2019 Australia Trip

мая - июня 2019
2 week trip to Australia Читать далее
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  • День 1

    Day 1 - Dallas

    25 мая 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    A major thunder storm delayed our flight from Kansas City by more than 2 hours, therefore caused us to miss our connection in Dallas. Instead of spending a day in Sydney, we have to stay in Dallas today.

    We didn’t realize the airline doesn’t comp weather related delays, waited in a long line of people needed to reboot their fights, only to be told we have to find our own hotel. Since we already paid our Airbnb in Sydney, and tonight’s lodging is VERY expensive! And we lost a precious day in our trip! So frustrating!!

    Well, we will try to have a good time in Dallas today. Since we are all dressed for Sydney’s winter weather, and we are not able to retrieve our suitcases, long pants and shirts are not well suited for hot Texas day. Our plan is to go to the Art Museum and stay inside with air conditioning.

    The first stop is Nasher Sculpture Museum. Nasher Cafe by Wolfgang Puck is located inside of the museum. Don’t be fooled by the casual atmosphere and simple menu of the restaurant, the food is actually really good! My salmon salad was so light and tasty!

    The Sculpture Museum itself has a well designed landscape, and some exhibit pieces are very interesting. However I do like the photo I take of Steve and Evan trying to figure out if the “Do Not Touch” sign is a exhibit piece or not. LOL!

    Across street is the Dallas Museum of Art. I like the fact the Museum is free to the public! Steve commented the Ancient art from China (from 5,000 years ago) is better than art from Ancient Rome. I think it’s nice Steve appreciates Asian Art so much!

    Dinner is at a nice Italian restaurant. We all stuffed ourselves since we don’t know when is our next meal.

    Back to the airport, and boarding the exact flight 24 hours late.
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  • День 3

    2019 Australia Trip - Day 2

    27 мая 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Well, after 16 hours of flying, we are finally in Sydney! Unfortunately, our luggage didn’t come with us. After spending more than an hour with Qantas Baggage Service, with them calling both Kansas City and Dallas airports, we discovered our bags are still in Dallas!! This is the 3rd day we have no change of clothes!

    Since we have no idea when they can send our bags to us, the first thing we have to do in Australia is to shop for underwear, socks and shirts at Target! How frustrating!! When that’s done, we are finally starting our sightseeing.

    To kill 2 birds with one stone, we took our super friendly Uber driver’s advice and had a nice buffet lunch at the top floor of Sydney Tower Eye, the tallest building in Sydney. The food was fairly good, however, to continue our bad luck streak, the rain started. The top floor rotate 360 degrees, so we can see the whole city while sitting at our table, but the rain affect our view a bit. Fortunately the rain didn’t last long. By the time we finished our lunch, the rain stopped.

    Walking among hundreds and hundreds of people on the street, we marveled how bustling the city is. On our way towards Darling Harbour, we saw many shops and restaurants lining the streets. Cutting through the vast Hyde Park, many interesting looking birds caught our eyes. Looking closely, we realized they are ibis. They are acting like pigeons! Not afraid of human at all.

    The famous St Mary Cathedral towered over us soon after we started walking. It was a beautiful and majestic culture landmark! Although the Chinese tourists elbowed Steve at the door. The site wasn’t even crowded! I guess they were just so used to do this, they don’t even realize how rude that is.

    Kept walking, we soon found ourselves looking at the famous the Sydney harbor dotted with giant robot sculptures (transformers alike). Very cool indeed.

    Next stop, the Maritime Museum. We visited a tall ship that’s modeled after a captain Cook’s ship, a submarine and a destroy ship called Vampire. Evan was so happy, checking out every corner of all the ships.

    Considering we arrived Sydney at 6:30 AM, and had to rush to every place we visited, everyone agreed that we needed to go back to our Airbnb to shower and rest.

    And that’s exactly what we did. Hot shower! How nice!
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  • День 4

    2019 Australia Trip - Day 3

    28 мая 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

    First of all, an update on our luggage situation. They have finally arrived in Sydney now! Unfortunately, they need to be inspected, which could take up to 48 hours!! We are leaving Sydney on Thursday. So we will see if we can get them before we leave.

