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    • Day 6–11

      6.Tag Venedig

      March 21 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Da soll nochmal jemand wegen unseren Straßen in Deutschland meckern..Nach reichlich durchgeschüttel sind wir nun in Venedig angekommen.Campingplatz Fusina gestern schon gebucht.
      Andere kommen an und lassen ihre Sat- Schüssel gleich rumnudeln 🫣 und wir lieber Tisch und Stuhl raus..Käffchen und dann Schiffe gucken.Fahren hier direkt vorbei..Gibt es zwar auch an der Elbe,aber Elbe kann jeder 🤪Read more

    • Day 3

      Strandspaziergang 🐾

      May 7, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nachdem klein Pino wie ein Verrückter Richtung Meer gestürmt ist sah er nach kurzem aus wie ne panierte Ratte ☺️ Jack hat sich eher in Zurückhaltung geübt ist aber immerhin mit den Füßen rein 💪 am Leuchtturm haben wir uns dann mit einem Cappuccino belohnt 😋 zurück am Platz gab‘s im Hundespa erstmal ne warme Dusche 🚿 jetzt ist erstmal chillen angesagtRead more

    • Day 58

      Auf den Spuren meiner Kindheit

      November 16, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Da wir schon so nahe in der Gegend um Jesolo sind, wollte ich mich dann doch auf den Spuren meiner Kindheit bewegen und nach über 40 Jahren mal wieder hier her.

      Jedoch gab es vorher noch einen Stopp bei einem Waschsalon. Wäsche musste mal wieder gewaschen werden. Klasse, dass es so etwas hier gibt. Nach zirka einer Stunde war die Wäsche nicht nur sauber, sondern auch wieder trocken. Wir finden den Service klasse.
      Eine Internetseite verrät uns die Waschsalons in ganz Europa.

      Doch zurück zum eigentlichen Ziel für heute:
      Jesolo, Cavallino.

      Den Großteil meiner Sommerferien haben ich als Kind auf dem Campingplatz Ca'Pasquali verbracht. Meist waren wir 3 Wochen hier und hatten damals so einen kleinen Bungalow. Ca. 4x4 Meter, 2 Stockbetten, kleine Kochgelegenheit, ein kleiner Tisch mit 4 Stühlen
      Verrückt, oder? Wer von euch war auch dort? Gibt's gerne zu.

      Alle Campingplätze haben hier aktuell geschlossen. Klar, ist ja keine Saison mehr. Deshalb haben wir uns auf die Park4Night App verlassen und stehen heute in erster Reihe direkt am Strand in Punta Sabbioni beim Leuchtturm. Keine Touristen weit und breit. Keine Bade-Latschen oder aufblasbare Schwimmflügel. Die meisten Läden sind geschlossen.

      Dennoch herrscht großes Treiben auf der Fähre von und zu Venedig. Wir lassen allerdings Venedig links liegen. Vielleicht besuchen wir die Lagunenstadt im Frühjahr nächsten Jahres.

      Der große Parkplatz entlang der Küste ist leer und zur Zeit auch gebührenfrei. Im Sommer muss hier die Hölle los sein. Definitiv nichts für uns.

      Es ist schon ein besonderes Gefühl, diese alten Erinnerungen wieder wach werden zu lassen. Selbst der Geruch hier kommt mir vertraut vor. Natürlich hat sich sehr viel verändert. Aber ab Cavallino war mir die Alleenstraße wieder bekannt. Jesolo erkenne ich nicht mehr. Es gab doch da auch mal eine Gokart Bahn? Da hatte ich so einige Runden gedreht.

      Natürlich machen wir morgen kurz Halt am Campingplatz Ca'Pasquali selbst. Ein Erinnerungsfoto muss sein. Zumal es morgen wieder etwas sonnig sein soll. Gelatti, Pizza oder gar Spaghetti? Mal sehn, was überhaupt geöffnet hat.

      Emma genießt den menschenleeren Strand wie wir. Hier flitz und tobt sie ohne Halten. Vor und zurück und wieder vor. Wie ein Duracell Hase. Nur ins Wasser, da geht sie nicht rein und findet es spooky, das ich da rein gehe.

