reiste i 7 land Les mer
  • Dag 14

    Long drive, Hokitika and Franz Josef

    22. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    We got up early so we could get on the road as Franz Josef is a hefty mile away. I opted for the first leg and did 4 hours without stopping. Needless to say I was walking like a grandma and had a very full bladder when we stopped (at a countdown for more beer) Phil picked up after and we went to Hokitika gorge which was tucked away in the mountains. Unfortunately everyone else had heard about it too but this meant there was a cafe so we stopped for coffee and some weird whitebait omelette thing on a slice of white bread after marvelling at the powder blue water from the swing bridge. Back in the van after that and after 2 hours we were at our latest top 10 which was right in the mountains. Absolutely gorgeous. I think we have beaten our record for getting a beer on the go after parking up todayLes mer

  • Dag 13

    Abel Tasman

    21. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    We were up really early today as we had a trip kayaking in Abel Tasman national park. After a lengthy but necessary briefing we were on the water in a tandem kayak with Phil in charge of steering. The water was so still and clear and it was a beautiful day so we were both feeling pretty smug. We paddled about and ended up on a tiny beach where we were given lunch before starting the hike back which took about 2.5 hours along a trail along the coastline. We rewarded ourselves with some fish and chips before heading back to camp for more beer, wine and cardsLes mer

  • Dag 12


    20. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    We had a leisurely wake up and headed to Nelson via some windy but beautiful roads. We stopped at a place called Urban Oyster in the centre of Nelson and Phil got to have some Coromandel oysters (rather him than me) I bought myself a new down jacket that has more than 2 feathers in it as I consider myself an outdoors person now and needed to upgrade. We then stopped off at Tahunanui beach which was massive but had an enormous black cloud over it so we decided to cut our losses and get back in the van. Wise decision. It lashed it down. We became top 10 members today so will dine out on the $2 discounts like we’re millionaires for the next week and a bit. We parked up the van and went straight for the beers. And wine. We have been playing card games this week which I’m picking up/learning to tolerate.Les mer

  • Dag 11


    19. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Today we went wine tasting so the van was well a truly redundant as we had no intention of driving anywhere. We were picked up just after 10 by our lovely guide Colleen before being driven to two beautiful vineyards with amazing cellar doors. We supped the local wines (Sauvignon blanc,Riesling’s and Pinot noirs) before meeting the rest of our group who joined us for the next part. We/I pretended to know more than we/I actually know whilst trying to conceal how pissed a few thimbles of wine had got us. After a really good lunch we did a couple more vineyards before being dropped off at the campsite. I fear that I am none the wiser about wine than I was beforeLes mer

  • Dag 10

    Going down on New Zealand

    18. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    We got up early (just as well as our campsite was a car park on the edge of a highway) and went to the ferry terminal. After leaving the van we went up and paid over the odds for a cooked breakfast before catching the second half of the Ireland All blacks game. Ireland won largely thanks to a thrilling try that we missed due to stuffing our faces with hash browns and baked beans. We got a deck of cards and we’re just about to start a game when we noticed we were pulling into Marlborough Sounds so we headed for the deck with every other person on board. For the next hour we got to oooh and aaah as the boat slowly made its way through. After arriving in Picton we stopped for lunch then made our way to our latest top 10 campsite for food and further planningLes mer

  • Dag 9

    Windy Welly

    17. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We got up early as we had a 4 hour drive to Wellington to get through. I woke up feeling really cocky that my legs didn’t ache that much but after a couple of hours sitting in the van I had fully seized up and was hobbling about like I’d shat myself. We got to Wellington just after midday and went straight to Mount Victoria to get the best views of the city before heading to our “campsite” for the night (basically a car park in an out of town hotel) We jumped in an Uber and went straight on the cable car which was fun but not as thrilling as San Francisco and wandered about the botanical gardens for a bit. We were both feeling the burn from the day before so headed to Te Papa museum. They had a really interesting exhibition on about New Zealand’s involvement in WW1 which we spent ages in so we’re pretty info’d out by the time we got to the Maori bit. We rewarded our cultural endeavours with a pint and then went for some sushiLes mer

  • Dag 8

    We done a mountain!

