Gap Year

joulukuuta 2016 - helmikuuta 2017
57-päiväinen seikkaillu — Maddie Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 29

    Byron Bay

    10. tammikuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Got up, ate breakfast and went to buy some churros before scheduling the next few days in the Blue mountains. After all the clerical work was out of the way Annika and I biked to my Swedish friend's hostel to pick up the snorkeling gear for Annika. We then continued riding to some overgrown train tracks that Mike had told me about. Once we had worked up a sweat we went to find some frozen yogurt. Then we rode down to the beach to find some live music playing which we stayed at for awhile before continuing down the beach and watching some acrobats give a flying lesson. We dropped off the stuff at the hostel and I rode up towards the lighthouse to try to make the sunset and meet my Swedish friends. The ride was much longer and steeper than I thought so I missed the actual sunset but still got some good views. I had to go back down soon after due to the dark and my hunger. I made a lentil salad when I got back before showering and then sleeping.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 30


    11. tammikuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Today I woke up and quickly packed and ate breakfast before texting Annika who I had planned to go snorkeling with. She had found something else to do but it turned out John wanted to go too so we met up at the beach around 10. The snorkel site was a shipwreck only about 40 meters offshore on the main beach that was marked by the top of the mast that stood about 5 feet out of the water. It didn't look very far but as soon as we got in the water we knew we were in for a tough swim out against the rough and constant waves. After lots of complaining and mouthfuls of water we finally made it out to the mast. I tried holding on to it for a second but quickly realized it was a bad idea after a swell pulled all the water out from under me and I was left hanging only to be ripped off of it by the wave. I took a look and was met with utter disappointment that came in the form of one fish and the three feet down I could actually see before the water turned dark green. After one look I knew it was hopeless and we headed back to shore. We played in the water a bit and made a lumpy sandcastle before heading to the train station to meet the rest of the Swedish crew. After saying goodbye they boarded and headed off but not before giving me some free fries. I headed back to the hostel and had a quick shower and made myself some pasta before heading to the library in hope of better wifi. The wifi was still bad and it took a few hours to download less than an hour and a half of content. In that time I bought a book and had a nice long nap. Then it was time I retrieve my belongings and head to the bus station. Thankfully the bus was less than half full so I could put my bags anywhere and still stretch out over two seats. We stopped in two hours at a very small town named Alstonville which I explored for a bit before buying banana bread and a pineapple fritter. Then I sat under a huge tree with hundreds of parakeets until the bus left. We were off again and I started my book before I got distracted by a lightning storm we were passing by. I was pretty sleepy so I decided to put the book down and blow up my neck pillow and quickly fell asleep.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 31

    Darling Harbour

    12. tammikuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I was awoken on the bus a few hours later as everyone was getting off at a gas station. It was still pitch dark but it was required we get off so I grabbed my phone and book and left the bus. I looked around the gas station store for any edible food but found none and quickly gave up an went outside. For the next 20 minutes I watched a flailing cockroach on it's back that had been kicked out of the way and injured a leg. Right before we boarded I flipped him back over so he could fly on and disgust some more people. We rode on and after a little tv I was back asleep only to wake up as we were driving through the outskirts of Sydney. We were at central station soon after and with nothing to do I fell asleep across some chairs in a little lounging corner. I was awoken to a boisterous somewhat uneducated women who ended up giving me some tips on where to go in the blue mountains and even convinced me to go to Adelaide. After about five hours I was let into my room. I ventured out and explored China Town a little and went into Market City where I saw an adorable little bag that could replace my purse that was in the process of breaking. Unfortunately they only took cash and had about 20 minutes till closing so I ran back to my hostel to get some money. I made it back in time and continued walking to Coles only to stop and get a weird Asian pastry that had fuzzy stuff on top and had "cream" and beef in it. It was cheap and I was intrigued so I got it only to discover the cream was mayonnaise. I threw it away after a bite and then bought some peas and chicken at Coles. I found a nice park with a very weird fountain and accidentally ran into Darling Harbour on my way back. Went and ate dinner before passing out in my room of elderly men.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 32

