Quit my job and decided to travel through Europe with my camper Läs mer
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  • Dag 1

    Hängeseilbrücke Geierlay

    21 juni 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    I started driving yesterday evening until around 2 am. In the morning I drove 1,5 hours to make a small hike to Hängeseilbrücke. It was only 30 minutes and because I was so early (around 8 am) I had the whole bridge and hike to myself. After walking over the bridge, there was a nice bench I chilled on for 15 minutes, enjoying the calm scenery and chirping of the birds. After a walk back I got back to my parking spot, where I had to pay 10 euros (!!!!) for not even 2 hours of staying there. Next time I rather risk a fine hahaha. After the bridge I drove all the way to the south of Germany to see a nice castle.Läs mer

  • Dag 1

    Castle de la Graigslist

    21 juni 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Soooo after 6 hours of driving to see this beautiful castle, I had to pay 12 euros for a parking spot. Hell no I'm not making that mistake again, so I went 4 minutes further with my camper in a (hopefully) free spot. Hiked for an hour all the way to the top to see a average impressive castle. I mean graigslist version is maybe a bit over exaggerated but if you see the first picture (this one is from google) and then my pictures you get why I call it a graigslist version, especially after driving for 6 hours to see it. I mean it was nice but I liked the scenery around it more. Beautiful nature. Then I went back to my camper to find out that I had no clue where I put it. So after walking to the wrong parking spot for 17 minutes and then another hour of walking to the right spot (I hoped) I thankfully found my camper. So now I'm omw to buy me some wine and watch a movie after this little adventure!Läs mer

  • Dag 2

    Didnt feel like dying today

    22 juni 2022, Kroatien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    So today was just a lot of travelling. I went from the south of Germany through Austria, through Slovenia and now I'm somewhere at the coast of Croatia.

    Had some nice breakfast in Austria where I could fill up my water and had a small conversation with a trucker, but I didn't understand anything tbh. He was looking for the water and when I pointed it at him (it was behind him), he said: "oh shit I think I smoked a bit too much". Which is very concerning when I truck driver, driving a fucking TRUCK, says in his break that he smokes to much of God knows what.

    After continuing my travel before the trucker left (cuz I don't feel like dying today) I went to Slovenia where I accidentally went through a smuggling route, cuz I (ofcourse) didn't want to pay toll (like a true dutchy). I ofcourse turned back (also because there was a gate with barbed wire) and finally made it to Croatia, where I almost died. Cuz misses wanted to find a secluded area at the beach AND for free (trust me in the north of Croatia, impossible). So I went down a very rocky small road that got smaller by the second. Tried to turn with my 6m long camper (cuz I'm smart like that) and almost went of the cliff. Luckily I learned a lot from Patrick (with who I traveled here 3 years ago before corona) and made it out alive (duh...). So yeah now I'm just on a random parking spot, but it is secluded!

    So after all this I really wanted my shower/sea but I think I have to find it tomorrow cuz I ain't swimming in the sea now, cuz I still don't feel like dying.
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  • Dag 3

    Fresh like a sweet water fish

    23 juni 2022, Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Today was a good day! I finally got to swim in the beach but sadly enough they didn't have a shower there so I was a bit salty after that (badum tss).

    Drove for a couple hours to Krka park but didn't want to pay for parking (as usual), so I found a small way up where there was a lake with locals chilling there. A lot of old dudes with beers and a lot of fun. Took a little swim there, and it was a lake so I'm fresh like a fish now and not salty anymore!

    After that I drove another couple hours to another lake where I'm sleeping next to with my camper. Not a lake for swimming and a lot lot LOT of frogs singing me sweet lullabies.
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  • Dag 4

    Rocky road

    24 juni 2022, Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    This morning I started my travel to montenegro where there was a nice lake. I only did not expect the amount of efford me and my camper had to do to get there.

    First i apparently went through bosnia where they searched my whole car for drugs. When the guy asked if i had anything to declare i said; like what? Only sigarettes. When he asked if i has hasish i had to laugh and i said no. Maybe because of that I was put aside. The woman who searched my car asked me where my dog was. When I said I didn't have one she looked confused and said "then why do you have all they dog treats?" I told her I really like straydogs and she looked at me weird but then I was allowed to go.

