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    • Giorno 36

      The old rugged cross/Beautiful people (M

      16 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Om 8 uur vertrokken van gastvrije camping bij Hospital de Orbigo ri. Astorgia waar ik Ebi (worldtraveller, met 11000 km op de teller, grapjas)voor het eerst zag. Even bakkie doen in deze mooie stad...met kathedraal, jip, maar dan toch ri. Cruz de Ferro (zie tekst op foto) Op det hoogtepunt zijn mensen mooi....sterk in hun kwetsbaarheid. Altijd een emotioneel moment. Een plek om te bidden, te mediteren of gewoon te mijmeren. Ik laat niks tastbaars achter, wel mijn piekermomenten en mijn onzekerheden. En berg afroetsjen (met helm , beloofd Evie :) op zoek naar een albergue in het mooie dorp aan de voet van deze hotspot. Het werd Molinaseco een toeristisch dorpje. Kon gelijk kamer krijgen voor €60. Niet gedaan, ik ben pelgrim=sober geen toerist. 2e helft afgekeken, bedankt Wout voor de mooie treffer. Ok, inchecken douchen en eten. Voldaan gevoel, zeker na zo'n spectaculaire afdaling...veilig beneden😇 Morgen rustig aan.🚴fijne avondLeggi altro

    • Giorno 7


      16 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Bilbao is crazy, it's a city in a dip between hills that has expanded into the hill slopes. Streets in the outskirts where my hostel is are so steep they are joined by steps.
      Today (25km, 700m ascent) started with descending out of the mountains then walking beside a highway for several miles. I stopped for tea and cake. Then we turned left up into forested hills with a mad steep climb of 300m to Monte Avril park, then approached Bilbao from these heights with amazing views over the city.
      Our albergue provided a lovely meal last night and I ate with Hungarian Levi, French Christine and Clermont, and a civil servant from North London called Chris. All travelling solo. This morning they joined me in a chorus of happy birthday to my daughter over breakfast.
      I'm enjoying saying 'egon on' to local people (good morning in Basque). Always gets a smile and a returned greeting and sometimes a chuckle.
      Just seen Clermont who is at the same hostel as me tonight and he's a bit cross about the 'unnecessary' climb up to Monte Avril when he could have taken the road!
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    • Giorno 41

      Day 39 The Cathedral at Santiago

      15 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Stayed overnight at a fabulous pension in Finnestar called Memories of Sophia. Jorge prepared a huge breakfast, and we scored the last 2 seats on the express bus back to Santiago. The jump seats. Facing backwards, lol.
      In Santiago we enjoyed lunch with Chris from Arkansas who began walking with us on our 2nd day in the Pyrenees Mountains. We toured the cathedral, saw the crypt where St James (Santiago) is buried, walked behind and hugged the huge statue of Santiago in the enormous alter. We previously took the rooftop tour of the Cathedral de Santiago during mild rain showers, and the tour was semi frightening. We walked all over the huge, wet, sloping granite roof. Until the 1940s, the bell ringer lived on the roof with his family! His kids would play football on the enormous roof. We attended the Pilgrims Mass at the cathedral, and the 5 foot tall butofunao (insence burner) did NOT fly at the end of mass. At a mass earlier in the day, six men pulled ropes to swing it high into the air. I've posted a friends video of this made earlier today. Dinner tonight with friends we started with on the Camino. We all arrived in Santiago within hours of each other.
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    • Giorno 25–26

      Fromista - Meseta

      30 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      I forgot to post about Frómista ….MESETA

      I think it’s because this is where I wandered off the trail and added some kilometers to my hike. I was a bit delirious. 🤣. Attached are two videos of me being bored and walking and taking video.

      There is one more video but this app won’t post it because it too long. It’s the one where I am singing and I get lost!! 🤣🤣

      After a long day of walking and getting lost off the trail, I told Amy

      There are lots of snails…. And…..

      “ I don’t think I’m on the Camino de Santiago to learn how to live my life, I think I’m on the Camino de Santiago to kill myself !! surely there is a more efficient way to do this!!!!”

