Northern Europe

octobre 2023
London/Southampton - Hamburg, Germany - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Burges, Belgium - La Havré, France - Bordeaux, France - Bilbao, Spain - London/Southampton En savoir plus
  • 14empreintes
  • 7pays
  • 12jours
  • 138photos
  • 5vidéos
  • 10,2kmiles
  • 7,9kmiles
  • On our way (some more)

    30 septembre 2023, États Unis ⋅ 🌙 70 °F

    Heading out from home to Newark and then on to Heathrow and Southhampton. The check in was very amusing, the attendant joked with us and there wasn’t a line. He also upgraded us slightly. I’m iffy about the bulkhead seats on the long haul flight but hopefully it’ll be ok.

    Super excited to visit Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Spain before heading back to England.

    Newark is slightly busy but we were able to get a hand tossed pizza for dinner. The flight to London will take about 7 hours.
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  • Jour 1

    Southhampton, England

    1 octobre 2023, Angleterre ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    Arrived in England after 7 hour flight. The gentleman next to me thought he could just lean his huge guitar case in front of him at the bulkhead…halfway over my middle seat. That was taken care of. Neither of us slept well and mom had a small tumble getting off the plane. But she wasn’t injured and it didn’t even slow her down!

    Immigration at Heathrow was painless and we proceeded to wait for the Ncl bus. The drive to Southhampton took about an hour and a half. We were met with our next line at the port terminal…again it wasn’t awful and the lady waiting for numbered groups sent us along early because we were polite and helpful and enthusiastic. Poor lady kept pulling the Home Alone face due to disorganization. Got to our room quickly…hope our luggage will too. The pile was massive.

    Met out steward, Jobani then ate an early dinner at the buffet. Waiting on our bags before we go to sleep.
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  • Jour 2

    Sea Day

    2 octobre 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

    Up around 9am. We entered a new time zone and lost an hour but it was all good. Has breakfast. Went to a sushi demonstration and at the end watched the guests circle like piranhas around the pieces of nigiri and sashimi. Learned how to fold napkins…I got volunteered to do one the lady showed us and about died when I realized I was being projected on a 40 foot screen.

    There were many things to do on the ship today but since mom and I had alley done most of it we opted to ‘rest our eyes’ *coughnapcough* for about 4 hours. Had a snack lunch at O’Sheehan’s. We visited the ticket reservation desk to check on one thing and ended up with the last two tickets to the evening dance show “Burn the Floor.” The theater is pretty comfy. The show itself was astounding, I swear the dancers had water for spines…

    After a bit of research about stuff happening in Hamburg, we hit the hay.
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  • Jour 3

    Hamburg, Germany

    3 octobre 2023, Allemagne ⋅ 🌬 64 °F

    Slept in later than we thought. Had breakfast and headed into Hamburg proper. The taxi line was really, really long but moved quickly. Driver must have had somewhere to get to as he drove like a bat outta hell.

    Today was the second of two days celebrating German Unity Day and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Almost all of downtown was closed off to traffic. We saw lots of booths for other areas of Germany and lots of demonstrations.

    I managed to get us lost and it started raining. But we made it back safely to the boat around 3pm. Again the line to get back on the ship was long, long, long…but moved quickly.

    This evening’s show is Jeremy the Entertainer. He’s a juggler/comedian/musician and was pretty awesome to watch.
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  • Jour 4

    Hamburg til Noon

    4 octobre 2023, Pays-Bas ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

    We had an overnight in Hamburg. Mom and I didn’t go out this morning since departure was at noon. We are taking bets to see how many people will be late/not make it back. So many people were ticked off since the stores were closed yesterday because of Unity Day.

    We tried to participate in some activities…trivia and word finds, beanbag toss, etc. The Getaway has limited seating in the lobby. Most activities are held there and it’s chaotic. We met a nice older gentleman from London/now Canada who joined our team for trivia. I think he regretted it, hahaha.

    But everyone did make it to the ship and we left on time! We are getting the yummy chicken parmigiana for dinner.
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  • Jour 5


    5 octobre 2023, Pays-Bas ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

    Don’t get me wrong, I understand there are delays in travel. I also understand weather plays a huge part when you are on a ship…what I don’t like is when people don’t pay attention and follow the rules. If they did we wouldn’t have a line spanning three full decks.