    We had a very active day today!

    We joined a small group tour to go to The Blue Mountain. Our driver/guide is a super fun true Australian. He actually calls you mate, and says crikey , full of bad jokes and fun stories. Really likable guy!

    Blue mountain is absolutely gorgeous! We took a cable car across the a beautiful valley, then the world steepest rail train which angled at 52 degrees (Evan loves the thrill of it)! After a nice walk in the rainforest, we took another cable car with a view of a canyon larger than the Grand Canyon!

    Traveling in Australia in winter time can be good and bad. The good thing is that since it’s not a peak season, there are a lot less people around. The bad thing is the fact it’s COLD! Especially on top of the mountain! The bitter cold wind chilled me to the bones.

    As we were waiting for lunch at a fantastic hotel restaurant, Evan noticed there is piano in the hallway with a sign reads only pianist is allowed to play. Evan went to the manager and asked to play. She said go ahead. So Evan sat down and played Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Everyone was stunned with amazement! I was surprised how much he could play without the music sheet.

    Here are the links to his performance:


    Next stop, a wildlife park. What an exciting place! We took pictures with a koala bear, fed some friendly kangaroos (their have really soft tongues and fur! I could feel their teeth when they generally ate food off my hand. At one point, I was feeding 3 kangaroos all at once! So cool!), saw dingos and many, many different types of birds. Evan’s knowledge on animals is astounding! He can often name those animals before we read the information on the fence. What a little know-it-all! But I was happy to see how excited he was the entire time we were there.

    A nice river cruise took us back to Darling Harbour. Dinner was at a Chinese Noodle restaurant where they make noodles by hand. Excellent food!

    By the way, when we are the buffet at Sydney Tower yesterday, we actually ate kangaroos meat and emu sausages. Emu sausages looked like roasted potatoes, and we were all surprised they are weird tasting meat when we bite into them. LOL!

    We had a truly wonderful day today!!
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  • День 5

    2019 Australia Trip - Day 4

    29 мая 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

    We finally got our luggage now! Steve was tired to wait around and went to airport himself instead waiting for them to deliver them. He was shown to a room that had about a hundred misplaced luggage. He immediately found ours, and brought them home. So glad he did that because with so many bags that needed to be delivered, who knows how long we would’ve waited.

    This is the last day in Sydney for us, and we had a lot of activities planned.

    The first thing we did was climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge! This activity allows us to climb to the top of the bridge, scale about 1,400 steps. What made this experience even more memorable is the fact it’s super windy today. At the top of the bridge, the wind reached more than 55 miles per hour!! I don’t think I ever experienced a more windy situation in my life. Our guide said this is the most windy day for him as well.

    Fortunately we were all well prepared. The company gave us jumpsuits, beanies, gloves, fleece and of course, safety harnesses. Even though the wind was threatening to blow us off the bridge, we actually felt very safe.

    We then walked to the Sydney Opera House, joined a guided tour to see the back stages and all theaters. Our tour guide absolutely loves this building! His enthusiasm was fantastic! We had the chance to learn all the history behind this amazing architecture marvel, saw the inner works at the back stages.

    We actually ate at the fancy restaurant instead of the opera house. The food was among the best we’ve ever had! Check out the desert! Shaped like the opera house!

    Sadly we are leaving this wonderful city tomorrow.
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  • День 6

    2019 Australia Trip - Day 5

    30 мая 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today is a travel day. We got up early for our flight to Cairns, didn’t realize how fast and efficient Sydney security line was. By the time we reached our gate, we had an hour to spare!

    As soon as we landed at Cairns, we could feel the warm breeze on our faces. It sure was nice to leave Sydney’s 40 degrees weather behind.

    Show time!! Steve was going to drive on the “wrong” side of the road for the first time! It felt wrong when we got into our rental. Everything was backwards! Even the seatbelts were buckled on the wrong side. Steve kept mistaking windshield handles for turn signals handles, so every time we needed to turn, the windshield started swiping. I think the locals could tell the tourists apart simply by the frequent windshield actions. LOL!

    The drive from Cairns to Port Douglas was absolutely gorgeous!! The coast line was dotted with white sandy beaches. The hour drive was like driving in a paradise.

