Chiang Mai Province

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Top 10 Matkakohdetta Chiang Mai Province
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    • Päivä 10

      Zipline in the jungle 🐒

      25. marraskuuta 2022, Thaimaa ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Da ich endlich was erleben wollte, hab ich mich Justin angeschlossen und bin mit zum Ziplinen gegangen. Das hatte ich sowieso auf meiner Bucket List. Die Fahrt in den Dschungel war bereits abenteuerlich. Irgendwann wechselten wir auf einen Pickup, auf dessen Tragfläche zwei Holzbretter als Sitzbänke angebracht waren. Über Stock und Stein ging es im gefühlten 90-Grad-Winkel weiter nach oben. Es war eine sehr lustige und aufregende Fahrt. Oben angekommen ging es auch schon los mit der ersten kleinen Zipline. Unsere Tour Guides waren super lustig und machten gerne Späße mit uns. 20 Ziplines später ging es über die 900 Meter lange Strecke zum Ziel. Die Aussicht war überragend und wir hatten so viel Spaß!

      Zufällig war Cat (aus dem Bangkok Hostel) auch gerade in Chiang Mai, also sind wir spontan zusammen Abendessen gegangen. Habe mich so gefreut, sie nochmal zu sehen!
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    • Päivä 7

      2 Weißblüter und Dao im Nationalpark

      8. joulukuuta 2023, Thaimaa ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute war der Tag der ersten großen Tour in Thailand, denn es ging in den Doi Inthanon National Park.
      Dort liegt auch der höchste Punkt in Thailand (2565m). Wie in der Bergen üblich, herrschte dort komplett anderes Wetter und wir wurden von 12 Grad, 2m Sichtweite und Regen überrascht. Fix Regenponchos gekauft und weiter ging das Abenteuer.

      Als wir bei den 2 Pagoden angekommen sind, klarte es auf und wir hatten einen 1A Blick.

      Nachdem wir unser Leben auf rutschigsten Pfaden und abseits der befestigten Wege mehrfach riskiert hatten, wurden wir mit einzigartigen Ausblicken auf Wasserfälle mitten im Dschungel belohnt.

      Die 60km zurück haben, ganz in Thaimanier, 2h gedauert. Da wir oft für Autobahnschmackofatz angehalten haben.
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    • Päivä 3

      Motorky nemajú

      21. joulukuuta 2023, Thaimaa ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Dnešný poobedňajší plán požičať motorky, s ktorými budeme robiť 7 dňový okruh po horách od začiatku zlyháva. Zo 4och motoriek predjednaných v prvej požičovni nemajú ani jednu. Skúšame ďalšie požičovne a vo väčšine nemajú motorky (je najvyššia sezóna), alebo ich majú len do chvíle, kým neprezradíme, kde chceme ísť.
      V jednej požičovni, keď povieme, že chceme ísť do hôr (pritom podľa recenzii vieme, že s tým nemajú problém) začne predajca tvrdiť, že už záhadne nemá žiadnu motorku i keď stojíme pred motorkami, ktoré pred chvíľou bol ochotný požičať.
      Keď mu prezradíme, že máme skúsenosti s riadením motorky v horách, predajca sa z nás začne drzo smiať. Za to mu za odmenu dávam krásnu jednohviezdičkovú recenziu.

      Zajtra potrebujeme nutne motorky. Na tom je založený celý náš výlet a po prejdení cca 8 požičovní je problém, že buď nemajú, alebo nechcú požičať. Sme úplne bezradní, lebo už o žiadnych normálnych požičovniach nevieme. Navyše toto je veľké mesto, presúvame sa medzi požičovňami taxíkom, čas ubieha a my sme cca 2 a pol hodiny pred zavretím väčšiny požičovní a už fakt pomaly nevieme kde ísť. Zajtra už máme ubytko v ďalšom meste, kde sa na tých motorkách musíme dopracovať.

      V úplne poslednej, kde by majiteľ aj požičal, ale má len jednu poslednú motorku sa spýtam, či by nám teda niečo neporadil, lebo už fakt nevieme čo ďalej. A záhadne len minútku pešo za rohom je požičovňa, kde nakoniec požičiavame 4 motorky aj keď úplne, úplne iné, aké sme mali v pláne. Celé to bolo v praxi o dosť zložitejšie, ale tým vás už nejdem zaťažovať.