    Anyway, Amsterdam is gorgeous. We were a bit stressed as the reservation we had was for 12 but since we were late getting docked and everyone and their mother wanted off at the same time, we failed to get there on time. But the people with Somma Tours were more than understanding. They scheduled us for an even better canal tour in an open boat with only 12 people. We offered to pay the difference but they said don’t worry about it since we were polite.

    So we had a GREAT tour! We learned a lot…the patron Saint is Santa Claus and he looks after everyone in the Netherlands especially “hookers and the thieves.” Also many Houseboats don’t use curtains since they have “nothing to hide.” And taxes used to be based on the number of steps in front of your home and how many windows you have.

    After the canal tour we walked to the Kattenkabinet. It hosted a lot of artwork of cats and had real cats wandering around. Very small but fun. We walked all the way back to the ship and rested a bit. I got mom some ice for her ankle. Dinner was at the pub on the ship. We watched M3gan and Jurassic Park in the room to stay awake until 10.
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  • Jour 6

    Brugge, Belgium

    6 octobre 2023, Belgique ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

    Today we went into Bruges, Belgium. After breakfast and a shower we met our group guide outside the boat at around 11:10 AM. On the way to Bruges from Zeebruges, We saw thousands of new cars being ready to be shipped a derailed tram and huge windmills. The whole area was occupied during both world wars, so It did not get bombed or incinerated. Some of the buildings even dated back to the 800s.

    They were a lot of horse drawn carriages and the horses look very well taken care of so much so that there are even fountains especially for them throughout the town. Strangely enough there is also a Japanese restaurant called a Tanuki… complete with a life-size to Nookie at the door. Mom also found a sloth next to a store called the Bare Necessities.

    We toured a chocolate factory and learned all about the chocolate making process from the cocoa pods to the finished product. If anyone ever offers to let you taste a raw cocoa nib, shoot them. I was distracted by the fact our presenter looked like Sam Rockwell. The nibs are in fact nasty disgusting and they get stuck in your teeth for hours and hours and hours. But the filled chocolates we got to sample at the end of the demonstration made it all worth it.

    We saw many beautiful places throughout our tour and had about an hour to ourselves to wander. We saw the Lego houses and bought some souvenirs in the Markt. There was a slight debacle with the bathroom as it cost $.50 in euros to use the toilet. One lady in front of me did not have any change. So of course I pay for her because when you need to go you need to go. Later on she found me, stuffed a dollar bill in my hand, and called me an angel. all of us were a bit shocked that the men’s bathroom had absolutely no privacy even for the ladies waiting in line outside.

    We return to the ship rested a bit and then went to O’Sheehan for a snack. Our waitress was insistent and we ended up with meals instead of snacks. Mom had the meatloaf and I opted to have just the corn and mashed potatoes. We thought this would be enough but the waitress insisted that we needed some pretzel bites as well. She insisted this very firmly. It was kind of funny.

    Tonight’s entertainment was called How to Be a Headliner by Rebecca Kelly. She had an amazing voice and some very dirty jokes. After that we went to the ship’s store and bought some Pringles. I think I did well to last this long without them. They even gave us a discount. By 9:30 PM we were about ready to sleep. Tomorrow will be a big day exploring on our own to a city outside of Le Havre. I hope that I can get us where we need to go without too much trouble.
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  • Jour 7

    Étretat (Le Havre) France

    7 octobre 2023, France ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

    Today we figured we would go out on our own on a short adventure to a city outside of Le Havre. Many people decided to try to go to Paris on their own. Luckily we were not that ridiculous. Instead we went to Étretat The birthplace of the Maurice LeBlanc author of the fictional gentleman thief Arséne Lupin….And the inspiration for the infamous Lupin the third.

    The only reason I even attempted this on our own was that we arrived in Port at 7 AM and did not leave until 9 PM that night. At least that was the plan. After breakfast we hailed a taxi and went to the bus station. I was afraid that if we did not take the bus we would have to pay for a taxi. The research I did on taxis said that the trip would cost at least €160 each way. That was NOT a good choice. Luckily we found the bus we needed and round-trip tickets for both me and mom all the way to Étretat and back totaled €7. Yahoo thrifty travel!

