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    • Giorno 17

      Accomodations we have stayed in so far

      Ieri, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      We have experienced the highs and lows in terms of sleeping accommodations so far. We shared a room with 6 people in a municipal, when an alberque made a mistake regarding our arrival date, we have shared a single room for 4, an apartment with 2 bedrooms, a swanky white bathrobe type hotel. I've had access to a hairdryer exactly 4 times in 16 days.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 17–18

      Day 16 to Carrión de los Condes

      Ieri, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Cold morning... flat road... this would've been great to run! So therefore I decided to take it super slow... contemplating life & stuff... 20km alone... was good though. The aim is to not arrive in the next town before lunch... cause then it's just too long to hang...

      Saw 2 runners... and felt a bit jealous.

      Came to a crossroad where you can either go left or right... I took the right hand side arrow and glad I did... was stunning under trees and next to a river... the Left side is next to a road!

      Saw the lady with injured knee again... she does not give up!
      Met 3 young cyclists from Spain last night and they flew past today! Having a total jol!

      Ps. Saw Michael (from Pamplona) in the Supermarcado... I think there's a sweet love developing!!! (Between him and young Korean girl... looks like they're hanging together)

      Pss. Met Miguel from Muxia!! His first Camino
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    • Giorno 15

      Day 15 Atapuorca

      20 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      (No wifi yesterday, so this is posted a day late.) The climb this morning was beautiful. We walked a long way through a very pretty forrest where we heard cuckcoo birds calling, just like a clock. In the small town of Ages, a local lady asked if we would like to see the local church, so we got the key to it and opened it to show us. We are staying in Atapuerca in an albergue that has a kitchen and family room. We visited Atapuerca, a Unesco World Heritage site, where one million years old human remains were found. Big news: we have walked 273 kilometers so far. That equals 163 miles completed. Or 40 miles more than from STL city to Columbia, MO.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 13

      Ciudad de les Arts

      21 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nachdem wir unser Wohnmobil abgestellt hatten, fuhren wir sofort mit dem Fahrrad nach Valencia. Die gesamte Strecke fuhren wir auf gut ausgebaute Fahrradwege. Heute wollten wir uns noch unbedingt das Ciudad de les ArtsLeggi altro

    • Giorno 35

      Santiago 3

      21 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Noch ein Tag in Santiago, Wetter unverändert, daher mach ich heute Sightseeing in Santiagos Gassen und am Markt, der wirklich alles bietet. Lass es gemächlich angehen. Geh noch ein bisschen in Shops stöbern, essen, einkaufen zum Essen und Wasser und am späten Nachmittag wieder nass ins Hostel. Dort treffe ich auf 4 deutsche Pilger und einen Australier und es wird ein netter Abend, an dem viele Infos ausgetauscht wurden, da jeder einen anderen Camino machte und einer war mit Rad unterwegs.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 8–9

      Puente la Reina to Estella

      20 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We left Puente La Reina this morning looking back at the Historical bridge over the River Arga. Apparently the bridge was built for pilgrims in the 11th century. We take a right following the yellow arrows up along past the River Arga and then we start our climb upwards, there is good views back over Puente La Reina from up top. We stop at Mañeru for our first coffee of the day. We then continue and pass vineyards, olive trees and many wild flowers, the countryside is just so beautiful. The next village we go through is Cirauqui with its narrow cobbled streets and what a climb it was to get to the top. The church of San Roman stands at the highest point. We then make our way down the other side and make our way towards Estella. We stop at the village of Lorca for coffee and eat our picnic lunch (ham and cheese roll). We carried on to Estella, registered at Albergue Municipal de Perigrinos, showered then went out exploring. We picked up some pasta meals at the supermarket and had dinner at the Albergue.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 9

      Wow! What a day!

      21 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      It may have been rainy but it was a perfect day because of what God did!

      We’ve have been praying that God would intersect us with people that needed to be encouraged on the Camino with the hope that only Jesus can provide.

