to nowhere in particular

September 2023 - Juni 2024
backpacking my way through the world Baca selengkapnya
Sedang bepergian
  • 107footprint
  • 17negara
  • 270hari
  • 883foto
  • 33video
  • 40,6kkilometer
  • 12,5kkilometer
  • 12,5kkilometer
  • 4,6kkilometer
  • 4,5kkilometer
  • 3,4kkilometer
  • 524mil laut
  • 626kilometer
  • 365kilometer
  • 330kilometer
  • 32kilometer
  • 25kilometer
  • 3kilometer
  • Hari 1–5

    farewell in austria

    16 September 2023, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    spent the last couple days with the fam and friends celebrating moms 50th, packed up and said goodbye for good :')

    feeling excited, but no nervousness

  • Hari 6–8


    21 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    arrived tired as hell from a treterous tgv trip, spent a lot of time wandering around the very much beautiful city with lilly always encountering brits and germans everywhere we went

    tried to keep it as low budget as possible, which is impossible a) in france and b) with lilly

    what we werent prepared for is that the the fucking king of england decided to come to bordeaux to say hi so that was a lot of fun

    hostel was quite alright, but when i tried to pick up my laundry on the last day nobody had a clue where it went, so now it's forced ultralight travel ig
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  • Hari 8–13


    23 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    bought a bottle of jägermeister first thing after arriving with the tgv, were a bit spooked while checking in at the hostel, but turned out fine (except for me feeling a bit under the weather bc of the ac for a couple of days)

    headed straight to the razzmatazz club hammered as hell, had a bomb ass time with all kinds of people, woke up with a hangover and explored the city for a bit. the shopowner of the nearest ministore was high as a kite but still managed to find some pasta cheese for me :)

    met another guy from turkey the next morning at the free breakfast and a chap from argentina in our dorm, then went to go ride a jetski with lilly. in general quite a bit of aimless wandering through the city, often times seperate from lilly. also went to some bars and bought some new clothes. because of the ac cold, no beach days sadly.

    i took the bus to lyon, lilly decided to pay extra and go for a train. met carla on the bus, she was on the way home from valencia and heavily debated starting a life there. talked about our plans in life and our travel experiences, later, ulysse and thomas joined in and we formed a little social club at the back of the bus, made the 9 hours to lyon a lot more fun.
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  • Hari 13–15


    28 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    arrived via bus, said goodbye to ulysse and helped a chap buy a metro ticket. met lilly at the airbnb she booked (she was completely brain dead that evening for some reason), made some pasta, then went to bed.

    woke up around 9 am feeling shite, stayed in bed for a couple hours, then headed out to explore the city. saw some nice alleys, ate at a american restaurant, visited the hardest vintage store on the planet, bought a new charger and some high calorie food for the next week and headed home to get some rest. the flat had netflix access, so i could happily finish watching my movie.
    finally sewed my german patch onto my backpack, bit off center but who cares. went to bed after a quick telephone call with my parents.

    woke up at 4 am to farewell lilly (you will be missed), then slept until 9 and packed up my own stuff. tried to hitchhike to grenoble for the first time of this trip, but decided to take a cheap bus after trying for 2 hours. couldve waited longer but started to get sunburned. maybe it just wasn't the right spot, better luck next time :)
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  • Hari 15–16


    30 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    arrived via flixbus and had a walk through the city, beautiful mountains all around with some super pretty buildings and lots of young people. i thought i could just walk for half an hour into a nearby forest and set up camp there, but i severly underestimated the size of the city, has to be as big as chemnitz. munched down my lasagna and replenished water supplies. the sun went down soon but i was able to find a spot after many hours of walking.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 16–17

    la terasse

    1 Oktober 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    (long one)

    woke up in my tent above grenoble and started hiking down towards the autoroute. made a nice "direction chambèry" signat a gas station and got picked up by julie and paul after less than 10 minutes.

    they dropped me off at la terasse, the closest town next to l'arche miracle. there was a kind of street vendor event going on and i bought a gold watch for 10€ in case i need to trade. headed up towards the mountains and left my backpack in an abandoned shack right beside a campable meadow. i knew neither how long it would take me to reach the rock formation nor how i would get there, so i left with food, water and backup clothes and started hiking.

    had a break at a cascade about 2 hours in, already doubting that i would make it to the rocks and back. had to trespass through private area and hide in the bushes one time in order not to be seen. then i realized that the google maps marker was completely off and did some research. turns out i was headed the wrong way, but my actual goal was in the same area. after some 6 hours, a lot of trial and failure and some climbing, i finally made it up there. took 20 minutes to take some pictures and ran down the mountain in 3 hours to make it back to my pack before sundown. was on the phone with jakob for more than 2 hours and arrived in the dark.

    set up camp, made some ravioli and slept till 9 am. packed up the next morning and headed to the autoroute again. was running desperately low on water at this point and bought some at a store. jumped a fence to a highway rest area where i was greeted with free wifi, a toilet and some outlets. was picked up by the first car to pass by, took me to ikea.