    The bus ride took about an hour and we were able to meet up with our treasure hunting guide. He was very kind but a little hard to understand. Although I’m sure mom and I seemed kind of odd to him as well. We did not do well on the treasure hunt so much so that the poor man had to keep giving us blatant hints. Some of the things we did included finding out how many English soldiers passed away during World War I finding one of their graves, looking for a salamander and a dog playing a bagpipe, but it all came back to the history of the city. (It was also funny watching people‘s reaction to the gentleman guide dressed up in the heat.)

    The most beautiful part of Étretat was the cliffs called the needle and the eye, and the elephant. Since the cliffs are made up of chalk and flint, water dissolves much of the cliff faces. The houses is in the area used the flint rocks to decorate their homes. Most of them are gray but some were using the black flint and bragging that they were super rich. Anyway, at the end of the hunt we ended up finding an empty box. But it came with a very heartfelt lesson and mom didn’t kill me for making her go through all of it.

    After a slight snafu with the bus line (and being mistaken as French by some Asian travelers looking for the cliffs) we found the right bus and rode it all the way back to the port of Le Havre. We got back to the ship about 4 PM thanks to our luck with a taxi driver who came and saved us at the bus station. We had dinner at the pub restaurant and the special was shrimp Poboy sandwiches, The waitresses at the pub seem to be concerned that we’re not eating enough and constantly suggest perhaps we wanted an appetizer or dessert.

    Following their advice we went to the buffet later that evening to try to find some vegetables. Instead we heard the harrowing tale of those who were trying to return from Paris but got stuck because the train failed. almost 200 of the passengers ventured into Paris on their own they were taking the train back with plenty of time but then the train broke down and none of them spoke French.

    I can only imagine how stressful this was. A handful got back using Ubers, while others were left behind at the port. I have to give Norwegian props for waiting as long as they did for most of the passengers that were missing. Because Norwegian doesn’t normally wait for anyone who is not on one of their tours it was unusual but very kind of them to wait. From what we heard many of the travelers really had done the research and would’ve had plenty of time to get back had the Trains had been operational.

    We saw the evening show of a man who could play many instruments. Unfortunately, though he was talented, the show didn’t keep some people’s attention and many got up during his performance and left the theater. It’s too bad that those weren’t people we left behind… we got to bed around 11.

    I’m really proud of mom. I know that her ankle was hurting her pretty badly during the whole trip but she was a trooper and hung in there until the end. Tomorrow is a sea day so hopefully we can both rest up.
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  • Jour 8

    Sea Day

    8 octobre 2023 ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    Nothing much happened. *shrugs* we were at sea. We saw a show in the evening. We went to bed after getting registered for NCL’s shuttle tomorrow. We’d planned to stay on the boat for the ‘Boudreaux’ port since all the excursions were over $300 each but figured it’d be fun to go into the small village called Soulac. Went to bed.En savoir plus

  • Jour 9

    Souloc Sur Mer

    9 octobre 2023, France ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

    Up around 9:30. Neither of us felt like eating breakfast so we went outside to catch the shuttle to Soulac sur Mer. The area around the port is barren marshland. Luckily we did not have to wait on the gangway line for our shuttle stickers on our cards since we’d finished registering yesterday. We were waved immediately to the queue for boarding the buses. 10 minutes later the majority of the passengers descended on the small town.

    We were pleasantly surprised how nice a place it was. And even more surprised how pleasant all the store keepers were to us in particular. At the bookshop I tried to ask for a book by Maurice Leblanc. The man looked startled but then took us straight to the book I wanted and seemed impressed I knew anything about the author. At another store a cute kitty was just lounging around on the magazines and let me pet it. Every store we visited, we were greeted warmly by the locals. Their Beach was beautiful and very reminiscent of Pawleys. It was a really nice surprise considering we’d thought about staying in the boat.

    We headed back around 12:30 since most stores closed from 12:30-2:00. I learned that through research. Others had no clue and proceeded to complain how stupid it was to close in the middle of the day. Didn’t they know we had a limited amount of time to bless their silly little town with our esteemed presence? 🙄 and wouldn’t you know it…we had awful weather.

    Back on board we had a light lunch and tried to participate in a couple of games in the main atrium. Chilled for a while in the room, back down for word scramble…I wanted an ice cream so we went up to the buffet. I was waiting on mom to go through the handling station when I backed up to turn and ran into/got ran into my a lady with two plates behind me. Nailed my shoulder blade, got really embarrassed and left. Talked to Greg and Kyrie and felt better. Still deciding on going to the show tonight or not…
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