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    • Dag 9

      Last Day in Phuket

      18 mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Yesterday was a day that we were all looking forward to on this trip. It was the day we were going on an excursion to the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary! We had to leave at 8:15am, so we got up early, hit the breakfast buffet, and went to the lobby to catch our van. The drive to the sanctuary wasn't too long and once we got to their office and checked-in, we hopped in the back of a truck and drove down to the sanctuary.

      The sanctuary homes mature elephants that have visual and/or physical disablities due to them being used at logging camps or in shows. Once the logging camps and shows have no use for the elephants, they abandon them, and that is where the sanctuary comes into play. The sanctuary takes in the abandoned elephants and gives them a home that is free of neglect and abuse, and provides them with a large area to roam during the day.

      At the sanctuary we were given some rubber boots to change into for when we walk through the area. The sanctuary provided snacks for us while we waited for all the scheduled visitors to arrive for the day, which was nice! The first step of the sanctuary was being able to feed 2 of the elephants there with baskets of fruit and veggies. It was a cool experience as the elephants just grab the food from your hands with their trunks. After that, we went out into the large area where the elephants roam and got to see them up close and learn about their backstories and how they arrived at the sanctuary. After walking around and seeing the elephants for an hour or two, we walked back to where we started for our provided lunch, and then took the van back to the resort after that. It was a really awesome experience and something we all enjoyed and thought was a highlight of the trip so far. If you ever find yourself in Thailand, we highly recommend going to one of these sanctuaries, but make sure that it is an ethical one and not one that mistreats the animals.

      Once we arrived back at the resort, it was time to go for a swim and relax by the pool! It was such a nice afternoon cooling off after sweating our butts off at the sanctuary! Once again, we attended the swim-up bar where we enjoyed some cheap happy hour cocktails.

      Once the evening rolled around, we took a free shuttle into the city to grab a meal in Patong. The shuttle dropped us off at a mall where we were surprised to see a little slice of back home, a Tim Horton's! We kept adventuring and walked down the main strip of Patong, which was... an experience... since it was mainly tons of people shoving flyers in your face trying to get you to visit whatever restaurant or activity they were advertising.

      We got out of there and found a nice restaurant on a less busy street to eat dinner. Sarah was very happy to finally try the pineapple fried rice that she has been eyeing up at every place it's offered. It's presentation is very cool as it's served within the pineapple itself. After dinner, we grabbed some ice cream and took a walk on the beach until we got to a much less busy part of the city where it was less chaotic (and cheaper to get a cab back).

      When we got back to the resort, it was pretty much just packing and heading to bed as we had a 5:00 wakeup for our flight to Chiang Mai the next morning.
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    • Dag 8

      Phang Nga Bay

      17 mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Yesterday was quite the long day as we went on an excursion! The day started as any other, with some breakfast. We walked down to the breakfast buffet and piled up on the food selection. Once we had finished breakfast, we waited at the resort lobby for the excursion van to pick us up.

      From there, we drove off of Phuket Island and to a Longtail boat dock that would sail onto Phang Nga Bay. The first part of the excursion was kayaking along the rock face of mountains and paddling through the tunnels that are submerged during high-tide. We went in expecting to be the ones paddling, but that was not the case as they had guides do that for us. After sitting on the kayak for a few minutes in the beating sun, we were all glad we didn't have to paddle as we were sweating enough by just sitting there. It was cool to get up close and see all the cracks and crevices these mountains contained!

      Once finishing off with the kayaks, we then headed towards the main attraction of the excursion, James Bond Island. The actual name of the island is Khao Ta Poo, but ever since being featured in "The Man with the Golden Gun" it has been coined as The James Bond Island. Its signature shape was created by years of erosion and waves, and we all thought it shared similarities to our own Flowerpot Island. After taking some pictures, we both jumped in the water to swim around the island. We wish we could've stayed there longer, but unfortunately only so much time was dedicated to this location on the excursion.

      The next stop on the excursion was the Floating Muslim Village on the bay. Here we received our lunch and were given about 30mins to explore. The main things we wanted to see were the Mosque and the Floating Football Pitch. We weren't able to get the best view of the Mosque but by walking a bit further we discovered the pitch! It was pretty cool and interesting to see, but I can only imagine there'd be as much swimming as soccer when games are played on it (but that actually sounds right up my alley - Noah). We rallied back to the Longtail boat and set sail once again. This was the final stop of the boating portion though, so we returned back to the docks.