    Then I got into montenegro where we had to ghost drive for 5 km because a road was blocked (not that it really said that anywhere I was just lucky there were people before me who I could follow.

    Then I drove through the "panoramic road", which was about as big as my car. I was already confused when it said that I only needed 50 km and still needed an hour of driving, which would mean it would be 30 km/h. Well as soon as I got on this road I got why it said that. I don't think I've ever sweated this much in my life. Everytime there was someone coming from the other way we had to find a way to go past each other. Sometimes I went backwards, sometimes they. Sometimes I had to put my mirror in and oh man what a drive. For anybody telling me I can't drive, you should've seen me on this road! I'm very proud of myself but man what a drive.

    Was it worth it? I mean I got a nice swim in a lake. There was an old man who asked for 3 euros in parking money and then asked where my boyfriend was (as usual). When he asked if it was my camper and I said yes he got excited and said; aaah you got money! Sorry old fella, you are nice but no thankyou.
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  • Dag 5

    Sweaty hike

    25 juni 2022, Grekland ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    Today was a good day. I went to the Meteora Monasteries where I went for a 3+ hour hike where I covered 6,69 km. Started around 14:30 so that was a bit too late cuz maaannnn the heat! I don't think I've ever sweated this much in my life. It was a very nice hike tho!

    Then when I got back at the camper I met some really nice German couple who've been traveling for a year now with their camper. They gave me some tips and gave me some waterbottles with holes in the cap which I can fill up and use as a shower so that's fucking neat. Now I can be clean again without having to search for a lake.

    Now I'm going a little bit more south and hopefully meet up tomorrow with some friends I met in Morocco in Athena.

    Enjoy my sweaty face pictures xxx
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  • Dag 5

    Bears in Greece

    25 juni 2022, Grekland ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    I accidently almost skipped the Albanian boarder control. But luckily they ran after me yelling and I stopped. One of the guys was very nice when he saw I really didn't know it was a boarder control but the other one was not as coolant. They searched my whole car (as usual) and I had a nice little chat with the nice cop. Everybody is so confused I travel alone and don't understand why I would do that, to which I answer: but why not?

    So finally I got to greece and I was so tired (it was 1 am so I just took a turn and went on a little nature road. What I did see just before I went of the big highway was lots of signs with "caution bears 7 km" and then after 10 km the same sign. So you can understand the fear I slept in after finding out there are bears in greece. But yeah the next morning I drove to the Meteora Monasteries where I went for a hike. I hiked for about 4 hours and walked 6,69 km. Ofcourse I did it on the hottest time of the day and sweated like crazy. I think from my sweat you could boil some nice pasts in.

    It was very beautiful and I even saw a mom and baby turtle.

    When I got back I met some German people who where living my dream, they were travelling for a year in their van. They gave me some tips and gave me 2 empty waterbottles with a cap with holes in it so I could shower. I'm so grateful for that omg, you have no idea. So after that I filled my other empty bottles in a well and went on the road again.
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  • Dag 6

    2,5 hours of digging

    26 juni 2022, Grekland ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    Yesterday evening I looked up my app for sleeping places and found a nice spot at the beach. When I got pulled over by cops (third time in 2 days...) I had to wait for half an hour while they searched my car, showed me nice places to stay and critiqued my chances of a normal job with my tattoos. When they finally took of it was already dark. I went of to the sleeping location through a small rocky road (as usual) and when I came into the open place I got stuck. Apparently there are sandy beaches in Greece and I found it!....

    So at that moment (around midnight) I was like fuck this shit I'm not getting out of here now, I don't see shit outside, I'm just gonna drink some wine and sleep.

    I texted my lord in savior (patrick) if he could help me in the morning with getting out (cuz he my travel guru). When I woke up and he was still sleeping I was like; I can do it myself! Watched a very terrible American video on YouTube and got started with digging the sand away. With my hands ofcourse cuz I forgot my shovel (just like many other things). Slowly cutting my hands open but when I finally was proud of what I did (even put a plastic plank that I found underneath one of the wheels), I started my camper and tried to get out. Ofcouse it didn't work cuz I had no fucking clue of what I was doing.