      And today was THAT day. Meet Maya & Malikwa. They are students that met at an exchange program in Japan. They are doing the Camino to build their friendship but also look for answers. They are both in relationships with guys they aren’t sure they should be with or move on. They asked God, “ we need answers but not sure what to do.”

      Well, God showed up! As Brett & I began walking today we ‘just happen’ to be behind them. We could hear them processing God, relationships and the future. And as our paths crossed we began talking.

      Here is what God did:

      - We found out one of the girls parents live in Vegas.
      - We talked for 2 hours about relationships, building a solid foundation, how do you know if he’s the ‘right’ guy and then began talking about faith, where they were with God.
      - They asked us questions about relationships, marriage and faith.
      - We ended our time sharing God’s truth, our testimony and at the end we exchanged numbers and prayed over them.
      - She texted an hour later saying, “Hi! Great talking to you and your wife. Thanks so much for the spiritual and relationship guidance . Next time I’m Vegas I would love to meet up again”.

      And then God did it again…

      - An hour later during our walk we met Joe. He’s been walking the Camino for 42 days, he’s doing all 500 miles. He has 4 days left. He felt God asked him to do this walk but wasn’t sure why.
      - I asked him what question is he bringing to God, he said “I need forgiveness” We spent the next hour talking about God’s forgiveness and at the end we prayed together and exchanged numbers. Only God.

      Oh by the way, did I mention he’s 70 years young. 💪🏽

      On a side note I had octopus today 🐙. It was squishy and rubbery. And awesome!

      Today was a very good day.


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    • Giorno 16

      Day 4 Cycling Coastal Camino Oia to Vigo

      21 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we ride 40+ km from Oia to Vigo. We had rainshowers during breakfast and were treated to some local fisherman out on the rocks fishing for mussels according to our host. One of them fell in then they get right back up on the rocks. Tough work.

      Your journey continues along the coast,cycling past small fields and villages before reaching the pretty resort town of Baiona following the coastal road to its marina. We are following an alternative route to the official Camino from Baiona to Vigo here, which is closer to the coast. The official Camino involves several complicated
      forest sections which we don't recommend for bikes. The historical centre of Baiona
      is worth exploring, with many medieval buildings and several religious monuments. The view towards the ocean is dominated by the Monterreal Fortress, and you can also go onboard a replica of La Pinta Caravel, one of the ships used by Christopher Columbus. As you leave Baiona behind, you'll continue to follow the coast to the city of Vigo.

      We took our starting group photo after our hearty breakfast and headed out. We got right back onto the bike path by our hotel then followed the trail through some of the village and kept either on the bike path or little detours here and there past horses and houses but staying along the coast. We came across one of the largest stone piles from various locals and pilgrims and had fun looking at the painted rocks. In one part of the mountain we saw the old cannons fortifications built into the rock. It was a really rocky shoreline until we got to Baiona which had beautiful sand beaches. Coming into Baiona, we had a nice descent into the town. There was a large statue overlooking the town and the Monterreal fortress. This is definitely a fishing and tourist town based on the seafarer statues and symbols and the beautiful beaches. We stopped for a coffee and pharmacy break, then got going out of town. We came across a really nice red and white tiled area, waved to a school group on a field trip and made our way to a beach to eat our lunch. We stopped at Praia (beach) America. A lovely man stopped and asked if he could take a photo for us. After, Joanne discovered he took a selfie photo of himself as well🤣🤣We had a very friendly dog stop and hang about because he could smell our food. His owner came over and we tried a bit of a conversation then eventually he got his dog to go!! We enjoyed the beautiful scenery while eating. We had a couple of steep hills and meandered until we got to a nice gravel path along a little river. With 7km to go we had an older man who heard our bike bell but panicked and didn't know which way to go to get out of our path. I braked and the gravel grabbed my tire and down I went. My knee and hands took the brunt. I had to sit for a moment and get cleaned up with bandaids on my one hand but just left my knee until I could clean it up at the hotel. Just another part of the adventure😬🤭
      We found the last 4 km the worst trying to navigate up hills, along busy roads, through forested paths in parks, up steep hills and just when we thought we arrived our own gps said we were still 10 min. away. This is the part of their navigation app that needs work. This happened 2 days in a row, where we still had km to go to get to the actual hotel even though it shows we have arrived🤪😝 I cleaned up my scrapes and Anthony got some ice for my knee and then he and Joanne ran out to check on some changes to our train ticket from Santiago de Compostella back to Porto. A really great ride today with fantastic scenery. An okay meal in the hotel, then more icing and off to bed. We done a total of 178 km in 3 hrs 42 min.
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    • Giorno 420