      Der Platz war gerade richtig für heute, konnten wir noch einen fantastischen Sonnenuntergang genießen.
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    • Day 14

      Buongiorno Venezia, Italia

      November 16, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Buongiorno! Come va? We depart Innsbruck, Austria, approximately 0730 am and are crossing the Italian border by 0800.

      At some point during the evening, my phone had died and my beautiful deep sleep was interrupted at 0600 by the landline ringing in my room. I felt I'd experienced some divine intervention. Some confirmation from the universe that my journey, both through Europe, and indeed, life itself was guided by a higher power. I had not requested a wake-up call, yet I was woken in good time to ensure I wasn't left behind. I then shared my (spiritual!) story at breakfast. And it was explained to me Luigi had told us all that wake-up calls had been arranged for everyone. Bubble burst. I finish breakfast. Pack my play lunch and big lunch, and board the coach. Another country. Another spoon stolen.

      Venice. Unassuming as we approach by ferry. Once we'd arrived though. Wow. I'm not sure I can find words to describe the beauty of this city. The intricate detail and opulence. The soaring monuments, colour, the marble and statues. The art. The history. The turquoise waters of the canals. This city breathes romance and I can't help but wish I had a love to share this moment with.

      We weave our way to Murano glass, an icon of Venice, and I'm captivated by the glass blowing process. I mentally commit to the classes I've been meaning to do forever. I splurge on a set that speaks to my soul. No regrets. Keep an eye out for that delivery Dad 🤑. You may need to pay the sales tax 😉.

      Michelle, my new found best American compadre and I, board a Gondola with 2 lovely ladies in our group, single though travelling together. We are dismissed of the romance. Our gondolier must too be a divorcee, jaded in this city of love. I take control and play "That's amore" through my spotify. It suffices, though it seems more appropriate to blast milkshake. We're all soon singing along to milkshake through the canals of Venice. It does not however, bring any boys to the yard.

      I sit alone in a Cafe and appropriately order an Italian merlot. Tiramisu. And delight in the beauty of Italy 🇮🇹 .

      Salute to new friends, and Graci Venezio, graci.
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    • Day 30

      Day Thirty: Venice

      April 14 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Today was the classic Venice experience starting with some Gondola. We almost didn't do that because we both thought it was a cable car... I'm glad we did because now I can say I have! We also had to take specific photos around venice for a little competition, which was a total blast! I do love the romance one, ahaha. We had some spirtz as well, and we played a game called Buffalo where if you don't drink with your non dominant hand, you have to finish your drink. Our buddy called me on it twice in a row... I had a good time here as it was very beautiful but we were stuck there for 8 hours... I ran out of stuff to do very quickly, and I was bored out of my mind while feeling like ass. Turns out it was also allergies because I took a pill right before we left, and I felt way better. Wish I took it sooner...Read more

    • Day 11

      To Marta, with love 💚🤍❤️

      September 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Twenty Six years ago we worked together at the Empire Cinema, in Leicester Square, London… Oh! the joyful memories we have and constantly recollect upon… The concessions stand; selling popcorn 🍿 and hotdogs 🌭 ushering in celebrities and sitting through screenings of Jerry Maguire, the Fifth Element and Fierce Creatures more times than we can wish to remember… I love that we always reminisce and wish we could go back in time, even just for a day… With hindsight, and with the wisdom of getting older… Every time we return to London we both stand at the gates of with tears in our eyes; with sheer joy of being back in the city, we loved then, but even more now…

      We were blessed to celebrate our beautiful Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 👑👜 🇬🇧 together last year, just before she sadly passed away…

      Today, you showed me the true heart of Venice… The most beautiful city I can remember experiencing in such a long time… Thank you for taking me to your favourite trattoria and encouraging me to have the special deliciousness at Gelato 🍧 Nico… It was a memory I will treasure forever…

      I had forgotten how much passion and joy, feeling and emotion you bring to any situation… It reminded me of the most amazing experience that we had working together in 1997, and last year celebrating the Jubilee… memories and experiences are worth so much more than anything material… Just priceless!