      Mentálne som vyčerpaný na smrť, ako som sa snažil rýchlo rozmýšľať, orientovať sa v mapách a všetko v hlave sumarizovať a organizovať, medzi tým objednávať a kontrolovať taxíky, bol to riadny stres, keď si človek uvedomoval možné následky (zrušenie polky dovolenky). Ale podarilo sa...

      P.S. Kto sa vyzná, tak namiesto 4x Honda Click 125 máme nakoniec 3x Yamaha QBix 125 a 1x Honda PCX 150. Dúfame, že tie Yamahy to dajú.
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    • Päivä 3

      Jungle restaurant a nočné trhy

      21. joulukuuta 2023, Thaimaa ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Večer zájdeme na vianočnú večeru do reštaurácie, ktorú odporúča aj Michelin.

      Už cesta do reštauracie je vzrušujúca, keďže je to vyše 10km v pravej thajskej premávke. Miestami je to dosť adrenalín.

      Krásna reštaurácia je vybudovaná v prostredí ako keby umelo vytvorenej džungle, kde navyše skvelo a štipľavo varia.
      Takže sedíme pri jazierku, do ktorého vteká niekoľko vodopádov a užívame si prvé poriadne štipľavé thajské chute dorazené veľmi kvalitným shakom.

      Z reštaurácie pokračujeme na asi najväčší trh, aký sme v Thajsku zažili
      Nekonečné uličky všetkého možného, kde by človek zabil aj deň a Danka už má v pláne dotiahnuť ma tam na zopár hodín po návrate z hôr. Už teraz sa toho desím.

      Súčasťou je thajské predstavenie, kde speváčka spieva známe hity. Teda podľa mňa to vyzerá skôr ako kvalitne falošné karaoke, ale všade okolo je toľko street foodu, že tam tí ľudia sedia a sledujú to. My navyše pcháme do seba ďalšie a ďalšie shaky z ďalších a ďalších ovocí.

      Na to, že dnes mal byť viac menej oddychový deň, sme sa celkom dorazili.
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    • Päivä 15

      Day 15

      20. helmikuuta, Thaimaa ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Chiang Mai

      Today, we were meant to be doing a day trip to Chiang Rai to see the white and blue temple. However, when we woke up, all the busses were sold out till 12.45 which then wouldn't arrive till 4.30 so that was a no go aswell. I gave Dang a call to see if he was free for Muay Thai but unfortunately he was in Bangkok. This left us with no real plan.

      We head out in search of a pharmacy and breakfast. A short walk away and we find somewhere to top up our supplies, finding suncream and some bandages. I also needed tissues, a razor, and shaving foam but I couldn't find any of them for the life of me. A stop in 7-11 found me a razor but no shaving foam. I had never shaved with a non electric razor before so i opted for a 10p more expensive Gillette razor than Alfie's Bic.

      After we grab some breakfast (now more lunch to be honest) from JJ's Waffle again, we head back to our hostel. I go for a quick swim then whilst Alfie goes for a nap I head out into town. I didn't really have much of a plan but I was on a mission to buy some more stuff. Without the tethers of Alfie's judgemental eye, I finally feel brave enough to buy a typical Thai elephant shirt, going for white and red to mix up the colour palette.

      At a temple, I met a dude who had travelled up from Phuket to buy wedding dresses and suits for his daughters wedding, as Chiang Mai was apparently the best place in South East Asia, better than Vietnam which although is cheaper, apparently won't last. I thought fuck it, and with his recommendation headed to Tom's Tailor where I chatted to him about the different materials and prices. Surprisingly, the suits ranged from £180 to £260, which was much more than I was prepared to pay for something I didn't need.

      I grab a mango smoothie, finally find shaving cream, and head to a park to do some planning along with a durian ice cream (wouldn't have again). The park was small and had a nice fountain with some very skilled slackliners set up not far from me. After an hour or 2, I order my very first Grab bike back to the hostel (imagine South East Asia's version of uber, but on the back of a scooter, as fast as it is cheap).

