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  • Dag 25

    Chilling in Los Antiguos

    9 februari 2020, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    I took the night bus to Los Antiguos for 12 hours and I didn’t sleep a single one as it was freezing cold and I had my jacket in my rucksack which was in the luggage area in the back of the bus... well I saw a lovely sunrise instead. When I arrived in Los Antiguos I checked in into a lovely Hostel and needed some sleep. 😂

    In the night two other girls arrived, Ina and Ella and we spent the next two days going to the beach, playing card games and having good conversations while drinking red wine 🍷✌🏼

    I think I needed this after four days of hiking everyday and a sleepless night in the bus 😁
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  • Dag 23

    Up to Fitz Roy, Laguna Torre & Pizzaras

    7 februari 2020, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    I had three amazing days of hiking with the perfect weather conditions.
    On day one I hiked up to Laguna de los Tres, where from you are able to see the Mountain Fitz Roy perfectly. I hiked the whole day alone and I didn’t talk to anyone. For some reason I needed that day for just the nature and me. I enjoyed every single second and I was walking super fast too, as I was doing the hike in half the time the Broschure was telling me it would take. The air was so fresh and I had 24 hours of sunshine. I was walking very fast, but took longer breaks, when I took them, and enjoyed to lie in the sun. The trek itself was super diverse too and I almost cried, because everything was so beautiful and I really appreciated that I am blessed to be able to do the whole trip I am doing and get to see so many beautiful places! It definitely has been a sentimental day for me ✌🏼😂

    On day two I did an easier trek. I met an Argentinian girl on the way and we walked it together. Beautiful nature too and the scenery was so different to the day before. The Laguna Torre is not as blue as Laguna de los tres due to the minerals. But in the background you could see glaciers too and the mountain peaks were beautiful!

    I thought I would be tired of walking on day three, as the last two days have been intense. But surprisingly I woke up super energetically in the morning and I wanted to do the Trek to Lima de las Pizarras, which was an altitude difference of 1.000 meters. It was going up the whole time, so I was walking a bit slower compared to the two other days. In the morning it still was quite cloudy, but then the sun came out. I met two German guys on the way and we started walking together and ended up staying the whole day together. When we reached the top, we couldn’t believe what we saw! It was so impressive. We had a 360 degree view and could overlook the big lake Viedma, could look into The Valley where the little village was and we saw the beautiful mountains i saw the two other days already but now, seeing them from a different angle, they appeared so different again.
    In the night we went out for drinks. It’s been a really funny day with amazing viewssss!
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  • Dag 20

    Hitchhiking to El Chalten

    4 februari 2020, Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    I love love love Argentina!
    This morning I hitchhiked, starting from El Calafate, and an Argentinian doctor took me half an hour up to a crossing and after that a dad with his daughter from France were taking me to my next destination. On our way we stopped a lot of times to take photos #tourists. But it was just too beautiful not to stop.
    These endlessly long streets and the beautiful mountain range that started to get closer and bigger!

    As soon as I arrived in El chalten I fell in love with this small village. You can walk in 15 minutes from one end to the other but still there are many people on the streets and lovely restaurants.
    The best thing here is, that you don’t have to pay an entrance fee to go hiking and that you can just walk to the end of the street and start several hiking treks. I am definitely gonna stay a long time, so I can try all the beautiful treks. And also I am very Lucky with the weather! ☀️☀️☀️ I haven’t been properly hiking for days now, so I can’t wait to start the first 22km trek to Fitz Roy tomorrow.
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  • Dag 19

    Hitchhiking to El Calafate and Glacier

    3 februari 2020, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    So I just had my first solo hitchhiking experience. Of course I am gonna choose an extra long route of 272km 😂

    First two men, working in the airport of Puerto Natales took me up to the airport. There I just waited 10 more minutes until two builders took me in a car with three wheels and their giant Bluetooth box with typical Patagonian music up to the Chilean border.
    When I was there, almost no one wanted to pass the border, so I decided on starting to walk with my backpack. I ended up walking around 10km as just motorbikes or full cars were passing me. I think there were 5 individuals passing me in one hour. So I was walking through nothing. There were even some ostriches on the field next to me running around. I felt so cut off of the world😂 and had to worry sometimes if I would even make it to another city on that day. I even considered sleeping on the side of the streets in worst case. Although I just had a sleeping bag and a mattress but no tent... so I carried on walking. I even changed my outfit in the middle of the street as it got too hot.
    And then, just after passing the Argentinian border, finally two girls in a camper took me with them for the next five hours. We got on super well and they were from Germany too! They also wanted to go to El Calafate!

