This is the travel page of Whitney and Andreas. We love to see the world. Read more Solana Beach, United States
  • Day 278

    Porto, Portugal

    February 15, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Through an airline deal, Andreas and I had the opportunity to stop in Portugal for four days at no extra charge. We jumped on the deal... one of the benefits of not having a rigid schedule. We picked the colorful port town of Porto. Once at the airport, we had another great surprise; I heard they overbooked the flight on the loud speaker and were offering money to take a later flight. Because I am currently moving slower, I told Andreas to run!! We got in first and were given a total of $1,400 NZD ($1,035USD) to watch the Olympics in the airport for four hours. Score!

    Unfortunately it was raining most of our stay in Porto, however we still enjoyed wandering the gorgeous city. We rode a trolley along the coast one day and watched stormy waves bash into a lighthouse. We were very impressed with Portuguese food; slow cooked pork, soft cheeses, grilled fish, bottomless liters of wine. Andreas took me out to a nice tapas dinner for Valentine’s Day. Portugal is definitely on our list of places to return to.
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  • Day 275

    Solothurn, Switzerland

    February 12, 2018 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

    Before leaving Switzerland and starting our journey to South America, Whit and I returned to Aarau to stay with my uncle Tom and his partner Pia. While we were in Aarau, there was an annual week-long festival taking place in Solothurn, the closest city to my mum's childhood home. The premise of this festival is to scare the winter spirits away and obviously, we had to get in on the action.

    To start the celebratory week off, we awoke at 3am, adorned our white robes, white hats, and red scarves, and made our way to Solothurn to participate in Cheslette which started at 5am. Here, over one thousand people all dressed in the same attire, made as much noise as possible, banging pot lids, shaking tin cans filled with stones, and cracking large whips in the air, while parading the city streets. The cacophony is seriously alarming and if I were a winter spirit, I'd probably bugger off too. After completing the parade route, everyone settles down to eat a traditional flour soup before bar hopping and getting progressively more intoxicated. The morning ends at lunch time and most sane revelers head to bed before the evening events kick off (some people clearly didn't get this message and trooped on all day).

    About three days after Cheslette, Tom, Whit, and I braved the bleak Swiss weather and returned to Solothurn to watch the carnival parade. There were about 40 themed groups marching the city. Some of the floats created for the festival were seriously impressive. Most floats had confetti guns and often some poor unexpecting bystander would get a face full of paper to improve their mood. It was clear to me and Whit that the Swiss people take their traditions very seriously and if you ever have a chance to participate in such an event you won't be disappointed!
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  • Day 270

    Schmitten, Switzerland

    February 7, 2018 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Whit and I stayed for about a week in Schmitten, Switzerland with my aunt Fran (we went to Verbier for the weekend). Our highlight during this stay was hiking in the alps near to a holiday house that my mum's family stayed when they were young. Fran brought along cervala sausages for lunch and we made a fire in the snow to roast them. It was a quintessential Swiss experience.

    Our other activities this week included hosting a dinner party for some old friends of my parents, eating delicious meals prepared by either Fran or Susan (Fran' s partner), and playing SkipBo (a fun card game).

    Exciting family news: We welcomed our neice into the world! Gracyn Elizabeth Gresham born Feb 6, 2018, 8lbs 13oz.
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  • Day 266

    Verbier, Switzerland

    February 3, 2018 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ -2 °C

    Friends we made in Vietnam, Eddy and Inga, work at the famous Swiss ski resort, Verbier. They invited us to come stay in the lodging above the bar they are working at so we jumped at the offer. Our Australian friend Adam is working in England so he joined us for a weekend of snowboarding and fun. When we arrived, Andreas and I were both blown away by the quaint beauty of this snowy village among the Swiss alps. The first night we went out to ‘Apre Ski,’ basically drinks after a hard day of skiing. We danced the night away to a band in a packed bar and were glad to have our snow jackets as the done thing is to spray your beer over the crowd (no idea why).

    We woke up to a snow storm so we decided to go sledding. Now this isn’t ordinary sledding. You take the gondola up and sled down a 40 min run similar to a ski slope. It gets wild! This is unfortunately why I had my accident and hurt my knee. However, I think it was worth it because the run before I injured myself I told Andreas “my happiness levels are maxed out!” On the positive, I got to ride down in a medic toboggan and on a snow mobile. Diagnosis: partially torn MCL, stretched ACL, and bruised bone. I have to wear a hinged brace for a while and then it should be ok.