    Once we arrived at Port Douglas, Steve felt a lot more comfortable driving on the wrong side.

    Our apartment has 2 bedrooms with their own bathrooms, a nice kitchen and a balcony. The beach is just a 2 minute walk away. Everything is absolutely perfect!

    Steve and Evan spent the afternoon swimming while I was chilling on the beach. A relaxing and calm day today.

    Big day tomorrow! Steve and Evan are going to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef!
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  • День 7

    2019 Australia Trip - Day 6

    31 мая 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    We boarded the Quicksilver cruise ship in the morning, after an hour and half, we arrived at the renowned Agincourt Reef, which is at the very edge of Great Barrier Reef. A step away from where Nemo separated from his Dad by grabbing a boat, and brought back to Sydney (for the few people who haven’t seen the movie, this is a scene from “Finding Nemo”).

    The Quicksilver Cruise actually has a pontoon in the middle of the ocean, which is perfect for me since it’s far more stable than a boat, less likely more me to get motion sickness. And since it’s off season, only less than 100 people are on the boat instead of 400 of its capacity.

    Steve and Evan were scheduled with 2 dives, and they started one soon after we arrived at the pontoon. Steve later told me, they saw a lot of fish hiding in and around the corals; countless species and many different sizes. Both of them have Go Pro attached on their wrists, so they took a lot of videos! Can’t wait to see them!

    By myself, I took the submarine ride twice, and had a full lunch (poor Steve and Evan didn’t have much lunch, because by the time they finished they dives, most food was gone!).

    Dinner was at an excellent Vietnamese restaurant. A nice big bowl of pho was exactly what I needed!
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  • День 8

    2019 Australia Trip - Day 7

    1 июня 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Today we went to the oldest Rainforest in the world called Daintree Forest. The drive on the coastline was absolutely lovely! We crossed a river that’s full of crocodiles on a river ferry! Too bad we were not allowed to be out of the car, so we could take a closer look.

    We arrived at Daintree Discovery center, and took some nice walks in the rainforest. Went up to the canopy tower that had a nice view of the top of the forest, and learned a lot of fun facts about the plants and animals. As we were leaving the center, we drove to the wrong direction and had to make an u-turn. After the u-turn, we suddenly saw a car’s headlights! It’s driving directly at us! Steve suddenly yelped “I am driving on the wrong side!” The Australian driver politely waited until we corrected ourselves and drove on.

    Continue on to go deeper into the forest, we passed by an ice cream shop called Floravilla. Let me tell you, this is one of the best ice cream shops in the world! All ice creams were made by hand by an old lady named Betty Hinton, and all flavors were so unique! She made them with local fruits and herbs. I am pretty sure some flavors are not available anywhere else in the world except this very shop! The shop itself is also a garden, with beautiful native flowers surrounding us while enjoying some really amazing ice creams! How awesome is that!

    Next, we went to a boardwalk to a beach. Steve got lost a bit, drove in circles a couple times. Just as we were laughing about it, 2 cassowaries suddenly apparently on the side of the road! Cassowary is a native Australian bird that has some very unique lifestyles (as we just learned at the Discovery Center). The female bird usually lay 4 eggs. After she laid them, she walks away and continue enjoying her life of party. It’s the male cassowary spends 80 days sitting on the eggs until they hatched. Then the Dad will bring his kids around with him for the next a year and half! What we saw, was the rare sighting of a Dad and his chick! Poor guy has to bring his kid with him while trying to find mate. Good luck nice bird!

    Next, we headed to Jungle Surfing - zip line through the rainforest! One fun thing about this zip line is that in order to get to the first canopy, someone has to run in a giant human hamster wheel to get the line moving. Evan had a lot of fun doing it. As we zipped through the forest, the super knowledgeable guides also showed us many cool things to see. Very nice!

    We were finally heading to Cairns and plan to check into the coolest property of the world: a treetop house in the jungle. The owner waited for us to arrive, and showed us around.

    Let me just say this: there is no word to describe how cool this massive tree house is. When we first lay our eyes on it, our mouths didn’t close for at least 10 minutes!! I will try to describe it in details tomorrow, since it’s late now, and we have all day tomorrow to fully utilize everything in here.

