Juntou-se 14 de dez. de 2017 Leia mais
  • Dia 17


    1 de janeiro de 2018, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Well it was a great first day of 2018 with a bit of a sleep in, pancakes for breakfast and then a lovely drive around the coast of Picton. Today was all about the ferry and there was much excitement as we boarded the ferry ready for the trip through Malborough Sounds, over the Cook Strait and then to Wellington. Far less busy than the Spirit of Tassie – boarded very quickly, headed up to the deck for the most glorious trip through all the little islands and out to the ocean. Weird to think we are travelling to the north island but really only going east! Never realised how close both the islands are – you can see the south still as the north comes into view. Kids loved the onboard free face painting, I loved the views and only 3 hours later we are in Wellington ready for the second half of our adventure! Bring on the volcanos, Hobbits and driving once again!Leia mais

  • Dia 16


    31 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    Happy New Year! Today we headed over to Picton via the Malborough Wine region. Such a pretty area and so many vineyards. The whole South island is just so green – we have not had that much rain but it must rain a lot for this whole place to be so beautifully green. Picton was so busy with all the tourists arriving to the South island and many leaving on the ferry to the north. We headed for the shops and wandered around the lovely harbour watching all the boats coming and going (some very expensive boats here in the harbour). In the afternoon, we decided to just rest (well catch up on some much needed laundry!) and the kids played in the play area of the camping ground. In the night we relaxed with a bottle of NZ Pinot Gris, played Harry Potter trivia and then relaxed with a movie and a book! Waited up for the local midnight fireworks – not quite up to Sydney standard but fireworks nevertheless. Happy New Year! Off to the North island tomorrow.Leia mais

  • Dia 15


    30 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Went for a run along the grey sandy beach this morning – so weird the colour but understandably with all the mountains so close to the beach. Packed up and then headed east towards Nelson. The driving is just unbelievable. Most of the scenery can be seen just from driving around and the big windows in the motorhome really help! We headed straight for the city centre and went on the tourist walk around town stopping at the beautiful church at the very top of the hill. They had a Christmas tree decorating competition so we walked inside and had a look at all the different variations from local groups who had decorated the trees so differently and with contrasting themes. We then wandered around some lovely bookshops, craft shops and had a nice coffee. It was great to spend a day just wandering and relaxing. In the afternoon, we headed to the local beach – Tahunanui beach and Michael, Celeste and Hamish enjoyed a swim (too cold for Amayah and I) and we had fish and chips by the water. We tried out luck at Freedom camping again and ended up camping in a car park in the town (along with a bunch of other motorhomes!). We are trying to alternate a holiday park with freedom camping as we have everything we need in the motorhome and it is quite expensive to stay every night with a powered site. Anyway, it was an interesting experience, let’s just leave it at that!Leia mais

  • Dia 14


    29 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Today we drove a lot!!!! Left Okatiro after a run and play on the beach this morning and travelled north through Hokitika and Greymouth, where we stopped to stock up on food and had some lunch by the river. Headed then further north to Punakaiki which is most famous for the strange rocks that look like stacks of pancakes! They are situated on Dolomite Point, where a layering-weathering process has carved the limestone and so the rocks look like stacks of pancakes. The tide was low when we arrived after lunch so unfortunately not much action at the blow hole today! Punakaiki is a pretty spot but again, so many tourists, so we drove further north and are staying tonight at a pretty little beach called Carter’s Beach. We have backed into our beachfront spot and are enjoying the water views! The smell and feel of the coast air is great – hoping for a swim first thing in the morning but the temperature is a little cooler here so we’ll see!Leia mais

  • Dia 13

    Franz Josef Glacier

    28 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Today was Glacier day with LOTS of walking. We left Haas and headed straight to Fox Glacier. We began our walk to the lookout admiring the mountains – the sheer height of them and all the rocks that had fallen below and then all of a sudden, this huge noise – deep, rumbling came from behind us and we turned around to witness a mini avalanche – one section of a mountain rumbled and feel down 100 metres right behind us!!! We are really seeing some amazing things. Unbelievable! Of course, our surveillance guide captured it all on video so can show some footage when we get back! But that’s how all the rocks got there. Headed up to the glacier and its incredible to see how far it has retreated in recent years. This was just a taster though as we headed half an hour north to the big brother Franz Josef glacier which was much bigger and more spectacular. On our way we stopped by Lake Matheson which is the famous mirror lake where a lot of NZ advertising has been based off. On a clear and less windy day, you can see a clear reflection of the mountains in the lake. Unfortunately, it was too windy, so the ripples in the lake prevented any reflection but the forest walk was nice (another 45 minutes). Arrived at Franz Josef and took the hour and a half walk up to the look out (lucky there are lots of rocks for Hamish to throw along the way!) and saw the amazing glacier. The Maori legend describes it as a girl who has lost her lover and her flood of tears have frozen into the glacier. After a huge day of walking, we headed to a small camping ground in Okatiro which has a spectacular view of the mountains from the beach. It is so amazing that these huge mountains and glaciers are so close to the ocean!Leia mais

  • Dia 12


    27 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Decided to push on to Wanaka up over the ski mountains and winding through roads so high up. The drive was unbelievable – so picturesque. Arrived in Wanaka mid morning and stocked up on some groceries and wandered through quaint little shops. Had some morning tea by the water watching the kayakers and swimmers in the lake. Again, it was so busy, after we thought we had seen enough (you could spend a week here when it isn’t so busy), we decided to head up to Haast through the Haast pass. This whole day was spent driving but it is so picturesque, we really don’t mind. The kids are looking out the window and there is so much to see along the way. Fantail falls was a lovely stop over with rocks stacked like pancakes. Hamish loved it! Stopped off at a nice holiday park with a great laundry (am really wanting clean clothes!), enjoyed a nice BBQ, potato bake (there is an oven in the kitchen!) and another glass of NZ wine. Looking forward to some wine tasting in the Malborough region as the wines so far are delicious!Leia mais