    Blue Mountains

    13. tammikuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Today I woke up and checked out before 10 and put my luggage in the storage room in the hostel. Not wanting to get to the Blue Mountains before I could check in I started planning the next few days including booking a flight to Adelaide. After some food and planning, I headed to the nearby travel agency where I booked the Kiwi Experience for my New Zealand stay. Once I returned I was pretty much ready to go when I ran into a friend I had met earlier that day. He was with another guy now and I started talking to them. They wanted to go to eat somewhere and although I had already ate I tagged along and decided to get the next train. Once I finally did get on the train the two boys had decided to come along up to the blue mountains for the afternoon with me. It turned out to be a long train ride where we met a Canadian girl and some twins who lived in the blue mountains. We finally arrived around 6 and once I dropped my stuff off we immediately headed to Echo Point to get a good view of the "mountains". We then walked to the three sisters where it started to drizzle on us before we descended down the Giant Stairway into the forest below. After an hour or so it was getting dark and we were still in the forest so we ran a little and finally made it to the Ferber Stairs and climbed our way out in the dark. It was after nine when we found civilization and after a quick run to the supermarket the boys had to take the last train back and I returned to the hostel. Hoping to get an early start tomorrow I had a short night before heading to bed.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 33


    14. tammikuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Although I didn't wake up that late, by the time I had showered and eaten it was after 11. I asked around for some good hikes and settled on one that brought me by lots of waterfalls. I descended the same steps to get down to the forest but went the opposite way of last night. It was a very nice walk filled with fun animal sounds and a weird peacock looking thing . Trying to follow the advisors instructions I stuck to the right and ended up heading down the beginning of a 15 km hike. After a small swamp and lots of grasshoppers I turned around realizing I was going the wrong way. I backtracked and headed up some stairs and finally found Leura falls which I stood under to cool off. I headed back out of the forest seeing little water falls everywhere and popping out on the other side of town. Unfortunately I couldn't walk on the street I needed so I went through a park that lead me in the wrong direction. It ended up taking me over an hour to make it back to my hostel where I collapsed and took a short nap. When I woke up I showered and by that time it was almost dinner. After dinner I met a nice Swiss guy who agreed to go on a long walk with me tomorrow and then we both went to bed.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 34

    Castle Head

    15. tammikuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Today I woke up a little later than planned but we still got out of the hostel early enough. We were headed to castle head and it took about an hour to get to the trail head. The whole hour we were attacked by flies but once we went more in the trees they disappeared. I was the leader and ran my face into every spider web there was as we squeezed between the foliage of an unkept path. We got some nice views as we ate lunch but left once the flies returned. We went down the golden stairs on the way back and walked along the valley floor before running into the very touristy Scenic World that has a vertical train. We opted for the strenuous Ferbur stairs I had climbed two days before. Once out we headed straight to the supermarket to buy ice cream. I got a pint of chocolate brownie and I almost finished it. It was time to head back to Sydney to prepare for the early flight tomorrow. I fell asleep a few times on the train but then they moved us all to a bus due to some railroad repair. I got to my hostel around 8 and took a shower then went out in search of some dumplings. I found them in China town and once I ate those I went and bought as many fried emperors cream things as I could(they were very small). I went back to the hostel finished packing then had an early night.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 35