    16. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    We were up at 6 to get ready for our Tongiriro hike. This would normally horrify me but we’ve been going to bed so early I probably got more sleep than I normally do at home. We got on a bus with a load of hardcore keeno walkers and I felt a little bit like got no gear or idea in my Topshop jeans and fake down jacket. At least I had walking boots which came in very handy later on. We bimbled along for an hour or so taking loads of photos and wondering what all the fuss was about until we got to the ascent which was an hour of scraggy pathways and deep steps. My legs were not up to getting up the in one go or even two so we stopped when I felt like they were going. There were quite a few tough spots but we went at our own pace and breathed a big sigh of relief when we got to the top. The views were so surreal and utterly breathtaking. The descent was interesting as it was basically sliding down gravelly sand and trying to avoid sliding off the side of the mountain. Again, never been so grateful for my boots. We stopped at the emerald lakes for food then plodded on, wending our way down the side of the mountain. It was an incredible experience and has made me want to do more walking (I might not be saying this when I can’t walk tomorrow)Les mer

  • Dag 7

    "Phil have you farted?"

    15. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Happy anniversary Team Denmark! We are 4 today. We celebrated by going to Wai-O-Tapu springs just outside Rotorua. It basically smellled like eggy farts but were very beautiful. We weren’t quite sure what to do afterwards so thought we would break up the journey to our next campsite by stopping in Taupo for a beer and some coromandel mussels which were huge and had really pretty green edges to their shells. I was about to steal one when the waitress came to clear our plates which is just as well as I would have forgotten to clean it and it would have stunk out our van for the next two weeks. We then travelled down through tongiriro national park to our campsite. Basically everyone comes here to do the crossing so we managed to book a (very early) shuttle before drinking too much beer and wineLes mer

  • Dag 6

    Hobbits holes and Redwoods

    14. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    We both slept well in the camper which was a huge relief as I had convinced myself that I was going to have on average 3 hours a night. The plan was to head to Waitomo to see the glow worm caves then head to Hobbiton but due to our lack of planning (again!) we realised en route that it was it was going to be an expensive ballache to do both so opted to have a chilled day and just see the Hobbit holes. Turns out you have to book in advance so had a 2.5 hour wait for our tour. We used the time to do a bit of planning (good idea) and booking using their iffy WiFi. When it was finally our turn we got on a bus with the worlds most enthusiastic guide and went down to the set which was spectacular (new adjective used) the attention to detail was incredible and we walked through the (real) vegetable patches up the hills to see all 44 of the hobbit holes. I thought it was going to be a total gimmick but it was lovely especially since the sun came out and we got a free beer. We then headed to our campsite which was another hi de hi job but had great facilities before driving to the redwoods and doing the treewalk. We got the whole place to ourself and walked along walkways and platforms in the forest. It was like being back in California again (as much as that makes me sound like a wanker)Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Britz aboard

    13. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    We got up and caught an Uber to the Britz place near the airport. Had a lovely driver who loved the chat, mostly about definitions of love and the different states of mind. He didn’t come up for air. After spending over 2 hours at Britz we were on our way in our little camper. After a quick pit stop at the supermarket for essentials (wine, beer, cheese) we headed up to the coromandel peninsula. I asked Phil to do the first drive as we would certainly end up maimed or dead if I got behind the wheel on day one. We divided our time between oohing and aahing and clenching everything within an inch of its life as we went through the amazing scenery (with the bendiest roads with very steep drops) our plan was to head to coromandel town then go to cathedral cove and hot water beach. We worked out (probably too late) that it was not going to be possible to do it all so we only ended up doing hot water beach where we watched people digging into the sand to sit in the thermal water. To be honest they looked a bit mad. We then drove to Waihi (miles away obvs) where we were staying the night, had wine and passed out.Les mer

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