    Andreas, Adam, and Eddy went up snowboarding the next two days. I was jealous as it was blue bird skies with perfect powder. Needless to say, they had an awesome time. I still rode the gondola all the way to the top, drank hot chocolate, and threw a few snowballs. Verbier kicked my butt physically but it was still a weekend we will always remember. We will be back for you Verbier!!
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  • Day 254

    Munich, Germany

    January 22, 2018 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

    We visited Andreas' childhood friend Tim and his Italian girlfriend Sara at their home in Munich. We braved the cold and explored the city by foot. Like much of Europe, it is interesting to walk through the historic streets. We spent our evenings playing board games and drinking German beers; Wizards, El Dorado, cards, etc. We woke up one day to snow and decided to go on a hike around a nearby lake. Our hiking books definitely came in handy as we walked on the frozen ground beneath the beautiful snowy trees. We visited the famous Hofbrauhaus to have a traditional stein of beer, just like Octoberfest. We did however discover that they are not called 'steins' in Germany, they are actually called krugs... how have we been getting it so wrong?Read more

  • Day 250

    Barcelona, Spain

    January 18, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Whitney and I loved Barcelona. Our highlights were visiting the Sigrada Familia, a church that has been under construction for almost a century and looks as if it were designed by aliens, visiting Park Güell which was designed by the renowned architect Antoni Gaudí, and watching a flamenco show (traditional Spanish dancing) while drinking delicious sangria. We saw the sights of the city during a free bike tour and ate the local fare during a tapas tour. Our favourite Spanish dishes included seafood paella, patatas bravos, and pinchetos (small lavish bar snacks).Read more

  • Day 246

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    January 14, 2018 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    We took a thirty minute train ride from Utrecht to Amsterdam to meet up with our friends from New Zealand, Joon and Trixie, who are currently traveling around Europe. We wandered the city during the day (mostly dodging the masses of tourists) and toured the Heineken brewery. We learned all about the Heineken brand and how beer is made. In the evening we took a boat tour through the canals to see the Festival of Lights. It was fantastic spending time with Joon and Trixie, especially because the last time we saw them was at their wedding in New Zealand.Read more

  • Day 245

    Utrecht, The Netherlands

    January 13, 2018 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌫 5 °C

    We spent a week with our friend Judith in her hometown of Utrecht. Utrecht is a beautiful city full of old townhouses built around canals - think Amsterdam without the tourists. The main mode of transport in the Netherlands is cycling and we quickly followed suit spending our days riding around the city. It was fun seeing how tall the Dutch are (especially coming from Southeast Asia) and our bikes on the lowest setting were too tall for me and Andreas. We had fun cooking dinner at Judith’s house, meeting up with our friend Tjarda from NZ who cooked us a wonderful Dutch meal, ice skating, and meeting Judith’s friends. One day we rode into a local forest and ate lunch at a famous pancake restaurant (very Dutch). We even gave Andreas his first IKEA experience including the hotdogs. What a treat!Read more

  • Day 239

    Bruges, Belgium

    January 7, 2018 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

    We drove to Bruges from Luxembourg with Monica and Rory. Judith, our old flatmate from New Zealand, met us here from Holland. We spent the evening sampling Bruges' greatest export, beer! We visited several local pubs, each with a sizable beer variety, and stayed out until the early hours of the morning dancing to live music. We left Bruges with a few bottles of Westvleteren 12; 10.2%, brewed since 1940, and considered one of the best beers in the world. Sante!Read more

  • Day 237


    January 5, 2018 in Luxembourg ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

    We spent a week lounging at Monica and Rory’s house in Luxembourg. Face masks, bubble baths, Zelda, Mario Cart, and Netflix. Much needed after so long on the road. I, Whitney (Andreas made me clarify this), got my first haircut of the trip (5 inches)! Luxembourg is a beautiful old city filled with cute shops and delicious restaurants.

    On NYE we got dressed up and started our evening with a bottle of Don Perignon (thank you Monica and Rory)! We then went out to a restaurant with a delicious set menu. We rung in the New Year sipping champagne with the owners. On our walk home, we paused to watch teenagers light off fireworks in a park. It was a great evening with good friends.
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