    Dinner was 15 minutes drive away at a place called Red Beret Hotel. A very interesting place that’s a hotel, a sports bar, a casino, a kid’s playground, and a fantastic restaurant! Saturday night, many locals were here.

    Evan ordered a 18’ hotdog, and didn’t quite finish it. LOL!

    Finally! After a full day of activities, time for bed!
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  • День 9

    2019 Australia Trip - Day 8

    2 июня 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Woke up by the chirping of the tropical birds. Stepped out to the balcony, gazing into the mountains and the greens in front, with gentle breeze on my face, I felt at peace.

    This tree house is the best property we have ever stayed! With its open floor design, the living room and kitchen open directly to the balcony. There are no exterior doors! I was a little startled when the owner didn’t give us any keys, but since there are no doors against the nature, there is no need to lock out the everything the nature has to offer. The property is well hidden by the rainforest; since it’s opened a decade ago, no one but the guests have visited here.

    There are 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and can sleep up to 10 people (more if people willing to sleep on the huge sofas around the house). There are only 3 of us here today, so the space feels huge. It has a swimming pool, a hot tube and a BBQ. The entire house is elegantly decorated, you can tell the owner has some excellent tastes! With the principle elements of Zen and Peace, perfect combination display of Eastern and Western arts, you truly feel like you just stepped into a piece of paradise!

    Steve made sausages and eggs, I made oatmeal and tea, we had our breakfast at the dinner room which occupies a corner of the massive balcony. A couple wild turkeys and many birds busied themselves in the forest... we felt like we were part of the nature.

    Evan and I jumped into the hot tube after the breakfast. It was so nice and warm! But Steve dragged us out of tube and “forced” us to get the day started.

    Nearby our house was a beautiful waterfall called Crystal Cascades. A very nice walkway took us all the way to the top of the waterfall, about 0.8 mile stroll. Too bad the water was too cold for a swim.

    Next, we drove all the way to downtown area for a farmers market that only opens on weekends. Some tasty street food totally filled my belly. We got some ingredients so dinner can be prepared at our awesome kitchen tonight too.

    Tomorrow, we fly to the Outback for our camping trip. Not sure about the Internet connection there and if I will be able to upload my travel journals. We will see.
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  • День 10

    2019 Australia Trip - Day 9

    3 июня 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    F*#king flies!! Pardon the language, but I’ve never seen this many of flies in my life!

    Our trip to Ayers Rock (the largest rock on earth) will forever be remembered as the place that has millions flies!

    Too bad we were not prepared for them. Some people got flynet which keep them from your face. As for us, if you stand at one place for a minute , the flies would cover you from head to toe! They invade every inch of your body and you face, in your eyes, nostrils and even ears! It’s absolutely horrific!! You have to keep your mouth closed too, because they will fly into it if you don’t.

    Steve was so miserable that he said this is one of the worst experiences he has ever had in his life!!

    However, the Ayers Rock was magnificent! The red rock towering over us against the blue sky, absolutely beautiful!

    We walked around the base of the rock, trying hard to be less annoyed by the flies. But the more you sweat, the more you attracted the flies. People told us, summer time there are even more flies!

    Our camping guide/driver/chef Rita provided some excellent introduction to the native stories and cultures. The natives were the first people ever made bread! Thousands of years ahead of the Europeans.

    We all helped out Rita with dinner preparation and washed up. Veg noodles stir fries and curry chicken. After hours of walking, we were all hungry and tired. Everyone inhaled their dinner!

    Tonight, we sleep in this thing called Swag (kind of like a bigger sleeping bag) which is placed directly on the dirt ground, with no tent, and nothing cover our head.

    Billions of stars are blinking over my head. The Southern Hemisphere has different stars than northern ones. We will have the chance to learn all about them in a few days.

    I am hoping for a good night sleep, and no poison bugs visiting overnight!
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  • День 10

    2019 Australia Trip - Special Update

    3 июня 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

    Special update of or Australian Trip. While sleeping under the stars, I used an app called SkyView, which identifies all the constellations and presents them as images. Here are some of the cool ones in the Southern Hemisphere.Читать далее