      I treasure the knitted Queen and now I will also treasure… King Charles and Queen Camilla. But, as discussed, they will be placed at a suitable distance to Her Majesty 👑😱😝

      You may not even comprehend how important today’s meeting was for me… My day started off very badly, and you created a very special experience that will live with me until the day I die.…

      As I am writing this my heart is full…your friendship means the world and thanks from the deepest depths of my heart for introducing me to Venice: City of Beauty, Strength and Longevity
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    • Day 8

      Beautiful Venice

      September 29, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      We love our room here, with the very Italian decor and enormous four-poster bed…and we feel totally independent - we come and go with no interaction with reception as they are on the other side of the campo…there is a perfect pasticceria just below us with juice squeezed, coffee and delicious pastries. We couldn’t find satisfactory pastries in Rome, but Venice has redeemed the standard of Italy…

      After breakfast we walked to the station along the main route, just to test how far, and how difficult it would be to wheel bags! Venice is not amenable for cripples! Anyway, we decided it wasn’t too bad, and walked back and on to the Accademia where we had booked entry for 10.30. Had a lovely time there, there was a glass exhibit, but all the old works by Venetian masters were what we really loved - lots of Bellini, Tintoretto, Titian and our very favourite enormous painting by Veronese of Feast at the House of Levi…just wonderful with so much funny detail…once we had found that we were satisfied.

      It was a cool morning when we set off, and clear and blue sky…(I don’t think I’ll ever check the weather app again)…!! After the gallery we wandered along to Santa Maria della Salute. Bought a sandwich and ate them on a park bench….we noticed the water is quite high, and walking along to Salute, where the water is the lagoon and not an inside canal, it was lapping over the edge when boats went past…a bit tricky walking…sat and admired the view from Salute and gondolas floated past, with gondoliers singing “funiculi funicula” …only in Venice!…and when we finally got back to S Marco the piazza actually was flooded and they had put up the walkways to walk above the water…it wasn’t very bad, but Amr and I have never experienced the acqua alta before, so it is an experience…just hope it doesn’t get too drastic in the next few days!

      Tomorrow is Amr’s birthday, and we have decided to have his birthday dinner tonight (and that will be his birthday in Oz) as tomorrow night we go to a concert in La Fenice, the famous opera house which was destroyed by fire a while ago, and I have never been inside…so tomorrow we will have a small early dinner before that, and tonight we can enjoy dinner at leisure.

      We have booked a restaurant right near our hotel and right on a canal. Before that we are going to walk along the Fondamente Nuove, and to the Jewish quarter. Just looked out the window and see that it is in fact raining!!! Clouds seem to come and go quickly here - it did sprinkle slightly a while ago, then I saw sun and shadows…we’ll still venture out, maybe with umbrellas.

      …well we did venture out and had a lovely walk to the Jewish quarter, and then along the Fondamente Nuove with a wonderful view over to San Michele, the cemetery island, and with a cloud view showing the very fickle weather here…it rained and it was sunny during our walk…We passed the hospital, with the dock for ambulance boats (as in the Donna León detective books) then we walked back, stopping at a little square near the huge church of S Giovanni and S Paolo for a pre dinner drink…we have noticed that EVERYONE is drinking aperol spritz…it is THE cocktail…wherever we go..! I usually have Campari (which is also de rigueur) and Amr does have an Aperol! So we fit in! Arriving back in S Marco the high tide had receded and the alta acqua boards had been taken down (till the next high tide)..then went to the restaurant for dinner…lovely special birthday dinner, right near our hotel.

      We walk a lot…usually around 20 kms a day…today Amr’s Apple Watch said 20 and mine said 18, but we had been walking together…so who knows…but we are keeping fit and active!
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    • Day 7

      Arrival in Venice

      September 28, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      A very smooth 4 hour train trip to Venice, and we are enchanted as arrival here always makes you feel! We took a vaporetto to Ca’ d’Oro near our hotel as Amr’s bag would be rather hard to drag far…found our little hotel tucked in a small corner. Our room is in a separate building nearby, and thankfully our man carried the big bag up the 2 flights of stairs!! Charming room, looking over a little campo and we are in heaven…

      Set off straightaway as we needed to walk after such a long sit, and wandered and got a bit lost, and found ourselves, walked to S. Marco piazza and along the riva Schiavoni, beyond where the thickest crowds are…it is milling with people in the main popular areas, and very slow moving along the narrow streets…just have to be patient and enjoy. We realise we have only been here in winter when crowds are definitely limited. But it is fun and gorgeous. We found and booked our favourite restaurant - still going strong - where we used to come frequently…asked for an 8pm booking, but could only get 8.30 (glad we thought to book!)…but we will never starve - there are so many eateries everywhere, and specially round where we are staying. It is not raining, and in fact there is high cloud with small blue patches and brightness shining through, making a magic light. Just lovely.