      After a while, we head out to a few of the night markets that weren't too far, where our mission was a dry bag and a shirt for Alfie. As Alfie's clothes are about as diverse as the Brits in Benidorm, he found nothing to his liking and declared he was gonna go to H&M tomorrow. I managed to find a dry bag which would be useful when we venture down South. After finding some fried squid which didn't have a lot of flavour going on, we sit down when I get a message from Hong Yao inviting us to a Cabaret show which just so happened to be less than 1 minute from where we were sat.

      Alfie went back home, but I joined Hong Yao for a 390 Baht experience of a night, with a Chang beer on the house. I can't super describe what the show was like, but it was an hour and a half of both drag and non-drag queens dancing & singing, with alot of audience participation & interaction. It was also an hour and a half of cheering & laughing. Leaving with my ears ringing and not trying their signature drink "Suck Me Please!" which was served in a penis shaped glass, we headed towards some bars.

      These bars also happened to be the red light district, as well as a Muay Thai arena, where for free we were able to watch a 5 round fight of green shorts vs yellow shorts. We obviously were on team yellow shorts. They both persevered but eventually green shorts was declared the victor and we headed towards 7-11. After grabbing some cookies and FINALLY finding some tissues, we chatted more about the differences between Signapore & the UK, where I showed him what a roast dinner was

      Eventually, I grabbed a grab bike back home, brushed my teeth and went to bed.
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    • Päivä 10

      Phuket to Chiang Mai

      19. toukokuuta, Thaimaa ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Yesterday was an early morning! We woke up at 5am to catch our taxi to the airport for our 8am flight. We said goodbye to Jordan, or at least as much as we could without waking her up as he had a later flight. We grabbed our breakfast sandwiches that we cheekily made from the day before's breakfast buffet, grabbed our bags, and hopped in the cab to the airport.

      The airport experience was easy enough. Domestic flights within Thailand have been very easy for us so far. The only hitch we experienced was having to throw out our half finished 125mL bottle of Aloe Vera since the carry-on limit is 100mL. We waited to board, and once we did, something very unusual happened! We ended up taking off around 15 mins early! We both tried to sleep most of the 2 hour flight because of the early morning but didn't end up getting too much. Before we knew it, we were landing in Chiang Mai!

      Once landing and getting off the plane, we went down to the car rentals to pick up the vehicle we had booked. We definitely were skeptical about driving in Thailand, but it made more sense to rent a car for a day than pay magnitudes more for an excursion where we'd be rushing at every stop. Once we got the car, we pulled the route on Google Maps on got on our way. A nice little tip is that for Google Maps, as long as you have internet to start your route, it should track and be used just fine when there is no connection. So that's what we were going to rely on for our travels.

      We got to the Doi Suthep Temple without any problems and getting used to driving on the other side wasn't difficult. The only thing that needed getting used to was the blinker being on the other side. There were multiple times where the intent was to flick the blinker on, and all of a sudden, the windshield wipers are going! Anyway, to get to the temple we needed to climb up a set of 300-ish stairs (there was also an underground cable car, but why would we want to take that!?). We just took our time going up the stairs and got to the top no problem! We then bought our admission tickets and made our way in. We also bought some flowers, as you are supposed to give them as an offering at the temple. It was very cool seeing the design of the buildings and seeing the view from up there. Once we were done viewing the temple, we made our way back down the massive staircase, but thankfully going down is much easier than going up.

      At the bottom, we grabbed a bite to eat at one of the many eateries. But then an issue was posed, getting WiFi to get the Google Maps to our accommodations for the night. We searched on our phones for any WiFi networks, but the issue with that is even if someplace had WiFi, we wouldn't know what English lettered Network Name coincided with what Thai lettered store. There was one store however, that had an English name as well as a WiFi network, now we just needed the password. Through the window of the store, we could see a piece of paper taped to a cabinet that said, "WiFi: 1111122222" (we have noticed WiFi passwords are not Thailand's strong-suit). We typed it in, and were connected no problem. We probably could have just asked for the password, but where's the fun in that!? We started our route and hopped in our car and drove off.

