Asia 2017

dezembro 2016 - março 2017
Uma 84aventura de um dia na MitchaRu Leia mais
  • 42pegadas
  • 11países
  • 84dias
  • 247fotos
  • 0vídeos
  • 26,4kmilhas
  • 21,1kmilhas
  • Dia 34


    26 de janeiro de 2017, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Who knew this sleepy backpacker town would be in the middle of such amazing scenery! But there was one catch; to be able to see the views you had to hike Ella's Rock. We knew it would be difficult but we underestimated how steep the climb would be! In total it took us 6 hours, which was a little longer than expected due to some shortcuts that turned out to be dead ends and light rain that made the terrain slippery. But getting lost was part of the adventure, and part of the locals' creative business venture. They were always willing to give "a" direction, however getting the "right" direction would cost you. And since all the signs and markers put in place by the government were tampered with we embraced the game and wandered through a private tea plantation and 6 foot high grass to catch a group of hikers who seemed to be on the right track.

    Once we got to the top we couldn't stop admiring the views, however we only got to enjoy the clear sky for about 15 minutes before the fog and mist started to roll through. This didn't stop us though from taking some amazing photos as we stood high above literally in the clouds!

    All in all, when we got back down we were very proud of our accomplishment and also very hungry!
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  • Dia 35


    27 de janeiro de 2017, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Our last stop in Sri Lanka was a quick visit to the capital Colombo. We were surprised how modern and developed the city was compared to the rest of the country. A lot of the British influence is still seen in the architecture of the buildings that remain and the monuments reflect the independence gained from them. We also took a stroll along the beach promenade which wasn't anything special but gave us a look into how the locals pass their time.

    As we prepared to say goodbye to Sri Lanka we made our way back to Negombo to be closer to the airport. We were warned by multiple people and our airlines that we needed to arrive to the airport 5 hours before our flights due to runway construction that was causing major backup. So after a short nap, we took their advice and left for the airport at 2am for our 7am flights. It wasn't that busy when we arrived but luckily we had lounge access to pass our time comfortably and reminisce about our time in this beautiful country.
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  • Dia 37

    Bangkok, Thailand

    29 de janeiro de 2017, Tailândia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Our first stop in Southeast Asia did not disappoint. The large city of Bangkok offered a nice mix of both old and new. We ended up spending an extra day or two in a very nice hotel to plan some of our trip and for Mitch to recover from a cold.

    One thing we wanted to see was a traditional Thai kickboxing match, or Muay Thai. It was a lot of fun although the tourist prices were quite a bit higher than the locals gambling in the crowd. It was interesting to see their culture at these fights with warm-up dances prior to each fight and a small band that played a rhythmic beat that the fighters would often move to. The fighters were required to be over 100lbs and 15 years old, although many seemed to barely meet this requirement. Out of the 7 fights we saw, 4 of the fighters were carried off on a stretcher!

    We also went to see some of the Buddhist temples, the 146 meter long reclining Buddha and the Grand Palace, but skipped going inside the palace due to the long lines. The King of Thailand recently passed away 3 months ago after reigning 70 years which explained the huge crowds dressed in black coming to morn him at the Palace and the huge pictures of the King decorated with flowers everywhere we looked in Bangkok.

    Lastly we got a taste of the "Hangover Part 2" with a visit to Soi Cowboy, an entertaining/frightening tuk tuk ride, and a glimpse at a few "lady boys".

    Oh and as much as we liked the city, we could do without the traffic. Our worst Uber ride was less than 9 miles which took an hour and forty minutes!
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  • Dia 41

    Chiang Mai, Thailand

    2 de fevereiro de 2017, Tailândia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We took a short flight from Bangkok to northern Thailand and really enjoyed the few days we spent there. It was somewhat touristy like many reviews warned, however there were plenty of chances to avoid the tourist scene and enjoy roaming the laid back streets throughout the town.

    Our first adventure was through a company called Something Different Tours, and it did not disappoint. This was a full day off-road motorbike tour. We were a bit skeptical of the tour at first, but once we picked up our lunch at a local market and got off the paved roads, we really had fun! It was just the two of us on a moped, with a guide in front and a guide in back. There were a few dicey spots where I thought the moped was going to break from the giant holes in the dirt path, a few times the moped couldn't make it up the steep hills in the lowest gear, and a few times Rupal hung on for her life, but it was a successful trip and a memorable one including stops at waterfalls and a hill tribe that live without electricity and cannot come to the main town because they aren't citizens of the country instead migrants from China who live their lives hunting and gathering to survive; yet some how they were very welcoming and seemed happy.