      L’appel du voyage, excursion espagnole

      7 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Se reconnecter aux autres laissé·e·s derrière nous. Une plongée au sein d’une vie presque antérieure. Un bouillon d’émotions disparates. Une bouffée d’air à la fois ressourçante et chargée de questionnements vertigineux.

      Esquisser le dessin de « l’après ». Construire autour de nos nouvelles envies. Balayer une à une les potentielles trajectoires. Si il y a bien une chose que le voyage nous a enseigné, c’est que le chemin est aussi important, riche et intéressant que la destination.

      L’appel du voyage renaît. L’envie d’un ailleurs proche à partager, le temps de quelques jours. 🇪🇸

      C’est dans le parc national d’Ordesa et Monte Perdido que nous retrouvons notre amie Marine (❤), non loin de la frontière naturelle que tracent les Pyrénées, entre la France et notre voisine flamboyante espagnole. En traversant le tunnel nous permettant de quitter le pays, un léger crépitement au creux de nos cœurs se ranime et nous filons vers le soleil, l’esprit aventureux.

      Au bord d’une rivière vive à l’eau claire, nous fêtons nos douces retrouvailles jusqu’à la nuit tombée, dans un écrin de basses montagnes verdoyantes à la végétation luxuriante et aride.

      Des travaux dévient notre itinéraire. Nous voici grimpant sur une route pittoresque aux innombrables « miradores » à couper le souffle. Nos deux maisons sur roues s’engagent sur une piste étroite abrupte jusqu’au minuscule village de Sercué. C’est au départ de ce lieu que nous entamons notre descente dans les profondeurs du canyon d’Añisclo, brèche étroite tranchée à vif dans la montagne (l’un parmi les plus grands d’Europe !) où chemine dans une course folle le rio Bellos.

      Ancienne vallée glaciaire, celle d’Ordesa tire sa majesté dans ses eaux furieuses et limpides et sa végétation dense sur fond lointain de pics encore enneigés. L’érosion a sculpté le paysage affirmé actuel survolé par une multitude de rapaces planant constamment au-dessus de nos têtes.

      Le lendemain, une nouvelle randonnée nous attend ; l’envie de s’enfoncer dans les tréfonds du parc national nous gagnant. La forêt guide nos pas le long de rio Azaras s’écoulant en une foultitude de cascades. La nature nous démontre là encore sa créativité, dévoilant des rideaux d’eaux sonores, ainsi qu’une succession d’escaliers en chute libre. Impossible de rester impassible face à la puissance vibrante de l’élément. Nous retrouvons cet effet apaisant que procure la contemplation des cascades, leur bruit prenant insidieusement possession de nos cerveaux et délivrant une sensation de bien-être absolu. On respire l’air à plein poumon comme nous l’avait enseigné notre séjour dans le Tyrol autrichien et mettons le mental fourmillant en pause, de côté.

      Note à moi-même : ne jamais sous-estimer le pouvoir méditatif d’une chute d’eau ! 😇
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    • Giorno 25

      The Scariest Day!