      It’s a JOKE!! And I felt it!!🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪

      The things I look forward to when I arrive at a bar is a hard boiled egg! FOR REALZ!!!💜💜💜

      Also I love the pickle and olives marinated in vinegar and spice. Olives especially when it’s hot. With a beer!! I drank the olive juice as well.

      we had dinner with our Camino friends at a small restaurant. We shared our body aches our toes problems. We talk about the gross foot problems at dinner!!

      Cheryl and two fellas from Spain and Uruguay. The two guys spoke little English and we managed to have some small dinner conversation.

      They were very kind men. Gentlemen.

      Cheryl and I chomped on some Iberico Ribs.

      Nice little village.

      First picture is of the detour sign I missed.
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    • Giorno 17


      15 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Transfertag ist eigentlich doof, weil man viel Auto fährt. Also Frühstück und dann erst mal alles startklar machen für die Tour. Dann geht es los und mit Mautoption Richtung Santiago, denn dort müssen wir die Räder 🚲 abholen. Parkplatz haben wir uns ausgesucht, doch der will uns nicht. Also suchen und so finden wir einen Anwohnerparkplatz in einer Seitenstraße. Ob das mal gut geht? Also schnurstracks zum Hotel, Fahrräder raus und wieder retour. Alles noch und auch kein Knöllchen. Also einpacken und dann weiter Richtung Kap Fisterra. Aber erst noch einkaufen und tanken müssen wir auch (1,50€/l). Das Wetter ist so lala, also fahren wir mit dem Auto durch bis Kap Parkplatz. Dort etwas umsehen und Fotos machen und dann zurück zum Ort. Dort gibt es Stellplatz für nen 10er und wir beschließen 1 Nacht zu bleiben. Die kommenden Tage müssen wir noch überdenken, das Wetter bleibt erst mal untoll.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Day 1 - Oviedo to Grado

      15 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      After a couple of days of travel hiccups for Bonnie she arrived in Oviedo on a bus after midnight on the day we planned to start walking the Camino Primitivo. This was far different from what had been planned - her arriving in Oviedo via a fast train from Madrid a day before I arrived so she could get over any jetlag and be ready for our adventure. Though inconvenienced by the lost time and the lost luggage we got up this morning excited to start up and over the mountains.

      We walked first to the Oviedo Cathedral to find the first golden shell embedded in the pavement that would lead us out of the city. While looking for our bearings a gentleman approached us and asked us if we were starting our Camino. We told him we were. He inquired if we had collected a stamp from the church on the other side of the cathedral, which we hadn't. He asked if he could take us there as he was on his way to mass. He shared how he enjoyed this church, the priest, and the 8am Latin service. The church was beautiful and the stamp was meaningful, but what Bonnie and I really appreciated was this man's generous spirit.

      Oviedo is a big city and it took us a while to navigate to the outskirts, but once there we caught a glimpse of why this is known as the most beautiful of the Caminos. The views are already spectacular!

      Though there were tastes of the inclines that make this the most difficult of Caminos, today went very smoothly, most of it being taken up in conversation between the two of us. We also did a lot of talking to the animals we met along the way. 

      Surprisingly enough we didn't meet very many Pilgrims. We did have a late start out of Oviedo so they could have been in front of us. We met a man from Denmark at our second open cafe. It was his first Camino and he was taking in the scenery like he had a new set of glasses. We also met a couple from Miami as we were going up an incline. They told us, with heavy breathing, that they didn't have mountains back home to practice on.

      We found a cute little place for lunch. We walked a few meters off the path to Villa Palatina. There is an albergue, a bar and a restaurant at this little oasis. A young man greeted us at the gate and we asked him if we could get some lunch. He said he could check and went into the residence. Shortly after, the owner came out to talk to us.

      "Are we too late to get something to eat?" I inquired.

      "No," he laughed. "You are too early! Did you want the Menu del Dia?” (fixed menu of the day for the pilgrims.)