      After getting off the boat, we loaded back into the van and went to the last destination of this excursion, Suwan Khuha Cave, or the Monkey Cave. This was a Buddha Shrine within a cave and featured a large Laying Buddha which was cool to see. The only issue was that this cave seemed to trap all the heat inside it and became extremely muggy. Even though we were out of the sun, the cave ended up feeling hotter than outside! We were happy seeing everything within the cave and getting out so we could breathe some fresh air!

      After that, we were done the excursion and the van brought us back to the resort. Upon arrival, we immediately changed into our swimwear and hopped into the pool for some relief from the cave. We discovered a swim-up bar where we enjoyed a couple drinks before hopping out and grabbing some dinner. Once we finished dinner, we got ready for bed and hit the hay!
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    • Dag 3


      18 mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Heute ging es um halb acht direkt los nach China Town. Wir sind über den Markt gelaufen. Zu beschreiben, wie all die Gerüche waren, dafür haben wir keine Worte. 😄 Es war auf jeden Fall krass!
      Weiter ging es zum Königspalast. Diese Palastanlage hat den berühmten Wat Phra Kaeo Tempel mit dem Smaragd Buddha.
      Die Anlage war die offizielle Residenz der Könige von Siam in Bangkok vom Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Nach dem Tod des Königs Ananda Mahidol 1946 im Borom-Phiman-Palast (Attentat) beschloss König Bhumibol Adulyadej (der neunte König) die Verlegung der Residenz in den Dusit-Palastes. Jetzt regiert der 10. König Maha Vajiralongkorn. Er wohnt auch, wie der alte König in dem Dusit-Palastes.
      ⭐️ Übrigens ist er der reichste König der Welt.

      Mittags waren wir im Wat Pho: Tempel des liegenden Buddha. Dieser ist aus Gold und 46 Meter lang.
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    • Dag 175

      Sunrise ❤️

      27 april, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Da sind wir wieder an dem See. Dieses Mal, zum Sonnenaufgang. Und weil wir etwas aufgezogen wurden, dass es immer nur sonnenuntergänge zu sehen gibt, haben wir den ganzen Post nur mit Sonnenaufgangs Bildern bestückt.🥰
      Für alle Mamas da draußen 😘
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    • Dag 647


      13 april, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      Songkran ist das traditionelle Neujahrsfest in Thailand. Es hat einen religiösen Hintergrund. Davon gibt’s hier aber keine Spur. Zumeist Touristen und junge Leute bespritzen und bewerfen sich mit Wasser. Man kommt nicht über die Straße, ohne komplett nass zu werden. Dummerweise habe ich das Hotelzimmer bis zum Dienstag gezahlt. Es ist alles mehr oder weniger ausgebucht und es gibt nur noch teurere Hotels oder ganz billige Absteigen. Es ist extrem laut. Letzte Nacht war an Schlaf nicht zu denken. Es geht bis 4:00 Uhr morgens und beginnt schon wieder gegen Mittag. Muss mir heute Nacht irgendwas in die Ohren stopfen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Hello Bangkok!

      26 maart, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Nach 10 Stunden Flug, 2 Stunden "Schlaf" und gefühlten 10 "photo, photo" mit Romy, sind wir um 6 Uhr morgens happy bei dezent schwülen 36 Grad in Bangkok angekommen

      Romy geniesst die Aufmerksamkeit, winkt vergnügt in alle Handylinsen und liebt die Überbrückung bis zum Zimmerbezug im Hotelpool (hat ca. 30 Grad - aber hey, 6 Grad sind 6 Grad) 😊Meer informatie

    • Dag 2


      13 maart, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Langstreckenflug war auch gut! Maschine schon etwas ramponiert - sonst alles ok. Pünktlich um 10 Uhr gelandet und gleich die to-do- Liste abgehakt. Geld gewechselt, thailändische Simkarte gekauft, taxi ins Hotel. Der Taxifahrer hatte keine Ahnung, wo er hinmuß🙈 mit Dagmars Handy hat ers dann gefunden🤣
      Zimmer sollte erst um 15 Uhr fertig sein, hat dann doch schon um 13 Uhr geklappt. Essen und jetzt Entspannung am Pool
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    • Dag 106

      Die bekiffte Wollmilchsau

      14 februari, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      // Koh Samui
      Warum reisen wir gerade auf jene Insel, die so sehr für Pauschaltourismus bekannt ist? Nun, wir wollten uns selbst ein Bild machen.