    wanted to find a sign and some hotdogs there but managed to find only a wooden plank and some chocolate. quickly realized i wasn't going to make it anywhere by thumb from there, but remembered i still had an interrail ticket. after some debating i decided to go directly to marseille without stopping at valence or voreppe, where i was planning to hitchhike to.

    walked 20 mins to the hostel i booked on the train and got settled in. had some pasta and enjoyed the company of 4 other germans. most of them had never eaten pasta with ketchup, that shattered my world view.
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  • Hari 17–19

    marseille bébé

    2 Oktober 2023, Perancis

    woke up and ate some breakfast with the germans, checked out and left my stuff in the hostel. i didn't really know where to go, so i just figured entering "graffiti" into google maps could be a good idea. it was. i explored the most artsy, colourful, friendly neighbourhood i have ever seen, absolute future living dream.
    got a huge pizza for 5€ and took a bus up to the cathedral or whatever it was, i was just there for the views.

    in the afternoon, i booked a dorm for another night because i had contacted nicolas from couchsurfing and he told me wednesday would fit him better. met my two british-indian roomies who promptly invited me to join them for a bar crawl in the evening. watched the sunset from the shore and got ready for the night out.

    we met at another hostel which seemed pretty dead, so i was already debating going back and saving my money for another time. a 3€ can of monster energy managed to lift my spirits and we went in to meet the other barhoppers. everyone was super friendly and i quickly bonded with two young french-canadians, jayce and lauriane.

    we visited a total of 4 bars, finishing in a small club. had a great time throughout and found out that lauriane has the same birthday as me, so we made a deal to meet up again celebrate together in naples. could tell that they both fancied me a bit (jayce turned out to be gay), but we were all to shitfaced to do anything about it.

    woke up the next morning not too hungover, met the canadians for a short walk and hopped on the train to saint-raphaël.
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  • Hari 19–23

    saint raphaël

    4 Oktober 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    had my first couchsurfing experience here. nicolas hit me up while i was in the bus to lyon, telling me he would be happy to host me for a couple of days in his coast town.

    he was super nice and welcoming, but with one little twist: he lives a nudist lifestyle and only hosts if you are alright with doing so too. read his bio a bit too late but still decided to move on despite karla's concerns.

    nicolas lives in a small 2-room flat, the guest bed in the main room takes up half the space. the nudist thing weirded me out a lot in the beginning, but became pretty normal towards the end of the 5 day stay. he paid for almost everything we ate, let me use his snorkeling gear, e-scooter and even playstation 5. i had a very laid back week including lots of sleeping, chilling on the beach and using the rare opportunity of playing gta v. nico even took me on a little roadtrip around the coast. all in all: would recommend.

    i also saw a kid at mcdonalds accidentally dropping his burger and having it eaten by sea crows. made my day.

    on the last day, we headed to toulon, where my ferry to sardinia would depart. he had to work there, so it was a nice coincidence.
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  • Hari 23–24

    ferry to porto torres

    8 Oktober 2023, Western Mediterranean ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    after some mcmuffins and a tour around the port of toulon, i said goodbye to nico and headed down for the port. while going through security checks, my knife (that i had forgotten about) fell off my backpack and was found by one of the staff a few moments later. had to leave it there after signing some document, but they were cool about it.

    i was the first foot passenger to board the ferry, immediately started making tuna wraps on the upper decks. i wanted to sleep outside and found a nice, decently quiet spot at the rear of the top deck. had to abandon it at 1 am because it got (expectedly) wet. after a stop-over in ajaccio, the ferry arrived at noon. oh yeah and there were a bunch of dolphins jumping alongside the ferry while we were entering porto torres, that was tight.

    got off and spotted a lidl after a bit of strolling, realizing i had bought way to much shit in france thinking it would be more expensive here. got a baguette and some grapes and devoured them at a nearby trainstation along with a wheel of camembert. after an hour, one of the two daily trains arrived. the ride was not the most comfortable, but i ended up in oristano a few hours later, around 5:30.

    i had planned to go to a campsite to spend the first night and to make some plans for the next days and weeks, but generally, i was here because of a surfing school that wasn't far away, but not in walking distance either. the bus that was supposed to take me to the campsite, or rather the bus stop, was nonexistent, so i headed for the comfort and the wifi of a mcdonalds i had spotted on google maps.

    arriving there, i was just sitting down at an outdoor table, when another traveller-looking chap there started to strike up a conversation. i came to find out that his name was chris, he was from germany and had been on the road for 4 years now, currently with his caravan camper, herr schmidt. he proposed to take me to his parking spot, saying there would be good spots for me to camp nearby. out of interest (and, quite frankly, desperation), i agreed.

    after he had finished his meal, we went shopping at another lidl and then started driving to his place. he was super talkative and we had some good deep talk about travel, friendship and relationship right off the bet. i also came to find out that chris was 41, and not in his late 20s, as i had expected. he had been in sardinia scince december of last year busy fixing mr schmidts water damages. he knew almost everyone in the small town we were in.

    we arrived, exchanged numbers and i set up my tent. just a couple of meters away, about two dozen motor homes were parked next to some hot springs on the river shore. had some dinner in the very homely caravan and went to sleep in my tent after my weekly check-up with lilly.
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