      "No," I responded. "We aren't that hungry, but we were hoping to get a bocadillo.” (sandwich.)

      "Ah, we have the best meat for a bocadillo. Do you know we have 68 and a half cows here?"

      "Is the other half of the cow in your kitchen?"

      "Yes!" he laughed while giving me a high five, "and I will put some on your bocadillos!"

      He interacted with us throughout our meal and treated us like kings. He even gave Bonnie his card as we were leaving and said if we needed anything between his home and Santiago to let him know. "Except for money... I don't have any of that!"

      We are in our room for the night. We showered, washed our clothes and found a cafe that would serve us an early dinner. We even got to watch the first half of the football match between Croatia and the Spanish national team. The plaza was buzzing with the locals cheering on their heroes. 

      We are heading to bed early tonight as tomorrow will be another epic day!

      Ultreia et Suseia!
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    • Giorno 35

      Just breathe

      15 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Gisteravond laat kreeg ik van mijn Argentijnse roommate, type Diego M. een paar oordopjes. Vannacht wist ik waarvoor ze waren: SNURKEN! Kortom een gebroken nacht. Voor 8 uur zat ik op de fietse. Een mooie tocht ondanks kou en tegenwind. Wat mooie mensen ontmoet en gesproken en wat plekjes gekiekt m.n Hospital de Orbigo met haar mooie brug is een 'plaatje'. Ik had weinig puf, voor Astorga camping gevonden.
      Alles opgezet en klaar voor de wedstrijd van Spanje.Tot morgen, dan is de Cruz de Ferro aan de beurt, 1500m (maar ik begin niet bij nul :) Fijne avond tutti👋👍
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    • Giorno 34–35

      D 33- Trabadelo to Laguna de Castilla 16

      15 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Kind of a short day today, first half on the road through little towns then we had the climb to Laguna de Castilla. You can be taken up the mountain on horseback for 40 euros from Las Herrerias to O Cebreiro which is another 2.2km. The higher you climb the cooler it got but the rain did stay away which was wonderful. The wind was quite fresh and currently 12 degrees. We stayed at the only albergue here, Albergue la Escuela de la Laguna. Very nice rooms and wonderfully hot showers.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 25

      Back walking

      15 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      I did the sensible thing today, taking the traditional route along the road just incase I needed a bus or taxi. Fiona took the longer prettier route and we met up at Albergue Verde her favourite hostel. With the help of painkillers I managed the 25km but my foot and ankle still hurt. Dr Google thinks its extensor tendonitis, so I willjust have to take each day as it comes. There are people walking with far worse Injuries, some have had to give up.
      This hostel is lovely, €16 a night, vegetarian and very relaxed. Only 3 of us staying at the moment so I'm not sure how they make a living. The town is like something out of a kids book about the middle ages. Long cobbled bridge which you can just imagine a knight in armour galloping across. I could do with a bit of food so will probably go and investigate. It was so cold this morning all the bars along the way stayed shut, so no coffee or breakfast until quite late. The sky is bright blue but the wind is icy and my hands went numb.
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    • Giorno 3

      Tag 3: Bilbao = Lebensfreude

      15 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Der Flieger hat mich gestern sicher von Hamburg nach Bilbao (Spanien) gebracht. Bereits am Gate wurde ich aufgrund meines Wacken-Beutels freudig begrüßt und per Zufall direkt eine weitere Pilgerin kennengelernt. Im Bus vom Flughafen trafen wir uns wieder und schon hatte ich eine Vino-Bekanntschaft für den 1. Tag gewonnen. Danke für deine Zeit, liebe Selina und Buen Camino! 😊 Heute heißt es für mich noch etwas den Trubel und die Lebensfreude dieser Stadt genießen (und den Vino für 2€ 🤪 🍷) bevor morgen früh mein Weg auf dem Camino del Norte beginnt.

      PS: Am Guggenheim-Museum kurzfristig die Spinnenphobie überwunden. 🤣
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