      Koh Samui ist ein großer Mix aus allem, was Thailand zu bieten hat: Es gibt die überfüllten Sonnenanbeter-Strände, genau wie die menschenleere Buchten. Die zwielichtigen Bars und auch die einladende, authentische Straßenrestaurants. Die Hotelbunker press neben den atmosphärischen, kleinteiligen Resorts und schnuckeligen Guesthouses.
      Kurzum: Koh Samui versucht es jedem recht zu machen und schafft es bis zu einem gewissen Grad auch. Es ist eine eierlegende Wollmilchsau.

      Der Strand bei unserer Unterkunft ist genau wie aus dem Prospekt: Weicher, weißer Sand, schiefe Palmen die sich gen Sonnenuntergang neigen und kühle, sachte Wellen, die über die Füße schwappen. Nur die Geräuschkulisse will nicht ins idyllische Bild passen: links versucht eine verzweifelte Mutter ihr tobsüchtiges Kleinkind aus dem Wasser zu argumentieren und links sitzt eine Gruppe deutscher Halbstarker, die ihre wilden Heldentaten kundtun.
      Not our crowd.

      Mit dem Roller erkunden wir die Insel. Max würde es als waschechter Fahrrad-Fan nicht zugeben, aber das motorisierte Zweiradfahren macht ihm nun doch großen Spaß. Er scheut weder tiefe Pfützen noch steile Berge, ganz nach dem Motto "Stabilität durch Geschwindigkeit" brausen wir durchs unwegsame Gelände.

      // Valentinstag
      Noch in Bangkok haben wir uns aus einer Laune heraus einen Joint besorgt und bisher keine Zeit dafür gefunden. "The weakest weed you have!" Haben wir beim Kauf gefordert. An Valentinstag sitzen wir auf Koh Samui zum Sonnenuntergang am Strand und paffen unser Kräuterstängchen... Wir sind beide erst Mal etwas enttäuscht, denn genau wie der Verkäufer es vorhergesehen hat, ist das Weed zu schwach als dass wir irgendwas spüren... Aber dann haut es uns doch noch zeitverzögert und unerwartet aus den Latschen: ...Wooooop... der Blick saugt sich an Szenen fest und jemals wieder aufzustehen, scheint undenkbar. Das Gehirn schüttet Glückshormone aus, die Sinne stellen sich scharf: jedes Licht, Geräusch und Berührung empfinde ich auf 150%iger Intensität. Nur das Hier und Jetzt existiert, alle Sorgen sind abgestreift. Wir schleppen uns zu einem Restaurant und bestellen unvernünftig viel Essen. Ein kleines Kätzchen freut sich über den Besuch und krabbelt uns abwechselnd auf den Schoß um sich streicheln zu lassen... Katze müsste man sein...
      Was für ein außergewöhnlicher Valentinstag und unvergesslicher Trip!

      🎵 Bora Bora - AB Syndrom
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    • Dag 15

      Day 15

      20 februari, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Chiang Mai

      Today, we were meant to be doing a day trip to Chiang Rai to see the white and blue temple. However, when we woke up, all the busses were sold out till 12.45 which then wouldn't arrive till 4.30 so that was a no go aswell. I gave Dang a call to see if he was free for Muay Thai but unfortunately he was in Bangkok. This left us with no real plan.

      We head out in search of a pharmacy and breakfast. A short walk away and we find somewhere to top up our supplies, finding suncream and some bandages. I also needed tissues, a razor, and shaving foam but I couldn't find any of them for the life of me. A stop in 7-11 found me a razor but no shaving foam. I had never shaved with a non electric razor before so i opted for a 10p more expensive Gillette razor than Alfie's Bic.

      After we grab some breakfast (now more lunch to be honest) from JJ's Waffle again, we head back to our hostel. I go for a quick swim then whilst Alfie goes for a nap I head out into town. I didn't really have much of a plan but I was on a mission to buy some more stuff. Without the tethers of Alfie's judgemental eye, I finally feel brave enough to buy a typical Thai elephant shirt, going for white and red to mix up the colour palette.