    The next day was just as memorable spent at an elephant orphanage. We learned a lot about Asian vs. African elephants and had a blast feeding them and washing them. We highly recommend this experience, especially at a place that treats the animals well. I would love to rescue an abused elephant, but unfortunately they cost $60k and eat/poop nonstop. There were a total of 3 elephants including a 2 year old baby elephant that was adorable and full of mischievous energy constantly venturing all over the complex, eating planted flowers and giving everyone a good laugh.

    We went back into town and enjoyed an hour massage, costing about $5.50 each that included some traditional Thai massage moves like walking on our backs and stretching us in some crazy wrestling-like moves. Every night there we had some amazing food as well including a few new favorite dishes we hadn't tried before in the US.

    This rounded up a few memorable days in Thailand and look forward to getting back to the islands near the end of our trip.
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  • Dia 44

    Luang Prabang, Laos

    5 de fevereiro de 2017, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Luang Prabang is a small quaint town in Laos known to backpackers for years however we didn't know very much about it and wanted to check it out for ourselves.

    Laos was occupied by the French for 50 years up until 1949, which is evident in Luang Prabang through the architecture and modern day relaxed culture. While there were nice restaurants, wine bars and riverside cafes all around town, it didn't quite feel like the authentic Laos we saw traveling, more of a western resort town.

    Although it was nice to have this small town feel we wanted to see a more local side of Laos so we rented a scooter to drive around the outskirts. This is where we saw the true beauty of this country that has rolling mountains and greenery all around. We drove an hour to the Kuang Si waterfall which was even more amazing in person than the pictures we'd seen. It was fun to hike up to the top of the fall where we could walk around in the water and Mitch could show off on the tree swing before accidentally falling in to the watering hole! Thank god it was really really hot so drying off wasn't a problem.

    On the way back from the waterfall we made a few pit stops to enjoy the scenery and to even do some local people watching while taking a break at a roadside eatery where I had to take a picture with the cutest little Laos girl dressed in her traditional clothing. Once we got back to Luang Prabang we enjoyed a beautiful sunset over the river and decided it was time that we take a chance to eat some street food while in Southeast Asia. We scoped out the most popular BBQ stand and enjoyed some pork, chicken and sticky rice. And lucky to say our stomachs were just fine the next day!
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  • Dia 46

    Vang Vieng, Laos

    7 de fevereiro de 2017, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    Vang Vieng is known for its location on the Nam Song River which attracts younger travelers looking to enjoy the scenery. It was a famous backpacker party spot up until recently when it become scrutinize in the news for numerous casualties from tubing/partying on the river. In 2012, this attention resulted in the Laos government shutting down almost every bar along the river, and all of their associates ziplines and rope swing . However a more tame tubing scene is still one of the main attractions in Vang Vieng. As floating the river was one of our favorite things to do in Texas on a hot summer day, we knew had to check it out. To get there we had to take a 4 hour minivan ride packed with 12 passengers and luggage strapped on top - a scenic drive and experience of its own.

    The tubing was fun but it was definitely not as fun as our Texas experience, although this was definitely more scenic. However we did enjoy making some new friends along the way with travelers from America, Canada, Germany, Scotland and France but it made us miss the good old days with our Texas friends.

    The rest of the time we spent relaxing at a riverside bar with huts above the water with a great view and good people watching of those tubing, kayaking and locals fishing. Other than that, we felt that the town was a bit too small, didn't offer much variety and was a little too populated with young Asian tourists so after two days we were ready for our next stop!
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  • Dia 47

    Vientiane, Laos

    8 de fevereiro de 2017, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    We really only traveled to the Laos capital Vientiane in order to catch a flight to Vietnam, but we ended up enjoying our short visit. The bus ride there was surprisingly better then the last one with full reclining leather seats. We luckily got the last two spots on the bus and Rupal got the best seat in the house right in the back with a clear view of the road watching the driver take scary sharp turns and take over cars on the mountainous road.

    We walked to the nearby park and heard some loud music and found a Zumba-like dance class and joined in. Then we strolled through the local market and found Rupal some replacement sunglasses for less than $2 since her old pair was lost in the river the day before. Then we finished the evening with a kebab and a Belgian beer at a Lebanese shop which was a nice change.

    The next day we headed to the airport and enjoyed some much needed Dairy Queen. The hot dog was "Laosy" but the blizzard hit the spot.
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  • Dia 49

    Hanoi, Vietnam

    10 de fevereiro de 2017, Vietnã ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Good morning Vietnam! We arrived to the capital without much of an itinerary but quickly found things to do that kept us busy for a few days.