    16. tammikuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Woke up at 4:15 today and quietly got dressed and ready for my flight. Went and made a very quick breakfast before packing the last of my things and headed to the train station. Luckily I got there right before the train left but quickly realized I was way ahead of schedule when I made it through security with over an hour to spare. The flight went by quickly due to the fact that I slept the whole time besides when I woke up and asked for a muffin. Landed in Adelaide at 8:20 due to the 30 minute time change and after getting my checked bag I went back through security so I could chill on the couches until 1:00 which is when I could check into my hostel. I also slept for most of the time there. Once I woke up I quickly found the right bus and after 15 minutes got off and walked a short 5 minutes to my hostel. After throwing all my stuff down I went and bought an açai espresso bowl which was both delicious and filling. Next I ventured out into the blazing hot town to explore a bit. I came across some very old beautiful buildings and ran into a small China town. Then I headed into a big cycling festival thing. Apparently the Australian equivalent of the Tour de France is coming through tomorrow or starting here (not really sure). So I looked around at all the expensive bikes and went through a very dark maze that was representing what it was like cycling in the dark. It was complete with trucks backing up and almost hitting you, flashing lights and even a car door abruptly opening that blocked your path. I got out and received an awesome picture of a very frightened Maddie in the maze. Next I wandered into a booth with a coloring contest for kids competing to win a bike. I asked if I could do it and he said yes so I digitally colored a girl on a bike for the next 40 minutes. He even made fun of me for taking so long but I think it turned out really well. I'll find out next Monday if I won. Then I kept wandering around the city and came across the Supreme Court building and the St. Francis Xavier Cathedral which I went in briefly. The heat forced me to head back to my hostel and I stopped for some shower supplies and food on the way. When I got back to the hostel I showered and did laundry for the first time in awhile. Then I ate some chili con carne made by the hostel before reading my book in the lounge and going to sleep.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 36

    Lazy day

    17. tammikuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

    Today it was over 100 degrees and it felt like you would melt if you stayed outside for very long. I took this opportunity to to hangout with my new friend Marlene who was a German girl in my room and also book my flight back from New Zealand. We also played ping pong for a few hours and even signed up for a tournament that was happening in the evening. We met a few more people including Marcel, another German, Steph and Andrew the cutest couple from Sydney, Jinny and Patrick more Germans and Fraser from Scotland. Me and Marlene even tried pool but after failing miserable we gave up. Eventually I forced myself outside to go to the Woolworths that wasn't very close. Even the wind felt disgustingly hot. Once I was back I ate my dinner before running back out to get some alcohol before the tournament. Sadly I lost in the first round along with most of my friends but Andrew actually won the whole thing. Once it finished we gathered the gang and headed out in search of a bar. For some reason me and Fraser, the drunk ones, were leading the way. We eventually found The Little Pub and played lots of pool and darts there before four of us headed out for some late night pizza that was delicious. We got home very late played more pool and ping pong until there was just two. Me and Fraser were the only ones to make it to sunrise but unfortunately after searching for a good place we realized there was no chance of seeing it in the middle of the city. So we listened to music and pretended to watch the sunrise then went back and slept for a few hours. (I took literally no photos today so here are some random ones I couldn't put on before.)Lue lisää

  • Päivä 47

    New Zealand

    28. tammikuuta 2017, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Today was one of the more brutal mornings which started before 4. After brushing up and getting the rest of my stuff packed I started the walk to Southern Cross station. On my way there I cut through a park and saw a possum walking around by some trees. After it got within two feet of me I went on my way and just barely made the airport bus. Once I got to the airport all mayhem broke loose apparently there are a lot of rules to get into New Zealand including having a flight leaving New Zealand, the right visa and for me I had another problem being they said that my Australian visa would expire before my flight back. I eventually got it all scheduled as other travelers frantically bought tickets from New Zealand to anywhere. After waiting a little I got on the plane and almost immediately fell asleep. Once in New Zealand I cruised through customs and found the bus into town. Right after I bought the ticket I dropped it and the wind blew it away and I couldn't find it. Fortunately the woman remembered me and I was still able to get on the bus. There was a bus stop that was very close to my hostel which made things a lot easier. Once settled I headed out to the supermarket to buy some groceries and then returned and ate some late lunch. The rest of the day I chilled around the hostel took some naps ate some dinner and went to bed. (Barely took pictures today)Lue lisää

  • Päivä 48


    29. tammikuuta 2017, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    I woke up at 12:00 today despite going to bed rather early. After a shower and breakfast I headed out to the Auckland Domain, a big park with live music,ponds, and gardens. The mile walk to the park didn't take very long and soon I was walking through gardens and ponds and eventually ended up on a rainforesty walk. After walking around in the forest I continued up to the war memorial. It was quite a building but it was pretty expensive to walk around inside so I continued walking through the park. Once I popped out I headed to the supermarket in search of a reusable cooler bag. After I winded my way back through little streets until I arrived back at my hostel. I waited a little bit and then had an early dinner before heading to bed.Lue lisää