    El calafate is a very cute town with a lovely center and super touristy. I enjoyed walking through the crowd and passing little souvenir shops.

    The next day I hitchhiked early in the morning to the national park “los glaciares” where I wanted to visit the glacier perito moreno! An argentinian and a Spanish man took me and Atheh even paid my entrance fee for the national park which was about 10€! So I gave them all my dulce de leche sweets in return.
    Reaching the glacier was unbelievable and magnificent!!! I’ve never seen that much stunning ice in my life. It is a huuuuuge Ice field and it reaches up to 70m of altitude. The most incredible part is that you can hear the ice cracking. That reminded me of the climate change tho, and now I want to try even harder to live more sustainable to safe our lovely planet 🌎
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  • Dag 18

    Last day at a typical “Estancia”

    2 februari 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Firstly I wanted to stay 3 days, now I ended up staying 10. The quote “El que se apura en Patagonia, pierde el tiempo” reminds me of my situation. Which means, that you rather loose time in Patagonia when you try to rush there.

    On my last day we went to the family of Patricio that lives in the middle of nowhere in the National Park, where they have an “estancia”. It was time that the little baby cows get their mark done and I was allowed to help. So you had to ride the horses and try to catch the little cows with Lassos! you have to be very talented to ride the horse, try to swing the lasso, follow the cow and then even catch it.... too much and too difficult 😂
    It was a super cool experience and especially the nature around us was too beautiful !!!!

    At the end of the day we had an ASADO (barbecue) all together.

    Now I know some really good people in Patagonia!

    Also I ate Calafate which is a little berry, similar to a blueberry, just a little smaller. And there is this saying, that when you have eaten Calafate you sure are gonna come back to Patagonia.
    And I ate a lot of them ! 😋🍇
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  • Dag 15

    More days in Torres del Paine

    30 januari 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    I got the opportunity to see more of the windy and beautiful Torres Del Paine. As my Couchsurfing friend Patricio owns a travel agency, and they were filming an advertisement video for their new website, they needed a “gringa” as their model. And there I am, tall and blue eyes, all they needed 😂😂 (Patricio’s words). So now I get more days in Torres Del Paine for free! Because usually you have to pay 25.000 CL pesos to get in there. I got so lucky!
    We went in there with all the camera team and visited the most beautiful spots for the videos. I just had to stand there, sometimes walking around and smiling a bit, generally acting natural. Nothing special, but apparently I did it well, as they were really happy. It was fun though too! 😂
    We were driving around by car and the scenery can change so quickly! We were passing turquoise lakes and then hilly areas with yellow, dry grass and then there are these biiig mountain ranges in the background covered in snow and embraced by some clouds! I think I will never get over the beauty of this National Park 🏞! It truly is next level beauty 😂
    The most impressive thing we did was definitely the windy pass next to salto grande, where the wind can reach a pace up to 120 km/h 😳
    On one day we took a boat to a little island, where not many people go. We were the only ones on that island and we did even go for a little swim in the ice cold water!!!
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  • Dag 12

    Hiking in Torres del Paine

    27 januari 2020, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    WOW WOW WOW!! YAAAY YAAY YAAAY!! I finally made it to the actual national park 🏞 “Torres Del Paine”. I saw so many photos of this before and couldn’t picture myself actually being there. But here I am, spending a day in Torres Del Paine.
    I decided to do the trek to “Base de Torres” which are the three famous peaks. In the morning it still was a Little rainy, but it didn’t matter, I had my rainwear and I really enjoyed just walking and looking. And even with the fog and the rain it gave the Park some mysterious vibes.
    Later on in the day, the sun came out too. It was a 24km trek with around 1000m altitude difference. I was walking through open valleys, next and through rivers, passed rocky ways and also normal forests. On my way I met Mario from La Serena and we walked together. Also he is a really good photographer, so he took some nice shots of me as soon as we reached our destination! And there I stood in front of the largest Towers I’ve ever seen... we got blown away by that blue, or rather turquoise Lagoon, even though it was cloudy. And the three peaks growing out of the earth like royals and hitting the clouds.
    We sat there for more than an hour, had lunch and just enjoyed this amazing view I wanted to see by myself for so long! 🥰
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  • Dag 11

    Patagonian Festivals in Puerto Natales

    26 januari 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Right, I had to leave Punta Arenas at some point, so my trip is going up north to Puerto Natales, which is the city, the closest to the famous national park “Torres Del Paine” that I wanted to visit for a long time in my life.
    During my bus journey I could see a little bit of the nature. It is rather dry down here due to the winds. So here are not many trees. You’re literally driving through nothing. No mountains, no trees. Just that yellow dry grass. But this is so impressive because it goes on for ages and ages and you can’t see a single house nor a person except for some crazy bikers that are fighting against the winds.

