This side of things

september 2022 - oktober 2023
Here till I'm not Meer informatie
  • 308Footprints
  • 4landen
  • 389dagen
  • 2,0kfoto’s
  • 45video’s
  • 68,0kkilometer
  • 51,7kkilometer
  • 2,0kkilometer
  • 1,5kkilometer
  • 887kilometer
  • 649kilometer
  • 355kilometer
  • 90nautische mijlen
  • 142kilometer
  • 69nautische mijlen
  • 16nautische mijlen
  • Dag 13

    Group photos

    7 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    All the group shots from the Welcome To Melbourne tour.

    Phillip island, street art, heritage walk and landmarks all covered.

    A great week with an amazing group of people

  • Dag 14

    Botanical Gardens

    8 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    When I first arrived in Melbourne the Botanical Gardens was something I knew I wanted to do. After out tour earlier on in the week, I decided to go back today.

    The sun was shining but it was only about 12° so I had to go back in to change before heading out a second time.

    Went straight along to Queen Victoria Market. Wondered around there again for a bit before I realised it was exactly the same as a week ago. Was a little disappointed by that but still nice to explore everything.

    Then made the track across the city to the Gardens.

    Melbourne's free tram system is great, but does not reach beyond the CBD. This has not been an issue until now. I obviously did not by a Myki card, the tram card, as I'm not in Melbourne for long enough. However, this does mean I had to make the rest of the way on foot. 40mins after leaving the market I arrived at the gardens. So worth it.

    I explored the parts we didn't cover on the tour, and by that point the sun had come out and it looked so summery. The lake was bigger than I expected and I took a seat beside it to journal for a bit. The birds were out, people were picnicking, it was so nice.

    Left earlier than I wanted but had to get back to the hostel for our Ocean Road meeting. I ended up getting a sandwich on my way after refinding the street that does all the best subs. Very happy.

    Out meeting was a success and we headed to the shop to buy food. Far too much money later, I left with a weeks worth of food and snacks.
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  • Dag 15

    Great Ocean Road

    9 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Began the next trip.

    The Great Ocean Road. 5 days, 4 night, endless blue sea.

    Got woken up nice and early at 2,30 this morning from one of the girls alarms. An alarm which she did not wake up for and I had to get up and turn off. Love that.

    Checked out at 10 and waited for the guys to pick up the car, and in no time we were on our way. Daisy was our drive today, and did very well navigating city traffic and then motorways.

    About an hour and a half later we hit the Great Ocean Road. Stopped for a couple pictures above the cliff before stopping at a lighthouse in Aireys Inlet. Very picturesque, blue sea, red rock, green foliage. Perfect.

    Got a spot of lunch down in a little lay by in Airey's. The portions were insanely large! Before heading off to a chocolate factory. We will be stopping there again tomorrow as we only had about 10 minutes today and that was not long enough.

    Next was a drive through Kangaroo sighting, they are massive. Before going to the hostel. Our hostel for the night is in the little town of Queenscliff. Very quaint and quiet with a gorgeous beach night near by.
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  • Dag 16

    Lets go to the beach!

    10 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Began with a lovely slow morning in Queensclif before heading back out on the Great Ocean Road.

    Started the day with a spot of shopping. Hit up the ripcurl outlet, bought myself a pair of branded flip flops (or thongs) for $5, loving in. Then did a bit of an explore around the strangest vintage shop. It wasnt a shop, it was a collection of old vans, a double decker bus and bunch of shipping containers. All full of different clothes, surfing equipment, antiques and knickknacks. It was very peculiar.

    Then we hopped back into the car and headed out to the famous Bells Beach. Had a picnic down on the sand and watched the waves. Not many surfers about which made the beach almost empty beside us.
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  • Dag 16

    Chocolates and Waterfalls

    10 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Best ice cream ever!

    If in doubt go with chocolate, but when you're at a chocolate factory, that's not possible. I chose a dark chocolate sorbet and a nutella chocolate icecream. It was massive. Genuinely huge.

    It also made me giggle that we parked our green and purple van, next to a limousine. Thought that was hilarious.

    They also had a super cool range of chocolate tea. So tea leaves from the cocoa bean leaves, with chia or peppermint mixed it. Love that idea!

    Then we headed back on the road towards the Erkshine waterfall. Stopped half way for a photo shoot at the Great Ocean Road sign.

    The waterfall was so cool. Unlike the other group, we chose to abide by the barrier and not get right up close beneath it. But it was still close enough. It's insane how loud the water can be, it drowned out all other sounds in the forest. Just the water and the view.

    Finally we did a little pit stop on our long journey along the coast. For the most part we were at sea level, so when we rose a little we decided to stop for a picture or two. The others got very worried when I climbed up onto the wall, felt like mum was with me warning me not too. All I was missing was dad up there first!

    We ended the day in Apollo bay in the YHA. Had a soup and a salad, my attempt at healthy.

    Looking forward to yet more insane views and fun times tomorrow.
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  • Dag 17


    11 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Woke up nice and late in our little hostel in Apollo Bay and headed out to our first stop, Maits Rest.

    An insane little cool-climate rainforest buried on the eat coast. It was funny because most of the group had never seen a rainforest before we were likening it to walking through centre parks! I was trying so hard not to laugh as it was so serenely quiet. I did not succeed.