      19 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Chapter I : Sliding to certain death!
      We pack up and head off for the next stopover, Darren has found on Park4night what looks like a very interesting place to visit and stay tonight. It’s a huge gorge with a lovely little river that flows along through the bottom of it. Apparently you can drive down a steep stony gravel road to get to the bottom and park there for the night.
      Well...we arrived at the top of the gorge and thought we better just check the road down to the river just to make sure we would be able to turn Ivy around to get back up. All seemed ok, plenty of space at the bottom to park up and turn around to get back up. The road was a bit sketchy as it was loose stones and gravel but it seemed doable. Darren waited with Bliss half way down the road and I went up to get Ivy. I must admit I was feeling a bit of trepidation as I started down the road but didn’t expect that when I put my brakes on to go down slowly that Ivy would continue to slide down the hill on the loose gravel 😬🫨🥺 to say I sh** myself would be quite a major understatement!! Then when she did stop sliding after about 4ft I put her into reverse and she just dug herself a hole in the loose gravel! Oh dear! We’re going to get stuck! Now Darren signals I have to go forward again (against all my instincts as just 20ft in front of me is the edge of the gorge with a drop of something like 50ft) so that I can reposition the tyres onto fresh ground that hopefully we won’t slide on when I make another attempt to reverse her back up the hill to safety. Shi**ing my pants I manage to move her forward and then whilst kicking up stones and gravel gradually she starts to pull herself back up the hill. Slipping, sliding horizontally as she goes.
      We get to safe level ground and just sit and breathe for a while. Thanking God (and Ivy) for not making today my last!

      With shaky legs we went for a walk down to the lovely little river at the bottom of the gorge. Wild flowers growing all around us and lots of birds, swifts darting around the cliff edges catching bugs and flies. The spot we’d hoped to take a cold water dip really did look inviting with its shingle beach and tropical coloured water, but somehow we'd lost the motivation for that now.

      After all the excitement we thought we would find somewhere close by that would be nice and safe to park for tonight.

      Chapter II : Lambs to the slaughter
      There was a nice little hermitage nearby with plenty of space to park on flat ground so we headed for that. We arrived and on first sight thought this is okay, lovely tended gardens full of roses all around the chapel. We got out to stretch our legs and let Bliss see where we were and started exploring around the immediate area. The chapel was very old, it had bars on the windows and was all locked up. We walked around the perimeter of it and came across a water fountain and around that some stone seats. On first glance you’d think that’s nice but when you have watched as many horror films as we have you can see the slightly darker side of this place. It looked like somewhere seances and sacrifices might happen. 😂 Continuing on around the corner we come across a big wooden door with sheet metal across the bottom, a large metal chain with padlock and at the top of the door we are horrified to discover what looks like a fresh deers foot NAILED to the door!! 😳. A cloven hoof is the sign of Satan right?

      We swiftly get back in the van and discuss the findings. Darren is completely freaked out by the creepy stuff we’ve seen whilst I think it’s just funny to be honest. 😂 Darren was allowed to watch Hammer House of Horrors as a small child and to be fair all the ingredients are here.

      It starts raining and thundering so we decide we’d better stay put now as it’s getting a bit late to be moving again. Then out of the rain a bunch of people suddenly turn up (we’re in the middle of nowhere remember and the nearest habitation is a few miles away!) what the hell are they even doing here in the rain? No car, they’ve walked here! Why would they do that?

      Now Darren is even more freaked out so I try to logically explain why they might be here. They have been caught out on a walk in the rain and are seeking shelter until the rain stops. Obvs 🙄
      Then more random people walk past in the rain and then walk past again going back the other way. Darren’s now convinced we’re going to be human sacrifices tonight 😂 especially when we finally settle down for the night and just before midnight a car drives past us on the dead end road and then drives back past again. It’s dark, it’s raining, there’s flashes of lightning and roaring thunder. Darren is totally convinced we’re on the vampire’s menu tonight. 😳☠️👻👺👹😬
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