ook niet gemist worden dus zijn ook daar alle nodige voorbereidingen al getroffen :-)
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  • Dag 2

    Haapsalu #2 (maandag)

    7 oktober 2019, Estland ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    Na een iets wat korte nacht konden we vanmorgen meteen flink aan de bak met een presentatie over ons onderwijs. Dat ging wel oké (kreeg zelfs nog complimenten over mijn Engels haha) daarna kregen we een rondleiding door de school en was er even vrije tijd.
    Aan het einde van de middag zijn we richting het centrum gegaan om met onze 'collega's' uit Estland te gaan eten en een soort spookslot te bezoeken. En we zijn er nog niet uit of het een speaker in de kapel was of niet maar we hoorden iemand luid en duidelijk zingen en dat was toch wel een beetje eng haha.

    Inmiddels zijn we weer helemaal kapot en morgen gaan we.....Ja dat weten we eigenlijk niet. Maar het gaat vast wel goedkomen!

    Slaaplekker, wordt vervolgd...✌🇪🇪
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  • Dag 1


    6 oktober 2019, Estland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    We zijn net geland in Tallinn! Na een dag met een hoop vliegen wacht ons nu nog 2 uur in de bus richting de school waar we vannacht gaan slapen.
    We werden door 2 studenten en een docent opgewacht en zitten inmiddels in de bus. Het is hier mokertje koud maar dat mag de pret niet drukken🤗🥶Meer informatie

  • Dag 1

    Take off Amsterdam Schiphol

    6 oktober 2019, Nederland ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Wheeee gaan we dan! Afscheid genomen van mijn ouders en Merel en nu is het tijd om op pad te gaan. Vliegen is en blijft niet mijn favoriete bezigheid maar het gaat vast helemaal goedkomen!

  • Dag 13

    The last day...

    14 augustus 2019, Engeland ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    Wednesday. The last day. Honestly I never want this trip to end but on the other side I’m really glad that I’m going home today. I’m really done with carrying my backpack around and I need clean clothes haha. Also a good shower and some sleep doesn’t sound that bad either.

    So we got out of our bed at 9 am and for the first time this trip I had a good breakfast, well large breakfast, and not on to go haha. I had some English breakfast, pancake, some orange juice and a brownie.

    After our good breakfast we packed our bags (for the last time) and went for king’s cross station to see if we could dump our bags somewhere. Sadly there was this long line in front of it so we decided to just take the bags with us. Which resulted in to carrying my backpack all day long. But it was okay. After quickly checking out platform 9 3/4 we took the underground to the Big Ben and started walking along the Thames. We saw things like the London eye, London bridge, tower bridge and the Tower of London. Somewhere in the middle we stopped for some lunch. We ate some traditional fish ‘n chips. Sadly it was raining all day, but we enjoyed our walk.

    Around 3:30 pm we decided to head for the station again. Once we arrived we filled in our Interrail passes and grabbed some food for during the ride. After we got through security we hopped on our very last train. London - Amsterdam. Feels so weird to go home after two full weeks which felt like four weeks.

    And here we are. Sitting in the train we just crossed the french border. So the trip is almost to its end..

    For now I’m going to enjoy this ride. See ya. 😇
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  • Dag 13

    6 - London

    14 augustus 2019, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Tuesday. Our sixth and final stop before heading back home. Why London? Well it was cheaper to fly to London and going back by train to Amsterdam, than have a flight from Bergen to Amsterdam right away. Also I just love London haha.

    We woke up at 6:25 am. Kind of early. Toooo early. We grabbed our stuff and took our stuff and went to the airport. Luckily we all had a flight around the same time so we could go together. We arrived at the airport at 7:30 am and dropped off our bags and went trough security right away. After that we grabbed a coffee and it was already time to leave for London, 9:15 am. After a quick flight of 2 hours we landed at 10:15 am in London. The different time zones made sure we had some extra time. After a bit of a problem with security we got our bags back and jumped on a train to London centrum. Finally at 12:30 pm we arrived at the hotel.

    We sadly couldn’t get into our room but we got to dump our bags, so that was very nice. We quickly took the underground to Oxford Circus. We walked around looking for a place to eat lunch. After some time we ate spareribs on Piccadilly square which was nice. After that we went back to the hotel to check in. We chilled a bit since we were super exhausted.

    After we chilled we went toVictoria station because we were going to Wicked the musical. I was really excited to see this play again since it is my favorite musical ever since I saw it in Dutch when I was little. We had some time left so we checked the Buckingham palace out.

    The play was amazing, it was even better than I could remember. They all did an amazing job and I enjoyed it so much!!

    After wicked we went back to the hotel and got a real nice shower and went for sleep. It was only 11:30 pm but since we stood up very early today and also the time difference made us very sleepy.

    I’m so glad that I went for London. Not only the musical was amazing also London itself. The weather was also suuuuper nice so we got really lucky. Tomorrow is our last day. Weird.
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  • Dag 11

    5 - Bergen

    12 augustus 2019, Noorwegen ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Monday. We woke up around 10 am. We slept for over 12 hours so I guess we needed that. After we had some breakfast at our room we went out to discover Bergen. It was supposed to rain all day.

    Fortunately the rain wasn’t that bad, so we decided to go up the mountain with a little train. The mountain, Fløyen, is approximately 300 meters high. The view was stunning but sadly it was very foggy. We went for a little walk or hike on top of the mountain and went for the highest point. After we walked around we went down, but we walked instead of taking the train. It was about 3 kilometers to get down, the view was amazing. I loved every tree and waterfall.

    After our walk down we met my uncle and my cousins at McDonald’s who were also in Bergen. I decided to stay with my family for the afternoon. It’s weird seeing them in Norway instead of at home. We walked around and I showed them the burger place we ate yesterday.

    They returned around 7 pm and I found the others. At that moment it was raining pretty bad. They decided to eat at an Italian place so I joined them. After that we went for our hotel room and just chatted for a while. We would continue our journey tomorrow to London, but not with the three of us. Only two.

    So we just enjoyed the time we had left and went to bed at 11 pm. Tomorrow we all have to be at the airport at 7 am...

    Enjoy the pictures of our nature walk, I fell in love 😍🥰
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  • Dag 10

    On our way to Bergen

    11 augustus 2019, Noorwegen ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    6:45 am. Sunday. After saying quickly goodbye to half of the group we went to catch our train at the station. It’s weird saying goodbye if you have the feeling you’ll see each other in Bergen. But we’re not... there is only four people left.

    The Oslo - Bergen railway is known as one of the best and most beautiful railway in Europe or the world (not sure anymore, but it was sooooo beautiful). We were traveling through mountains, lakes, rivers, it was absolutely stunning. If you ever have the chance of takin this train I would definitely recommend it!!

    The train ride takes about 7 hours but I was sad it ended because you know the view haha. It felt like I was crossing some sort of fairytale. At one point we decided to listen to some Harry Potter music, the well-known hedwig theme ofcourse. There were goosebumps everywhere, it was so special. Never felt so close to Hogwarts haha. About to change in to my robes any minute.

    We arrived in Bergen at 15:30 or something like that. It was pouring. Which was kind of sad we made it to the hotel safe.

    When it stopped raining we went for a little walk to the Harbour and some iconic little streets. We got dinner at an American place which looked like it was from classic movie. We ate some burgers and went back to the hotel. After a goood shower we fell asleep at 9pm since we were sooooo exhausted.

    Bergen is absolutely amazing even though it’s very raining. Bergen is surrounded by 7 mountains which looks pretty coool. Can’t wait to discover the mountains tomorrow 😍🥰
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