    Perhaps it was I'm laughing that scared all the Koalas away. Despite it supposedly being a hotspot for them, we couldn't spot a signal one. But it was still worth track up the hill.

    The landscape here changes so often it is astonishing. One minute we are driving through forests and up mountains, the next we are back down on the beach with the bluest waters.

    We ended up having to do a little pit stop for fuel and were so confused why the signs led us to a little shop and not a petrol station. That was until we spotted this tiny little fuel pump directly outside. It was the cutest thing ever, but also one of the most expensive. Fuel in Aussie seems to be ranging between $170.9 and $209.9, that one was $232.9!! But side effect of being the only fuel spot for an hour.

    We stopped for our little picnic lunch at a wetlands. Lots of marsh and pretty long grasses. Before hopping back in the car for the beginning our rock trip.
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  • Dag 17


    11 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Now, like anyone, I love a good rock. This was a little bit excessive though.

    First stop, Griffins steps. Now these steps were big, long, damp and uneven. Treturous even, but worth it.

    The first of the 12 Apostels is honestly massive. Well they all are, but it is the only one we could go down and stand near on the beach. We ended up spending close to an hour down there just staring at it and hosting a photo shoot.

    Once done, we made our way to the other 5 Apostels. Again with the, they are massive. The photos can never do them justice, especially on my little phone camera. They are insane.

    After spending yet more time staring at them, we moved on. Loch Ard Gorge was a little less impressive in comparison but still cool. The arc shape made the bay below fill with practically still water, the waves dissolving into the rock. Next to it was a very cool headland. Eroded down by the waves and sea spray, it was spiky on the top and smooth down the side. Super cool.

    Next was London Bridge. Aptly named as it is indeed falling down. Two arch ways carved by time, one gone, one left for now. Reminded me of Durdle Door and the holidays we spent there.

    Then onto the grotto. Definitely the coolest t
    Close up rock formation. Hollowed up by the waves, you can see right through a few hundred meters of rock to out to the sea. I could imagine on a windy day, how incredible the waves must look.

    Our final rock was the bay of island. Lots of much smaller but no less impressive rocks. More like giant stepping stone for the rulers of old. By this point we were all beyond exhausted and were glad to be making our way to the next hostel.
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  • Dag 17


    11 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    On our way to the next hostel we took a detour for some food too wake up. After ages in and out the car all day, we were all falling asleep. Ended up getting an iced coffee and the yellowest chips ever. We were debating what made them that colour, either the kind of potato or if the oil was rapeseed.

    Next was a massive nature reserve. You could drive through along a track and stop at some points and walk around it on foot. The area was huge and we were all tired so didn't go too far. But we did see Emus, Kangarro and Koalas!

    I was very proud of myself as I managed to spot both of the ones we saw. They were super high up and blended in so well so we definitely missed a few. But the last one was much closer than the first and it was awake so moved about a little aswell.

    Felt like a proper tourist all day and loved it.

    Once we were at the hostel, cooked some more pasta. I'm not thinking about the quantity of pasta I have eaten this week, it is worrying. But I did add on the broccoli I bought, so it was a bit healthier!
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  • Dag 18

    The climb

    12 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Rainy days call for slow progressions.

    Started off strong with a coffee and look at the journey and seeing half of our roads were closed because of flooding.

    Then out to the coast for a walk along the docks and lighthouse. We spotted an echidna in the bush which was cute and some birds nesting in the sand bank.

    It drizzled a little as we made our way inland and stopped at an old volcano crater. The view from the top was incredible. England has very little land that is flat enough to see for miles, but up there we could. I imagine on a clearer day the sea may even have been visible. We got our first look at the Grampions, our destination.

    Before long we were back on the road. It's a long way inland so we stopped for a few photo shoots before finding a mildly spooky spot for lunch.

    Soon after the rain began, and it did not stop. Ended up getting soaked as we ran for the shop and back, and decided against doing any of the hikes. Instead we headed for the pub. Very british. Had a pint before checking in.

    We were a bit early for check in but we were soaked and didn't want to be out anymore. After that, just relaxed in the hostel and made good warm food.
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  • Dag 19

    Paths becoming rivers

    13 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    Did we wake up at 6,15am to go see the sunrise and a waterfall? Yes.

    Was it absolutely chucking it down? Yes.

    Did we make it to the lookout for the sunrise? No, the road was closed.

    Did we instead go see a waterfall? Yes.

    Did we see the waterfall? Also no.

    We decided there comes a time when you need to turn back. When the path to the waterfal is now a part of the river, that is the time.

    Through the trees we could see the waterfall flowing, but there was no way we were getting closer. The rain had been falling for about 20hrs at this point, almost consistently, as a result it was very flooded.

    We had a fun time getting back to the hostel as the roads were looking more like rivers aswell. Lots of grit pushed down by the rain caused a few sticky moments.

    As a result we are thinking of leaving no later than 9am. We intended to let the others lie in until later but it looks like roads will be really bad soon. Two roads are already closed and we do not want to end up getting stranded.

    Fingers crossed for the journey back out of the mountains and back to Melbourne.
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