    I actually wanted to start working in a hostel for two weeks and that hostel owner confirmed me I could work for him for two week. But as soon as I arrived he said he had no space for me anymore and I now couldn’t work for him. After that I was really disappointed and a little bit helpless at first as I didn’t know where I could stay. So I looked on Couchsurfing again and LUCKILY there was Patricio who accepted me. Eventually the rejection of the hostel guy was the best that happened to me, because otherwise I would’ve never met Patricio and his friends.

    On the first night, we went to a traditional Patagonian festival of the jinetes. It is a little bit like rodeo, but instead of cows they do it with horses. I was rather impressed by how they could stay on the horses, but also how energetic and wild these horses were, never seen something like that before.
    After that we went out to a Club all together. Well actually just the young people, so we were like 5. We drank a lot of that drink called “Fernet”. Not really my cup of tea, but I can drink it, although I prefer Piscola or Pisco Sour 😝
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  • Dag 5

    Welcome to Punta Arenas

    20 januari 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    I arrived to Punta Arenas very late at night, so I wasn’t able to see what it looked like down here, expect for the Airport. It was a really small one btw. I took an Uber to Arturo, who is my second Couchsurfing experience. Also he welcomed me with a huge smile in his face into his tiny flat, but also we got on super well. He had already cooked the best Risotto I’ve ever eaten and then we stayed up really late as we just had so much to talk about.

    I stayed five days in Punta Arenas. I think I didn’t stay that long because of the city itself, rather because I really enjoyed Arturo’s company as we got on super well and I consider him as a really good friend now! He showed me around Punta Arenas. This city is ALWAYS windy!! 😂 there is no day without wind. Also it has a lovely cemetery, that I visited with two friends I know from earlier travels in Chiloe. It was so funny, we saw each other again. Birger and Lena.
    I still cannot believe I am in the most southern city of Chile.
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  • Dag 1

    Lets go South

    16 januari 2020, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Sooo I just discoverd this application and decided on starting to share my journey with my friends and everyone who is interested in what I am actually doing at the moment. (Maybe also, because I got tired of texting everyone the same stuff) --> so here we are, welcome to my journey and you can enjoy what I get to enjoy.

    I am gonna fly from Concepción to Punta Arenas. But firstly I thought I could get to know Concepción a little bit more. I did spend Christmas over there, but didn’t see that much.
    As I am travelling as a “Low-Budget-Traveller” I am always looking for cheap places to stay, but still seeking to get the most of one place. So I discovered the App “Couchsurfing”. With that App you can stay at a house of the local people for free but in return you gonna exchange some culture or language skills.
    And that first Couchsurfing experience has been great! I stayed at Pablo’s, who is a talented musician. He welcomed me super warmly from the second I entered his home. I got my own room and he is a super tidy person. He had some friends over and I got offered a drink immediately 😂 yeah, the most Chilean people I got to know love drinking! We got on super well and spoke in English and in Spanish. Then we went to a Concert where some very famous traditional band of Chile was playing. The Sun was going down and then there was this one moment where everyone started singing and waving the Chilean flag 🇨🇱! That bond was so strong and I am not sure if they even realised.
    After the concert we went back to Pablo’s house and all of us started doing music together as almost all of his friends are musicians or artists too. The time went by so quickly, but I felt amazingly happy.

    The next day I got to know Concepción a little more. A lot there is destroyed due to the protests that recently happened (still happening) in Chile. All the shops, but especially the big banks are covered and if there’s a shop not covered, all the windows are destroyed. It appeared a bit apocalyptic to me.
    Also we went to the beach nearby. Actually exactly to the point where the river Bío Bío flows into the sea. Super lovely day with perfect weather. I am actually not that keen to go I to the cold now and loose my Teint😂 but I bet the South of Chile and Argentina is gonna blow me away too.
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