    Luckily after a while Patrick woke up called me, told me what to do and I started digging again and searching for wood. Couldn't find any wood on the beach but I did find reed. Started getting that and cutting my hands even more open. But after a while I was ready to try again. Patrick gave me some tips to drive and it was working! But not good enough... so after trying and digging and replacing the reeds and trying again a very nice greek man came by and explained in Greek that he was gonna pull me out of there with his car. I'm so thankful for that cuz man this was not a good day of my morning.

    So after 2,5 hours I got out and it was a beautiful beach but I was so traumatized about this that I did not EVER wanted to see that beach again. So I drove 20 minutes to an other beach (with stones), was able to park my camper in the shades (!!!!!) and took myself out for dinner to celebrate getting out of the sand. After that I laid in the sun all day and slept and finally had a good resting day. And boy did i need that, didn't know I could sleep this much all day.

    Really liked this place so I'm still here, gonna sleep here and we will see what tomorrow brings!

    Oh and ofcourse very important. Yesterday I met this cutest little dog from who I earned his trust with treats and love and today I met another white fluffy dog that was to privileged to eat my treats but did really appreciate my love and sat beside my camper for a while, while I gave it all the love it have.
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  • Dag 8


    28 juni 2022, Grekland ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    So on the 27th I traveled from the east of Greece to a bit more south. Where I slept, I couldn't tell you cuz I forgot haha. But I do know I petted some dogs and gave them treats (as usual).

    The next day I arrived at a place where again they said "you will not be alone at this place". And again ofcourse there was nobody.

    So around 2200 I talked with my best friend and he told me that when he was alone in Portugal the way he met people was to go to a bar. So I went of into the silent city looking for a bar. I found one on Google maps that said; "busier than normal". I got very excited but when I got there, there were around 7 old Greek man.

    Ordered myself a beer and got a Sol. I mean wouldn't be my choice of pick but I was happy I got something and they gave me free chips I ate full love.

    After I drank my beer I wanted to order another beer but I really wanted a dark beer. After showing a picture on Google cuz somehow they didn't know what a dark beer was, they said they didn't have that. After trying to explain I wanted something similar I just said out of frustration "just a beer with more alcohol!". They did understood that but gave me the same beer but then with tequila in it.

    After half of the disgusting tequila beer the bartender walked up to me with a shot, didn't say anything, took the shot with me and walked away again. Very confusing but hey i got a free shot!

    Then a very nice woman walked up to me and asked if I wanted to sit at there back and take a shot with them. They were so nice and I had such a good time but man, people who know me, know I can't handle my alcohol. So I got pretty drunk and was like, I'm gonna go home. One of the guys insisted that he was gonna walk me to my camper "cuz it's not safe here". I told him I survived morocco on my own so I think I can handle a little village in greece. But he wouldn't take no for an answer.

    It was a very friendly guy tho he even told me I could use his shower the next day so I was very happy about that.

    After walking me home through he "wild west" I got safely to my camper. You know why? Cuz there was not even a fucking dog on the street. Such a dangerous village huh....
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  • Dag 9

    Free shower!

    29 juni 2022, Grekland ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    So I woke up really really hungover and there is nothing better then being hungover and just chilling in your camper that was (thank the fucking lords) not hot and just chill there all morning and watch some Netflix and sleep and eat pasta. Then I went for a little swim in the ocean and went to lay down on the beach and sleep some more.

    An albanian/greek guy came over to talk but after a while I was more interested in the puppy I met yesterday that was on the beach again. Went there to pet it and talk with the owner who offered me a joint he magically got from inside a tree. Did not get me high but I'm used to it after not getting high from Moroccan hashish.

    Then I texted the guy from yesterday and he even picked me up from my camper to bring me to his house where I could fill up my water, charge my stuff and get a nice long shower. And he had a dog so that was preeeeetty amazing.

    After that we went for dinner, where again he had to pay for the food cuz just imagine not being able to show how manly you are.... but he is very very nice and I did really appreciate the free food. After that we went for some drinks and then I was done for the day and just really needed to sleep.
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