      Now back from a perfect dinner at A La Rivetta…Amr first went there in 1983 and we have been there every visit since and it never disappoints. We have booked again for Saturday. (Paul you will have been there with us in 1991 if you can remember!)…after a bit of a break in our room we set off at 7.30 and walked back to S Marco and through and on past the very expensive upmarket shops and found the route to La Fenice where we have a concert booked on Friday. Then walked further towards the Accademia, before turning back to the restaurant. The Piazza S Marco looked much better at night - less people, and the scaffolding on part of the basilica hardly shows at night…we took some art photos, and Amr did some art canal night photos.

      Got to the restaurant at 8.30 and it was bustling…such fun. To my delight I spotted baby cuttlefish a la griglia on the menu - I guessed it was the Venetian equivalent of my Spanish favourite - chiperones a la plancha, and it was…perfect…Amr had bacalao with polenta, and we had buttered spinach and bean and onion salad…SOO good. And even ended with an amazing panna cotta, with caramel crunchiness scattered over - MasterChef worthy! I think we are going to enjoy our time in Venice.
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    • Day 9

      Prunk und Protz auf hoher See

      July 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Kutschen. Die schwimmen können. Und das ganz ohne Pferde?!

      Heute war es endlich soweit! Die hohe See ruft. Oder so ähnlich. Es ging nach Venedig.

      Die kleinen kurvigen Sträßchen in der Toskana werden wir definitiv vermissen. Dafür wurden wir heute mit etwas anderem außergewöhnlichen belohnt. Eine Übernachtung im Herzen Venedigs. Und nicht nur in irgendeinem Hotel.

      Ich weiß nicht genau, was mich geritten hab, als ich dieses Hotel gebucht habe, aber so viel Gold und Deckenbemalungen hatte ich tatsächlich noch nie in meinem Zimmer.

      Doch auch der Rest der Stadt ist wie erwartet ganz einzigartig schön.
      Die vielen kleinen Brücken über die unzähligen Kanäle. Geschäfte, Restaurants und Eisdielen in jeder Gasse. Der Markusplatz, die Rialtobrücke und überall dazwischen fahren die Gondeln Touristen umher.

      Alles perfekt, wäre da nicht diese Hitze. Heute hat es uns echt ziemlich erwischt. Der Weg vom Parkhaus in die Stadt, der Weg zum Hotel und anschließend die Sightseeingrunde durch die Stadt.
      Ich wurde quasi selbst zu einem kleinen Venedig (Nass bis auf die Socken).

      Doch mit genug kühlen Getränken und einem guten Abendessen haben wir auch das überstanden und freuen uns morgen schon auf das Frühstück.
      Danach machen wir uns zeitnah auf nach Wien, wo das nächste Abendteuer bestimmt schon auf uns wartet.
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    • Day 8

      Crappy room. Marvelous views.

      October 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      We had a dreadful day traveling to Venice. I got sick and missed the starting time of our tour of the beautiful decorated church just outside my window. Dad went to a pharmacy and found me some Dont-throw-up medicine. We stepped into a different tour and the fabulous church on the outside was really dark and dreary inside. Missed trains, wrestling 50lb luggage over cobblestones all with a stomach bug and pounding headache. And doing all that over an unnecessary mile because we were directed to the wrong platform a quarter mile past the train station! Dad had to purchase different tickets for a later train. All told, 3 1/2 hours in the train station with no seating. But here we are! Dad actually got all excited on the water taxi (more of a bus) because he'd never done that before. We were rescued by a brawny young woman who carried our bags up 3 flights of twisty narrow stairs to a crummy flat, but who cares? We haven't ventured out yet, mostly resting up, but the views just from my apartment made all of yesterday worth it.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Provincia di Venezia, Venedig, Venice, Venecia, Venise, Venezia, Veneza

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