      We made it to our accommodation by 3:30pm and relaxed for a bit while we waited for them to finished some maintenance on the pool. Once that was done, we immediately went for a swim. Before we knew it, it was starting to get dark and be time for dinner. We hopped out of the pool, took a shower, and got changed. By the time we did all that and went to go back outside, it appeared a storm had passed over us. So after quite a while of waiting, we finally had to sprint through the rain to the on-site restaurant before it closed for the night. The meal was pretty good, and once we were done, we made our way back to our cabin and called it a night.
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    • Päivä 6

      Chiang Mai 🪷

      21. toukokuuta, Thaimaa ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Im Anschluss besuchten wir Chiang Mai, die größte und kulturell wichtigste Stadt im Norden Thailands. Der Ort wird auch "die Rose des Nordens" genannt. Etwa 200 buddhistische Tempel können in Chiang Mai entdeckt werden. Wir besuchten die beiden schönsten Tempelanlagen Wat Phra Singh und Wat Lokmolee.
      Abends waren wir auf dem Nachtmarkt. Dieser war überwältigend für uns, weil es so viel Zeug gab. Mit dem Tuk Tuk ging es zurück ins Hotel.

      Am nächsten Tag starteten wir mit einer schönen Fußmassage.
      Mittags erfolgt die Weiterfahrt zum Wahrzeichen der Stadt, dem Wat Doi Suthep. Diese Tempelanlage ist besonders bekannt durch seinen vergoldeten Chedi. Über eine lange, mit Schlangen verzierte Treppe, ist der einmalige Wat Doi Suthep zu erreichen.
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    • Päivä 10

      Elefantenbaden 🐘🏞

      30. toukokuuta, Thaimaa ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Was für ein wunderschöner Tag 😍 Wir wurden heute ganz früh abgeholt und haben uns auf den Weg ca. 1h außerhalb von Chiang Mai gemacht zu einer Elefantenfarm. Hier durften wir die Tiere füttern, zusammen Schlammbaden und zusammen im Fluss baden. Das war ein super schönes und einzigartiges Erlebnis. Ebenfalls ein ca. 1 jähriges Elefantenbaby namens Ma Li haben wir kennen gelernt. Was uns besonders gut gefallen hat, ist dass die Elefanten sich komplett frei auf einer riesigen, nicht eingezäunten Fläche bewegen können die an den thailändischen Jungel grenzt. Im Anschluss gab's noch eine Floßtour. Alles in allem ein sehr gelungener Tag. 😊Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7

      Chiang Mai

      5. lokakuuta 2019, Thaimaa ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Voll bepackt ging es gestern Mittags raus aus unserer Appartement Komfortzone... Tickets abholen... Zeit rum bringen und dann endlich in unseren Nachtzug in den Norden...besser gesagt in die Kühltruhe... endlich mal wieder zwei Hosen an...
      Eindrucksvoll schneller Umbau des Zuges in ein Stockbettenlager, muss man schon sagen.
      Nach wenig Schlaf (unser Biorhythmus... Daniels Lieblingswort 😉... Hell und laut) gönnen wir uns im ersten Restaurant am Bahnhof in Chiang Mai ein feines Frühstück, das uns wieder a bisl in Schwung brachte. Die Kinder lieben unser neues Apartment in der Chinesenvorstadtsiedlung. Daniel und ich finden die Chinesen dann doch etwas langweilig und spießig. Alles sieht gleich aus 🥚🥚🥚🥚und wir irgendwie so anders 🍳🍳🍳🍳🍳...
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    • Päivä 2

      Wir sind dann mal weg!

      5. lokakuuta 2019, Thaimaa ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      So jetzt ist es endlich soweit. Jetzt hat unser Abenteuer begonnen. Nach dem wir tagelang gepackt und wieder ausgepackt und umgepackt haben sind wir nun Mit rund 10kg Gepäck von Stuttgart über Amsterdam nach Bangkok und direkt weiter nach Chiang Mai geflogen.
      Hier in Chiang Mai hat uns heute ein riesiger Nachtmarkt mit unzähligen Ständen erwartet. Natürlich haben wir uns gleich mal ne Suppe und ein Bier gegönnt. Ganz schön scharf aber da müssen wir uns jetzt wohl dran gewöhnen...
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