    To get familiar with the Old Town which is the heart of the city we met up with a local college student who in exchange for spending a few hours showing us around got to practice her English. She took us to a local market selling everything from wholesale items to fruits and vegetables and even seafood like live turtles and frogs! We were pretty grossed out by that but it was interesting none the less to see what other cultures find acceptable. We also stopped at the temple of the white horse where we learned more about the predominant religion in Vietnam which is based on legends and folklores rather than a god. And after bit of walking we decided to stop for a local favorite; egg coffee which as the name suggests is made with eggs instead of milk! Although we were skeptical if it'd taste good it turned out to be this delicious creamy coffee drink that was perfectly sweet. We wrapped up the tour in the French Quarter and parted ways with our new friend as she had to make her way to class.

    Now that we were oriented in the city we walked around effortlessly without getting lost however we had to always mind the traffic and make sure we didn't get too distracted by gazing at food stalls or stores on the streets selling everything and anything you could imagine. Mitch's favorite street was the "Lowes" street which had store after store of tools and hardware.

    We also visited the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" or Hoa Lo Prison which was built by the French when they ruled in Vietnam and later in history was used during the Vietnam War to keep American prisoners of war such as John McCain captive. The museum was full of propaganda and definitely offered a different take on the war than we learn about in America but that's what we expected. One thing we didn't expect though was to see how friendly the Vietnamese people are to Americans and tourist in general. It was nice to not feel too taken advantage of as a tourist as we've felt in other countries.

    To top off our time in Hanoi we definitely enjoyed our fair share of Ban Bo: vermicelli and Banh Mi: pork sandwiches, 25 cent beer and more egg coffee!

    Oh and how can I forget to mention we had the best $2 rental ever when we stumbled upon a night fair...a modified Hover Board that you cruised around the closed off streets on. Mitch raced the little kids while I didn't go as fast but once when I did I forgot how the brakes worked and almost went flying off. I survived and laughed it off as did the locals who saw me!
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  • Dia 51

    Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

    12 de fevereiro de 2017, Vietnã ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    After a few days in hectic Hanoi it was nice to escape the city to see some of Vietnam's beauty. We booked a 2 day 1 night tour to Ha Long Bay. It took a while to get there which included a 2 hour bus ride from Hanoi to get to a speedboat that took us to the bigger boat we cruised the bay in.

    The limestone karst formations make up around 2,000 islands in the bay, putting it on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites as well as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. The views were impressive and some of the rocks were 6 times taller than they were wide, almost looking like a skyscraper coming out of the water.

    We got a chance to enjoy the scenery on the boat and then stopped to kayak which made the formations even more impressive as we paddled right next to them. We even paddled through a cave where a scene for the movie The Blue Lagoon was supposedly filmed. After kayaking we got a chance to jump in the water from the roof of the 2 story boat which I passed on but Mitch enjoyed and even managed to dodge a few jellyfish floating by and rescued a free beer tossed in by the crew as an incentive.

    As the sun set, we sailed to a small deserted island that we'd call home for the night. Our beach front bungalow was simple but we didn't need much to enjoy the sounds of the water from bed. We also enjoyed a nice dinner, drinks, and a fire to keep warm while making some new friends from our tour.

    The next morning we got some time to explore the island and hiked to get some impressive views of the bay around us. Before we knew it, it was time to part ways with the island and beautiful views to make the long journey back to Hanoi for onward travel to Danang. That day our travels consisted of 2 boat rides, 2 bus rides, 2 taxi rides, and a plane ride in a 12 hour span, a personal record we never wanted to set!
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  • Dia 53

    Hoi An, Vietnam

    14 de fevereiro de 2017, Vietnã ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Hoi An is a smaller city in Vietnam situated outside the larger city of Danang. We flew into Danang arriving after midnight where we spent a night. Our plan was to rent a moped for 2 days and drive to Hoi An, so we took only our daypack with what we needed and left our backpacks at the hotel where we rented our moped from. We weren't going to let a little rain get in our way so off we went to Hoi An in matching pant suit ponchos!

    The ride was easy and after about an hour we arrived to a quaint little town surrounded by rice fields and farmland with a coastal beach area as well. We explored the old town on our moped and also walked around to explore the shops selling everything from counterfeit goods to traditional items. Oh and we spent a very classy Valentine's Day there as well where we enjoyed tasty $1 Vietnamese sandwiches and a few drinks.

    The following day we rode out to Marble Mountain which was the site of a pretty cool Buddhist cave temple and stopped by the beach for a stroll.

    Overall we enjoyed our quiet time in Hoi An which was made even better by the nice home stay we stayed at. The family was really sweet, the room was great and the breakfast made to order was delicious. We still cant believe this only cost us $12 a night!
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