  • Dia 11


    26 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Today was a day of excitement as we headed into the adventure town of Queenstown. We knew what our main adventure was as I had been given one ticket from Music Secretary as my KK present and so off to the Shotover jet-boating experience! We booked a family ticket plus our one present ticket and then sat and watched these boats absolute speed around corners, way too close to rocks with sharp edges and absolutely speeding down the river! At 2:30pm, it was our turn. Was so worried about Hamish – no seat belts and no other small children in sight! He LOVED it – I screamed everytime we headed towards a rock and every time he waved his finger in the air indicating a spin! The kids and Michael thought it was the BEST thing ever!!! After our adrenaline rush, we headed into town which was full of touists. Really wanted to go to Fergberger for the best burger in town but 1000 other people had the same idea and the line up was about 40 minutes wait. We gave it a miss and had an ice cream by the water and felt very civilized wandering around the shops. Headed out of town for some freedom camping (it is so booked up around Queenstown and Wanaka) and found this lovely camp site by Hayes Lake – very grassy and flat, right beside a lake with kayakers.Leia mais

  • Dia 10

    Te Anau

    25 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Merry Christmas everyone! Woke up to rain, rain and more rain this morning. Santa was up very late last night in the rain organising three sacks of presents that were delivered this morning. He magically delivered a bike to our house and took a photo of it next to Hamish bed and Hamish opened the photo excitedly! Girls were very happy with their new headphones, clothes and other bits and pieces. Thought the rain was a bit of a downer for Christmas, until we began driving out of Milford Sound. It was amazing. There were literally thousands of waterfalls streaming down every mountain cliff, the rivers were gushing with water over massive rocks and we kept stoopping and taking photos in the rain. This weather is more like the normal weather in the fiordland and we have been fortunate to have both sunshine and this torrential rain! Arrived in Te Anau a couple of hours later to beautiful sunshine. The kids and I decided at the last minute to go and see the glow worms so got the last seats on the 2pm boat and off we went. It was spectacular – the boat ride over Lake Te Anau (the largest body of water in NZ), then the walk through the rainforest but the highlight was definitely the pitch black darkness of the caves, on a very slow moving boat, turning a corner then hundreds of twinkling little stars above! Hamish was a bit scared – it was very dark and the boat would hit the edge of the cave walls unexpectedly! It was truly magical! Arrived back to a napping Michael, enjoyed the trampoline for a while, then headed into the main street for some dinner. The café was absolutely packed as so many restaurants aren’t opened, so the staff were run off their feet. Anyway, were had water views, so the long wait wasn’t so bad. Walked back to the caravan park after another huge day. Hope your Christmas day was joyful too!Leia mais

  • Dia 9

    Fiordland National Park

    24 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌫 21 °C

    Woke up in the middle of nature – trees surrounding us, the sound of the river, the waterfalls and the wind. Headed south down to the overbridge and went on a short walk to The Chasm – a natural carve out of huge rocks with a gushing waterfall running through the holes in the rocks. Then headed down to the wharf area of Milford Sound ready for our cruise. The day is a little windy but there is no rain, which is pretty fortunate as it rains here nearly every second day. The yearly rainfall is 7 – 9 metres so we were not going to complain about a little wind. Headed out on the boat and past amazing cliffs, rock formations, waterfalls, seals lazing on the rocks, past the huge Mitre Peak, the largest mountain here in the Fiordland. The kids loved going under the large waterfalls and got completely drenched! Learnt all about the misnaming of Milford Sound – it is not actually a sound, but a fiord, as it is the glaciers which have carved out the river system, not the actual river! Apparently the Dutch explorer (not James Cook who actually sailed right by it twice!) who discovered this area called it a “sound” not a “fiord” but so much of the area was already named, they have kept the error. We stopped off at the Underwater viewing centre which was really interesting. A large tower (10metres tall) was shipped in and they deposited it in the water. It has a viewing area 10m under the water where you can see the unusual fish, black coral (which is actually white!) and other sea creatures. Boarded the boat back to the shore and walked back to our motorhome. Had a look at the all the planes taking off from the tiny airstrip and then headed back to the camping area. It is very festive here tonight with decorated vans, people very happy.Leia mais

  • Dia 8

    Milford Sound

    23 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Left Dunedin this morning for a long drive to Milford Sound. We stopped off along the way to our favourite “Countdown” which had us all singing once again! Stocked up on lots of food as we know there is not much in Milford Sound except for water, cliffs and nature! Got some yummy bakery treats and were off again, via Gore. Whilst it was a long drive, the scenery was spectacular from farmland, sheep, cows and more sheep, with distant mountains, small, sleepy, country towns along the way. The drive along Milford Road was amazing, but a bit scary with all the winding roads, steep hills and thin bridges. Michael drove very safely (for once!) – I think he was also very cautious! We had a 10 minute wait at the tunnel but a great chance to jump out and take some quick photos. Arrived at the Milford Lodge campground at around 5:30. It is so quiet, surrounded by nature, an amazing cliff face above a rapid waterfall and river covered with rocks. Hired a couple of movies from the front desk and cooked up some dinner ready for a big Christmas eve tomorrow!Leia mais

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