      At a temple, I met a dude who had travelled up from Phuket to buy wedding dresses and suits for his daughters wedding, as Chiang Mai was apparently the best place in South East Asia, better than Vietnam which although is cheaper, apparently won't last. I thought fuck it, and with his recommendation headed to Tom's Tailor where I chatted to him about the different materials and prices. Surprisingly, the suits ranged from £180 to £260, which was much more than I was prepared to pay for something I didn't need.

      I grab a mango smoothie, finally find shaving cream, and head to a park to do some planning along with a durian ice cream (wouldn't have again). The park was small and had a nice fountain with some very skilled slackliners set up not far from me. After an hour or 2, I order my very first Grab bike back to the hostel (imagine South East Asia's version of uber, but on the back of a scooter, as fast as it is cheap).

      After a while, we head out to a few of the night markets that weren't too far, where our mission was a dry bag and a shirt for Alfie. As Alfie's clothes are about as diverse as the Brits in Benidorm, he found nothing to his liking and declared he was gonna go to H&M tomorrow. I managed to find a dry bag which would be useful when we venture down South. After finding some fried squid which didn't have a lot of flavour going on, we sit down when I get a message from Hong Yao inviting us to a Cabaret show which just so happened to be less than 1 minute from where we were sat.

      Alfie went back home, but I joined Hong Yao for a 390 Baht experience of a night, with a Chang beer on the house. I can't super describe what the show was like, but it was an hour and a half of both drag and non-drag queens dancing & singing, with alot of audience participation & interaction. It was also an hour and a half of cheering & laughing. Leaving with my ears ringing and not trying their signature drink "Suck Me Please!" which was served in a penis shaped glass, we headed towards some bars.

      These bars also happened to be the red light district, as well as a Muay Thai arena, where for free we were able to watch a 5 round fight of green shorts vs yellow shorts. We obviously were on team yellow shorts. They both persevered but eventually green shorts was declared the victor and we headed towards 7-11. After grabbing some cookies and FINALLY finding some tissues, we chatted more about the differences between Signapore & the UK, where I showed him what a roast dinner was

      Eventually, I grabbed a grab bike back home, brushed my teeth and went to bed.
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    • Dag 210


      28 januari, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Die ersten Tage haben wir im Bangkok verbracht und geschwitzt, gut gegessen und Kultur war auch dabei. Danach ging es auf in den Süden nach Koh Lanta. Hier haben wir noch mehr geschwitzt, gebadet, geschnorchelt und mehr.Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Kingdom of Thailand, Thailand, Taeland, ታይላንድ, Tailandia, تايلند, Thailandia, Tailand, Тайланд, Tayilandi, থাইল্যান্ড, ཐའི་ལེན།, Tajland, Tailàndia, Thajsko, Gwlad Thai, ཐཱའི་ལེནཌ, Tailand nutome, Ταϊλάνδη, Tajlando, Tai, تایلند, Taylannda, Thaimaa, Teiland, Thaïlande, Tayilande, Tailân, An Téalainn, થાઇલેંડ, Tailan, תאילנד, थाईलैण्ड, Thailandska, Thaiföld, Թաիլանդ, Tailando, Taíland, タイ, ტაილანდი, Tailandi, Thailandi, ថៃ, ಥೈಲ್ಯಾಂಡ್, 태국, थाइलैंड, تایلەند, Pow Tay, Tayirandi, Tailandɛ, ປະເທດໄທ, Tailandas, Tayilanda, Taizeme, Thailandy, Тајланд, തായ്‌ലാന്‍ഡ്, थायलंड, Tajlandja, ထိုင်း, Thayilandi, थाइल्याण्ड, ଥାଇଲାଣ୍ଡ, Tailandya, Tajlandia, تايلنډ, Tailândia, Thaysuyu, Tailanda, थैलेण्ड्, Thaieana, Tailânde, තායිලන්තය, Tajska, Taylaand, Tajlanda, தாய்லாந்து, థాయ్ లాండ్, Таиланд, ไทย, Taýland, Taylandiya, Taileni, Tayland, تھائی لینڈ, Thái Lan, Tayän, Taylandya, Orílẹ́ède Tailandi, 泰国, i-Thailand

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